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++Blood for the Blood God: Daemonkin community++

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Really nice, really.


on another topic i don't know if you guys where following the news and rumors about the new Taus, if you did you must have noticed the new policy of GW about codexes releases...


Its concerning, i was hoping a complete overhaul of our Codex and that we would get rid of the useless units and :cuss, but here if it works like the new tau codex, then where :cussing doomed once again...


We will get stuck with that joke of a codex, with just an additional book with 3 new units and rules, and none of the CSM codex problems been addresed once again...

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Really nice, really.


on another topic i don't know if you guys where following the news and rumors about the new Taus, if you did you must have noticed the new policy of GW about codexes releases...


Its concerning, i was hoping a complete overhaul of our Codex and that we would get rid of the useless units and :censored:, but here if it works like the new tau codex, then where :cussing doomed once again...


We will get stuck with that joke of a codex, with just an additional book with 3 new units and rules, and none of the CSM codex problems been addresed once again...


Thanks Slayer, and damn, I share your worries! This does not bode well.

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The topknot head is growing on me. I think it looks better and is balanced by the presence of pauldrons and a backpack:




And here are the two I've built so far together:




Now just imagine 23 more of them... and the loss of my sanity. Hmm. Can't really lose what you don't have, in fairness.
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Sorry for a slight derail, but is this supposed new policy something that's been written in stone and straight from a GW employees mouth? Or is it just internet speculation run rampant? Because I spoke to my sales rep yesterday and he didn't say anything about it.



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Its from the WD leaks.


Sales reps are always the last one to know something, mine din't say anything about it either, i just saw the german WD leaks, my german is rusty at best, but of what i could make and use google translate, Codex is the same, only with the new units and formations in it, the new units and formations are also all in the Damocles campaign book along side the raven guard formations.


So yeah if you allready own the Tau codex, you only need the damocles book to be up to date, but the thing is still like 70$...


It might not be a bad idea for lets say 8th Ed, once all the codexes have their 7th Ed update, but once again, GW is unable to first finish complete a codex line for the actual Version of the same that they jump to a new editorial method...

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Was that the same for the Space Marine codex? Or is it just this one (Tau) codex? If it's just the one, it's a bit early to call it a trend. It could simply be they looked at the Tau decided not to change the rules.  If they change the method I would expect it to be publishing the rules online with the unit and then updating them on their as and when they like.  And also sell fancy books for those that like them, more campaign based but with new units and formation rules in as they come out.  Personally I'd like that structure.  That way they could just change the rules for (for example) possessed overnight and publish them online and in the box (if they come in a box).

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Maybe, maybe its just how they will proceed for factions that they deem doesn't need to change too much, and the rest will get an overhaul or something, i do hope so honestly.


The problem is that in the past GW allready did change how they do things or simply stoped mid-way, Codex Supplements?, Dataslates?, everyone was expecting those to last, and that was the new form of 40k, then suddenly they stopped doing those and went the route of "Half codexes" Harlequin, AdMech 1&2, then the weird mix KDK.


Its like they don't :cussing know what they are gonna do before they do it and thats concerning...

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Bloody hell. That's pretty mental. I reckon it might just be for the books where they don't feel a need to update anything. After all, they're not gonna release a new campaign every time a new Codex drops...


Anyway, back on track. Anyone seen any cool alternate colour schemes for daemons? I'm fishing for ideas for mine but haven't had chance to have a proper trawl.



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Really nice, really.


on another topic i don't know if you guys where following the news and rumors about the new Taus, if you did you must have noticed the new policy of GW about codexes releases...


Its concerning, i was hoping a complete overhaul of our Codex and that we would get rid of the useless units and :cuss, but here if it works like the new tau codex, then where :cussing doomed once again...


We will get stuck with that joke of a codex, with just an additional book with 3 new units and rules, and none of the CSM codex problems been addresed once again...

I'm cautiously optimistic about it. Tau were already a pretty decent codex, so the writers probably felt that it wouldn't be worth changing them for the sake of change. Hopefully, this is to give them time to work on the books that need it.


That said, it could just be a lazy design philosophy to bring all focus onto the new models instead. But hopefully not...

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so couple of questions

Got 13 csm.today and i.was wondering whats the.most effective load out for these guys

Champion has a power fist plasma pistol

1 has a plasma gun 1 has a flamer 1 has a heavy bolter.

