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+ 126th Grand Company - Iron Warriors +

Monstra Sumus

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Nice posing with the Leviathan.

Thanks Pearson, it feels good to be back.

Worked on my Siege Breaker over last weekend, managed to snap some pictures of him. Here's Forrix, in support of the 126th during the Siege of Terra.


Iron Within.


Iron Without.


Just waiting on some shoulder pads to arrive from FW before I get started on the first Terminators and Breachers.

Thank you for looking,


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Aikos Mataloi strode through the ranks of support officers mustering before him. He shouldered his way through them, crackling power maul swinging in his clenched fist; a quintet of astartes followed in his wake like sharks, the spiked muzzles of their helms flicking left and right, as if sniffing the air for dissent or cowardice. Aikos crushed a blackened skull beneath his armoured boot as he broke through the waiting soldiers. He was blessed with a view that made him nod his head in respect to the battle raging beyond. A majestic fortress jutted from the Mahabharat mountain range, a thing of curved walls and intersecting kill zones. Mighty guns boomed from its wall tops and from hidden emplacements set into the mountain range. A gigantic black fist on a circlet of yellow was carved into the mountain face and it defied the attackers attempts to take the fortress. Aikos turned his gaze away from the vista and continued on his way. He mounted an erected platform, his boots ringing on the steel boards beneath them. His men waited at the bottom of the platform, a grunt commanding them to stay. Aikos cycled through the alerts and status updates beaming directly into his helm, his visor display an orchestral score of men dying, ordnance depletion and troop disposition. The IVth was dying at those walls, just as they'd died at the walls of the Imperial Palace. The Lord of Iron had cracked those walls and let their howling brethren into the inner walls of the Emperors Holdfast. Now, he'd break open the Imperial Fist's bastion and destroy all trace of their existence.

Aikos came to the top of the stairwell and onto a heavy duty catwalk where clusters of adjutants and officers mobbed monitors and whirring machines. Stood surveying the assault was the Tyrant himself. The Logos buzzed and hummed the closer Aikos came to his master. Two towering robotic monsters turned to regard Aikos and he could feel their augury arrays scanning him. He could also feel their shoulder mounted bolt cannons tracking him. It made his skin itch. Perturabo didn't even glance in his direction when he dismissed the Dominar Ferrum guardians. Aikos stepped up beside his master and his voice crackled through his vox grille.


The Lord of Iron continued to work on whatever tactical readout his suit was displaying him, his giant armoured fingers twitching. The voice that came from the Tyrant wasn't what one would expect, especially from a Primarch. Most of his brothers were full of proud pronunciation or bellowing belligerence. Perturabo spoke with a calm, almost whispered pragmatism. If one word could be used to describe his voice, that word would be cold. The Primarch beamed a set of orders into Aikos' helm and the Iron Warriors eyes widened as he saw them scroll across his hud.

"Mataloi. The 102nd and the 45th Peracloi require assistance, relay to Falk he is to advance the 126th and take those walls."

Aikos slammed his gauntlet against his breast plate and turned on his heel, striding from the command post. He took the steps down three at a time, his twin hearts racing. They had been tasked with bolstering the frontal assault. He practically ran through his own men as he splashed into the thick ash-mud the Legion was stationed in; his men hurriedly falling in behind him, the whine of their volkite carbines splitting the air. Aikos rapidly siphoned through vox channels and dismissed or accepted request for aid or resupply. He cleared his throat once, the antennae on his power pack extending with a metallic burr.

++Mataloi, to Command. Mataloi to Command. Apollumi, I repeat Apollumi. We are go.++

His entourage shouldered a path for him through the rival companies support officers and he couldn't help but laugh at their annoyance and disappointment. His personal transport arrived precisely on time and the up armoured side hatch of the Proteus slammed down. He ascended, his squad filing in behind him. The hatch resealed, blocking out the thunderous boom of the battle beyond. The cabin was bathed in red light and the only sound was the tinkering of his cognis arrays. Aikos dropped himself into the battered and worn grav harness before the central array and removed his helmet. The hiss of pressure blew out and he let the cool cycled air of the tank down into his lungs with a deep breath. He unceremoniously dumped his MKIII helm onto a data bank to his left, the dull reflective red lenses shimmering green from the array's screen. Aikos began to tap at various runes and punch in command codes. He put his finger tip to the screen and dragged a broad red circle over a cross section on the fortress walls. A point of the bastions star shaped defenses. He opened two vox channels and growled into the first.

"Mataloi to the Warsmith, the Dollos Kraken is in position, commencing bombardment on your order."

