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  • 4 weeks later...

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++++++...Welcome Canoness Sera. Your command?

Saffron Sera paused. She had no clue as to what she had seen...who she had seen. The individual was armoured in typical Sororitas armour, or so she thought. For a few brief moments, she could have sworn to Him on Earth that the being was a Marine...

Impossible. But still, she needed to understand what she had seen. It wasn't the first time their paths crossed. The first time, she was nearly killed by the other, their own destiny degreed it. This time, they had throttled the life out of a Daemonette that pounced upon her with ease. Sera had seen experienced Marines torn asunder by those vile apparitions, so how was this one able to do so?

Her hands keyed in the commands necessary to access the central data bank. It took hours to get the information she needed, the data core was old and there were few Mechanicum to keep the Machine Spirits appeased. But in the end, she got her answer. Well, she got an answer. She left with even more questions. A Dark Angel, wearing one of the oldest types of Astartes plate she had ever seen. Mark IV "Maximus" armour...It was so rare these days. But there was no mistaking the hooded figure any more.


Her superiors will want to hear of this.



(S)He isn't finished yet, the plasma pistol amongst other things need to be completed, but Cypher is the first model near completion for my ETL vow. I was going to make the armour green like the "true" Cypher, but in the end, I thought that green robes with black armour would look better. The idea of painting a combined DA symbol and Fleur was rejected in the end as there isn't anywhere near enough flat painting surface to do it. A pity, but I'm kinda glad as my freehand sucks! :laugh.: The word painted on the blade is "Leonis" as a nod to El'Jonson.

I've had painters block these past few months and typically, it goes away when I have little time left to complete my vow. That, however, is still possible as long as I can keep my motivation up. Getting my counts as (nearly) done has helped a lot.

Up next, a former Ganger, turned Ecclesiarchy Priest...Thanks for looking! :happy.:

Thanks :)


I have a rule for my Sisters army in that I will only use female models (to honour the spirit of the Decree Passive, the in universe law that states that the Ecclesiarcy can not take Men at arms. Some might find that a little excessive, but it's been a fun challenge finding ways around it :lol:

+++Enter pass key to continue.....




++++++...Welcome Canoness Sera. Your command?

Saffron Sera paused. She had no clue as to what she had seen...who she had seen. The individual was armoured in typical Sororitas armour, or so she thought. For a few brief moments, she could have sworn to Him on Earth that the being was a Marine...

Impossible. But still, she needed to understand what she had seen. It wasn't the first time their paths crossed. The first time, she was nearly killed by the other, their own destiny degreed it. This time, they had throttled the life out of a Daemonette that pounced upon her with ease. Sera had seen experienced Marines torn asunder by those vile apparitions, so how was this one able to do so?

Her hands keyed in the commands necessary to access the central data bank. It took hours to get the information she needed, the data core was old and there were few Mechanicum to keep the Machine Spirits appeased. But in the end, she got her answer. Well, she got an answer. She left with even more questions. A Dark Angel, wearing one of the oldest types of Astartes plate she had ever seen. Mark IV "Maximus" armour...It was so rare these days. But there was no mistaking the hooded figure any more.


Her superiors will want to hear of this.



Good job on the model. I'd love to know the background you wrote for FemCypher. I hope she's not a "female Space Marine" (too many writers demonstrate their lack of talent by simply creating Rule 63 versions of canon characters, instead of original ones).

  • 2 weeks later...

Bjorn, sorry for not answering sooner. My intention with the fluff piece was to kinda explain a situation where the Order though they'd encountered Cypher. Being the sneaky, Imperium of Man hide and seek Champion he is, I was trying to imply that he was able to change his appearance so that any witnesses doubted what they thought they saw. I might have to revisit that soon :smile.:

So then, to actual progress! :blink.:

Canoness, Cypher and Ministorum Priest (using "Mad Donna Ulanti" as a counts as):


Whilst I'm quite happy with them, it wasn't until I was virtually finished with the Canoness that I realised that I was supposed to paint her in the colours of the Order of the Valorous Heart! :wallbash: Oh well, it just means that one of my older Canoness' will have to be stripped and repainted (I have five at the moment, if you count the Cypher Counts as :laugh.: )

Legion of the Damned squad (using the BSS squad points for the ETL):


I'm quite happy with these. They came out as good as I'd hoped :happy.: I have two of the Sister Superior/Canoness with Icon models and chose that model for this squad as her face is extremely indistinct (possibly a miscast, or excessive stripping took the detail away, I don't know as she was an ebay win)

Penitent Engine (number two of four) Known as The Question:


Following on from my first PE, The Test comes The Question. I have built the third PE, The Answer, but didn't take a picture for some reason (probably as it's not even primed yet). The Answer has a really agressive pose leaning forward as far as is possible to accomplish with a PE without it falling over. The fourth PE (which will be built after ETL, mainly as it was received with a damaged arm, which The Answer was sent to me from GW as a replacement), will be known as The Solution. But that'll be for another time...

And finally, the Retributor squad. Like the Canoness, they were supposed to be Valorous Heart. Oh well, looks like my DIY will be getting bigger after all! :laugh.:


I still have the vehicles to finish (the final kitbashed Immolator still to be built), the bases to do on the Sisters and naturally both PE's. I'm calling it for today as I've been painting for ten hours and to be frank, it's becoming a chore. I have Thursday off along with whatever hours I can put in after work this week, so I should still be able to get them all done.

Comments, encouragement and constructive criticism welcome!

Looking good . had a 6 hour painting session ruined by a Bat !!!

Them blasted Night Lords get everywhere you know :wink::laugh.:


I am envious everytime I see someone with sisters.


Yours are still looking fantastic and I like the not-Cypher. I guess wearing all those robes over armor paid off.

