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Well, I was going to vow the Emperor's Blade Assault Company, but car repair bills have shot me in both feet and I can't afford the other two squads I need this month.  Beans...


So instead I'll vow a Catachan Devils squad nicknamed "The Bridgeburners," called such not for their skill in demolitions and vehicle assassination, but because their disregard for non-Catachan authority and gruff manner tends to alienate members of other regiments.


Veteran Squad w/ Demolitions and Forward Sentries


Veteran Sergeant w/ Power Sword, Plasma Pistol


5x Veterans w/ Shotguns


Veteran w/ Vox-Caster and Shotgun


Veteran w/ Heavy Flamer


2x Veterans w/ Meltaguns


Taurox Transport w/ Augur Array, Camo Netting, and Pintle-Mounted Heavy Stubber


Total: 260 pts


I know, I tend to over-equip my Catachans.


Edit: Pics once I get home tomorrow.

From the imperial militia list in Horus heresy book 5 if that's okay?

Edit: Ogryns are Elites for Imperial militia and grenadiers are troops choices

It is ok yes, just not a book I'm familiar with. You can only do a single unit though, so it'll have to be either the Ogryns or Grenadiers. Both are bonus FOC choices, let me know which you want to vow - whether that's the most points or just what you fancy painting thumbsup.gif

I'll update the entrants list tomorrow :) Don't forget WIP pictures!

Hi everyone,


Here’s my campaign pledge: 


I, Tallarn Commander, hereby pledge the forces of the Tallarn 23rd Infantry Regiment under Colonel Nemo to the reclamation of Lutum in the name of the Emperor. The contribution of 1 stormtrooper squad at 90 points (Astra Militarum Codex) will do their duty no matter the cost.


Here’s a photo of the unpainted Desert Hawks squad, 5556th Stormtrooper Company, temporary duty assignment to the 23rd for the duration of the Assault on Lutum.  They are next to my 2 painted stormtrooper squads. 





Regiment Name
Tallarn 23rd Infantry Regiment (formerly Tallarn 23rd Light Regiment)


Regimental Motto

“We are many. They are few.”


Regiment Commander's Name

Colonel Nemo


Regiment Commander Description
Colonel Nemo is a frustrated man with a dream.  He rose through the ranks of the 23rd back in the days before the Drop Zone Dallas Incident when the 23rd was a light recon regiment (see below for more information).  Eventually, Nemo’s hard work and outstanding tactical acumen was rewarded and he was given command of the 23rd.  While he is ecstatic to have his own command again (he hates staff work), he is not happy to be in charge of a standard line infantry regiment.  At his heart he is a recon man.  He desperately wants the regiment to regain its special status as a light recon regiment.  So far the Departamento has been unwilling to honor his requests, telling him they currently need a line infantry regiment more than they do a recon unit. 


Regiment Type/Method of War
The Tallarn 23rd was initially formed in 699M41 as a light reconnaissance detachment fielding over three hundred sentinel squadrons.  For years it acted as the eyes and ears for numerous Imperial Guard armies (and was especially effective in desert terrain).  However, as a result of the “Debacle in Dallas,”* the Departamento Munitorum and acting Warmaster Xavier stripped the regiment of its recon status and changed it to a line infantry regiment.  No longer would the 23rd act as the armies’ eyes and ears.  No longer would the regiments’ skills in stealth, woodcraft, desert craft, and mountain expertise be put to use.  Instead, the regiment would serve in the line.  The unit is now a standard infantry regiment consisting of infantry (including a small number of ogryns and ratlings), cavalry, and, especially, sentinels.  While the regiment lost is recon status, the sentinel pilots and their officers all ignored the Munitorium’s order that they report to other units and, after about a dozen years, the Munitorium just gave up trying to reassign them.  Typically, a regiment’s sentinels are organic to recon rather than infantry companies.  In the 23rd, each company commander has her or his own squadron of recon sentinels!**  Colonel Nemo’s dream is that the 23rd performs heroically enough during the Assault of Lutum that the powers that be allow the regiment to regain its recon status.  Time will tell. 


