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++Blood for the Blood God: Daemonkin community++

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not much of an update, but the new oval bases GW is including with the newly packaged Skullcrushers kits are perfect, IMO:






I bought a ton of them in bulk, and don't regret it!

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Venomlust - The Bloodcrusher Chaos Marines are looking really cool, how long until we see them painted now? :D  Also agree those base suit Bloodcrusher models.  One of my friends have recently been rebase there Bloodcrusher models for there Daemon army with those base.  It just seem to have the right balance to those models vs the 60mm base in my view.

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Those are some lovely 40k skull crushers



Those are really cool Venomlust, nice work!


Thanks, brothers. It's been hard to find the motivation to finish them the past couple of weeks, what with starting school and beginning assembly of a Baneblade for my Auxilia army, but I think I'll find the time soon enough :tongue.: .

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So for lols i ran a pretty golly gee daemonkin list today of

Lord With gore drinker melta bombs sigil

8 csm 5 guys had bp ccw icon of wrath melta gun champion.combi melta axe of khorne melta bombs

10 cultists 8 auto guns shot gun flamer

30 cultists flamer



Land Raider

Omg cultists with 5 attacks per model are insane lol

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I take them because I've models them. Only played against space wolves so far and they've jump been terrible. Not played much with them, completely messed up one time, been relatively unlucky with 3+ saves (compared to relatively lucky with 3+ saves for the SW). But my feels are they are terrible. But I will still take them.
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  • 3 weeks later...

The rules for Path to Glory are interesting, shame that they are only for this particular "campaign".


i specially like the Khorne lesser reward, that allows you to double the dices you have to DtW!


"Oh you rolled a 4, so i only have 4 dices to DtW, guess again!, i have 8!!!, Suprise Mother:cusser!!!"


Really hope that they use this new Boons chart and the Lesser boons for units in the "new" CSM book...

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I guess if you fight lots of hordes of chaff flamers might be worthwhile. I usually fight marines or Tau so AP5 isn't all that special. My list is full of meltaspam. Haven't used it to full effect (6 units, 12 meltas) but in a list with 4 meltabikers and 3 maulerfiends anti armor is covered.
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I noticed something funny in the IA 13 about Blood Slaugtherers


If you take an impaler, it says that it hits on a 4+, even though the model has a BS of 1, and that if the model is hit and survive, it is dragged straigth to the blood slaugtherer 2D6 and the BS counts has having charged, so nothing really new here.


Nows come the fun part.


Since its a Walker it can Overwatch, now imagine if a MC or another Walker tries to charge the BS, you overwatch with the Impaler, since the rule says that you hit on a 4+, despite the model having BS1, you still hit on a 4+, now you hit, and follow the rule for dragging a model.


If the guy was charging you, he was in range, now imagine that the drag roll is enough for the ennemy model to be dragged in contact with you...


Yeah you guessed right YOU count as having assaulted, thus gain the extra D3 A for assaulting!!!


I can perfectly see this, oh the fun!!!, " What YOU charge me?!, NO ONE CHARGE ME!!!!, I'M THE ONE WHO CHARGE!!!!", the Blood slaugtherer has a Walter White moment!


Ho how hilarious that would be.

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I noticed something funny in the IA 13 about Blood Slaugtherers


If you take an impaler, it says that it hits on a 4+, even though the model has a BS of 1, and that if the model is hit and survive, it is dragged straigth to the blood slaugtherer 2D6 and the BS counts has having charged, so nothing really new here.


Nows come the fun part.


Since its a Walker it can Overwatch, now imagine if a MC or another Walker tries to charge the BS, you overwatch with the Impaler, since the rule says that you hit on a 4+, despite the model having BS1, you still hit on a 4+, now you hit, and follow the rule for dragging a model.


If the guy was charging you, he was in range, now imagine that the drag roll is enough for the ennemy model to be dragged in contact with you...


Yeah you guessed right YOU count as having assaulted, thus gain the extra D3 A for assaulting!!!


I can perfectly see this, oh the fun!!!, " What YOU charge me?!, NO ONE CHARGE ME!!!!, I'M THE ONE WHO CHARGE!!!!", the Blood slaugtherer has a Walter White moment!


Ho how hilarious that would be.

Entertainingly, the other guy might also count as charging, although I will need to check the rules.

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So it's been a little rough lately. With my dad and dog's passing, I've sorta been in a slump for the past month. Haven't really felt like doing anything, let alone hobby stuff.


However, my dad's memorial was last weekend, and since then I've sorta been getting back into the swing of things.


