Guest Royal Cactus Posted May 3, 2017 Share Posted May 3, 2017 (edited) Hey everyone, I'm sorry for not posting anything as of late. At the Moment I'm thinking about something and I'd like to know your opinion about it. I'm thinking about starting comission sculpting, bases and perhabes painting. You Saw some of my work and I thought since I love doing it and got great feetback I could start to do it as a side job but before I start it I'd like to know if anyone would be interesed in my work, I'd focus on Sace Marines, Chaos, Bases, Dioramas and perhabes Orks. First of all I'd like to know if someone would be intersed in my work at all so please let me know, what you think. But regadless of your answer I'll still continuing to post here and show of my latest sculpting I was working on some Tyranids in the mean time this is why i wasn't posting for a while aswell as thinking about this possible job of mine. If you guys would have interst in it let me know. I hope it's not against the rules of B&C if so I'm really sorry about it i did not want to make comercials for me here i'd just like to know if people would be interested in gerneral. Thank you very much! until the next Update! Your Cactus OH, and feel free to PM me if you think that is something you'd be interested in. Edited May 3, 2017 by Royal Cactus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DaBoiKyknos Posted May 3, 2017 Share Posted May 3, 2017 "I´m a simple nerd. I see cool stuff, I post to subscribe." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Royal Cactus Posted May 9, 2017 Share Posted May 9, 2017 Hey everyone new Update. I on FW you perhabes saw the "last Change to buy-button" and I wanted to get something, I was really looking into for years but i did't get it until now. I'll use this as an excuse to build an Diorama. I wanted to Show that I can do some extensive sculpting for Imperial and Chaos Marines, as well as Terrain. Any Ideas what the szenario could be? Brother Dallo and Vairocanum 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted May 10, 2017 Share Posted May 10, 2017 Cool posing! While the posing of the CSM in the concept pic looks nice, I think if he also had a more dynamic pose it would look better. As for scenario of the diorama, maybe the Dark Angel has fought his way onto the bridge of CSM's ship and they are going for a final showdown? Looking forward to seeing how this develops! DaBoiKyknos 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DaBoiKyknos Posted May 10, 2017 Share Posted May 10, 2017 Great pose, but please clipp of the rest of sprue of his helmet. ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Royal Cactus Posted May 11, 2017 Share Posted May 11, 2017 Cool posing! While the posing of the CSM in the concept pic looks nice, I think if he also had a more dynamic pose it would look better. As for scenario of the diorama, maybe the Dark Angel has fought his way onto the bridge of CSM's ship and they are going for a final showdown? Looking forward to seeing how this develops! Good Guess but not quite! I wanted the Pose to be inspired by FWs Lorgar since I kind of want to have a Mini Version of him in the CSM, Much like FWs Khârn is to Angron. As for the Scenario: It will be Master Yafrir of The Angels of Absolution's 4th on his way to the Citadel during the Siege of Vraks (Last Cahnge to buy at FW hint, hint ) But on his Way there he'll have to face off against a Termi-Khorne-Lord of the Sanctified above a trench. I want to do it FW-style where you can use a Big Base as Diorama aswell as a smaller base for Games. I think 2 Magnets on each side will do the Job to hold everything in place. I wanted to do some Vrakes Army for Ages and since They'll no longer print the book It was my last Chance to get my Hands on it so I bought it and decited to build a Diorama about it. Vairocanum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Capt. Jack Posted May 11, 2017 Share Posted May 11, 2017 Some promising stuff on here for sure. I especially like how neatly you sculpt the armour seals. I think your 'splitting' armour needs a little work, and that you could clean up some of the leg armour before converting, but generally pretty darned good! Keep it up! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Royal Cactus Posted May 11, 2017 Share Posted May 11, 2017 Hey everyone! Quick update On Master Yafrir. It will take about 5-6 Days to make The rope since every layer has to harden so it will take a while. I did clean it up but since He'll be wraped in a rope it doesn't matter if it Looks a bit ruff at the Moment. But thank you for C&C And Today my book arrived, althogh I'm a bit disappointed that they cut away the Pictures of The CSM Warbands including the Sanctified Vairocanum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Royal Cactus Posted May 14, 2017 Share Posted May 14, 2017 hey everyone, I'm progressing with my Company Master and want to start of the Sanctified Lord, Whay would you guys think would be cool gear? of course he must have the Cursed Crozius and a Termi-Armor, I thought about giving him a Combi-flamer since te Sanctified and the Word Bearers have a lot of Flames in there ikonocrafie, but I wouldn't mind a kick-ass Demon Sword, what do you guys think? