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Night Lords 101st company - 1st Legion Link


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Man, this is all really nice stuff. The Curze poze change is cool, hadn't considered that as something that could be done. The one thing I would want to try is possibly turning Curze's head so he is looking in the direction of the other claw. I just feel it would make the arm positions make more sense, though you would lose the pouncing predator look (gaining a nice leaping out of the way pose, but still). Will look awesome whatever, but just a personal preference.

Glad you're a fan :) I'll have a look at turning his head around a bit, see what it looks like. Only problems is the wings on the helm limit the poseability of it somewhat. Hopefully I can find someone selling a normal head as well, and magnetise it all, allowing a bit of turning.

Blunt - Heh laugh.png Where's the fun in that

AoP board is starting to be repainted, decided on the wonderful VIIth legion this time round :D Sure some frater here will agree they need to be shown their place. Ground is just about done, and one wing is almost finished. Probably going to be trying to do a molten sheared metal effect around where the platings torn, but we'll see. Working on a couple of casualties to add as well.


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Another raptor down, and the bases for the remaining 3 are fully built. Two more with rocks, one with a marine getting jumped on. Having had a look at half the models I've vowed for this, and realising I also meant them for AoP at the end of this week, we might see a rather rapid progression of painting now tongue.png


One can tell a lot about a world from it's language. From the harsh gutteral phrases of Cthonic dialects to the rough sounds of Fenrisian clan-talk, each of the legions had their own quirks and uniqueness.

Nostraman was one such language.

There is no word for forgiveness in Nostraman, from what I've gathered in my time with the VIIIth legion.

From the upper spire-born to the street dwellers and petty criminals, it does not exist.

The closest phrase I've been able to gather does not have a solid translation, as with most words. Rather it may be read a multitude of different ways, depending on to whom, when, and whom from.


"The crimes of the past in future paid"

"Sands of life to run out in time"

But by far, the simplest translation is thus

"A blade yet to fall"

There is no word for forgiveness in Nostraman

Only for the delay of revenge

-Except from Lexicon of the Legions (v.2.6) - Iterator Baltazar


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  • 2 weeks later...

Glad you all like (as Pheidias says) Mr. Rippy McClawface laugh.png , thanks Pheidias, Idomeneus and MrBear :D

Other 3 raptors are done, just need to sort out bases and fluff before I post them up. In the meantime, almost finished the Knight base and a little something else to tide you over...


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Thanks Helter and KotR :)


The yellow liquid will eventually be lava pool, that's the last bit I've got to do.


And they have plenty of words for justice, probably. Pretty sure they're all similar to the words for punishment or revenge though!

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Thanks Helter and KotR smile.png

The yellow liquid will eventually be lava pool, that's the last bit I've got to do.

And they have plenty of words for justice, probably. Pretty sure they're all similar to the words for punishment or revenge though!

You're welcome.

Ah, okay, I thought it was some kind of toxic sludge I didn't know volcanoes could emit, since I know they release toxic gasses sometimes.

Yeah, probably. tongue.png

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Thanks Helter and KotR :)

The yellow liquid will eventually be lava pool, that's the last bit I've got to do.

And they have plenty of words for justice, probably. Pretty sure they're all similar to the words for punishment or revenge though!

According to something I read they have one such word. It means either a stay of execution or someone putting off murdering someone else.

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She was pulled from a rather relaxing dream, the harsh sounds of the alarm pulling her consciousness to the surface. A look at the projection unit and a swipe at the alarm silenced the grating noise, but did nothing to ease her mind into wakefulness. What could be a just reason for an alert at this time? The alarm was a personal one, the corridors outside her room eerily silent. Not an attack, or breach of the gellar field then, if the former she would feel the ship fighting, and if the latter she’d already be dead. Something to do with the cargo, she could only assume. That damned fool, Dravis. Never could rely on him to do his job. Fool. Slipping into her usual outfit, Sol-Primus Angelika sent a brief telemessage to the observation deck, that she’d be along shortly. 


The ship slid through the warp, slowly, if not smoothly. Akin to an ebon shard, by typical imperial standards it was small for it’s size. Compared to the battleships of the Legions it was a minnow. It’s purpose was never for fighting though, and a small size had its advantages for sure. Whisper was not a ship in service to the Mechanicum, the trade fleets, the Legions, or one of the dozen other organisations making up the fledgling Imperium. Rather its charter was in service to the highest of command indeed - its duty was to the Sigillite himself. 


