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Im sick with the flu and twiddling my thumbs waiting for my package of Kastelans to arrive in the mail, sometimes I wonder if the 15 dollar discount was worth the extra 4-5 days wait. It sucks to be home ill and be unable to get anything done, its like im going crazy (not to mention the lack of WD image leaks so far this week). In the meantime I plan on scrapping up some objective markers and basing them.

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@ Gorthaur:  Right there with you; I been sick the last 3 days and it's totally putting a kink in my painting schedule.  I'll have to double-time this holiday weekend!

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Got my Kastelans done. Matched the decals to the Datascribes and all.


Working on my Thanatos and Triarios now.



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Quick question while making my army list: What force organization slot do the Balistarii take up?  In the Codex, none of the entries list Troops, Elites, Fast Attack, etc.  Are they Fast Attack like the Dragoon are (presumably, again) or Heavy Support?  Where can one find this information?

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Quick question while making my army list: What force organization slot do the Balistarii take up?  In the Codex, none of the entries list Troops, Elites, Fast Attack, etc.  Are they Fast Attack like the Dragoon are (presumably, again) or Heavy Support?  Where can one find this information?


The listing is in the top right corner of the page. it is a sigil, to be matched to those listed in the battleforged force org chart. Ballisteri are heavy support.

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today i installed some very strong magnets into my knight's battle cannon, and got it primed. woo!!


also sent discount games store an email asking for an invoice for the remaining units i need to buy in order to field next week's white dwarf exclusive detachment ;)

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@ Gorthaur: Right there with you; I been sick the last 3 days and it's totally putting a kink in my painting schedule. I'll have to double-time this holiday weekend!

This holiday weekend I will go to a medieval knight festival at one of the castles here. I shall collect inspiration and pursue my hobby of medieval histroy :D

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Another three rangers complete, only the Alpha left. Will be able to start on my knight by the end of the week (Ahead of schedule). 


Never mind, couldn't not do it. Ergo stayed up super late and finished the squad...may sleep finally take me.

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