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Just tried the blue glaze. That's definitely NOT the solution. Might just brighten up the blade overall, but I'm pretty close to just calling that problem a nonissue. 


Some great work here brother! Could i ask how you did your Red armour though? Ive been trying to find a good recipe that doesn't involve an airbrush as im planning a lot of Blood Angels myself :biggrin.:

And definitely pose 1 for the librarian!


It's very simply, actually. I paint the whole armor Mephisiton Red, wash it with Agrax Earthshade, go over it again with Mephiston, and then highlight with Evil Sunz Scarlet and then a fine highlight of Troll Slayer Orange. 

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey gang. Unfortunately I failed my vow for the Blood Angels subforum (I blame Fallout 4), but I'm still trucking on Praetor Israfel. I'm finally satisfied with his sword and I've started freehand on his right shoulder. So far, I've put in the command laurels seen across multiple legions as a signifier of a command/veteran role in the legion. But it needs something inside the laurel. I'm thinking about a grail, but I'm open to suggestions.

Besides finishing that freehand, I still need a final drybrush of white on the smoke, a wash of black on the side of the sword, script on the purity seals, and highlights on some of the remaining gold sections. Finish line in sight!


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Failed Vow or not Homeboy looks absolutely insane , really fantastic work ! Now we slay the traitors by stabbing them while lightning them on fire !

Thanks Bladewolf! I do have to ask: is your name a reference to Metal Gear Rising?

That aside, I've set some time this weekend for nothing but finishing my first Veteran Tactical Squad. Here is the first, with the rest incoming soon.


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Hey gang. Unfortunately I failed my vow for the Blood Angels subforum (I blame Fallout 4), but I'm still trucking on Praetor Israfel. I'm finally satisfied with his sword and I've started freehand on his right shoulder. So far, I've put in the command laurels seen across multiple legions as a signifier of a command/veteran role in the legion. But it needs something inside the laurel. I'm thinking about a grail, but I'm open to suggestions.

Besides finishing that freehand, I still need a final drybrush of white on the smoke, a wash of black on the side of the sword, script on the purity seals, and highlights on some of the remaining gold sections. Finish line in sight!


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I like everything about this guy. Everything. Way to knock it out of the park man.

Hey you. Yes you heretic ! You see this Bolter ? I am going to savagely beat you about the head with it.


Tac marine looks insanely good. Looking forward to seeing the squad. I certainly agree with the approach it really captures an efficient wartime simplicity while mAintaning the regality of the subject.

I like everything about this guy. Everything. Way to knock it out of the park man.

Honestly, that means a great deal from you, Athrawes. Your II Legion have inspired me a lot over the years, more than I can express here. I'm proud that you think so highly of my avatar in my army and what should be the focal point of my force.

I look at that dude, and all I can hear is that warcry from the first DoW cinematic loading screen. Perfect.

That's high praise! Thanks Charlo.

I absolutely adore the limited colors palette.

You're making me like Blood Angels.


Not whatsoever, Knight of the Raven. Blood Angels rule. Remember to vote Sanguinius for Warmaster!

Hey you. Yes you heretic ! You see this Bolter ? I am going to savagely beat you about the head with it.

Tac marine looks insanely good. Looking forward to seeing the squad. I certainly agree with the approach it really captures an efficient wartime simplicity while mAintaning the regality of the subject.

Thanks Bladewolf! Limiting the color palette does wonders for a force. But you already know that with your superb Templars.

Anyway, got another Tactical done and will probably finish three more before the weekend ends. Let me know what you guys think!


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"If they will not serve the Emperor, they will serve no one at all." -Legionnaire Shigeta

  • 2 months later...

He looks good. Where are his awesome shoulder pads from?

Stole 'em from my Imperial Fists Command kit. They didn't seem especially... special, so I slapped them on that brother for variety.

Another Marine down!



Lovely marine! I like the auspex. And I see you don't write anything on the parchments, just like me. :biggrin.:


Stole 'em from my Imperial Fists Command kit. They didn't seem especially... special, so I slapped them on that brother for variety.

First thing I did when seeing that marine was checking Sigismund because I knew he had similar pauldrons... Didn't think about checking the command kit haha. Thanks for answering.

you must have a augmetic eye like some of the models do , with a zoom feature 

I can, in fact, confirm he just has regular eyes, although I know it's hard to believe... just wait until you see the praetor... 

Most Impressive!!

Absolutely amazing blood Angels Sir. You should be proud of yourself.

Thanks brother! I certainly have grown fond of them. They feel the most individual of all my armies thus far.

He looks good!

And you paint parchment script better than I do... but what else is new? :tongue.:

Thanks! The parchment comes from years of painting nothing but Space Marines. Someday I might branch out... nah, who am I kidding.

you must have a augmetic eye like some of the models do , with a zoom feature

I don't, but I do sometimes get really really close to them... one time I almost poked my eye with a model's sword!

you must have a augmetic eye like some of the models do , with a zoom feature

I can, in fact, confirm he just has regular eyes, although I know it's hard to believe... just wait until you see the praetor...

No spoilers!

Soric, BlueBelly1863, Krikey and 4 others
  • Like 7
  •  This my favorite of your guys so far, half for the model itself, and half for this:


    "Signus didn't make me a killer. I have always been that, since my childhood on Baal. It just made me merciless." -Brother Sadako


    Chills, man. Chills. Can't wait to see this Praetor, however it might look.

    Praetor Israfel of the Blood Angels' 77th Company

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    “They have called me many things. Terra’s Sword. The Knight of Blood. One-Winged Angel. But I have always preferred the name my father gave me when me first met: Israfel. The Burning One.”

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