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Time is slipping away, phase 2 of Assault on Lutum is entering the final days - yet we're still missing a lot of red on that table! Bit too quiet here for my liking I can only assume that's because everyone is so busy painting ;)

I'm still plugging away at my one squad. The wife threw a wrench in my plans and decided to give birth to daughter number 2, a couple of weeks early, so I'm painting with one hand and rocking with the other.  We'll see how far I make it in the next 6 days.



I'll get a pic up as soon as I'm done fighting with google fotos.  ;(




Ha, got the pic.


**** Hmm..  the Pic showed just fine for me, so I've tried a new link...  Hopefully this one'll work.

Very nice colours there P3AK :tu: Argos; rock with the foot it's easier and frees your hands up for vital paint work - and congratulations on your new soldier. I expect to see her recruitment papers on my desk by week's end!


The rest of you - get painting! You can rest when you're dead...

Good stuff baz! Hoping we can see some more progress shots as we enter the last week... Good to see Argos's image now too, very nice indeed! thumbsup.gif

I've been working on my phase 3 vow a little tonight. All will be revealed in due time!

Eyy you want progress! I'll give ya progress you bloody black coats!


I, Uneven Frostgun, hereby pledge the forces of  the 1st House Guard Brigade under Brigadier Marcus Junius Flaminius to the reclamation of Lutum in the name of the Emperor. The contribution of  one house guard platoon command squad and two house guard squads (counts as Scions) from the Lord Constantine's personal house guard at 340pts will do their duty no matter the cost.... well mostly.


  • 1 command banner
  • 1 med kit
  • 1 grenade launcher
  • 1 power fist
  • 1 power weapon (sword)
  • 1 bolt pistol
  • two flamers
  • two melta guns
  • 3 vox casters


--- What the Feth are we doing on this backwater shi *static* where supposed to be on the other side of the galaxy for thrones sake! --- Disgruntled trooper


The great Lord Constantine's personal House Guard and attached regiments.

Us normal grunts call 'em Brown Bloods, as... err brown is the colour of wealth, sure wealth, due to the fact the land is brown and land ain't cheap.... pfft nah it just annoys the hell outa' them)


LORE INCOMING!!! soon... probably




Inking has been completed now layering, should be all ok.


--- Sir the lieutenants have assembled the men as instructed sir!


I told you to assemble the man AFTER the new uniforms have been issued!


Sir. It was my mistake, I alone bare the responsibility for this.


Is that so? Well, I suppose the new uniforms will have to wait. As for you captain, I have a special assignment for you. ---


Brigadier Marcus Junius Flaminius to Captain Drusus Lueker prior to operation Brass Blizzard

In progress pic, I like the way the highlighting is coming out on the gun.  The lines always look so even until I look at a picture... then I see nothing but the flaws :p

Made some good progress tonight, on track to finish for sure!



Fortunate favours the bold RADU! It's nothing to worry about, just like finishing your final year project the night before submission - and who doesn't do that? Except the lecturer shoots you if you miss the deadline... So I guess it's more like school than university now I think about it?

As long as it's before the deadline biggrin.png We can't let the Campaign stall after coming so far, it's time to put Nadoun and his cronies on the ropes ready for the final blow in phase 3! Onwards to victory comrades!

Ok so the cloth is finished on all the troops, just got to paint the armour and details... and the base and the guns...

cloth is all didaly dong

That commissar's finger is looken' mighty twitchy mellow.png

some metals done

here are some more completed troops for the Commissariat's pleasure

Those look great Frostgun, love the tan.  I see you're using the cadian hostile environment torsos, did you have much trouble getting the hellgun cables to mate up to the backpacks?
Its my last paint night tonight.  I'm aiming to finish my bullgryns, but progress is slow.  Every time I drop a brush or pop the lid on a paint pot they form a line and lock their shields together.  Takes a lot of coaxing to get them to stand down.


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