Pearson73 Posted December 31, 2015 Share Posted December 31, 2015 Really nice sculpting work, I especially like the candles. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ferrus Manus Posted January 1, 2016 Share Posted January 1, 2016 Really inspiring stuff here! Makes me want to kick start my Changelings again. Keep it up Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Royal Cactus Posted January 2, 2016 Share Posted January 2, 2016 Thank you very much, glad you like it  I belive it's really important to pay atention to the small details so therefore I sculpted the small parts you still can see under the foots. The Butt-Runes are now done. The spine will get a chain tomorrow and I started the Champion :)  like i stated before, it's a lot of fun to sculpt but it takes ages..... naja let's see if i'll get some paint on them before the Year ends,ha? Pearson73 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Royal Cactus Posted August 30, 2016 Share Posted August 30, 2016 (edited) Hey everyone! Â I feel like it has been ages since I posted something in here, so first of all I'm sorry for leaving you wondering. So what happend? Â Btw. This may be a bit off topic, so I hope you don't mind. just skip this post and wait for the next Update, it will come, but it will take some time. Â So to make it (relativly) short, I moved to Japan about a year ago and as your might know here the Working hours are nothing to laugh about, so i did not have time to sculpt or paint. Another reason is that half of my stuff is still in Germany and I told my family to not send it to me since I don't have as much time as I thought I would have. And last but not least, I got engaget so yea, even less time. But here is the thing: Me and my soon to be wife are thinking about living in Germany, so in that case things will be a bit more chill working wise, wich means more time to sculp and do some Tzeentchy-stuff! Â I hope you can understand my situation. But don't worry, it's only a matter of time when you'll see more of my sculpts, I did not forgett about my Termis nore you guys! Â And I finaly know, what I want to do with them colour wise: They'll become Sons of The Cyclops. I really love the Iron Hands and I read in an Article about Blackshields on the 40k wiki, that some IHs where seen with the Eye of Horus instead of there Legion Symbols that where fighting along the SoH. I really like the Idea that these renegades after the HH went on to join the Black Legion and startend to Worship The big T. So conversion wise I could have a lot of options, the Mutation of Tzeentch and the Bionics of my favourite Legion! Â Â Okay so that was kind of a long post, so thanks for reading and sticking throgh. Sincerely Royal Cactus. Edited August 30, 2016 by Royal Cactus Pearson73 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hrolf the Cunning Posted August 30, 2016 Share Posted August 30, 2016 I somehow missed your stuff earlier on, very nice work. Sounds like you've had some exciting developments in real life and congratulations are in order. Looking forward to seeing more marines when you get around to it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Royal Cactus Posted January 14, 2017 Share Posted January 14, 2017 Hey everyone!  I have fa few anauncements to make. First of all I'm back in Germany and I started sculpting again. So there will be new stuff comming soon! But Ihave to be honest with you I can't find some parts of my Terminators once I came back, my family was putting all my stuff in differnet boxes and i must sear for my stuff i did which is kind of a bummer. And I kind of lost motivation for them aswell.... But I did thought of a new Projekt that i'm really exited about and I wanted to do for Ages but it was out of my budget at the time but I finally have the change do do it now. I hpe you guys are as exited as I am, at the Moment I started working on it and I think on of the Guys I'm working on will be finished in a few days! Do you guys have any idea what my new projekt could look like?   And to highlight that I do not only do Tzeentch Terminators anymore I changed the Title of this thread. Anyway I hope you'll have as much fun here looking at my stuff as I have making it.  greetings Royal Cactus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Royal Cactus Posted January 14, 2017 Share Posted January 14, 2017 Okay perhabes you already saw how I asked about a Outcast Sons Rite of war for the IHs. I decited to go big or go home so I'll do a hole force of Traitor Hands. And with the BoC Set I can acually affort to do a force. My plan Is to do a full organsation chart so, 3 HQs, 6 Standards, 4 Elites, 3 Fast Attacks, 3 Supports and for the grande finale I want to get myself some sweet Mastodon action! ​But every journey starts with small steps so here is my first tactical Marine, I want every model in my army converted so it will take a while but that is okay I am more of a fluff/sculpting guy anyway.  