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++Blood for the Blood God: Daemonkin community++

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Glad to have another slave for the blood god join our ranks.


1. A head/weapon/shoulder/thing swap is usually all it takes to customize your army. Especially since CSM/loyalist bits mostly work in equal measure, you practically have infinite options.


2. While I am a huge fan of the classic red and brass, I love to see alternate color schemes. I've seen white and even purple look damn good on Khorne dudes, so there is a world of options here, too. Your idea sounds great.


3. I love seeing a ton of the blood technical paint all over the blood god's soldiers. In one way I think there's no such thing as too much, but in another I think it must be used thoughtfully. Think about the surfaces of your soldiers and how blood might end up on them. Chainaxes would spray blood in a certain way, hacking off a head or a limb would be different. I would advise against making them look like they just finished rolling around in the gore of a battlefield. Perhaps they smear themselves with blood, but then maybe paint khorne's rune with blood.


4. Play the list that you enjoy putting together and painting. IMO 40k tournament play is a silly endeavor, so if you're avoiding that then you're probably gonna have fun with KDK. Going with your cool fluff, sounds like bikers, and thus Gorepacks, are in order. Easily our best formation so win-win.

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Yes, I had the idea to use a Gorepack as a mockery of White Scars tactics. I also really like Maulerfiends, Raptors and Warp Talons visually (something about crazed murderers descending from the sky...) and ideally want a Daemon Prince because the model looks sweet (and after 4000 years of slaughter, a promotion isn't too much to ask!).


Like I said, it's still in the very early stages since I need to go to the GW store and see what the local area is like since I don't want to play competitively, and the only other store I know of seems to be more on the competitive side

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Cool flluff Wayniac.


I'm a big fan of Raptors and Warp Talons as well. Looking at your preferences you would do well with the aforementioned Gorepack and the Khorne Bloodstorm formation for Raptors and Talons (and a Heldrake if you like).

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Maybe my fellow slaughter brothers and sisters could offer some input.


I'm fiddling around with the scheme for the power armor of the Brass Stampede's skullcrushers.


My original idea was all brass, with verdigris effects, but I don't know if I'd be happy with that. Perhaps more color/contrast.


Anyway, here are some gorillafist-zerkers I'm using as test models. Realize these were very quick and dirty, with little mind paid to making it look good. Just an idea about the schemes:


1.) Bronze with verdigris on one side, red on the other side to compare:







1.) Bronze with reikland fleshshade and red trim - brighter on our left and a slightly darker shade on the right:





2.) Classic World Eaters red/brass:




What do you think?


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Maybe my fellow slaughter brothers and sisters could offer some input.


I'm fiddling around with the scheme for the power armor of the Brass Stampede's skullcrushers.


My original idea was all brass, with verdigris effects, but I don't know if I'd be happy with that. Perhaps more color/contrast.


Anyway, here are some gorillafist-zerkers I'm using as test models. Realize these were very quick and dirty, with little mind paid to making it look good. Just an idea about the schemes:


1.) Bronze with verdigris on one side, red on the other side to compare:







1.) Bronze with reikland fleshshade and red trim - brighter on our left and a slightly darker shade on the right:





2.) Classic World Eaters red/brass:




What do you think?



I think that a mix of both colourn schemes could be interesting.


Like some parts are the armors as it was before thei earned the right to ride a Jugger, and the parts in Bronze is the parts that gets affected by the mounts in some ways like the power of the Juggers slowly changing it into the same material as them or that the colour was burnt away and the metal of the armor slowly brassed exposed to the heat of the Juggers and the energies of the Warp.


With burnt/Oxydized metal/brass parts, on the "fresher" parts and Verdegris on the Older parts that changed a long time.


See what i mean?

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Thank you both for the feedback. I'm still drawn toward the (mostly) all brass with verdigris/corrosion and perhaps red for the helmets and/or bits of trim. I just need to refine my formula/method into one I'm happy with. I do like the idea that they don't have to be painted identically in terms of scheme. They're warriors of Chaos, not Imperial dogs, after all.


For the above picture I mixed Nihilakh Oxide and Nuln Oil in a 2:1 ratio with a little water. I think I may mix in a little drying retarder so I have more time to carefully clean the large flat surfaces. That, or I'll simply use a smaller brush to apply it more thoughtfully as opposed to slathering the stuff all over the mini. Good thing I have plenty more berzerkers to mess with.

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Good to see you back Venomlust :) my condolences to you and your family. Hobbywise, my vote goes to the first dude, left side. It will take longer with the red trim, but worth it imho. Such sweet models deserve the time. Still plenty of verdigris and blood splatter though please!


