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"Reorganisation." Lotara's voice was hollow. "Comprehensive reorganisation. It's like a cyclonic torpedo went off in a filing cabinet." She sat back, staring forlornly into space.


Ellan knew her cue when she saw it. "So a beverage would be in order?"


"If you're thinking of that ale, I need something stronger."




"Too sickly."




"Too heavy a hangover."


"I could send for some nerith?"


Lotara's expression achieved a new level of horror. "I've seen what that stuff does."


"Well, one other thing... Solomon said he bartered it off a Drowned Man... if I can just - aha!" Here it was, Tidemaster Morrigan's original. Ellan retrieved the bottle and flourished it. "What are your views on rum?"


The eagle eyed among you might spot my plans for the night in this...

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Red Cliff is ace, a movie you should definetly see. But I for my part was always more the wuxia fan. So i like the fighting scenes of tiger ajd dragon or hero more for their grace. And my secret tipp wuji, the promise. Crappy cgi but my moatnloved modern wuxia movie.

Hence the Wardens are more in this direction of knightly, blingy, simply magical.



Oh damn. Sorry for the double post.

Edited by MikhalLeNoir
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Hero and Tigre & Dragon are awesome! Lovin' them. :D


House of Flying Daggers is still on my to-do-list ^^"


And Blunt: may we have some Drowned fluff incoming? ;)

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There will be, once Hesh gives a brother some info. I want to write the Scions and Drowned bringing ruin to the Qarith. There'll also be some Drowned perspectives on the fight with the Scions (plus more Scions. Mytakis is a hero and then some)


Not Chinese, but The Raid and its sequel should be on everyone's to-do list. The most ferocious two films I've ever seen, and they're glorious. I'm hoping I can track down The Assassin some time

Edited by bluntblade
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@Kelborn: Red Cliff is a two part movie that shows the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Highly recommend watching, as it has one of the best battle scenes I've ever seen. Just don't watch the crappy edited version on Netflix.

The battle of Red Cliff, better known as the Battle of Chi Bi to us Dynasty Warriors fans, where the fledging kingdom of Shu lead by Lord Liu Bei allied with the established Kingdom of Wu lead by Lord Sun Quan to halt the seemingly unstoppable southern advance of Lord Cao Cao's Wei kingdom and destroy his huge fleet.


Although they were still outnumbered by Cao Cao's forces, in both men & ships, the allied forces had some of the greatest tacticians of the age working for them, most notably the "Sleeping Dragon" Zhuge Liang of Shu, and the cunning Zhou Yu of Wu. Thus did these great minds fashion a grand strategy of subterfuge and deception, first, Zhou Yu allowed a man he knew to secretly be a Wei spy to see him harshly punish one of his officers named Huang Gai for some misdeed, which prompted the spy to secretly approach Huang Gai later & offer him revenge by defecting to Wei's side. Huang Gai accepted and met with Cao Cao himself as Gai was a naval expert and Cao Cao wanted his counsel, Gai would later suggest chaining the ships of the Wei Fleet together while at rest as to prevent them rocking too much and causing sea sickness, which Cao Cao agreed to.


His work done Huang Gai secretly returned to the Shu/Wu camp the night before the battle to proceed with the next phase of the plan as the allied forces prepared for battle. As the smaller but more experienced Wu fleet stealthily made it's way to attack the anchored Wei fleet Huang Gai lead the way in a ship packed to the brim with kindling, Huang would ignite the kindling once close before ramming the Fire Ship into the chained-up Wei fleet and setting the entangled fleet ablaze, Gai's suggestion of chaining them together had been a ruse to ensure the maximum number of ships would be engulfed in the inferno as the Wu Fleet began it's attack.

However, one Fire Ship by itself would not be enough to set an entire fleet ablaze, and that was were Zhuge Liang came in. Zhuge Liang had predicted that for the fire attack to have the effect needed it would need the winds to carry it across the Wei fleet, however the seasonal winds were blowing in the wrong direction for their plan, so, sick with worry, Zhuge Liang had a Daoist altar set up on the clifftop and prayed for nearly a week before the battle for the winds to aid them.


It only went and bloody worked.