He waited, biting down the slick of bile that had begun to rise in his throat. He loathed verbally communicating with Falk. Ever since Amon ny-shak Kaelis where the First Captain had let the daemon into him. He could feel the thing inside warping his voice, could feel its icy words slither around his skull as he listened to his commanders voice. It was wrong, but he wasn't to question the choices of his superior officers, only report them to the supreme master. The vox chimed a response and Aikos tapped the receiving key.

++ Warsmith to Mataloi, the Dollos Kraken may commence bombardment. ++

Aikos twitched his head to the side as the words seemed to ooze out of his terminal, his lips curling to the left. He hurriedly switched vox channels.

"Mataloi to Prokofiev, I have beamed firing solutions to you. You may fire when ready."

He received an affirmative from the Dollos Kraken, the 126th's destroyer in orbit and he leaned back in his grav-harness. He counted the seconds as they ticked by and got to the count of ten before the tanks camera feeds white washed with discharge static. He watched the lance beam hit on his tactical field display and a section of the fortress blinked out of existence. He allowed a small smirk to ghost across his face as his men cheered behind him. It wasn't raucous shouting but brief congratulations and affirmations directed at him. He waved his hand in acknowledgement. The vox chimed and he flicked channels. The voice drifted through the iron grill speaker before him and he swore he could have seen a spark of purple energy in the circuitry.

++ Warsmith to Mataloi, very clean. You have my thanks, you may give orders to the ground batteries. Excellent work, Master of my Signal ++

Aikos dialed in a third vox line and began to send high speed data bursts down it, his fingers dancing like some mad composer across the runes before him. He even allowed himself to tap his foot along with the rhythm of tapping and clicking coming from the machines around him as he orchestrated the war.


As the Master of Signals conducted his operations, Sergeant Casulek of his personal guard accepted orders sent to him on an encrypted and secure vox channel. His cold grey eyes watched Aikos from behind the curved red lenses of his corvus helm. The cold, calculated voice that rang in his ear piece wasn't from Mataloi. Casulek regarded Aikos as he worked and the Sergeant checked the power pack on his volkite carbine. He glanced at the men to his left and right as they checked their own equipment. Casulek ran a finger across the trigger guard before placing the weapon in his lap. The tank ground its way down the ash plains towards the front as the 126th mobilized.

++ Your will be done, my master ++

Casulek never took his gaze from Aikos, nor his hand from his weapon.

I began working on some troop sections for my forces tonight. I received my order of shoulder pads, so the first 5 terminators are ready for completion and the volkite combat squad and breacher squad are ready to be sprayed tomorrow.




As always, thank you for looking.

Comments are welcome :smile.:


Edited by Brother Tyrax
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First trooper of the 126th is completed. The terminators of this company will be a mix of Converted Indomitus or Olympian pattern for the sake of fluff ease and Cataphractii.


And a family photo of what has been completed so far.


The Warsmith Barban Falk. Siege Breaker Forrix. Terminator. Contemptor Falx in the Hades Thorax.

Thank you for looking.



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Thankyou Ninjaman, I am partial to making stories for each model to give them some individuality in a otherwise uniform force.


I feel the Iron Warriors are woefully underrepresented by Forgeworld and the Black Library for the most part. I'm looking to breathe some life into then.


I'll have the parts to build Aikos in a few days and then I'll post him up.

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I really like what you're doing with this. Fluff based projects are always my favorite, and I am pretty fond of the Iron Warriors (even though, y'know. :wink:) I think the Siege Breaker is my favorite model so far, tho. Keep up the awesome work! :thumbsup:

Thank you Psycho! I'd be happy to go toe to toe if I'm ever close to Washington when I move to the US.

That terminator-mash-up is great, really.

Also good job on the decals on the shoulders of the Siegebreaker!

Thank you Pheidias. Bar a few stock Cataphracti I'm going to a mixed Terminator armour vibe. The decals were very annoying but I like how they've paid off!

Beautiful models and paint-jobs, mate!

You'd make Perturabo proud!

Thank you very much lokkorex! One day I will have Perturabo himself and I'll spend some time getting him truly right for my force.


Aikos Mataloi - Master of Signal, Head of the Nomos

CXXVI Grand Company

IV Legion

The Proteus ground to a halt, the climax of its journey taking it right to the breached walls of the Imperial Fist bastion. Aikos snatched up his helmet and let the haptic feeds plug into his skull. He grunted as the influx of data made his vision swim for a moment. The streams of data focused and began to scroll along the left hand side of his vision. A rainfall of statistics and death. He resumed checking off vital orders that had been backing up and reached for his maul. Something in the order log made him stop. His iron shod fingers outstretched, barely brushing the brutish handle of his power weapon. He willed the feed to reverse, blink clicking the data spool. He isolated the issue and his lips pursed into a hard line. Someone had deleted a vox transcript from his data logs. Only one person had the authority to do that, only one person could do that.