Atia, for a 20ft, death dealing, giant axe wielding daemon of doom, your An'ggrath is positively beautiful!

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Hello brothers! I come here not as a pure Daemonkin player, but one who understands the fury of the Blood God. I am a Word Bearer player myself and I am... in an odd position. I started merely as a Chaos Space Marine and Chaos Daemons player (as you tend to when playing the Bearers) But then, this last year, I purchased the Khorne Daemonkin book. I purchased it on a whim, thinking it could make for a fun side book, and that the Bloodletters I have at home to be assembled (of which I have parts for more than just the ones in my call), my regular Marines and my Word Bearer Lords could simply work with it.


And now? Beyond the ten charred black Bloodletters, I've now assembled a Khornate lord on foot, on a 40mm base. I've decided I'm going to expand on my Bloodletters slowly and perhaps purchase a box of Beserkers to turn into Beserker/possessed mixes. I already have 5 Possessed with wings/Jump packs in progress to turn into Warp Talons after all. 


Will you accept a brother in blood taking that calls forth as a part of the bearers of words?

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Hello brothers! I come here not as a pure Daemonkin player, but one who understands the fury of the Blood God. I am a Word Bearer player myself and I am... in an odd position. I started merely as a Chaos Space Marine and Chaos Daemons player (as you tend to when playing the Bearers) But then, this last year, I purchased the Khorne Daemonkin book. I purchased it on a whim, thinking it could make for a fun side book, and that the Bloodletters I have at home to be assembled (of which I have parts for more than just the ones in my call), my regular Marines and my Word Bearer Lords could simply work with it.


And now? Beyond the ten charred black Bloodletters, I've now assembled a Khornate lord on foot, on a 40mm base. I've decided I'm going to expand on my Bloodletters slowly and perhaps purchase a box of Beserkers to turn into Beserker/possessed mixes. I already have 5 Possessed with wings/Jump packs in progress to turn into Warp Talons after all. 


Will you accept a brother in blood taking that calls forth as a part of the bearers of words?

Do you like blood? Do you like skulls?




Good to see you back Venomlust :smile.: my condolences to you and your family. Hobbywise, my vote goes to the first dude, left side. It will take longer with the red trim, but worth it imho. Such sweet models deserve the time. Still plenty of verdigris and blood splatter though please!


Atia, for a 20ft, death dealing, giant axe wielding daemon of doom, your An'ggrath is positively beautiful!



I agree, I think using some red along with the brass is crucial. The colors also work very well together aesthetically, IMO. Just can't get around the fact that it would look boring as pure brass, especially with so much fancy trim going on.


As for the brass itself, I switched to my preferred color, Vallejo Bronze. I then washed  using 3 separate washes to see which looks best:


1.) Agrax Earthshade




2.) Nuln Oil




3.) 1:1 Mix of Agrath Earthshade & Nuln Oil:





Currenly in appearance I like Agrax Earthshade best, but over all I think I'd like a mix best, but instead of a 1:1 agrax:nuln oil I should use 2 or 3:1 agrax to nuln oil, because the reddish brown pigments over the bronze look very nice.


The only question here is the best way of using nihilakh oxide.  Using too much sort of makes washing into the crevices pointless, because it obscures the color since the pigments are so concentrated in the oxide.

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Hello brothers! I come here not as a pure Daemonkin player, but one who understands the fury of the Blood God. I am a Word Bearer player myself and I am... in an odd position. I started merely as a Chaos Space Marine and Chaos Daemons player (as you tend to when playing the Bearers) But then, this last year, I purchased the Khorne Daemonkin book. I purchased it on a whim, thinking it could make for a fun side book, and that the Bloodletters I have at home to be assembled (of which I have parts for more than just the ones in my call), my regular Marines and my Word Bearer Lords could simply work with it.


And now? Beyond the ten charred black Bloodletters, I've now assembled a Khornate lord on foot, on a 40mm base. I've decided I'm going to expand on my Bloodletters slowly and perhaps purchase a box of Beserkers to turn into Beserker/possessed mixes. I already have 5 Possessed with wings/Jump packs in progress to turn into Warp Talons after all. 


Will you accept a brother in blood taking that calls forth as a part of the bearers of words?

Do you like blood? Do you like skulls?




Good to see you back Venomlust :smile.: my condolences to you and your family. Hobbywise, my vote goes to the first dude, left side. It will take longer with the red trim, but worth it imho. Such sweet models deserve the time. Still plenty of verdigris and blood splatter though please!


Atia, for a 20ft, death dealing, giant axe wielding daemon of doom, your An'ggrath is positively beautiful!



