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Night Lords 101st company - 1st Legion Link


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Just read through the whole thread and it's incredible.


What kits would you recommend for parts to someone thinking about starting some Night Lords?

Thank you very much! If you were starting, the BnC box is a nice budget starting point for the 3 terror squads. Otherwise, if you're more looking just for bits and trophies in the like, the dark eldar boxes have some nice things. Especially the hellion boxes, they have quite a few skulls and severed limbs. Otherwise it could be worth investing in a cheap box of zombies. Flayed skin is relatively easy to sculpt yourself, if you look in The Murderer's Call, there's a link to a tutorial :) Hope this helps



Looking marvellous. Love the gritty style of painting, and the bases and spot colours (Force/Power Weapons, Volkite and Plasmas) Really offset the dark hues of your Legionnaires.

Thanks Brother :D I'll admit when I went for the weapons, I wasn't actually thinking about spot colours, but I do think it came out well. And what can I say, 30k for me is gritty and dark in the extreme! :P

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  • 2 months later...

I have unfortunately not updated this for a while, how very lacking of me! Soon...soon...


But aside from that, gearing up for an Apoc game down at our local store. Already got the lineup sorted ;) Aside from those engines pictured here I'll be bringing my Warlord and a couple of others bringing a Reaver, Warhound, and Ordinatus. (Along with dozens more knights, superheavies, and vehicles. I won't even mention troops...)


I'll update y'all on how it goes :D 


The doors of Hel open...


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Magnificent, absolutely magnificent!

But all those models just about add up to my total net worth tongue.png

You should really consider doing some written battle reports, they're always a blast to read if done properly (and I know YOU know how to write quite well msn-wink.gif )

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Magnificent, absolutely magnificent!

But all those models just about add up to my total net worth tongue.png

You should really consider doing some written battle reports, they're always a blast to read if done properly (and I know YOU know how to write quite well msn-wink.gif )

Thanks Rune :D I unfortunately never play much these days, and the games I do are typically too small for battle reports :/ I'm working my way through the apoc game, but I've discovered I'm not a fan of writing tanks. Nope. Still, we'll see ;)

.... Sooo... Much... Beautiful... Resin!!! My eyes water at the dust that must have created;)

Seriously dude, no more teasing, we need a whole collection shot now!

laugh.png Just from building a warlord the amount of dust in my room is ridiculous. The floor has slowly turned from a light brown to white...

Unfortunately we never got the chance for a full group shot, though most of us (titan owners) are meeting up to play one last apoc to see off one of our club as he heads off to uni, so I'll see if I can catch a photo then ;) To clarify though, since I may not have been clear, the titans above are not mine. Just our store's patrons. The one I currently have is awaiting paint...

But anyway, I'm going to attempt doing an Apoc report, but much more story based, with a few pictures, and a bit of text where needed! Let's see how it goes :D

This covers the start setup, and our first turn basically. Looking at how long that took each story part will be a turn laugh.png

Spearhead attack: BRI

Kyron felt the ground shake around him, the reverberations noticeable enough even through the thick adamantium plating of Skinwolf. The ancient mars pattern fellblade shook as the accelerator cannon fired again, explosive charge speared towards the enemy lines. Return fire lanced out in reply, high energy shots carving through the armour plating of a auxilia battle tank dozens of metres to Skinwolf’s left, the fuel reserves catching alight in a blaze that lapped at Skinwolf's hull, and immolated any crew that had survived the initial shot.
Unlatching the top hatch, Kyron pulled himself up. This was a battle that he needed to see himself with his black eyes. This would decide the fate of the planet, both forces made up of armies more suited to razing cities, and neither with the opportunity to retreat. Around him the gorge was chewed up, explosions and tanks ripping through the soil with wild abandon, while the air was smoky, the sun hidden. The few infantry that he could see, a mixture of auxilia forces and legion squads were merely trying to survive. Even as he looked around a stream of fire from a enemy malcador burnt the remains of a legion heavy support squad to cinders, the rocky outcrop that had provided them cover doing nothing against the all consuming fires. The blinking icons in his retinal display indicated the squad was not of the 101st. The 42nd then. There was no pity in his mind, even though they were the same legion. Then again, even if they had been in the 101st it would have been the same.
His thoughts were interrupted by a low pitched whine as the sponson mounted lascannon arrays charged up for another volley of shots. Looking forward towards the edge of mountain range, where around the corner the full strength of the loyalist forces remained, the smoke started to clear and Kyron could see clearly.
Steel warriors strode forward, gigantic weapon systems shattering lesser armour with every shot, while a variety of close combat weapons carved through adamantium plating as if it was ephemeral. Knight-Atrapos Moros of House Nyx, a valuable and long-standing ally of the 101st led its kin to battle. Knight-Paladins and Knight-Gallants followed, sparks flying as low caliber weaponry merely dented their thick armour. Another mark of walker, close to the Cerastus pattern armour in size also followed, though not immediately recognisable. Crimson armour blazed even through the dark air, and a gigantic toothed axe that looked as if it could rip through the leg of a titan was swung in wide arcs. After a brief info-request to the servitors upon the Persephone in orbit, a name appeared in his display: Kytan. XII legion asset. Of course, that would explain the weapon and colours. They were not known for subtlety. Kyron doubted they even knew the meaning of the word.
A chime in his audio receiver indicated the accelerator cannon was ready to fire again, at his command. He gritted his teeth in satisfaction. Time to add another notch to the barrel. Briefly he communicated with the tanks of the 42nd near him, a relatively new fellblade, as of yet unnamed. A shadowsword on the opposite flank of their push, aptly named Spear. As one they fired their weapon systems. A pair of enemy baneblades that had pushed too far around the mountain corner were caught in the fire. Las fire burnt out the refractor shields they had, and punched burning holes in their hides. A second later both accelerator cannons fired, armour penetrating rounds bursting straight through the pale hull of the right tank, before detonating. The explosion brought the tank to a halt, turret pushed off by the pure force of the explosion.
Too late its sister realised its mistake, furiously driving in reverse, trying to put the fresh corpse in between it and it’s predator.
Too slow.
Spear let loose with its volcano cannon, energy of a newborn sun covering the kilometres in a second, the white laser beam transfixing the baneblade for but a second before burning all the way through. Any crew caught in the way would be vaporised in an instant, any others inside dead merely from the proximity to the shot. It too ground to a stop, only metres from the other smoking wreck.
Then there was a metallic growl, loud enough even to reach Skinwolf.
Around the mountain corner, still kilometres away, but close enough to see clearly, came the bulk of the enemy forces. A sea of knight-titans surged forward, brightly coloured hides glimmering in the half light pushing through the smoke. Though no cerastus chassis were among them, the mere amount would be more suited to a crusade. Kyron did a quick count, as well as he could with the two sides trading long range firepower. Twenty. Maybe more. Following them in quick bounding steps a pair of Warhound scout titans, their arms hanging low with powerful weapon systems. With a low curse in gutteral nostraman Kyron climbed back into the centre of the tank. There was killing to be done.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Vox-transcript Epsilon-X-III-Null