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted May 14, 2017 Share Posted May 14, 2017 How about an under-slung flamer like the Ashen Circle? You could also go with a flaming daemon sword too if you want both the sword and fire aspects. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Royal Cactus Posted June 29, 2017 Share Posted June 29, 2017 Hey everyone! Lately I've bin hitting a rough spot creativly and baslicly stoped the Hobby for a while and was even thinking about quitting alltogether. But Idk. I guss I worked it out and contiued the sculpting. I know it's not an Diorama I was planing on doing, but I thought I'd still sho you ghuys what I've beeon working on. Now It is going to be on some Minotaurs but Since I don't want to break the rules of uploading Fantasy Minis here I'll just Show you the Blade I've sculpted for the Champ, since it's DP size and Gould easly go on one :) Okay, take care you guys and stay tuned for new 40K stuff! I still want to do tha doiorma once I get the time to do it anyway, take care! Vairocanum, The Traitor and Brother Dallo 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Dallo Posted June 30, 2017 Share Posted June 30, 2017 Glad to hear you're sticking about. I hope taking a hobby break was refreshing for you. We can all get burnt out sometimes. Keep up the good work. Dallo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Royal Cactus Posted July 3, 2017 Share Posted July 3, 2017 (edited) Thanks for the kind words! I hope you guys have fun with the pictures even though I jump from Projekt to projekt New Pictures, I'll add some final Details to the Axe after that it's finishedThe Zweihänder Needs some work thogh, I'll sculpt a Mark of Nurgle on the Guard and than it's finshed aswell.and in the first Picture I was experimenting it could become the guard for an Nurgleish Estoc or something like thatanyway C&C welcomeYour Cactus Edited July 3, 2017 by Royal Cactus The Traitor and Vairocanum 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Royal Cactus Posted August 18, 2017 Share Posted August 18, 2017 Hey everyone! Today I come with bad news but I wanted to share them with you guys nonetheless. To make it short: I quit the Hobby. I started 7-8 Years ago and from the beginning I started to swap heads and weapons and used a small swisspocketknife to try to sculpt a Chaos star on my first chaos Rhino I bought... But I realised that in my reale live i'm not where I should be at this Point. It is really complecated at the Moment but I'll not be able to put time and/or Money into the Hobby. I don't want to overly dramatic write some Kind of breakup-text here but I saw that over 9.000 People have seen my stuff here and I hate it, when Content creators are just leaving without a word so I'll tell you whats up. I'm stuck in a personal Situation where I'm not happy so i must do some changes in my live. and this will take a Long time. I also don't have the Money to Keep up with all the stuff I would like to get, nor do i have the time. I allways start a new Project and never finish it and it is so frustrating and demotivating that i do this with each and everye one of my Projects, I started here with Tzeentch Terminators, did Iron Hands, Badab Lamenter Dreadnoughts, started a Vraks Diorama and the last this where my Nurgle Weapons... I really get stressed out by all of that since I'm in this Hobby for so Long and I finished only 2 Models compleatly a bllodletter and a WFB Gor. I did not sell my equitment, it's in a place where I could start with the Hobby again if i would get some glues and paints again, but to be honest, at the Moment it will be at least 2 or more years before I can think about that. I really want to thank each and everyone who liked and Comented on my sculpting, I really hope that you got something out of it, I was allways really happy, once I read your Kind words. I will not delete my account but i don't know how often I will go online. Okay Long Text and not the happiest one but I wanted to be real with you guys and not just leave without a trace. Take care! Your Royal Cactus Brother Dallo 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Dallo Posted August 19, 2017 Share Posted August 19, 2017 Take all the