I agree, I think using some red along with the brass is crucial. The colors also work very well together aesthetically, IMO. Just can't get around the fact that it would look boring as pure brass, especially with so much fancy trim going on.


As for the brass itself, I switched to my preferred color, Vallejo Bronze. I then washed  using 3 separate washes to see which looks best:


1.) Agrax Earthshade




2.) Nuln Oil




3.) 1:1 Mix of Agrath Earthshade & Nuln Oil:





Currenly in appearance I like Agrax Earthshade best, but over all I think I'd like a mix best, but instead of a 1:1 agrax:nuln oil I should use 2 or 3:1 agrax to nuln oil, because the reddish brown pigments over the bronze look very nice.


The only question here is the best way of using nihilakh oxide.  Using too much sort of makes washing into the crevices pointless, because it obscures the color since the pigments are so concentrated in the oxide.


Oh yes. Would you believe my first exposure to the glories of Chaos on the battlefield was a friend using the 3rd Edition Bloodletters? 3.5 Even. The slaughtered my men, and I have had a heart tainted by chaos since. While my call goes to all four gods, each has a particular point in my heart, and for Khorne that is embodied no greater than Dawn of War 2 Retribution's speech. Nothing embodies the spirit of a Khorne worshiper more in my mind.

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So... I went down to the Warhammer store that opened like 45 minutes away, and ended up buying a box of Berzerkers (BFTBG).  Also for nostalgic purposes, because I remember when they first came out back in '98 during 3rd edition.  Anyways, I was unsure if I made a mistake getting the Berzerkers and if I should have gotten a regular CSM squad to outfit with CCWs instead, because wow Berzerkers are pricy (although I think they were the same back in my day, it's just been so long).  


The store is starting an Escalation League in mid January, starting at 500 points and going up 250 points every 2 weeks (I'm assuming until 1500 or 2000, not sure) so I am planning on building a small force for that and see where my journey takes me.


I managed to get cheap most of the Dark Vengeance (6th edition version, so no Aspiring Champion) Chaos figures, but without bases :sad.:, and in any event I'm not sure of their overall use; I might use the Chosen as squad champions (I'm really liking the guy with the ribcage chestplate, power axe and bolt pistol as a basic Chaos Lord model, and I can demote him later on when I figure out what I really want for a lord) but at small points especially Cultists don't seem to fit what I want so I might leave them aside for now.


I need to give it some thought, because I forgot how little 500 points really is :wink:

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So... I went down to the Warhammer store that opened like 45 minutes away, and ended up buying a box of Berzerkers (BFTBG). Also for nostalgic purposes, because I remember when they first came out back in '98 during 3rd edition. Anyways, I was unsure if I made a mistake getting the Berzerkers and if I should have gotten a regular CSM squad to outfit with CCWs instead, because wow Berzerkers are pricy (although I think they were the same back in my day, it's just been so long).


The store is starting an Escalation League in mid January, starting at 500 points and going up 250 points every 2 weeks (I'm assuming until 1500 or 2000, not sure) so I am planning on building a small force for that and see where my journey takes me.


I managed to get cheap most of the Dark Vengeance (6th edition version, so no Aspiring Champion) Chaos figures, but without bases :(, and in any event I'm not sure of their overall use; I might use the Chosen as squad champions (I'm really liking the guy with the ribcage chestplate, power axe and bolt pistol as a basic Chaos Lord model, and I can demote him later on when I figure out what I really want for a lord) but at small points especially Cultists don't seem to fit what I want so I might leave them aside for now.


I need to give it some thought, because I forgot how little 500 points really is ;)

I wouldn't say "mistake" because you can simply use the berserkers as Khorne-marked CSM. I say this without trying to rain on your parade, but don't expect too much from them during the tournament. Any AP3 or better and they will go splat, and they have to spend a turn waiting around after hopping out of their rhino. At least if they're CSM they can get some shooting in while they wait. With Berzerkers you just need to be strategic when you disembark and use some LOS-blocking cover so they don't get annihilated before getting off the charge. Having other units in the army to distract the opponent while they move/disembark/wait is crucial. Spawn, hounds, bikers, maulerfiends. But this is 500 points... Good luck :P. I'd say MSU marines in rhinos with single meltas and lightning claws on the champs is what I'd do if I didn't have the fast attack stuff. A heldrake would also be brutal.


As for the DV aspiring champion, if you want one then check out eBay. They can be had new on the sprue for less than 5 bucks.