Rest have a mix of bolters ccws and a icon

alsp got the old metal.pair of claws jump pack lord so i was wondering what do people think of a jump.pack lord

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Here's number three:






Finished sculpting the skull trim on the champ. It isn't perfect but after like 4 attempts with sculpting then furiously scraping my work away this is as good as it'll get:




And here's a group shot:




You know, now that they're coming together I'm really happy with them. I've been putting this project off for far too long. Really isn't as difficult as I thought it would be. Painting... now that's another story! 

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Yup ,now we just wait for GW to make the right thing, give us Zerkers on Juggers..., and you'll be ready.


A little update on my Trophy list.


Played last night a 2Vs2 my KDK and 5 Imp Knights household vs IG Tank Co from IA 1 second Ed and Sentinels of Terra.


Short story, won 18 to 14, even touhg at the start of the game i din't have much hope at least for myself, waaaay too much tanks in front of us and only my mate with his Knights could do something, since i lack AT, wegot the scenario that gives you a Objective cards on each turn and we houseruled for sake of simplicity and balance that teammates can use the objectives card of the other.


Something that came during the game that i found very odd is that som of the IG tanks had a coaxial Stubber gun, so i perfectly know how coaxial works, but i was surprised that the guy would target a Imp Knight with that Str 4-5 thingy, to get the reroll of the coaxial, even though the Str isn't enough to actually hurt the thing.


They told me that even though you cannot hurt the model, you can still shoot at it, wich really surprise me since i was under the impression that you could only target things that you can actually hurt...


Oh also with the friends i had the argument about Goredrinker, we reached the conclusion that the way i was using it was the correct way, since the special rule of goredrinker activate during the beginning of the turn and that the modifications are added to the character profile, so at least that is out of the way.

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They look sweet, especially together. Are they bikers? Love to see a nice big pack of hounds running alongside. Terrifying.



Yep, bikers. I have 30 hounds assembled and primed for the call of chaos vow, but haven't really been up to finishing them.

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Guys can i get your thoughts on this 1500 point list


Chaos Lord of Khorne on Chaos Bike with Sigil of Corruption and Gore Drinker 150 points



8 Chaos Space Marines with a Flamer and 7 CCWS and a Power Maul 164 points


Rhino 35 points


8 Chaos Space Marines with Plasma Gun Combi Plasma 7 CCWS Melta Bombs 174 points


Rhino 35 points


8 Chaos Space Marines with Plasma Gun 7 x CCWS plasma pistol and power fist 199 points


Rhino 35 points


8 Cultists 63 points




5 X Chaos Terminators 194 points

Heavy flamer combi flamer power fist


Land raider 230 points


Fast attack

5 X Chaos Bikers 145 points

2 Melta Guns Melta Bombs


Rhino 35 points

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Why bother with the daemonkin dex? The rhino and goredrinker?


EDIT: Is bftbg worth all those marks and extra marines?


Army Wide FnP/+1A , Rage on Deamon engines/Deamons and summoning of Hounds and Skull canons without having to resort to psy powers?, yup totally worth it


All you have to do to get those is to kill/die, wich is the easiest thing to do in this game, also the few Objectives cards of KDK are really awesome, i mean having a card that gives you VP's if units friend AND/OR Foe gets killed is just awesome.


The mecanic is simple, straigth forward and kinda elegant, just wish that the FnP Blood Tith also worked in some way for Deamon engines, like a +1 invul save or reroll invul save or something, and that adamentium will was a army wide rule and the number 1 or even 2 of the blood tith would be something like " units can sprint AND assault in the same turn", but that would have been too good.

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Bloodletters are relativly cheap so you can Horde them and tarpit Wraiths, hounds have better stats and are faster, so you can tarpit the Wraiths sooner, if you take like 10 hounds it only cost 160 pts, wich is waaaay cheaper then those Wraiths and thats 20 Wounds and 30 S5 attacks WS5 when you assault.


You could argue that Letters have PA3, but since Wraiths have a 3++, it doesn't matter, so its best to go with volume of attacks from the hounds, also hounds are T4, so they still can FnP, while Letters are T3 ( if iirc Wraiths are Str6?).


Or you have Spawns, but i'm not so sure they would fare pretty well VS Wraiths, they have a high enough Str that the Spawns Thougness doesn't really matter and Spawns doesn't have a save outside FnP from Blood tithe, if your lucky the spawns can dish out 8 attacks per model, but thats about it.

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Saw this on Spikybits;


Khorne Murder train.




i love it, its made with the lower parts of the Lord of Skulls, and i think its perfect for a Spartan raider.


Still got my sprues, so i'm really considering doing something similar, maybe not with the Blood tanks and lower for the LOS, but the idea is there.


Will try to squise a small bluetooth speaker and play Crazy train intro



Also need this...for...reasons...



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