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ETL Brief - Blood Angels


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Thats true I am not that skilled of a painter but I paint good enough to make myself happy at my work and I can do it fast as well. My fellblade is 50% complete worked on it from 6 PM to 1:47am EST last knight and I love how its turning out.

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I'm super pleased with the rule change that means completions are the deciding factor. We, along with Space Wolves and Dark Angels are probably the smallest factions on the board (now that AdMech, IG, GK, Inq and Sisters have been rolled) and if it the competition remained based on total points we'd never get near the title; not with multi-chapter/legion/codex  behemoths like Chaos, Age of Darkness and Angels of Death knocking around. Now, if our little corner of the board rallies and does its utmost, we have a chance.

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I vow to complete one 10 man squad of tactical terminators and one librarian for my first vow!

Make it official on the srategium thread!

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Ermm... guys? On assassins (and correct me if I'm wrong) they are only available to the BAs as allies - at least this is what I'm getting from the Data Slate... As you know allies are not allowed in the ETL - the only way to get them is through a compatible list (in the case of BAs that's the Codex only) so I'm afraid these are not BA compatible. The only Codex they are in is the digital Inquisition Codex...


Of course you're welcome to paint them as out of competition entries. Or, again, correct me if I'm wrong - I may have mis-read this... :unsure:

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Remind me why Imperial Knights are allowed then? They fit exactly the same criteria.


(GW, not FW. FW Knights are a LoW choice for us).


I'm guessing Legion if the damned is a no too?

Remind me why Imperial Knights are allowed then? They fit exactly the same criteria.


(GW, not FW. FW Knights are a LoW choice for us).


I'm guessing Legion if the damned is a no too?

Of course, it's no problem...

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Well, Imperial Knights are in no Codex but their own (outside HH). (Un)fortunately there is no forum or sub-forum in B&C dedicated to Knights so that I could group it with some other team and from a background perspective they can be affiliated to everything: from Ad Mech to general Imperium and even Chaos. The easiest way to go about it is to allow it for everyone. Straight forward and even. 

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Ermm... guys? On assassins (and correct me if I'm wrong) they are only available to the BAs as allies - at least this is what I'm getting from the Data Slate... As you know allies are not allowed in the ETL - the only way to get them is through a compatible list (in the case of BAs that's the Codex only) so I'm afraid these are not BA compatible. The only Codex they are in is the digital Inquisition Codex...


Of course you're welcome to paint them as out of competition entries. Or, again, correct me if I'm wrong - I may have mis-read this... :unsure:

For what it's worth, the only place Imperial Assassins appear is Codex Assassins and WD65. The only "Assassin" in Codex Inquisition is a Death Cult Assassin, which form Henchman units.

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Ermm... guys? On assassins (and correct me if I'm wrong) they are only available to the BAs as allies - at least this is what I'm getting from the Data Slate... As you know allies are not allowed in the ETL - the only way to get them is through a compatible list (in the case of BAs that's the Codex only) so I'm afraid these are not BA compatible. The only Codex they are in is the digital Inquisition Codex...

Of course you're welcome to paint them as out of competition entries. Or, again, correct me if I'm wrong - I may have mis-read this... :unsure:

For what it's worth, the only place Imperial Assassins appear is Codex Assassins and WD65. The only "Assassin" in Codex Inquisition is a Death Cult Assassin, which form Henchman units.

So Assassins are not allowed in ETL for any faction, unless a wild Assassin sub forum appears (but it's a bit late for that). Or should they be allowed for all by the same token as Knights..?

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Sign ups end in four weeks!


We're doing well so far, but we need more entrants. The more that sign up now, the more will join in as time goes on. Even if you can't start until July, get your vow in now to help our cause!

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Ermm... guys? On assassins (and correct me if I'm wrong) they are only available to the BAs as allies - at least this is what I'm getting from the Data Slate... As you know allies are not allowed in the ETL - the only way to get them is through a compatible list (in the case of BAs that's the Codex only) so I'm afraid these are not BA compatible. The only Codex they are in is the digital Inquisition Codex...

Of course you're welcome to paint them as out of competition entries. Or, again, correct me if I'm wrong - I may have mis-read this... unsure.png

I read the digital codex for Inquisition, and the assassin are not in there. It won't help me out any because mine are painted, but as far as I can tell they are their own dataslate all to their own. Though in the forums they end up under agents of the imperium, and therefore land in the inquisition pile.

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Ok folks, this is the generic Oath of the Moment banner that you can put in your signature.



To add it, the easiest way is as follows:

  1. Right click the image, chose "save". This will bring it up on your screen. Then right click and select "copy image location"
  2. On your profile at the top left of the screen, select "My Settings" and then chose "Signature" on the left hand menu.
  3. On the reply bar make sure "BBCode Mode" (the light switch on the left hand side) is set off. This will allow you access to the toolbar. From there, chose the "Image" feature - it is on the bottom row and is the eleventh icon along. It looks a bit like a polaroid.
  4. Paste where it says URL and click OK.
  5. Done!

(Nb. For those who prefer to use bbcode, it is [ img]paste url[ /img], but without the spaces)


Note how I said this is the "generic" Oath of Moment banner earlier? I don't suppose anyone has a few minutes to knock up a BA one? That way we can all wear it with pride and display our loyalty en mass.

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Meanwhile, it seems that others have started to follow suit with their own recruitment threads. Therefore, I've had to raise my game a bit. Let me know if you like the new set up and feel free to offer suggestions.

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Couple of questions:

  1. Does anyone have a LPC '11 Champions banner? I can only find the 2010 one.
  2. What is the year 2005 in 40k speak? M21.005?
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