::: Recovered from wreckage of Ident:Herald

*elaboration - long range defense satellite*

Literic - Gothic/unknown mix

Encryption - Negative

Accompanied - Positive: PictCapt Theta-VIII

Identifier - Negative




Darkness falls upon your bloated world.

Rejoice, for upon its ebon wings

Will be your salvation


Tesha Sorsollun, Tesha Uthullun

Tesha Voroshica

Solruthis veh za jass



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I am in love with that knight with the cockpit head, so cool.

From one of the stores more...experimental converters. laugh.png I think he was going for the mech from Avatar look a bit. I'll pass on your admiration

That's hella-mazing!

Very chilling, and that headswap is excellent. thumbsup.gif

Thanks man biggrin.png Glad you like him. What do you think of the pose? Trying to organise it so it looks more natural has been difficult. Any feelings on whether it should be more up/down?

Also, general consensus time. Should I add a pair of psychic wings to him? These style (but trimmed down) Or would that be too OTT?


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Nah, leave him wingless. He's perfect as he is, brother.


Damn, Konrad looks sexy with a helmet. Damn.

Good call on the helmet, Conrad's looking spiffy when he's all dressed up like that. And I'm sorta torn on the wings, but it's probably best to leave them off.

What The Psycho said, he's perfect as is!

Though the wings certainly don't look bad at all....

Thanks guys smile.png Happy to see the psychopath is popular biggrin.png I'll probably leave the wings off then. Maybe small magnetisation for future though... A choice between cloak and wings. Long term plan is to have him in a diorama with Corax, both kinda leaping at each other. So I felt the wings may be a nice 'opposite' to Corax.

Such a dilemma with Curze. It's very tempting to see what the trimmed down wings would look like. He is described as being surrounded with a swirling darkness. I'm still thinking a cloak would be better, however it is a really interesting concept...

I've always been tempted to add a few of the spirit hosts painted black/dark swirling around him, so that might be an option. He'll also have his flayed cloak as well, but I'll have a look if there's a way to magnetise it all together.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Opinions on the attempt at muscle? Yes/needs work/never try again? Think possibly another layer of watered down gloss red.

I am aware the blending needs work, but this is more aimed at thoughts on the effect and execution.



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If you could paint super thin, I'd suggest some pinky streaks in the darker red sections of the bundles, but other than that score 1 aeternas

Pinky streaks where exactly, in the dark parts between the main streaks? If so I'll have a go on the next pad. Trying to nail down the technique without sculpting it on so I can add it to Curze 2.0s armour, planning something different to just midnight blue :P 


Ive never really been a fan of the official Curze mini, but holy crap such a simple thing as a headswap makes me want to paint my own.

Also, if done right, the wings would look amazing.

Glad you like it :) Going to be a struggle getting the head 'looking up' enough to complement the pose, but it makes the mini a lot nicer. Pity I can't quite find a perfect helm for him, a Night Raptor helm just seems like a cop out. I'm going to see how much I can add before it all goes ott, but I think the wings could add a lot of character. They'd certainly be psychic power style though, rather than bone and flesh. Can't decide what colour though, black/grey? Or green/blue/white?

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The answer now haunts us, truer than e’er before.
Humanity didn’t find monsters out there, among the glittering stars.
No, we created them ourselves.
And now those stars look back at us with the same feelings of dread and despair.
-Attributed to Remembrancer Sarnell, attached to VIIIth legion

In between the white tips. On the curvy bands smile.png

gotcha :) I'll have a look at the next muscle

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Man, this is all really nice stuff. The Curze poze change is cool, hadn't considered that as something that could be done. The one thing I would want to try is possibly turning Curze's head so he is looking in the direction of the other claw. I just feel it would make the arm positions make more sense, though you would lose the pouncing predator look (gaining a nice leaping out of the way pose, but still). Will look awesome whatever, but just a personal preference.

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