Tallarn 23rd Regiment Table of Equipment:

-Vehicle Count:  approximately 180 skin wheeled or tracked vehicles (mostly light recon vehicles), 100+ cavalry mounts, 300+ walkers

-Personnel Count:  approximately 4,970 troopers formed up into 3 battalions (3 companies each); a recon company with 20 rough rider squadrons, 75 sentinel squadrons, 6 ELINT squads, 13 salamander scouts, 20 “dune buggy” squadrons, heavy Weapons Company with 12 squads, support company with 157 lightfoot utility trucks, 6 staff cars, 334 munitorium support Personnel (cooks, mechanics, signals personnel, etc.); abhuman company with 6 ogryns, 22 ratlings, and 42 squats; and Commissariat and Ecclesiarchichal Detachments with [iNFORMATION CLASSIFIED]; and an air defense company with 97 personnel, 6  self-propelled hydras, and 9 hydra platforms. 


*  I went to the 2001 Dallas GT with a light infantry list featuring 12 scout sentinels and lost all my games.  :)

**   In addition to having way more sentinels than is typical, the 23rd also has much larger than normal allotment of priestess’ and priests.  This is because Tallarns tend to be more zealous in their support of the Ecclesiarchy, and, as a result, the 23rd Infantry Regiment has far more holy sisters and brothers than is typical for the imperial guard.  For examples of Tallarn reverence for the Imperial creed, I encourage you to check out the Black Library novel, Desert Raiders, by Lucien Soulban.  To see a commissar mock the Tallarns for their reverence to the Imperial creed, see Traitor’s Hand, by Sandy Mitchell.



Tallarn Commander



Sorry i haven't managed to put any WIP pics up for my scions yet but my whole family has been struck down with a virus and i am barely capable of making a cup of tea atm let alone trying to focus on removing mold lines and painting miniatures :( Should hopefully be getting some pics up at the weekend when these antibiotics kick in and i can actually start assembling and painting :)


Good too see all the vows coming in, looking forward to seeing everyone's progress in the coming weeks :)

I, Guilloom, hereby do not pledge the forces of the Kataris XIVth Regiment under Lieutenant Harris Torhteim, as I'm currently far far away in vacation. The Katarisians will be back on March 2nd for the third phase of the Assault, with dedicated transports and what seems to be ogryns ;)

I, Urzu4 hereby pledge the forces of <insert regiment name>, under <insert leader>, to the reclamation of Lutum in the name of the emperor. The unit of 30 recruits (conscripts) with a priest (making a custom model for this most likely with a flag) pledge to do there duty no matter the cost.


Sorry for the similar pledge to last time, my forces only consist of 2 heavy weapon teams 60guardsmen, ccs and a scion box (I'm making kit bashed scion models for all my characters). Next pledge I should have my first vehicle!

That's two units Urzu, so we'll take the conscripts as the actual vow unless you say otherwise - but feel free to do the priest as well as a supplement. Complete your vow and he'll make it into the narrative along with your conscripts :tu:

Sorry I didn't know how it worked since the priest didn't take a cad slot. I'll do the conscripts but I'll post my "priest" tonight. I'm almost done modeling him and I want him to be my warlord so I can try to get relentless with my blob squad. I'll post pictures of him tonight!

Very nice Brazen, so much better than the GW version just with a few additions and a decent colour scheme :tu: I really need to sort my vow out... I'll try and find time tomorrow!


Keep up the excellent work everyone, and keep those WIP pictures coming :D

So I've finally had enough of being bed bound due to this virus and got up off my butt and assembled my scions (which will count as my regiments own stormtroopers) Went to take some pictures and the battery in my camera is dead... go figure right. Will take some pics later when it is all charged up :)

I, Marshal Argos, hereby pledge the forces of the 7th Scansin Regiment of Foot under Brevet Colonel Sunderland to the reclamation of Lutum in the name of the Emperor. The contribution of 1 Infantry Squad at TBD will do their duty no matter the cost.



A full background Investigation of Brevet Col. Sunderland is currently underway.  As soon as Sub-Sector Command has approved his appointment the details will be published.


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