The cast iron blast doors slid open on oiled tracks, flash-burned runes on the surface pulsing briefly as Angelika walked through. Content of her nature, and her psyche, no alarm was sent to the bridge and barracks a mere two decks above. They closed behind her, an ominous crack announcing her arrival. The observation deck - or rather observation room - stretched out before her, a rectangle of adamantium and plas-glas, overlooking the maze of cubes in the middle. An observation deck built to study a prison - of sorts. Throughout the corridors surrounding the centre were numerous alcoves, personnel attending fanatically to a myriad of consoles, tech, and other devices.


Angelika padded over to one of these alcoves, feeling the cold floor even though her shoes, Situated in the centre of a corridor, the plas-glas gave a clear view of the cells below. Two figures stood as she joined them, a man, and something else. Turning to the man, Sol-Secundus Dravis, her partner for a lack of better terms, she treated him to a withering glare. The bite in her voice cut through any greeting he had prepared.


“Please tell me there was a reason for this, Dravis. As much as I enjoy a full hour of sleep, this better be important”. 


Briefly turning to the other figure, she let her face fall back into a more conciliatory look, before sparing a nod in greeting. 


Grabbing her arm, Dravis pulled her towards the plas-glas. The look in his eyes was fevered, worried. His voice was strained. Angelika pulled her arm away. He never touched her, something was wrong. She looked through the viewpoint, nothing seemed wrong.




“Don’t you see? Look. There, cell B:2, Emperor above


At the last words, the third figure stiffened, fingers flexing on the pommel of the greatsword sheathed at her belt. However no move was made. Stabbing the numbers into a nearby control unit, the plas-glas shimmered, changing from a clear view to a projection, cameras showing the room in near perfect clarity.


Again, Angelika looked. The cell wasn’t crowded, none of them were anymore. Four of the captives were slumped against the walls, eyes shut in dreams or nightmares. Two others were awake, talking in hushed tones. The first had skin the colour of ash, all warmth bled out. Close cut black hair framed his face, unwashed and greasy. The second had some light to his features, a smile. Brown hair contrasting with a healthy complexion. 


Sighing, Angelike turned to Dravis. Disappointment etched on her features. She resisted the urge just to leave.


“So what if they’re talking? Hardly matters. I picked you for your expertise, maybe I should have found someone else.”


Her back turned, she was about to leave, before the third figure stepped forward.


Almost every inch of her skin and body was covered, a black bodysuit covered with ancient metallic plates. The sheath at her side was partially hidden under the thick white fur on her cloak, while her mouth was hidden behind a large brass grille. The two eyes above transfixed Angelika with a look as cold as ice, the tattoos framing her temples inky black upon pale skin. A gauntlet of polished metal and scale held Angelika’s arm, stopping her from walking away. 


Looking onward in alarm, Dravis found his voice. His next words were like a death sentence.


“There should only be five of them”


Angelika froze, fear transfixing her heart. She turned quickly, looking over the projections. Hoping, wishing. Six. Again, six. A third count, and a fourth came to the same conclusion. The Sol-Secundus continued, confidence entering his shaky tones.


“Ident-73. One of the two awake”


Pulling up her neural interface, Angelika searched for the captive.


Age: 9

World: Erin

Strength: Theta

Status: Dead


No. No. No.


She looked again, before angrily stabbing the projector off. It was a trick, some fault in the circuits. Old vid-capts, must be. She looked alarmed through the plas-glas, looking into the cell with her own eyes. 


He was there. Warp damn him, he was there. Smiling, so alive. Her mind wanted to rebel, this was wrong, this was impossible. The Hexagrammic runes on the walls were pulsing a bleeding crimson, strained. But they were still active, the null-field they put up enough to defy daemons and gods. Dravid interrupted her thoughts once again.


“He died three weeks ago, neural strain. His body was ejected into space. I think it’s Ident-28, the other one. He seems to have...brought him back.”


At these words the Sister next to them brought her blade out of its sheath in a single movement, disruptor fields humming as they were brought to life. She stalked off, intent on upholding her duty.


Pulling up another file, Angelika read it quickly as Dravis looked on in alarm, knowing full well what would soon happen.


Age: 11

World: Terra

Strength: Alpha

Status: Alive

Additional: Take precautions - suggested execution


The sister had reached the lower deck now. Cell B:2 was in the middle of the maze, each cube having few portals. She began to make her way through the cells, children snapping awake as she walked by, drowning them in their own minds through her mere presence. By the time she reached B:1 two more had died, blood leaking from their eyes. Then she opened the door to B:2, and stepped inside.