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So... I went down to the Warhammer store that opened like 45 minutes away, and ended up buying a box of Berzerkers (BFTBG).  Also for nostalgic purposes, because I remember when they first came out back in '98 during 3rd edition.  Anyways, I was unsure if I made a mistake getting the Berzerkers and if I should have gotten a regular CSM squad to outfit with CCWs instead, because wow Berzerkers are pricy (although I think they were the same back in my day, it's just been so long).  


The store is starting an Escalation League in mid January, starting at 500 points and going up 250 points every 2 weeks (I'm assuming until 1500 or 2000, not sure) so I am planning on building a small force for that and see where my journey takes me.


I managed to get cheap most of the Dark Vengeance (6th edition version, so no Aspiring Champion) Chaos figures, but without bases :sad.:, and in any event I'm not sure of their overall use; I might use the Chosen as squad champions (I'm really liking the guy with the ribcage chestplate, power axe and bolt pistol as a basic Chaos Lord model, and I can demote him later on when I figure out what I really want for a lord) but at small points especially Cultists don't seem to fit what I want so I might leave them aside for now.


I need to give it some thought, because I forgot how little 500 points really is :wink:

I wouldn't say "mistake" because you can simply use the berserkers as Khorne-marked CSM. I say this without trying to rain on your parade, but don't expect too much from them during the tournament. Any AP3 or better and they will go splat, and they have to spend a turn waiting around after hopping out of their rhino. At least if they're CSM they can get some shooting in while they wait. With Berzerkers you just need to be strategic when you disembark and use some LOS-blocking cover so they don't get annihilated before getting off the charge. Having other units in the army to distract the opponent while they move/disembark/wait is crucial. Spawn, hounds, bikers, mauler fiends. But this is 500 points... Good luck :tongue.:.


As for the DV aspiring champion, if you want one then check out eBay. They can be had new on the sprue for less than 5 bucks.



I still plan to buy some more stuff before the league starts, so I can always get a CSM squad as well.  I might have a Rhino that can be... repurposed from a prior time when I was looking to start and never did (I think it's a Razorback kit but I should be able to make a Rhino from that).  Slap on a few skulls/chains, add Khorne graffiti and it should be properly transitioned to its new home :devil:

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Started work on the second unit of skullcrushers, starting with the skull champion:









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I hate to ask here and not in the Army list section but... I keep hearing stuff like Daemonkin aren't competitive under 1250 points. I'm going to be in a doubles tourny on Saturday, 750 points a partner, and I'm being assigned one on the day. I was wondering, as more... practiced KDK users, what would you guys recommend for a Daemonkin force of that size? Each force is using an allies detachement, and I'm mostly using CSM models, so sadly no beserkers and if I used Possessed, they'd need to be my specialized Forsaken conversions I made for use as Plaguebearers.

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I hate to ask here and not in the Army list section but... I keep hearing stuff like Daemonkin aren't competitive under 1250 points. I'm going to be in a doubles tourny on Saturday, 750 points a partner, and I'm being assigned one on the day. I was wondering, as more... practiced KDK users, what would you guys recommend for a Daemonkin force of that size? Each force is using an allies detachement, and I'm mostly using CSM models, so sadly no beserkers and if I used Possessed, they'd need to be my specialized Forsaken conversions I made for use as Plaguebearers.

Do you have any spawn, bikers, flesh hounds, maulerfiends, or heldrakes?

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I hate to ask here and not in the Army list section but... I keep hearing stuff like Daemonkin aren't competitive under 1250 points. I'm going to be in a doubles tourny on Saturday, 750 points a partner, and I'm being assigned one on the day. I was wondering, as more... practiced KDK users, what would you guys recommend for a Daemonkin force of that size? Each force is using an allies detachement, and I'm mostly using CSM models, so sadly no beserkers and if I used Possessed, they'd need to be my specialized Forsaken conversions I made for use as Plaguebearers.

Do you have any spawn, bikers, flesh hounds, maulerfiends, or heldrakes?


Five Spawn, one lord level character on a bike, no to everything else due to my main army having too many HS and having just plain forgotten to buy the flying hell turkey.

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Are you required to play Daemonkin? Sounds like you might be better off playing CSM.


If yes, what do you have to work with?

Not required, no, I'm just looking to have as much diversity in my forces as possible. I plan to bring several army lists with me and let my partner pick on the day.


EDIT: To elaborate, I have units for both CSM and KDK. I even freshly converted a Foot KDK Lord I plan to get some possessed for. I thought it might be a good idea to have a mix of both forces and codexes, but I can only draw from one for my force.

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Quick question fellow Khornites.  Is there a tactica or something (my eyes must have missed one) for our glorious bloodthristy forces?  I'm trying to figure out how I should outfit my Berserkers and/or CSM squads but I am not sure.




