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HH Weekender 2016 thread (Titan Secutarii pg. 56)


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Danarc from Heresy30k says this about new, generic ROW:



Armoured Breakthrough: tank company with basic preds as troops

Primarchs Chosen: HQ primarch, no LoWs allowed

Brethren of Iron: Castallax as non-comp troops, Vorax as FA and Domitar as ElitesFury of the Ancients: Dreadnought troops

Outcast Sons: traitor loyalists

Skyhunter Phalanx: jet bike troops

Orphans of Betrayal: loyalist traitors

Drop Assault Vanguard: first turn deep strike assault marines.

Recon Company: Recon as comp troops

Zone Mortalis Assault Force: termies as non-comp troops and one squad gets deep strike, bonus to breachers

Sacrificial Offering: expendable militia/warp cult.

Recon Company eh..... Might have to purchase some more recon marines....

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Can someone ask while they're there if Dark Angel quad heavy Bolter rapier carriers can take acid shells?


I'm super adamant about them taking it lol. There's good evidence by the other party suggesting they can't, but I think they should (4 heavy bolters taped together being fired by a crewed LA:DA model is my case for why they should gain them).

I'll need to look at the arguments about why Raven Guard can have Infiltrating Rapiers, but Alpha Legion can't to have an idea about whether or not DAs can have acid shell-firing Rapier Quad Bolters...

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Can someone ask while they're there if Dark Angel quad heavy Bolter rapier carriers can take acid shells?


I'm super adamant about them taking it lol. There's good evidence by the other party suggesting they can't, but I think they should (4 heavy bolters taped together being fired by a crewed LA:DA model is my case for why they should gain them).

I'll need to look at the arguments about why Raven Guard can have Infiltrating Rapiers, but Alpha Legion can't to have an idea about whether or not DAs can have acid shell-firing Rapier Quad Bolters...


Err, Alpha Legion can infiltrate rapiers...why wouldn't they be able to?

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Can someone ask while they're there if Dark Angel quad heavy Bolter rapier carriers can take acid shells?


I'm super adamant about them taking it lol. There's good evidence by the other party suggesting they can't, but I think they should (4 heavy bolters taped together being fired by a crewed LA:DA model is my case for why they should gain them).

I'll need to look at the arguments about why Raven Guard can have Infiltrating Rapiers, but Alpha Legion can't to have an idea about whether or not DAs can have acid shell-firing Rapier Quad Bolters...


Err, Alpha Legion can infiltrate rapiers...why wouldn't they be able to

I don't want to get into the discussion here, but check out this thread on Heresy30k for the reasoning:



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The book that was updated was the legion specific book, so only legion specific stuff is updated.  The only generic changes are contained in book 6, and we have the page of contents.  It lists the Praevian, Delegatus, Leviathan, Quad-Launcher and Vindicator.  No changes outside of those.  Sadly, that means no changes to breachers or assault marines (except for bonuses contained in RoWs).

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Nice to see fieldable justaerin, heavy bolters got helfire back no D6 wounds but random ap uderpowered.


To win against dark angels just bring auxilia/rhino spam and instawin


Time to get some powerswords to my blood angels termies, I'll wound those harlequins at 2+ without speding in wargear OP!

What about hand flamer mortitats? Since you autohit you get unlimited hits until the unit is dead?


In the scars rules it says that you have to finish your movement phase but you don't need to move


Thank god they took of the unwieldy rule off dorn's chainsword e was the worst primarch

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Posted · Hidden by Flint13, February 6, 2016 - No reason given
Hidden by Flint13, February 6, 2016 - No reason given

*snip snip*

I know, i was there...and I still don't see it. msn-wink.gif

Maybe someone can ask about it?

It's my understanding that someone did. And that PaiMei's explanation is from FW's response. But sure, ask about it again.

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Well I was hoping the DA rules would reflect something about their discipline, not just a plus one to hit with swords and only if the WS is equal. That seems kind of situational. Tanks are more boring to me (want massed Tacticals!) and an Army of all Jetbikes is incredibly expensive (points and cash) for Ravenwing 2.0

And art work is fine! That's how I want I base my color scheme anyway.

Part of me wants to play WS for cool bikes but I also don't want to wait 4 years (minimum) before seeing a special unit, character or Primarch.

It might seem a bit strange, but it being dependent on the WS being equal is not such a big thing for Horus Heresy armies. Keep in mind, most of the time your models will either be fighting people they're on the same level as.


And also, Forge World doesn't have the whole "Four Year wait" Codexes do. I'd give the Angels a couple of years or so at most.

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