++Dismount ++

He growled to his men. Their black armour washed with green edging in the interior of the tank. They rose up, trudging down the central aisle and the lead trooper punched the door release. The rear ramp slammed down and they filed out, the flash of ordnance stark against their red helms and steel trim. Aikos took his place at the rear, his brain frantically siphoning encryption codes and smashing aside fire walls. It was tough. Almost too much in such a short space of time but he hadn't remained in his position for being merely a smart officer. He was a clever one.

There. He had almost missed it, so perfectly deleted had the data trail been. The only issue with it was that the recipient of the transmission hadn't wiped the time stamp from their suits vox recorder. As he memorized it, the data vanished. Smart, but too late. Aikos knew who had received the message and where it had come from and there wasn't a chance in the Eye that he'd find himself on the end of whatever plan was hatching. He'd cut the head off that beast, quick. He left his maul in the thick iron ring it hung from on his hip and instead removed something from beneath his power pack.

The Nomos had spread out into their customary V formation around the rear of the tank in preparation for him. Sergeant Casulek casually flicked his weapon primer and began to open a closed link to his men. A flash of brilliantly stark red slammed into the side of his helmet, blowing out his optics and vaporizing the flesh within. Casulek slammed into the ash mud at the foot of his men, cindered flesh and sizzling ooze bubbled from the ruin of his helm. Aikos strolled down the ramp, venting the hissing volkite charger in his hand, the glow of its coils menacing. He looked at each of his men, pointedly.

++ Any questions? No? Good. Move. ++




Thank you for looking!


Edited by Brother Tyrax
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Did someone order a helping of BRUTALITY?


That legionary has it in spades. Really enjoyed lookin through the log, the terminator conversions are ace and so are the paintjobs.


Iron within, brother.


Haha, thank you MagicMan! I tried to convey a simple, yet brutal, HQ choice.


I've got another 4 converted Terminators to do, a ten man Breacher squad, five man Volkite squad as Field Police to follow Aikos around, five Siege Tyrants and a Heavy Gun Carriage for my Medusa, plus a stompy Leviathan. Looking to get a tidy little 1500 point force fully painted and then go wreck some face at a local tournament back home in England. 

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Thank you Psycho! I'd be happy to go toe to toe if I'm ever close to Washington when I move to the US.


Definitely! If you're ever in the area, just give me a yell, and hopefully we can get a game in. :)


The new Master of Signal looks quite nice! Posing and composition are quite on point, and the thought of Field Police excites me too! That will most definitely be something to look forward to. Can't wait for more!

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Thank you Psycho! I'd be happy to go toe to toe if I'm ever close to Washington when I move to the US.

Definitely! If you're ever in the area, just give me a yell, and hopefully we can get a game in. :smile.:

The new Master of Signal looks quite nice! Posing and composition are quite on point, and the thought of Field Police excites me too! That will most definitely be something to look forward to. Can't wait for more!

I wanted to try different things with my HQ's and with the paranoid nature of the Iron Warriors, I thought the FP fit perfectly!


A small update tonight on Aikos Mataloi. Base layers and decals completed. Once the base is complete I'll be weathering and washing him.




Thank you for looking,


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That Master of Signal.... ugh. Talk about brutal.

SOOO much win on his part. He might just be the coolest IW character i've ever seen, just because he fits the theme, fluff, and concept so well. :cool.:

Thank you very much for the kind words, Ninjaman. I hope now that he's finished he lives up to expectations!



