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A Mordian march to glory


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Although I haven't been playing my Mordians much lately. A few brutal wins at my local store as brought some ire to them. So they're on R&R while I play with my RG and prep them for an upcoming tournament.


However I do have some general updates I need to add to this thread. Hopefully I'll get them done this weekend.


If only WF would make it easier for me to upload pics on my phone ;)

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Although I haven't been playing my Mordians much lately. A few brutal wins at my local store as brought some ire to them. So they're on R&R while I play with my RG and prep them for an upcoming tournament.


However I do have some general updates I need to add to this thread. Hopefully I'll get them done this weekend.


If only WF would make it easier for me to upload pics on my phone ;)

I’m in exactly the same boat with my IG being a bit strong and have gone back to playing my Revilers (RG) for a while, going to my first tournament in years last weekend.

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Time for a bit of an update!

A few weeks back I decided I would sell my Leman Russes and all the Cadian infantry I had.

My former LR's


The Cadians I had been holding onto so I could use them as Conscripts. However we all know that shipped as sailed, so I saw no reason to hold on to them any more. It was close to 100 models, which went towards my new Custodes force :biggrin.:

I have plenty of Mordians, most of which aren't painted to cover me for my rank and file troops.

The LR's I decided to sell for 2 reasons.

  1. All 5 were in vairous states of magnetisation, and none of the sponsons had been fully magentised
  2. I decided I had enough of painting my white + red colour scheme

So the easiest way to deal with this seemed to be sell and restart :smile.:

(I kept my Chimera chassis vehicles and Tarouxi as they don't require magnetisation and I can just strip and repaint them easy enough)

I had been pondering about my new scheme and did post previously about using a blue grey and red. However after doing some travel for work the last few weeks I've decided to borrow on American Airlines new livery of Grey, White, Blue and Red.


I will most likely use a slightly darker grey and I'm not sure I will include the white, but we shall see.

So currently waiting in my IG build queue is:


The new scheme I think will compliment my Mordians well and will still work with what I had in mind for my Baneblade when I eventually build it. The upside to the scheme is that I could also call it a different regiment if I want too. :smile.:

I'm not sure when I'll get back into my IG and the tanks, as I have a tournament with my RG coming up. They require a lot of painting. I've also start a Custodes army and managed to pick up half a Knight Renegade kit for an awesome price. (I also want to repaint my bright orange / green knights too).

I also still need to finish off my Ogryns, theyre 80% of the way there, but still need the details done and some varnish.


Oh and of course I finished Sly for our painting challenge :smile.:


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Me: "Why are you wearing a white shirt in a jungle? That just screams, 'I'm over here! Shoot me now!'"


Marbo: "This is arctic camouflage."


Me: "But there's no..."


Me (watching Marbo thrust his Catachan knife into the sky, pierce a cloud above the North Pole, pull this cloud all the way from the arctic, and make it surrender its contents above the jungle): "... Snow. I should know better than to doubt you, shouldn't I?"

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  • 3 weeks later...

Someone let me on ebay the other day ...


I should also have another HB and autocannon team arriving shortly. I currently have a bazillion lascannons I should probably consider selling a few.

I also dont know what I'm gonna do with the ML...


Finally got around to a minor conversion I've been wanting to do for a while. Stole a cadians power fist for my commander. I can either use him as a commander or more commissar. :D

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Cool haul Duz! :D


I have a small pile of those Cadian Officers all of whom were collected to donate their power fists the same way! ;) The leftover laspistol could go onto that Mordian Sergeant in the background?


With respect to the heavy weapons:


1) I'd hang onto the missile launcher. If GW are indeed serious about having continual balance improvements to the game rather than regular new editions every 4 years, you never know when they might suddenly become decent again. The Mordian MLs are also less common than the other weapons, as they were released right at the very end of 2E, and were largely mail order only. Worst case, you can still use him in bigger games to take the odd pot-shot at lighter vehicles?