Also, Venomlust: Awesome looking model!  What is that axe from??  Is that just a regular legs + torso (I think I see a Berserker torso) on a juggernaut?  I think I also saw the combi-weapon from the Aspiring Champion.

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Quick question fellow Khornites.  Is there a tactica or something (my eyes must have missed one) for our glorious bloodthristy forces?  I'm trying to figure out how I should outfit my Berserkers and/or CSM squads but I am not sure.




Also, Venomlust: Awesome looking model!  What is that axe from??  Is that just a regular legs + torso (I think I see a Berserker torso) on a juggernaut?  I think I also saw the combi-weapon from the Aspiring Champion.

I don't think there's an official KDK guide or anything on this forum, but buried in this thread are some discussions about that subject. 1d4chan is a decent enough reference, but it's a wiki and each unit is either the worst thing ever or the best thing ever according to the various authors. In reality they fall somewhere in the middle, of course.


As for Berzerkers and CSM, I have never used them in a KDK list. To me, power armored units other than bikers are not particularly impressive, and the requirement to run them in units of 8 is unattractive due to the extra point cost. There is no benefit to taking 8 models (obviously more bodies/attacks, but I mean something interesting like a special rule or the ability to take a 2nd special weapon), so I say nuts to that.


I have used them plenty of times in a vanilla CSM army, though. Typically I add CCW to unmarked MSU CSM because they always get +1 attack, not just after charging. Typically in a Rhino with a dirge caster, a meltagun, and meta bombs on the champ. Maybe a lightning claw if I know 3+ saves are coming my way. I have run 10-man units with 2 meltas and 2 plasma as well, but often times I found I'd rather split up the threat so my squad of 10 won't be killed in one go as is so often the case after a failed leadership test or crazy round of shooting.


Berzerkers don't have the leadership problem, but unless you're moving them in a Land Raider they have a "sitting around for a turn waiting to be useful" problem. They can take plasma pistols... same number of points as a plasma gun and half the range/shots. However, they do allow some hidden (ranged) AP2 which is otherwise only available from the Axe of Khorne, Power Axe, or Power Fist. The latter 2 could easily die before swinging, and the former costs as much as 2 plasma pistols. But then, why not take a CSM squad with 5 men and a single plasma gun at rapid fire range, if ranged AP2 is the goal? Against most units that will probably do more damage than 3-5 S4 AP- attacks, anyway. For Berzerkers, every model they kill at range means they may have to roll an additional 1/2" or more in the assault phase, and if they fail their main strength (which isn't impressive beyond the first round) is totally neutered. An Icon of Wrath is useful, but those points could have been spent on a lightning claw or power sword and melta bombs. Ultimately I think you should aim to be stuck in close combat with KDK, because you'll maximize the number of blood tithe points you can generate and thus spend per turn.


Please keep in mind that these summaries are colored by my negative perceptions of our power armored units. Plenty of other players see things differently, and can suggest that they have had good experiences with them. Blood tithe buffs like +1 attack and FNP can swing a combat in your favor. But as far as I'm concerned, that's just as true for the units I prefer, which are capable of moving 12" and charging in the same turn. The only power armored unit I mess with is melta bikers and maybe a juggernaut lord, but I prefer the D-thirster for HQ.


Ultimately, play whatever you get excited about because you'll probably enjoy the game more that way. As long as you aren't facing tournament style lists you should do pretty well with a little strategy and luck on your side.



Thanks for the kind words re: my skull champion. The axe is a combination of an axe from the skullreapers kit and a spear from the skullcrushers kit. The head is from the blood warriors kit, I think, and you're right about the torso and backpack. The legs are from the thunderwolf cavalry kit, which I figured were my best option short of cutting/repositioning 20+ sets of legs for a "perfect" fit. Nuts to that, these are a ton of work already! Cutting the pelvis out of the skullcrushers juggernaut saddle and filing away the butt-plate from the legs looks good enough. It isn't perfect, but with arms and shoulderpads attached the gaps aren't obvious.

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Also, it isn't as cool as the customized army roster link picture things that other people have made, but feel free to use the following as a member of the Khorne Daemonkin community until someone comes up with a better version:




I just yoinked the image and added a margin of the same color as the B&C background color.

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Also, it isn't as cool as the customized army roster link picture things that other people have made, but feel free to use the following as a member of the Khorne Daemonkin community until someone comes up with a better version:




I just yoinked the image and added a margin of the same color as the B&C background color.


Venomlust - Are you ok for me to add this to the first post?

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