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book 5 tempest announced!


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Emperor help the opponents of those who can afford this thing...I'm going to laugh when I see the price


Yeah, this thing won't appear very noble when it starts flattening your army.


I'm reckoning the body will be about £500-£600 with weapons on top


Emperor help the opponents of those who can afford this thing...I'm going to laugh when I see the price


Yeah, this thing won't appear very noble when it starts flattening your army.


I'm reckoning the body will be about £500-£600 with weapons on top


IMO we're looking more at Manta prices, with total being around 1-1.2k, making body £750+ (depends on size). not sure whether the reaver titan weapons are going to be able to be used as arm and carapace weapons, or if they're going to bring out a whole new range.

I doubt it'll be manta price just for the body. With all the weapons, perhaps. I reckon it'll be head-height with the Eldar Phantom Titan with the additional bulk and carapace of course:



I wasn't trying to say manta price for body, but for whole kit. Body probably being 2/3 the total price: but depends if you buy carapace and arm weapons all separately - four weapons could cost a lot. 


Well... You COULD only buy the body itself.. and then make the weapons yourself.. would save lots of monies...

I can see the bundle already...two reavers and a warlord, for the minor price of £2500/£3000 including weapons. Buy it for your niece/nephew for their next Birthday present! Perfect for all ages. 


Note: do not give to children, as it may be in fact larger than them. Risk of falling over and crushing children.

Will be impressive to see, that's for sure. Just have to bear in mind that ForgeWorld like to play with distance in their promo artwork, so I'll wager it's not as big as everyone thinks, but still huge. I can see that thing (as it's blatantly built and painted) to be the central piece of a diorama scene at Warhammer Worlds re-opening next month, and plenty of people will be taking pics.


I'm impressed with what I've seen so far, more elegant than what I would have expected. I was thinking it would be more block-y than the curved knight-eque plating that they've gone with, and it looks excellent for it.


Obviously holding back this nugget from the Heresy Weekender.

I wonder if it will have similar rules to the old warlord Titan. What was it? Oh right the ability to carry like 50 people in each leg and a gazillion destroyer weapons. Though I doubt we will see it much because of its price tag.


I thought it was the Imperator that carried troops?

I thought it was the Emperor/Imperator with its shoulder mounted Cathedrals that carried garrisons aboard it?


The Warlord being the 'intermediary' "WE NEED MORE D!" solution when a dozen Warhounds and 5-odd Reavers aren't enough.

I think that within the Warlord Class there are various patterns, just like modern naval ships.


I have a feeling that this one is that pattern that starts with a D...can't quite remember the name. While I love the boxy Lucius pattern, this one is quite pleasing as well.


As for the weapons, I think those are volcano cannons, though a plasma super eradicator would make the wings on my helmet get extra perky. As for the top cannons, I don't quite like the tri Gatling mega cannon thingies over the quake cannons, but then again, this thing is a different pattern.


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