Ident-28 frowned. His friend was disappearing. His friend...was not here. Wait. Who was his friend? He could feel the presence of someone behind him, feeling the shadow they cast over him. In front, the boy was breaking up. He frowned. Parts were peeling away, flecks of skin peeling off, revealing...blue? That was wrong, he knew. People weren’t blue inside. They were red. Not blue. The last of the skin was gone an instant later, leaving an ethereal skeleton, face still set in the rictus smile. That too faded. Ident-28 reached out his hand, scrambling to stop whatever was happening. The outstretched fingers passed through the fading outline as if it was smoke, his hand falling to the floor. Behind him, the executioner's blade was raised, razor-sharp edge catching the light.


Angelika snatched the vox-receiver from the desk as the sister began to raise her sword. He was powerful, too powerful, but their mandate was not to execute. She shouted, hoping the sister would heed her words.


“WAIT! Wait. He had done no harm. He doesn’t need to die, this is what we were sent out to find.”


Her arms staying where they were, weapon remaining a swing away from the boy's neck, the sister turned her head up to the observation deck. Angelika could almost feel the accusation in her eyes, the judgement. She continued.


“We won’t take him back, we can’t risk that. But we don’t need to kill him, you understand? There are other options. Just...just stay with him. Stop him from doing...whatever that was. If he tries to harm you, do what you must. But don’t execute him without cause.”

Again, Angelika felt the cold eyes upon her. She dared to hope she was right. That she hadn’t just damned all the souls upon the Whisper to the warp. Slowly, the sister lowered her arms. She locked the door, before taking up position at the side of the room, hands remaining on the handle of her blade. Ready. The boy in front of her remained on his knees, tears falling from his eyes. Why did his head hurt? It felt...tight. Something painful. He sobbed, tears of salt and blood mixing on the floor below him.


Another sigh, this one of relief. Angelike turned to her secundus. She could see his features echoed the astonishment that she would dare order a sister. Part of her wondered if she were insane, if the long journey had damaged her mind. A problem for another time, for now she needed a solution.


“What’s the nearest legion fleet? Dravis?”


A pause, before he was out of shock. A second later she had an answer, an answer she felt was all too fateful.


“The 268th fleet, Eighth Legion. The Night Lords 101st company”




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Now aetarnes I hope you know that I'm going to need to steal that helmet idea for kurze. I don't feel like I can do kurze justice so I'll probalby add the helmet. Was it hard to take off kurze head or does it come off already? If I didn't love Ahriman so much then I would totally convert him over. I like the sorcerer.
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Heh laugh.png

Now aetarnes I hope you know that I'm going to need to steal that helmet idea for Curze. I don't feel like I can do Curze justice so I'll probalby add the helmet. Was it hard to take off Curze head or does it come off already? If I didn't love Ahriman so much then I would totally convert him over. I like the sorcerer.

Go for it man :D I've always wondered why the primarchs didn't come with helmets. Curze does come with his head separately, though this one was one I bought with the head glued in, so I had to savage it with a knife and drill to get it out. The face isn't too hard though, to be honest. Pale skin is one of the easiest to do, and the eyes and hair aren't too bad. But if you want to give Curze (sorry, pet peeve) a helmet, go for it!

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Name him Shang Tsung^^

Awesome model

Ah but then I'll have to do a Liu Kang themed opponent...(I'm actually tempted to do a Kenshi style White scar to be honest :D ) And thanks!

Aeternas always thought your Night Lords were cool and those Raptors look awesome. Great work. thumbsup.gif

Cheers mate! Hopefully the full lot of 20 will look awesome when fully painted up together.

Now, something of a teaser for what's coming next. Let's see if you can work it out...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks all biggrin.png And yeah, Foamy has it tongue.png Just need to finish off the rest of the heraldry on the armour, then do the other half of the blade, then you'll see him. As for now, I seem to be fully distracted by other projects. (Rhino door freehand (IIIrdlegion), blackshield, BA, DA) so not much NL progress sad.png Sorry

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  • 3 weeks later...

Lil bit of progress on the librarian. Went through quite a few stages on the Shades he's summoning. this is the latest mock up - a mixture of bone and blood. How do you think it is? Works? Otherwise I might and try to go more for the bare muscle angle on them, or just give up and make them blue or green.


Face is almost done, need to add some veins in the forhead. Botched the eyes a bit, so a bit of tidying up is in order but I'm reasonably happy with how it looks. Suitably pale and haunted.



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