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A Mordian march to glory


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So in light of my terrible outing I have made a few changes to my list.
Although before that Orks are on their way so Yarrick is as well! :biggrin.:
I have the 2nd/3rd ed model which I've been wanting to paint for a while. However I do like the new sculpt too so I decided I'd start on him first.
Experimenting a bit with zenithal highlighting, but not sure its working all that well. Also as mentioned trying the metallic black I had got, that does seem to be working?

I got my grubby paws on some 2nd hand Scions that a friend was offloading and bought a KT AM starter kit off someone who was offloading theirs.
My new list has a small patrol of them so a command rod seemed like a good idea seeing as I didn't have a model for that yet.


Now my solution for Knights :biggrin.:


I also bought some W Artel mini's, theyre amazing!
I needed a Daemonhost for my Eisenhorn model :wink:
And the commander looked neat so she will probably end up as a Lord Commissar with Relic power sword :smile.:


My local GW store changed manager recently and has decided to dedicate specific days to certain events and is apparently being a tyrant with table use
That has spurred me into action to set up my own table
I already have the table and a mat, just need to finish putting together my new terrain kits
I have a few container kits and the spare ruins in the new terrain gave me an idea :smile.:


Also a few chores I've been going through
Taroux are next up for the new paint scheme


My storage space was getting a bit outta control so I straightened things up so I knew what is where

Edited by duz_
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There are only two Yarricks, the 2nd ed one with the crab claw and skeleton gun and the 3rd edition/war one that got re-released in finecast, there is no 'new' one, the age gap between the two is under half of the time between newer one and the present.


I converted a 2nd ed Yarrick into a female Valhallan company commander this year. If you do get around to painting your 2nd ed one then I can only say I hope you like 2mm wide skulls.

Edited by Closet Skeleton
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Good luck with the superheavy tank. Will you convert it into a Fortress of Arrogance to go with that Yarrick model?


Many years ago I did see an awesome conversion of that

I won't be going that far with mine, however the thought did cross my mind

Maybe if I do another BB ;)



There are only two Yarricks, the 2nd ed one with the crab claw and skeleton gun and the 3rd edition/war one that got re-released in finecast, there is no 'new' one, the age gap between the two is under half of the time between newer one and the present.


I converted a 2nd ed Yarrick into a female Valhallan company commander this year. If you do get around to painting your 2nd ed one then I can only say I hope you like 2mm wide skulls.


Well is new to me as it appeared after I began my hobby hiatus :D

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Tough break with the Tournament. My experience has been similar recently, knights knights everywhere!


New knights are tough for Guard, but at least their stratagems now cost significantly more and you wont see the Loyal 32 as much now either. 


I have heard that Orks are going to be "meta changing". Not sure what that entails but I am happy to face orks all day over knights :tongue.:

Edited by Mordian Glory
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My BB is now 3 colours minimum :D

Went with gold for the main cannon

Now I can start washing recesses and doing detail hopefully that breaks it up a bit ...

Still not 100% sold on it so C&C welcome

I'll keep going and if I'm not happy I guess I'll just strip it and start again ^_^


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No name yet, although Goldmember has been suggested a couple of times :lol:

Took a break from the BB last night primed some terrain and a few other random models seeing as I'm done with the airbrush for the most part on the BB

Built up 4 HSVG scions from the various kits I had left over and picked up. The Scion kit is annoying in that you have so many extra bits but if you want to use the cables their poses and combinations are unique. I managed to find 3 of the right sets but had to kitbash the 4th with a spare finger of death. It worked ok, you can see the cables didnt line up the greatest. So I found a small paper clip that actually worked well as a clamp to keep it aligned as the plastic glue dried.


I also cracked open the next box of terrain I have to build. These statues look awesome. I think I'm going to magnetise the buttress on the back so I can place them sans building if I want because they do look good. I have a second box of these I believe :D


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Yes indeed! Tournament season is over so now its time to paint what I want not what I need :D

Nothing exciting today just a blue container with zenithal highlighting and Russ grey drybrush

Looks non descript space containery enough I guess... :)


Will have limited progress the next week or so though travelling with work then family commitments. Will hopefully get some custodes assembled during my travel though ;) :tu:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Less is more the tank itself is meant to be the shrine ;)

Got some details laid down and then took it for a test shoot on the table next to another tank



So at this point I'm not sure... so I took my mind off it and finished another project :D


And yes I finally finished building my KT terrain et al and put it on my table. I have some of those new kits coming in shortly too.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I've all but finished my first piece of terrain! :D

I just need to varnish it and its done

I would no recommend Wood putty as texture though, at least for how I've done it the damn stuff keeps chipping off! If you a smoother finish it might be less of an issue. I'm hoping the varnish will help prevent some of this. I also glued and used some #2 1/4" screen to keep the terrain to the 1/8" board I used for a base :) I plan on doing a 2nd one of these, then theres the actual buildings I need to do

Meanwhile I have a box of the Sector Imperialis to build, as well as the ruined manufactorum set too


Once this is varnished, I hope to get back to finish off my Shadowsword and other vehicles that are in a semi complete state.

Annoyingly with the changes to CA I think I will also have to go paint up my Hellhammer chassis sooner rather than later too!
Can't wait see how many extra points I have in my list, seeing as I was taking the "undesirable" stuff that has since been reduced in price and the Vigilus formations too :)

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Nice. I quite like the effect of the exposed metalwork on the inside of the wall. Adds some depth. How high are those containers? Do they block LOS to russ-sized models? They look like nice bits of terrain, a bit of variety to the ruins you see everywhere.


Just as an aside, regarding the Hellhammer. How often do you actually remember to fire the lasgun? It seems like the most pointless weapon I have ever seen on a vehicle!

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