Aikos Mataloi - Master of Signal, Head of the Nomos

CXXVI Grand Company

IV Legion

Aikos came to stand beside his war leader; the possessed mad man in command of the 126th. The Master of Signal felt small and weak as the Warsmith's shadow passed over him and those cold, purple eyes fixed upon him. Beneath his bronze face plate, he began to sweat. Falk's blood thick fingers clenched and relaxed repeatedly, still thrust into the wrecked helmet of an Imperial Fist officer. The daemon danced behind his leader's gaze and he suppressed a disgusted shudder. The Nomos filed in to stand behind their commander, volkite weapons purring softly, dangerously. Aikos could do it. Right now. He could undo this corruption and lead the 126th to better, more honourable, stations. However, he quickly changed his mind as Barban Falk's most loyal ally crunched up the mound of dead warriors, both Iron and Gold. The commander of the illustrious 1st company came to stand by his fellow officers, nodding to Falk but not even acknowledging Aikos. Mataloi narrowed his eyes within his helm and the faintest growl escaped his lips, barely loud enough to emit from his vox grille. Forrix seemed to notice nothing, yet Falk's eyes flickered back to Aikos, seeming to pierce right through the curved red lenses of his communications helm. For a moment, he questioned if he'd made the right decision in not ordering the Nomos to execute their company commander. For a moment, he doubted his place at the side of Falk and what the future may bring him. He looked away from the Warsmith's as they began to converse and logged an internal memo.

++ Query: Rotation to Berossus or Toramino command. Complete unit outfit transferal. Falk unfit to command competently. Question of integrity and duty. For your consideration, Master. Ident 00126/MSAM ++


Tetrach Forrix - Allied to the CXXVI from the I Grand Company

Tetrach Barban "The Warsmith" Falk - Master of the CXXVI Grand Company

Aikos Mataloi - Master of Signal, Head of the Nomos

CXXVI Grand Company

IV Legion


Thank you for looking


Edited by Brother Tyrax
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This is great!

I like your tutorial and want to give it a try. It makes a great metallic color of a warrior whose been out in the trenches. I also love seeing this picture:


Seeing all that ready to serve in the IVth has me all giddy!

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Primary of Marauder Squadron; Thelios 1-1 smashed his way through the doorway, blood dribbling between his clenched teeth. His combi-bolter barked, hosing the communications room with fragmenting death. The crackling energy fist on his left hand flexed, flashes of electricity discharge scorching the walls. He rose up before the human serfs like an avenging god, his face up lit by the terrible display of power. Assault Leader Thelios slammed his fist into the man before him, punching the officer into the data banks he cowered at. Bolter rounds impacted against his wide shoulder plates, sending ricochet pinging in all directions. Thelios lifted his eyes and zero'd onto two Astartes of the Imperial Fists firing in his direction from across the control center. He growled into his vox bead, his bionic eye whirring as it focused on the enemy combatants.

++ Marauder 1-2, get in here and kill these dogs ++

Thelios received an affirmative ping on the vox and shouldered his way between cogitator stacks, lashing out at terrified humans as he did so. Stepping through the entrance to take his place was Marauder 1-2, or Chezak, to his squad mates. The heavily modified war plate of the 126th Assault Units was of brutal design. The heavy caliber assault cannon that Chezak carried was also meant for one thing. The utter destruction of his enemies. His visor mounted target finder singled out the enemy Astartes. Their outlines flaring white hot on his HUD. Chezak squeezed the trigger of his weapon and filled the room with thunder. Harsh bangs filled the enclosed space as he stitched punishing automatic fire across the far side of the room, destroying men and machine alike. Both Imperial Fists went down. The first burst open in the opening salvo, the second tried to roll for cover but was too slow, his bottom half blowing out under Chezak's fusillade. The veteran ceased fire; the clank of thick brass shells rolling across the decking mixed with the sparks and crackles erupting throughout the bunker.

++ Marauder 1-1, Targets Neutralized ++

Thelios grunted acknowledgement and opened a bead.

++ Marauder 1-1 to Command, OpCom 22 secured, relay signal affirmative to Jackal 4-1 ++




Here we have the continued work on my primary troop choices. A heavily modified terminator squad (Marauder) and a MK4 Breacher unit (Jackal) outfitted for anti infantry/light armour rolls.

Thank you for looking, C&C appreciated.


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The Terminators look to be coming along quite nicely! The Sergeant's bare head is from the Centurions, correct?


This thread is really tempting me to go against my better judgement as an Imperial Fist and put together a small IV Legion force. I can't resist... but I must!!! ARRRGGHHH!!!




iron within, iron without.

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The Terminators look to be coming along quite nicely! The Sergeant's bare head is from the Centurions, correct?


This thread is really tempting me to go against my better judgement as an Imperial Fist and put together a small IV Legion force. I can't resist... but I must!!! ARRRGGHHH!!!




iron within, iron without.


You are correct, Psycho. I thought it was a perfect fit! 


You can, after all, have Loyalist Iron Warriors to party with your Imperial Fists ;).




I've been considering where I want this force to go. I have 2k already mapped out and the models bought for it (some are en route), the majority of games back home are penciled in at 2500 points. Now, I want to be thematic and fluffy with this force, I couldn't really care about scoring wins. I much prefer to play the game. 


