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Command Structure


Ever the pragmatic man, upon taking command Pionus simply accelerated the reforms set in motion by Antonidas, altering them subtly as he and his First Captain worked to improve the XIX. One of their primary concerns was flexibility. While the Déka served in roles roughly analogous to Lord Commanders, at times it became necessary to spread the Legion more thinly, and not every campaign could be overseen by one of the ten.


To overcome this obstacle, the position of Theatre Commander was instituted by Pionus. It was a temporary role which would either be allocated by one of the Déka or Pionus himself, or in their absence, by a vote of the captains. This system was meant to ensure that the most suitable commander was selected for any given challenge. A side effect of this custom was that specialist captains, including breachers, assault and recon specialists, found themselves in overall command roles far more often than their counterparts in other Legions, even advancing to the lofty heights of the Déka.


The last change Pionus made was the Synedrion, the council that existed to advise him and facilitate communication among the various branches of the Legion. This comprised the Déka and the Triumvirate of Forge Lords, as well as Inna Santor in her capacity as head of the Apothecarion and the Chief Librarian.

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@simison yeah, 400 points works fine for me :smile.:


Excellent. Then that concludes the last bit of crunch for the Godslayers for now. Grifft, do you need me to repeat the changes? Also, are the Godslayers missing anything from either the fluff or crunch chapters? And did the Iron Bears get the rest of the info they needed? 


I'd really like to get these two legions across the finish line within the next week.

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If you could that would be great. I just want to make sure I've not missed anything. As for the Bears: Redd and I exchanged some messages before BnC went down, but I don't know whether things have been completed in the interim. So there are still some bits that need some adjustment.

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Last I heard, he's a bit ill, so might be a day or two before he's posting again


 Darn, may he recover from Nurgle's 'gifts' soon.


Actually, the question about giving Daer'dd a transport is still unanswered. What do people think of that?


And 3,000 posts! Only 27,000 more to go...

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He will never fit a rhino or land raider


Or that new stormbird might be big enough ;)

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Last I heard, he's a bit ill, so might be a day or two before he's posting again


 Darn, may he recover from Nurgle's 'gifts' soon.


Actually, the question about giving Daer'dd a transport is still unanswered. What do people think of that?


And 3,000 posts! Only 27,000 more to go...


Oh god don't remind me about post count D:


If he gets a Dedicated Transport, a Mastodon would make the most sense.

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I'm more or less alive! Nasty business with my face and jaw almost over. Also if a doctor even thinks you have a blood infection make sure you do everything to beat it; mine was misdiagnosed as cancer at first and 14 years later my immune system is still fethed.



As for the transport I wanted a Mastodon with different armaments (more to Daer'dd's style) as he works beautifully with the Claws RoW but in the Iron Tide RoW not as much.

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If you want to swap out mastodons weapons, your only real options are:

  • The Heavy Flamers
  • The Lascannons 
  • Skyreaper Battery

Ideally, you want to keep the cost in line with a non-modified equivalent but, due to it being a dedicated transport to a Primarch and only available in games of 3k+ you have a bit more leeway in how much extra you can tack on before increasing the price.


Kinda like Dorns Thunderhawk which is better than an equivalent thunderhawk in every way but cheaper.

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So I worked on some water combat rules to give it more flavor



Surface Water Rules

Sink or Swim:

-Movement for non-jetbike infantry and monstrous creatures is reduced to 3 while in water

-At the end of every player turn the player must make a sink or swim check for each infantry model in the oceran. Make an armor save for each model. If they PASS their save they lose a wound as they sink to the bottom of the ocean.

-Walkers are destroyed if they end any phase in the ocean

-Jet packs or jump packs may not be activated in the ocean

-Charge distance is reduced to 1d6

Waterborne: Bikes, Calvary or beasts are not subject to the sink or swim rule as new mounts/vehicles are found to operate in the water. However they are removed from play if they leave the ocean.


                -Ramming operates normally

                -Tank Shocks work normally except any infantry model hit must make a sink or swim check

                -All vehicles are considered open topped for the purpose of shooting and assault purposes

                -Vehicles with embarked units may declare an assault against another vehicle. This may not be declared if the vehicle went flat out

                                -The vehicle and unit inside may overwatch at either the unit inside or the vehicle

                                -If the charge is successful move the boat next to the other boat.

                                -All models are considered locked in combat/in base to base.

                                - models are considered in cover (for overwatch)

                                -Players distribute wounds amongst their own models

                                -Defenders have a +5 save in which they can use as they are “defending” their boat


Underwater Rules:

Swimming: All models with the exception of walkers can move as if they were skimmers/jump infantry while maintaining their normal movement rates. Aka you can swim over a spot of difficult terrain. However moving into difficult terrain works normally, and only inflicts dangerous terrain checks on those who normally take one. Charges are always reduced by 2.


Adjusted Equipment: Bikes, cavalry and beasts take no swimming penalty for charging.


Pressurized Suits:  All weapons and attacks of strength 4 or higher are considered to have the rending special rule unless their target has an armor value, a +2 save or the hardened rule.  Against units of mixed armor values apply these rending wounds to the most vulnerable models first.

Higher Density Medium: Weapon ranges are halfed.


Pressurized: No unit may fire from a firing port as they have been sealed.  In addition open topped vehicles are considered closed at +10 points or they may not be taken.

Boarding Actions:  Vehicles may launch assaults against other vehicles. They roll 2d6-2.

                -Vehicles may over watch

                -For each access point 2 models may participate in the assault (bulky count as 2) If a vehicle has the assault vehicle rule this increases to 3.

                -Both vehicles are considered locked in place for the duration of the assault but may still fire. 

                -Both units are fearless, once one unit is wiped out, the vehicle of the losing side also dies as their crew is mercilessly cut down by the boarders. (wrecked result)

                -If a vehicle suffers an explode result while locked in combat every model In both units suffer a hit each. On a 4-6 the other vehicle suffers a shaken result with no HP loss (in addition to any damage from the blast)



Maybe the underwater boat boarding could be removed if it adds unnecessary complication.

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