Back in the saddle, you could say :P.


I've finished sculpting the third Skullcrusher's trim, and begun painting them.


Using this paint scheme from GW as inspiration (for the juggernauts only):




Here they are:




Notice the backpack from the Dark Vengeance champion: combi-melta. For a change I'm gonna try WYSIWYG with this army.




And the basecoat done on the juggies.


Super stoked to work on these guys!

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I did not notice this thread and posted something in the CSM section, but I am looking at returning to 40k after close to 15 years (I last played uh.... when did the Tau originally come out?  I stopped playing just before that, back in 3rd edition just before the "Golden Age", in the "Dark Age" of the 3.0 codex).  Anyways, I plan to start a Khorne Daemonkin warband based around the former Tempest Legion which became the Revelation of Gore during the Abyssal Crusade (as described in the CSM codex), because while it's not explicitly stated that they are Khornate worshippers, with a name like that how can you not be, and Daemonkin fit my concept.


As there's no fluff on that warband other than the fact they were corrupted, I wrote a bit of a backstory:


The Tempest Legion were once proud sons of Jaghatai Khan, scions of the White Scars legion.  They were fierce warriors, even fiercer than their progenitors, and showed little or no mercy to opponents.  In the fragments of records which remain, they were noted as being honorable warriors despite their brutality.
In M37 the Legion was judged by the false prophet Saint Basillius to be found wanting and embarked upon the Abyssal Crusade with dozens of other chapters.  The Tempest Legion, proud of their heritage, chose redemption through martyrdom and were among the first to volunteer for the redemptive crusade, eager to cleanse their tarnished honor in glorious combat.
On the daemon world of Xandros, the Tempest Legion encountered a remnant warband of the World Eaters traitor legion sifting through shattered ruins situated in a barren wasteland of red mesas, under a sky covered with dark clouds.  The road through the decaying, ruined buildings was paved with bones, the trees were black and dead with skulls hanging on the edge of branches like horrific fruit, and when rain fell it was blood.  The Tempest Legion charged into battle with their foes, facing an enemy that was even more bloodthirsty and savage than they were.  For eight days and nights, or perhaps longer as time flows strangely in the Warp, the Tempest Legion and the World Eaters clashed, blood spilling on both sides to soak the ground itself.  
At some point during the conflict, the Tempest Legion gave wholly into their rage and something snapped within them.  They no longer cared about honorable combat, redemption or anything else; they only wished to see their foes ground into dust, add their bones to the road and saturate the earth with their blood.  When the dust had finally settled, the Tempest Legion stood victorious, but at a terrible price:  Their once proud armor was scarred and coated with blood and gore, so thick that it covered their old emblems and insignia like a coat of paint.  Their eyes burned with an unholy fury.  In the midst of battle, the corruption of the daemon world had permeated them, twisted them, leaving only the desire to spill more blood, take more heads, grind bones to dust.  Their already intense savagery had been amplified, and in that instant Khorne reached out and seized them.  The Tempest Legion was no more... in its place stood the Revelation of Gore, entirely devoted to carnage and death.
For nearly four thousand years the Revelation of Gore has danced a dance of blood and carnage across the galaxy, leaving a trail of corpses in their wake.  For them, there is only the sensation of carnage and thrill of battle.  


I'm terrible at conversions so I likely plan to keep things stock as much as possible (anything more than simple head/weapon swaps is too much for me!) but I have the cool idea which I'm fleshing out for their armor to paint it in some light/neutral color (I'm thinking bone or grey, not sure yet need to experiment; as blasphemous as it might be I was tempted to try Slaanesh Grey for sort of a "cloudy" gray, seeing as they were the Tempest Legion) and then adding copious amounts of Vallejo's "Dried Blood" special effect paint and/or Blood for the Blood God to basically coat their armor in blood to make it visually look red (to stick with the Khorne colors of red, brass and black) without painting the armor red, if that makes any sense...  I have no idea at the moment if that's going to work or not, as I need to experiment with it.


The project is in its very earliest stages; a GW store just opened recently in my area (the first one in this area) so I plan to go down there this weekend possibly, see how the 40k landscape is and maybe treat myself to an early Christmas gift :D



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Wayniac, I did see your thread and was going to post a link here. My suggestion is do a test case, possibly with an old model you don't particularly like if possible. My only concern would be if you lose any detail, highlights, etc if you put a lot of blood effects on. Although you could add highlights to the blood.


I was in a similar situation as you, I left just before 3rd edition and got back in around 2008.

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