2) The Lascannons are really cool models IMO. If you want to use them, just leave the cannon and shield off and mount a different weapon on there from the current plastics. I'd normally suggest an Autocannon would look great, but I know they aren't a great choice this edition either. Still, a small magnet in each trunnion, and you could use it for the bigger plastic HB, whilst still being able swap it out in future for other weapons. Crew-wise, the gunner is pretty generic, and the loader can just be swapped for a trooper with a lasgun - that keeps them suitable for whatever weapon you want in future.

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Yes I've been wondering about that pistol. I wanted to use it as a hotshot laspistol but they're no longer a wargear item. :(


The Sgt in the background is missing his laspistol and seeing I also have more Sgts than I know what to do with I may convert him up as something special for my command squad :)


Good idea with the HWTs... I will keep that in mind.

I just heard from one of the ebay sellers apologising for being away when I ordered my AC team. So he's gonna throw in a few extra Mordians for the bother :D


If they make the ML cheaper than the lascannon I could possibly throw them in a vet or command squad. ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I guess its been a while since I've updated this.
I've been dabbling in Custodes non of which are completely painted either... :blush.:
Meanwhile...  less than a month until I'm attending a large tournament, I have done 0 practice and 0 painting!
On top of that we decided to purchase a house and are moving this weekend
That means the likelihood of doing any further painting is also close to 0


I had planned to run a pure Raven Guard list, given at the time IG were still kings of the scene.

However now we've managed to take a back seat from what I understand, I'm more comfortable bring them, plus I've never taken my IG to this event.

For fun I'm thinking of the following list:

Regimental Doctrine: Mordian
+ HQ +
Company Commander, Laspistol, Power sword
Lord Commissar, Bolt pistol, Power fist, Power sword
+ Troops +
Infantry Squad
Grenade Launcher
Heavy bolter
2x Infantry Squad
Grenade Launcher
Militarum Tempestus Scions (5)
2x Plasma gun
+ Elites +
Bullgryns (3)
Bullgryn Maul, Slabshield
Ministorum Priest, Autogun, Chainsword, Laspistol
Platoon Commander, Plasma pistol, Power sword
3x Plasma gun
+ Fast Attack +
Hellhound, Heavy Bolter, Track Guards
+ Heavy Support +
2x Basilisks
+ Flyer +
Valkyries, Missile Pods
*Chapter Selection*: Raven Guard
+ HQ +
Captain, Power sword, Storm bolter
Kayvaan Shrike
Lieutenants, power axe, master crafted bolter
+ Troops +
Scout Squad (5)
Heavy Botler
Scout Squad (5)
Sniper Rilfe
Missile Launcher
Tactical Squad (5)
+ Elites +
Terminator Assault Squad (5)
Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield
+ Heavy Support +
Devastator Squad (5)
4x Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Lascannon

This list isn't meant to be top tables, or even top 50% of players. Its meant to be some fun which I can hopefully throw off a few players who over estimate their skills. 
I could drop a couple of things and squeeze in my Hellblasters, although I'm reluctant to drop my Hellhound, because its a great anti horde and assault unit.


I'm actually quite happy with the guard element, although I wish I had 2 more HB's painted up instead of the AC's.

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ACs are actually pretty decent now a days. They hurt light Necron vehicles with quantum shields, they chew up primaris marines, good against multi wound with an invulnerable save. Although their target band is smaller then previous editions there are some targets where autocannons shine.
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Revised plan:

  1. Drop the plasma on the scions
  2. Make them cheap DS objective grabbers than can get a 2+ in cover thanks to IG strat's ;)
  3. Put a flamer on the tac's which can SftS and camp on an objective and also be 2+ in cover
  4. Give snipers camo cloaks so theyre also 2+ in cover and -1 to hit ;) (hopefully the tac's will be -1 to hit too)
  5. Then I have two tough 2+ units that can potentially deliver T1 charges 


Muahahah! :devil:


Yeh AC's are good against 2 wound models and Necrons...