The 2000 points are as follows: 


  • Erasmus Golg
  • Siege Breaker - Cataphracti, Chain Fist
  • Master of Signals - Power Maul, Volkite Charger, Refractor Field


  • Breachers - 10 Men, Volkite Charger x 2, Melta Bombs, Power Fist, Vex/Vox
  • Support Squad - 5 Men, Volkite Chargers
  • Terminator Squad - Power Fists, Reaper Auto Cannon


  • Contemptor Cortus - Kheres Assault Cannon


  • Legion Medusa - Dozer Blade, Shrapnel Shells
  • Leviathan Dreadnought - Grav Flux, Siege Drill, Volkite Calivers, Armoured Ceramite, Phosphex Discharger
  • Tyrant Siege Terminators - 5 Men, 2 x Chain Fist 


Now, I had the idea to expand the primary force with an extra 500 points, but I've been doing some reading and fancied a crack at the Selucid Thorakite. I really love the "corpse grinder" vibe to the Iron Warriors and want to represent that, plus I think it'll look really cool having the force of Iron Warriors I have backed up by a mob of auxilia. 


I'm considering: 


  • Legate Commander - Cyber Familiar, Digital Laser, Melta Bombs, Plasma Pistol, Power Fist


  • Auxilia Lasrifle Section 
  • Auxilia Lasrifle Section 


  • Leman Russ Incinerator - Armoured Ceramite, Multi Laster, Dozer Blade 

The image of my Iron Warriors advancing behind 20 Thorakites is too good to pass up. My thoughts are the Breachers move up behind the Lasrifle sections, supported by Golg and the Terminators. Flanking the primary push are the Dreadnoughts. Bringing up the rear are the Tyrants and Siege Breaker with the Leman Russ. On the back field are the Medusa laying shells down and the Master of Signal with his Support Squad for any back field objective taking. 


Do people think this will be a good addition to my force? 


Also, I just realized I am very Volkite heavy, but hey, who doesn't love martian death rays? Right?

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Absolutely stunning force and you back it up with some well written fluff (Even though i am seeing my beloved force made to look farcical against your named characters :dry.: ) ...:wink: 


The metal colouring (as others have already said) is very well done, my only wee gripes are two things... I love the Fact you have included newer termie armour...But i am not sure the crux's should have stayed on there :unsure.: and the other minor thing was you should decal em before you weather em(unless you weather after the decals as well? if you do then my apologies :tongue.: )


Aikos Mataloi  :devil: He rocks the hardest in this Grand company!,...i am ever so sorry though,he is so badass that i'm going to make him as the trophy for my B@C Imperial Fists Chaplain....



Cheers Mithril 

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Absolutely stunning force and you back it up with some well written fluff (Even though i am seeing my beloved force made to look farcical against your named characters :dry.: ) ...:wink:


The metal colouring (as others have already said) is very well done, my only wee gripes are two things... I love the Fact you have included newer termie armour...But i am not sure the crux's should have stayed on there :unsure.: and the other minor thing was you should decal em before you weather em(unless you weather after the decals as well? if you do then my apologies :tongue.: )


Aikos Mataloi  :devil: He rocks the hardest in this Grand company!,...i am ever so sorry though,he is so badass that i'm going to make him as the trophy for my B@C Imperial Fists Chaplain....



Cheers Mithril 


Haha, it's all propaganda!


The actual crux's I've removed, the skull over the iron cross I wanted to keep as the Iron Warriors veteran symbol is an iron cross. I do indeed decal before weathering, my friend! 


Go for it! He deserves to have his head on someones belt! 

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Haha, it's all propaganda!


The actual crux's I've removed, the skull over the iron cross I wanted to keep as the Iron Warriors veteran symbol is an iron cross. I do indeed decal before weathering, my friend! 


Go for it! He deserves to have his head on someones belt! 



Decals before...in that case i approve :biggrin.: 

the iron cross skull vet symbol is a brainwave = well done then :cool.: 

Thank you for your O.K. on the theft of identity on your signals champ ...if all goes to plan it will be his head....and spine :ohmy.:  i hope to do him justice(even as a trophy)

will put up the pic for you when it's done(you can claim it's an alternate universe thing :wink: )


cheers, Mithril  

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If I ever do Iron Warriors, they will be traitors. My Fists need someone to fight against when they're in the cabinet, after all. :D


Regarding the Thorakites, I think it's an awesome idea, very thematic. I can't comment on crunch much (not really my strong suit in the hobby :P,) but the imagery that you've conjured in my head is so awesome I can't imagine suggesting anything other than to run with it.

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