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I just realized.. Tarantula ceturies can have Dual heavy flamers.. This means.... Dual assault cannon tarantulas... so badass

Unfortunately not.  They have twin linked flamers and we are only allowed to swap an individual flamer (no points cost for swapping twin linked).

OK, having a rough time working out what to arm a Cortus comtemptor with.

Twin CC weapons (one being a chainfist) is a given.  But what to have the inbuilt weapons as.  Graviton guns or assault cannon?

Both are the same cost.  The graviton have lesson shots (2) but as a blast with BS4 and shooting a tank are unlikely to miss.  But the assault cannon would have a total of 8 shots and coming down in a pod should be on side armour of any tank, so may be able to do more damage overall, and it is more multi-purpose.


Any suggestions?

If you have a chain fist, it makes sense to stick with the graviton gun and focus on anti tank. Twin assault cannons will work well for light armour mind you, but it depends what you use him for.


Make one of each? Or magnetise?

It helps a crap-ton against infantry armies, because it's still a blast template with AP4 and forces difficult and dangerous terrain checks, which helps you control the board. Graviton. Always.


It's an issue of opportunity cost. You can get mid-strength anti-infantry/light tank firepower pretty much everywhere in the list. Relentless graviton guns that can deploy in enemy lines and fire on top of turn one can only be gotten from podded dreadnoughts.

Usually gravitons as terminus says, they can gib a spartan up in right numbers.

However in my list I'm thinking of 3 temptors podding in, 2 grav and the other assault cannons, mix it up a bit and support my j pack guys. Plus, I'm keen to model some on the side of a temptors arm!!

That seems... unlikely to me, seeing as it's one of the most popular ranged weapons, both aesthetically and in game. Sorry, but I just can't see GW or FW taking away the Kheres from the Contemptor, especially so soon after a plastic version was made.

That seems... unlikely to me, seeing as it's one of the most popular ranged weapons, both aesthetically and in game. Sorry, but I just can't see GW or FW taking away the Kheres from the Contemptor, especially so soon after a plastic version was made.

Buddy, that's not what people are talking about. They aren't talking about removing the Kheres (that's here to stay), but rather the silly concept of a full assault cannon INSIDE each power fist, which only Blood Angels can do. I don't know where that's sourced from, however, so take with a pinch of salt regardless.


Usually gravitons as terminus says, they can gib a spartan up in right numbers.

However in my list I'm thinking of 3 temptors podding in, 2 grav and the other assault cannons, mix it up a bit and support my j pack guys. Plus, I'm keen to model some on the side of a temptors arm!!

Three Contemptors is what it would take to insta-gib a Spartan, but I would much rather drop 2 Cortis and a Leviathan with grav/phosphex. That's *8* difficult/dangerous terrain templates in your enemy's deployment zone on turn 1, followed by more shooting and up to 17 S10 chainfist swings. :D

Edited by Terminus
I think when they release an FAQ the assault cannon upgrade will be limited down to a very small selection, terminators and predators as that's what they have in 40k. They might leave the option open on one or two other units but I'd bet most of the things people got excited about here will go.

I really hope they don't do something as foolish as that. FW aren't blind, they will see the multitude of conversions people will have made.


Each day they delay an FAQ like this is a day that more assault cannons get put on everything and more models they will invalidate...

As terminus says, gravs are the better option, it's just a fun way to use temptors at the mo.

They aren't as disgusting as the plasma moritat was.

We shall see, they could have n faq out tomorrow, or it might be a year, who knows!

How does this seem for a 1k zone mortalis game I've got coming up, it's against 1k sons and another guy might bring imperial fists but doesn't have any of their special units.


HQ: Praetor with Blade of Perdition, iron halo, digital weapons and melta bomb

HQ: level 2 librarian with refractor field (I have a model. I like and fancy using - that's the main reason)

Elites: cortus contemptor with dual ccw

Elites: veteran tactical squad with 2 heavy flamers and an axe plus aa on sergeant. Give these guys sniper (how exactly does that interact with them? They wound on 4s and get rending?)

Troops: legion breachers (10) sergeant has fist and aa, squad has melta bombs and 2 melta guns.




I'd also considered going all out on psychic phase and dropping the cortus for another librarian. Then adding a couple melee weapons to the vets...


Or dropping the vets and cortus contemptor for a unit of cataphractii with an assault cannon

Edited by Blindhamster

20 Despoilers or +1 CCW marines delivered in a Storm Eagle?


What do you guys think?


flying transports are rarely a good idea, if it gets shot down its guaranteed to wipe out most of the unit.


20 Despoilers or +1 CCW marines delivered in a Storm Eagle?


What do you guys think?


flying transports are rarely a good idea, if it gets shot down its guaranteed to wipe out most of the unit.


If im going to be running a Flyer for the DoR RoW, its going to be a Storm Eagle, and if im running a Storm Eagle, im loading it up with something.

Question is, what.

Well, if you've got the points to sink, 10 Terminators with Combi-Weapons and a variety of Melee Weapons gives you a harder punch than 20 Tacs.

True, but what Blindhamster is saying is a valid concern so I dont want a unit that expensive in a flyer. Spartan, sure, but a Storm Eagle, no way.

Still, my question stays the same;

20 despoilers or 20 tac marines w/ +1CCW.

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