time you need. The hobby will still be here if/when you want to return. I'm sorry to hear that you're leaving, but I totally understand your reasons. You've put up some pretty cool stuff here, so you should be proud of what you've accomplished. I wish you all the best for wherever life takes you. God bless. Dallo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Royal Cactus Posted February 2, 2018 Share Posted February 2, 2018 Hey everyone! I had a lot do in the past months and I thought that I had to quit the Hobby but luckily I have found a way. Here is the deal, I want to build 2 really small armies before I move in April. And with small I mean really Tini, 2x 5 CSM, 1 sorcerer and a Lord on a Slaanesh Steed. And the other fore will be a xeonos force but I am not sure at the Moment what it's going to be, Necrons, Dark Eldar or Orks. here about My latest Projekt: A Slaanesh Renegade Chapter. The Idea for the base is a contrast between Beautiful and gruesome just like Slaanesh: Beautiful Marvel and pits of blood filled Bones and Skulls of the totured. As with my Pojekts before I use SM Tacs and will be sculpted on instead of CSM models since I want them to be a Renegate Chapter, not a Legion. The Idea of the whole Blood beneath marble came when I was reading Berserk. I want the pits filled with Skulls/Faces to look a bit like the ground during the Eclipse (just look it up on YouTube if you're intersted. it's a nice Inspiration for sculpting as well) C&C allways welcome Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeathbyWes Posted February 2, 2018 Share Posted February 2, 2018 Okay perhabes you already saw how I asked about a Outcast Sons Rite of war for the IHs. I decited to go big or go home so I'll do a hole force of Traitor Hands. And with the BoC Set I can acually affort to do a force. My plan Is to do a full organsation chart so, 3 HQs, 6 Standards, 4 Elites, 3 Fast Attacks, 3 Supports and for the grande finale I want to get myself some sweet Mastodon action! But every journey starts with small steps so here is my first tactical Marine, I want every model in my army converted so it will take a while but that is okay I am more of a fluff/sculpting guy anyway. Talking about fluff: In the most recent HH book you can read how about a company worth of Iron Hands was fighting along the Sons of Horus, they where seen with the black armour and the Symbol of the sons of Ferrus aswall as the serpent eye of horus so this is for what I'm going. I allways loved the Iron Hands to a point where they became my Legion of choice (followed by the Emperor's Children and Sons of Horus) But I'm also on the Warmaster's side so I had this small problem.... Until HH Book 6 so finally I can do my Traitors Hand Projekt without bending the fluff whitch is great! About the Projekt: Okay so full Organisation Chart, every single model convertet, and perhabes if I don't live under a bride at this point a small EC and/or SoH Ally force. (But it can cange as I'm goning along) And here is the first marine of my first 20 Man Tac Squad! I hope you like it there is more to come! PS: I know this might not be the place for personal stuff but I really wanted to say thank you for everyone who reads my thread. life has become really difficult in a really short time because of unexpected stuff but beeing able to show people the stuff I'm working on whitch I love really helpes to keep me sane, so really, thank you very much and I hope you have fun reading. Man, your green stuff work is CLEEEAAANNN !!! Great job, hope to see more. -W Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Royal Cactus Posted February 4, 2018 Share Posted February 4, 2018 Thanks Man, I started on the second squads Bases since I run out of greenstuff so I'll do the Miliput stuff first I think in 1-2 Days they'll be ready to uplade Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted February 5, 2018 Share Posted February 5, 2018 Nice to see you back, looking forward to seeing you sculpt over these regular tac marines! Looking forward to seeing the bases as well! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Royal Cactus Posted February 25, 2018 Share Posted February 25, 2018 Recently i really got into the Hobby again. I continues on the Bases, since i ran out of greenstuf so i can't continue on the CSM. I had this Idea about a deamon world that is grown out of marble, blood and skulls. I stated on a hellbrute base and inside the pillar I'll put some skulls in and while painting i'll make it look like blood is Spilling from the inside. And as you can see I'm playing with Ideas for a hell-chicken :) Anyway, hope you like it :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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