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If those bases have anything but the MOST HATED Iron Warriors, I'll be sorely disappointed!


...though having the Purple of the EC, Metallic Blue Green of the AL or Dirty White of the Death Guard would work nicely as colors that'd pop on the base.

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That's an awful lot of yellow.....

He is no longer able to deny his true destiny, his calling and his heritage! Soon he shall join us on the Dark Side of the F- errr...I...uh...mean...uh..Under the Banner of the Legion! Yeah! Totally what I meant!

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I second The Psycho, the shields look ace. Especially liking how they look with the brass/black mix, rather than black/white. Templar crosses add a bit more character to them as well.


One thing, and it may just be me. The middle Terminator appears to be...leaning back somewhat. In the pic from the front at least.

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Power claymores...

Are actually legit things in the Deathwatch RPG by FFG hahaha!
Hah...wow. Please tell me they can only be wielded by the gingerest of marines :laugh.:


Anyone can, actually, but the  Storm Wardens(who might be IF successors :ohmy.:!) who are pretty much Scotts in Space, make the most use of Claymore Weapons, these included.


I've been wanting to use their Heraldry in 30k on some characters for a while but keep forgetting to :tongue.:


Doesn't help that this is a thing:



Edit: changed to a link due to profanity :p


But yeah, Using GKT Giant Power Claymores to represent thunderhammers is fair enough for me since they are noticeably larger than normal power swords, templar as hell and boost up the units style points.

Edited by Slipstreams
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I'm curious why you selected all power swords. I'm guessing they are dedicated for anti MEQ.


I use the giant Grey Knight Terminator Greatswords and use them as either power fists or Thunderhammers ive never had an opponent fuss as the swords are so large and they convey the Templar theme quite well.  Also its always one or the other never mixing and matching. 



Power claymores...

Are actually legit things in the Deathwatch RPG by FFG hahaha!


See if I  could write rules for the unit they would be 


Sword Brethren Terminators 

WS 5  BS 4  S4 T4 W2  I4 A2 LD8 

Crusade Champion

WS 5  BS 4  S4 T4 W2 I4 A3 LD9


Furious Charge , Adamantium Will 


with Tartoros Armor Standard  as well as Greatsword's of Judgement and Stormshields 

Champion  can swap his greatsword for  TH /  solarite Gauntlet / Axe  if he so desires for appropriate points cost


Greatsword of Judgement 

Str + 3 ap 2  Reaping Blow  



But you know ... I dont write the rules 




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They would be soddingly overpowered!


Probably wouldn't need Reaping blow :P maybe they'd work similar to the 40k DA's Maces?


+2S Ap3 - then a rule to replace concussive, as these are swords not maces, perhaps +1I or Shred to count as them cutting down traitors at a long reach.


Then you can have a two handed smite mode, Sx2 Ap2 but only one attack (plus an extra for charging), so to Mirror Polux.


They'd rock.

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Power claymores...

Are actually legit things in the Deathwatch RPG by FFG hahaha!
Hah...wow. Please tell me they can only be wielded by the gingerest of marines :laugh.:


Anyone can, actually, but the  Storm Wardens(who might be IF successors :ohmy.:!) who are pretty much Scotts in Space, make the most use of Claymore Weapons, these included.


I've been wanting to use their Heraldry in 30k on some characters for a while but keep forgetting to :tongue.:


Doesn't help that this is a thing:



Edit: changed to a link due to profanity :tongue.:


But yeah, Using GKT Giant Power Claymores to represent thunderhammers is fair enough for me since they are noticeably larger than normal power swords, templar as hell and boost up the units style points.


:laugh.: :laugh.: :laugh.: Thanks for that, gave me a good laugh. I remember seeing a deathwatch campaign somewhere with an alpha legion, they always seem to be rather amusing.


And holy moly those rules :P Just saying, why would the champion ever swap his weapon for an axe?  :huh.:


But what Charlo said would balance them out rather well I think. Time to get on the phone to fw...

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Remember Reaping blow also imposes an initiative penalty  so they would be effectively I3  in combat. 

This is circumvented by using Sigismund obviously which would make them I4 on the charge. Then back to I3 for subsequent rounds.  Obviously at that point  the cost starts becoming quite high for the unit. 

Dorn has Reaping Blow now which is why I went in that direction.  

Would shy away from using the DA  mechanic cause well its a DA mechanic. 

The stuff that would push them over the edge like Stone Gauntlet putting them up to T5  requires large points investments in stuff like breachers , or taking sigismund to make sure they have an I4 charge requires taking sigismund , compound that with the absolute requirement of an assault transport and likely slight point bump for being a specialist unit and I think they would be taken  and have a clear direction.  They like Dorn in his new configuration kill 2+ save models , they have an absolutely insane charge then an Okay remaining few rounds of combat.  As they can only double out t4 on the charge. 

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Personally I'd call Reaping Blow a DG Mechanic, as it's more based around the Scythes of Mortarion and the Deathshroud. I imagine Dorn has it because the rule made sense as a good way to alleviate him of unwieldy and his Chainsword is XBAWX HUEG.


I think the compound buffs is the problem, but they'll probably cost a metric tonne. I'd consider leaving them at 1W though, or then they just sort of become Deathshroud +1 (exchange hand flamers for 3++) and WS5 etc.


All fun speculation though, and besides it all the models look AWESOME.


Partially enough to inspire these for me ;)


Hidden Content

They're my BA version of Deathwing Knights. Some guy on eBay was selling the normal Terminator dudes with GK swords so I beheaded them and blinged them up. #ThreadJack





Yours are cooler though because 30k... :D

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