Maybe I'll see more of those given last large competitive event I went to there was maybe 3 or 4 codexes out?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Took time out on Saturday from moving and setting / fixing up our new house to play at a local RTT

This was a practice run for the GT (Major) I have this weekend in KC

My list isn't meant to be ultra competitive, I'm aiming for 2W-4L and middling of the pack as thats normally where I have the most fun.

The list is primarily based off what I have painted already as I didn't have the time or drive this year to paint up a specific list.

I ended up placing 9 of 12, going 1-2.

  • I was tabled against some DE thanks to some crummy terrain and bad mission selection. Highlight was my 5 man tac squad dealing 3 damange to a DE boat on overwatch and then continually chip away at it every combat and shooting phase, until it flew away with 3 wounds left.
  • I lost to some Necrons, damn buggers won't die! Highlight of that game was Shrike taking out 3 of 6 tomb blades in 1 turn of assault, only to have 2 reappear, fly off and shoot him.
  • Last match up was against the Ork player who came last and I won. It was a fun match we both laughed lots as we beat each other up in CC. He had a bucket load of killer kans and grot tanks. Definitely the most fun game of the day, would have been more fun if his dice were a bit hotter.
Learnt a few things about running my list, the missions and Necrons for this coming weekend. Will take more pics during the event! :biggrin.:

Oh and I won best painted :biggrin.:

Not hard when only ~3 armies there were actually fully painted! :wink:

I got a $20 voucher (was $10 entry fee) and put it towards what appears to be the OoP Redoubt for the table I need to put together now I have a house with gaming space! :biggrin.:





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A wild Baneblade appeared last night! :o


3rd one I've built in a year? First one thats actually mine :D

Now when will I find the time to paint these for ETL so I dont wear the badge of shame...

And yes those are magnets you can see. Thanks Elmo! :tu:

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  • 2 weeks later...
I managed to make it to the Midwest Conquest again for the 3rd year in a row, Its an accomplishment seeing as that is the same weekend as my wedding anniversary...
As always it was a fun event where I caught up with a bunch regular midwest tournament goers. They use the Renegade Open format, which has changed again this year. I'm not convinced with all the changes they have made to their missions, however thats another topic.
This was my first tournament in several years I decided not to paint up a new list. So my list had to consist of what I already had painted and thought looked good :smile.:
I'd also just sold my Leman Russes to rebuild and paint them, so heavy support was limited.
As such I went with a dual battalion of Mordians and Ravenguard. The list is far from competitive, but was filled with stuff I enjoy playing. My goal was 2 wins (4 losses), spoiler I went W-W-L-D-L-W and my 5th round opponent (who I know) said he and his team mates were laughing at my list during lunch before our match up.
I placed 28 / 77 overall
My list was:
Regimental Doctrine: Mordian
+ HQ +
Company Commander, Laspistol, Power sword
Lord Commissar, Bolt pistol, Power fist, Power sword
+ Troops +
Infantry Squad
Grenade Launcher
Heavy bolter
2x Infantry Squad
Grenade Launcher
Militarum Tempestus Scions (5)
2x Plasma gun
+ Elites +
Bullgryns (3)
Bullgryn Maul, Slabshield
Ministorum Priest, Autogun, Chainsword, Laspistol
Platoon Commander, Plasma pistol, Power sword
3x Plasma gun
+ Fast Attack +
Hellhound, Heavy Bolter, Track Guards
+ Heavy Support +
2x Basilisks
+ Flyer +
Valkyries, Missile Pods
*Chapter Selection*: Raven Guard
+ HQ +
Captain, Power sword, Storm bolter
Kayvaan Shrike
Lieutenants, power axe, master crafted bolter
+ Troops +
Scout Squad (5)
Heavy Botler
Scout Squad (5)
Sniper Rilfe
Missile Launcher
Tactical Squad (5)
+ Elites +
Terminator Assault Squad (5)
Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield
+ Heavy Support +
Devastator Squad (5)
4x Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Lascannon
The match ups:
Round 1
vs Death guard with Mortarian : WIN
Was my opponents first event, I went first and with SftS and my Valk I sent my heavy hitters (punchers?) to slow down Morty.
He proceeded to slice them up into little pieces, but went down to lascannons and basilisks next turn, with the majority of army now out of commission he conceded
Round 2
vs Tau : WIN
Again I went first and rinse, repeated the same tactic of going to beat stuff up
This list was a lot of firewarrior spam, which went down quickly to lasguns, it was nice being able to wound stuff on 4s!! :laugh.:
My opponent was a good guy, he zoomed his flying melta commander behind my lines to nuke a basilisk. He forgot so I reminded him, he dropped it a profile and I proceeded to FRFSRF him wit 3 infantry squads the follow turn.
Round 3
vs more Tau : LOSS
This opponent was a local, I had planned on throwing the game at this point because I didn't want to win any more!
However I decided to give this one a shot, unfortuantely we had equal drops and he placed first so he won the roll off and I failed to sieze
Not having played much Tau this edition I wasn't sure how to handle shiled drone spam
After 1 turn I released best to just shoot the drones first, however at that point he'd farily punished my back line, my terminators wilted to mass fire power as a distraction carinfex in his back line and he managed to nuke all 3 bullgryns in over watch... :ermm:
I conceded so I could head out early and hang with the missus
Round 4
vs Eldar : DRAW
This was a fun game, super close as it ended up in a draw. Had I picked my secondaries better I might have edged out by 1 point. It was also my first interaction with heavy pshycics this edition... I can see why people run Culexus still! I made the mistake of charging his farseer (?) With my vet's thinking I could take them out in combat. Turns out you do enough wounds on 2's even without AP guardsmen will fall down :sad.:
Round 5
vs IG : LOSS
This was a fun match up! His list was a more competitive variation of mine, with Celestine and some cursaders, a max squad of death company and a bunch of scouts. 2nd time we had equal drops and I deployed second. His first turn was brutal as expected, everything assaulted my lines in the modified hammer and anvil. My Terimanators and Shrike tried to distract him, but his Cadian squads and artillery proved too deadly. Shrike was taken out in overwatch from a Basilisk :sad.:
I tried to counter, however the death company proved too much in their initial strike.
Round 6
vs TS: WIN
My opponent was new to the game, lucky sod started in 8th. He had Magnus, Arhiman, some demon princes 3 helldrakes and some other bits and bobs. I went second and figure it would be game over. However perhaps my opponents lack of experience, or desire to leave early meant although he did a lot of damage with his mortal wound output. Shrike bravely took to the air to take out some hellturkies, turnouts out with their bonuses against FLY that was a bad idea... Favourite part of the match was Magnus with 1 wound left sucummed to not just 1, but 3 lasgun shots failing all 3 3++ 's :biggrin.:
I also over killed Arhiman, apparently I had already killed him and continued to roll dice on the next weapon without needing to do so. My opponent conceded with just 1 character left, the hellturkies and a couple of squad of bloodletters yet to arrive.
Overall it was a great event! My list went surprsingly well and caught a few people off guard. The Bullgryns were hands down the allstars!
The Terminators with SftS were great! Next time I need to paint up a chaplain for a cheaper way for re-rolls in combat. (I knew this already, but see painting restriction above). And that was with most of my shenanigans never working thanks to dice gods!
The other thing I learnt, was also I like to make well rounded TAC lists, this was definitely an Alpha strike list. I only won 1 game where I didn't go first (my last).
Having placed that well with a sub-optimal list I've got a list in the works I'm aiming for 4-2 :biggrin.:


Forgot to add, 4 of my games ended in either tabling or conceding, 2 didn't get past turn 3? in 3hrs... food for thought

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