Thank you! :happy.: It's never too late to have a small allied detachment you know :wink: (well, it always starts as a small one :ph34r.::laugh.: )


I am envious everytime I see someone with sisters.


Yours are still looking fantastic and I like the not-Cypher. I guess wearing all those robes over armor paid off.

Thank you! :happy.: It's never too late to have a small allied detachment you know :wink: (well, it always starts as a small one :ph34r.::laugh.: )


I still kick myself for trading away a bulk of mine. I still have 5 sisters awaiting reinforcements now that you mention it...:mellow.: You know...one or two small things to go with them.

  • 8 months later...

Well, after nine months, I figured that this WIP needed something in it! I haven't built a model of any kind since August last year for various reasons, but after waking up really early today, I looked over at the large pile of Sisters and Inquisition stuff, I decided to do something about it. With Eighth edition looming, I wanted to make some head way with the remaining models I have waiting for paint, so here is the start of it:


I actually have the Triumvirate box and another Celestine with the Geminae twins. These models are the latter. I intend on painting these in the colour scheme of my DIY Order, the others in the boxset as near to GW's scheme as I can get. I left the wings off the main body to hopefully make it easier to paint.

On top of these I have approximately:

Two Canoness Veridyan (one will be painted in GW's scheme, one in my DIY scheme)

Two Exorcists to complete

Four Immolators (two GW standard, two conversions from spares)

Two Penitent Engines to be added to the two I finished

About thirty Battle Sisters including various Special/Heavy weapons

At least two Rhinos that I can remember (maybe more, I haven't had a proper look yet! :laugh.: )

Avenger Strike Fighter

Three of the metal Female Inquisitor models and the models used to form their collective retinue (one base core of models and some models specific to each of the Inquisitors as they will each be attached to an Ordo)

After that, I intend on making a custom box of some sort to carry Celestine three and four (I have four Celestines, two metal, two plastic :laugh.: ) and the Avenger in safety.

Once I have completed these I will be considering rebooting at least one of my three main Marine armies, Rainbow Warriors, Steel Wings and Bahltimyr Reavers. I might otherwise finally get a start on another project, but I'll keep that secret for now...

It's good to be back! :happy.:

Excited to see Celestine! I don't think I posted mine here, but I still have the Geminae to do...looking forward to seeing this thread back and running :smile.:

Despite seeing pictures and videos with her in it, I couldn't fully appreciate how good the model is until I'd built her :wub: I wanted to start the undercoat straight away, but as I've used plastic cement, I decided to leave that until the joins are definitely permanent.

Glad to see you make a return to the hobby table, Aqui, and that things are slowly but surely sorting themselves out in RL. :tu:



Really lovely army! My favourites are your Canoness and the command rhino! Really nice to see an original paint scheme too!

Thank you both! The Latter Canoness and the Command Rhino are my favourites, along with the Not Cypher and my Sisters of the Damned :lol: I had intended to paint a small group of all of the main Orders, but I keep forgetting about it and end up painting my DIY Order :teehee: Still, it'll be good to get some more done. I was checking my list I posted above and forgot I have more Seraphim, some Repentia and even more Canoness' (one of my favourite models of all time :wub: ) I can't wait any longer for the new rule sets to come out - I want to see what lists I can come up with!

Great to see an update and a list of what to expect!



Wondering if this secret project could be...chaotic, in nature :smile.:

My Bahltimyr Reavers are on the list, but a little way down. I have at least 2 DIY Marine Chapters that either have no models or very little, so they're higher up the list. I might actually start a new topic in the Liber for a Chapter or two based around Geneseed that the existing ones don't have (*cough* Dorn *cough* :laugh.: ) or rework an existing second Sisters DIY Order. That said, I've been itching to do a GW "Official" army for a long time (besides the Sons of Prism that is), so I honestly don't know. A lot depends on what I find interesting when 8th Edition rolls out (and when i say "Interesting", I mean which army I find interesting from a fluff point of view). Still, I'm looking forward to things ahead :smile.:

  • 11 months later...

A year to the month, nearly, and I finally get around to posting again. Last year wasn't the best for me, and it completely destroyed my interest to paint anything. With ETL VI virtually here, I hope to get back to it! ^_^

I Aqui rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Adepta Sororitas, part of the IFOR group, and vow to complete:

2x Canoness Veridyan to be counted as regular Canonesses with a Bolt pistol and Chainsword load out

2x Celestine with 2x Geminae twins

2x Penitent Engines

of total value of 848pts on or before August 1st, 2018. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.


It's a small vow, although building two Penitent Engines (that I forgot I have) will take a while to build. I have a third unfinished one that I'll need to consult Captain Semper if it's uncertain it can be entered (making four total, along with the Test, posted a bit further back, who is finished.) With the rules allowing IFOR factions to vow other units within that faction (With a 1:1 ratio), I might be able to get my four Inquisitors done as well as their shared retinue. Hell, i just remembered I have Sisters of Silence too... :lol:

My biggest challenge this year will be to assemble and paint both a Valkyrie and an Avenger. Both are the largest models I've ever had (my previous most largest was the original Land Raider, which is smaller by comparison xD ). If I can complete one of those to the standard I want, then this year regardless of the outcome, I'll be very happy indeed :)

Each of the Veridyan models will have a seperate colour scheme. One will be Dauntless Spirit, the other, well, let's just say that I'll eventually be collecting the "parent Order". The same goes for the three Celestines I have (One will be Celestine, one will represent Saint Lucia herself and the last will be Anabelle Chrysanthemum, a Sister who managed to resist possession by a Keeper of Secrets, with help of the Dauntless Spirit's now Canoness, Saffron Sera...)

But that won't be until a certain promise by GW comes to pass ;)


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