Almost immediately after the Fire Ship struck it's target the winds picked up, blowing in exactly the direction needed to carry the monstrous conflagration across the panicking, disordered fleet as the Wu ships attacked, picking up Huang Gai & his men from the river along the way. The combined Shu/Wu forces decimated their Wei adversaries, with Cao Cao, seeing his fleet dying before his eyes, gave the order to retreat and pulled back north.


The Battle of Red Cliff was the first time the Wei war machine had been defeated, it's unstoppable momentum halted in it's tracks. Now truly began the Era of the Three Kingdoms.


And who says videogames aren't educational, eh?

Edited by SanguiniusReborn
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There will be, once Hesh gives a brother some info. I want to write the Scions and Drowned bringing ruin to the Qarith. There'll also be some Drowned perspectives on the fight with the Scions (plus more Scions. Mytakis is a hero and then some)


Not Chinese, but The Raid and its sequel should be on everyone's to-do list. The most ferocious two films I've ever seen, and they're glorious. I'm hoping I can track down The Assassin some time

Sorry blunt, I've been working on redoing the rules now that there's been a few months since the last revision to meet the meta, and am working on a critique for Mikhael. Time's a little short at the moment, but I hope to have something!

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There will be, once Hesh gives a brother some info. I want to write the Scions and Drowned bringing ruin to the Qarith. There'll also be some Drowned perspectives on the fight with the Scions (plus more Scions. Mytakis is a hero and then some)

Not Chinese, but The Raid and its sequel should be on everyone's to-do list. The most ferocious two films I've ever seen, and they're glorious. I'm hoping I can track down The Assassin some time


Sorry blunt, I've been working on redoing the rules now that there's been a few months since the last revision to meet the meta, and am working on a critique for Mikhael. Time's a little short at the moment, but I hope to have something!

Hey, take your time as the Wardens are in Book 3, the sons of zoidberg are in book 1.

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*glances around, takes a deep breath, and collapses*


I've done all I can to move the progress bar on Book 1. 

  • The Iron Bears are still the closest, but we're still cleaning up rules, and we're about to tackle Daer'dd.
  • The Godslayers jumped from half of the fluff to all of the fluff being done, and we're now starting on their rules.
  • The Scions are on the verge of completing their general history chapter.
  • The Drowned have most of their initial page done. 


All in all, that was a lot of work done so far today.

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There will be, once Hesh gives a brother some info. I want to write the Scions and Drowned bringing ruin to the Qarith. There'll also be some Drowned perspectives on the fight with the Scions (plus more Scions. Mytakis is a hero and then some)


Not Chinese, but The Raid and its sequel should be on everyone's to-do list. The most ferocious two films I've ever seen, and they're glorious. I'm hoping I can track down The Assassin some time

Sorry blunt, I've been working on redoing the rules now that there's been a few months since the last revision to meet the meta, and am working on a critique for Mikhael. Time's a little short at the moment, but I hope to have something!

Don't worry, there's no crazy rush

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*glances around, takes a deep breath, and collapses*


I've done all I can to move the progress bar on Book 1. 


  • The Iron Bears are still the closest, but we're still cleaning up rules, and we're about to tackle Daer'dd.
  • The Godslayers jumped from half of the fluff to all of the fluff being done, and we're now starting on their rules.
  • The Scions are on the verge of completing their general history chapter.
  • The Drowned have most of their initial page done. 

All in all, that was a lot of work done so far today.

Watch out or you will colapse

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Soooo alright people


After a quick convo with our leader (simison), we have come to an agreement about my role on this project. I offered it myself as I felt that I need to put a little bit more energy into this project.


I offered to become the chaplain of this project. I have always been a rather social monster of destru- I mean ideas and just there to make sure everyone is alright, so I am here for you if you feel like having a burnout from this project or when you feel like you just need that extra bit of inspiration or that (bleep)load of ideas for your legion fluff and rules. I am also here to help you make sure the fluff alligns and the like, ofcourse all members of this group have a part in this role, but sometimes it's just nice to have a focal point to talk to.


So do not worry my dear brothers.. I will be spying on you (just kidding ofcourse.. well.. a little bit spying... board wise... most of the time)

Edited by AlphariusOmegon108
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