Talking about fluff: In the most recent HH book you can read how about a company worth of Iron Hands was fighting along the Sons of Horus, they where seen with the black armour and the Symbol of the sons of Ferrus aswall as the serpent eye of horus so this is for what I'm going. I allways loved the Iron Hands to a point where they became my Legion of choice (followed by the Emperor's Children and Sons of Horus) But I'm also on the Warmaster's side so I had this small problem.... Until HH Book 6 so finally I can do my Traitors Hand Projekt without bending the fluff whitch is great!  About the Projekt: Okay so full Organisation Chart, every single model convertet, and perhabes if I don't live under a bride at this point a small EC and/or SoH Ally force. (But it can cange as I'm goning along)  And here is the first marine of my first 20 Man Tac Squad! I hope you like it there is more to come!  PS: I know this might not be the place for personal stuff but I really wanted to say thank you for everyone who reads my thread. life has become really difficult in a really short time because of unexpected stuff but beeing able to show people the stuff I'm working on whitch I love really helpes to keep me sane, so really, thank you very much and I hope you have fun reading. Brother Dallo, Raztalin and BrotherJim 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
brettfp Posted January 15, 2017 Share Posted January 15, 2017 These are really cool. I really like the candles. Looking forward to seeing them done and painted :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Royal Cactus Posted January 21, 2017 Share Posted January 21, 2017 My force grows a little bit, one marine at the time.  I'm really jamed up with Work at the Moment but I wanted to share my small progress with you over the weekend I want to re pose my first 5 Marines.  I'm still thinking about how I want to base my Traitor Hands. What do you guys think about the bases?  And a bit off Topic but I started tu sculpt a griaff, it it my first projekt, where I sculpt a mini by myself. It is a present for my fiance on Valentains day, she loves giraffes so I wanted to make something personal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pyroclast91 Posted January 21, 2017 Share Posted January 21, 2017 Wow absolutely awesome work in here your sculpting skills are quite impressive and I'm very much looking forward to seeing how you do bionics on your IH as I've been messing around with my own. Definitely can't wait to see more keep up the awesome work!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Royal Cactus Posted January 24, 2017 Share Posted January 24, 2017 Thank you for the nice words Pyroclast91!  I think about doing a Youtube-Tut about reposing and Bionics, but I'm not sure yet. Anyway I hope I can inspire you a little bit!   I was thinking how I could Integrate the MK4 Armor in my IH force, it's not that I don't like the pattern I just think MK3 is better suited for IHs in gerneral. But I really like the Idea of a 10 Man Legion Seeker Squad. I think maybe they worked with the SoH in the past and the Warmaster ordert them to get rid of there former borthers remaining command structur, so they get some sweet MK4-action. I guss sneaking around in MK3 would be quite the challange.  I'm not so sure about the wargear yet.... I might just let them keep there Bolters or I'll give all of them Combi-Plasmas but I want them in a Land Raider Proteus, I just love the Model! (I'm all about Termis and Tanks!) as it stands I think it will be 10 Bolter guys, the Sarge will get an Artificer and a Cyber-familiar and as DT a Proteus but I never played a game of HH so let me know, what you think.  As allways thank you so much for having a look at my WIPs and feel free to leave a comment. Grotsmasha, Vairocanum and Hathis 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted January 24, 2017 Share Posted January 24, 2017 The bionics are looking great! Looking forward to seeing the squad complete! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tyrannicide Posted January 25, 2017 Share Posted January 25, 2017 Yeah, I don't even wanna know what kind of soul selling process you had to go through in order to get so good at cutting plastic legs apart. Everything looks so clean. I'm looking forward to watching your progress. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Royal Cactus Posted January 25, 2017 Share Posted January 25, 2017 (edited) I'm back at it again, While I was sculpting, I found some old sculpts of mine, I intendet to become Sons of Medusa for a Badab Campaine, but I never finished the force..... Anyway, I thought it would be cool for you guys to see and it's a hint of what is to come to my HH table!  ​enjoy!  Hahah.... yea Tyrannicide, this is my way to blow of steam if my fiance is having a tendrum again!  Na, I'm just joking!  Oh and I thought about it. I will start a Youtube Chanel, where I will talk about Fluff and scupting, it's also named Royal Cactus I don't have any videos yet but it's on my list of things to do so I you'd like to have a deeper inside in my thoughts while sculpting, please feel free to look it up Edited January 25, 2017 by Royal Cactus baldur27, reckoning and Hathis 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Royal Cactus Posted January 26, 2017 Share Posted January 26, 2017 Hey everyone! So, as I said yesterday, I started a YouTube Account. It's not going to replace my projekt here it's just to give you guys a better look into my projekts. I'm working on a sculpting tut. at the moment and I uploadet my first video. I think about talking about the 40K fluff aswell.  The reason is why I do this is really simple, I learned so much sculpting on the Internet and I want to give something back, so If you want me do show you guys how I worked on my Chaos Terminators or my Iron Hands, please feel free to check it out!  here is the Link to my Introduction Video, I really hope you'll like what's going to come!: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Royal Cactus Posted January 28, 2017 Share Posted January 28, 2017 As part of my YouTube Tuturial I started reposing this little guy for my base. Any Idea what it could be?   I'm having a blast hobby wise at the moment! C&C allway Welcome! DimDim 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndyNoMore Posted January 29, 2017 Share Posted January 29, 2017 The bionics you've made are really cool! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Royal Cactus Posted January 29, 2017 Share Posted January 29, 2017 I continued to repose my Marines and since it takes forever I started a really small side Projekt of Mine. It's going to be a Badab War themed Lammenters force! On the Marine on the Base will be a Minotaur Vairocanum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted January 29, 2017 Share Posted January 29, 2017 Impressive. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted January 29, 2017 Share Posted January 29, 2017 The dreadnought looks great! I think some battle damage on the dead marine would look great! Looking forward to seeing more! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Royal Cactus Posted February 2, 2017 Share Posted February 2, 2017 Hello Everyone! Â I'm sorry that it took so long, I started on Video Tutourials for you guys so please check them out if you feel like it. I started this small series of Videos in Hope of helping you guys to learn a bit of sculpting. Â Part: 1 Part: 2 Part: 3 Part: 4 Part: 5 Â And here are some Pics of the dreadnought, I want him to really rip and tear through a Tac squad of Minotaurs so I'll repose the claw aswell, stay tuned for more pics and as allways thank you very much for visiting my my thread and looking at my minis! Â Â The Traitor, Vairocanum and Pyroclast91 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted February 3, 2017 Share Posted February 3, 2017 Cool pose! I like how you changed the pose of the marine to be reaching for a meltabomb. Looking forward to seeing more! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Traitor Posted February 3, 2017 Share Posted February 3, 2017 WOW, amazing thread!!! Your sculpting skills are great, those bionics really look good! Also I'm not a fan of box dreadnoughts, but your conversion is looking very promising, can't wait to see more! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted February 4, 2017 Share Posted February 4, 2017 Impressive posing and accessorizing of the Furioso Dreadnought. Whose Marines is he beating up? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wendigo Posted February 4, 2017 Share Posted February 4, 2017 Great work -- I am glad to see you posting again. I am especially impressed by your attention to detail: the first thing to grab my attention was the Terminator's power fist fingers on the first page -- but you have continued this high level of quality through the whole thread.  Thanks for the tutorials, as well! Keep up the good work, and I look forward to more updates...  Wendigo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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