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That is a treat! They are packing on every ounce of fear-inducing intimidation!


How do they look next to a land raider? No way in heck those behemoths could fit through the side doors and they would have to seriously duck when charging out of the front ramp. Also, how do you plan to upscale the tank? That is something that sounds just as awesome waiting around the corner. As is the thought a daemon Night Haunter.


That also gets me thinking. What did they do with his body after his death?

Edited by hushrong
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

They look frigging meaty as all hell. I love 'em. It does look like he could use something on his thighs, bones maybe? Anyway.. do you do commissions?!

Thanks! Yeah, some bones strapped to his armour sounds pretty good. Well, I've thought about doing commissions a while ago, but I just don't have the time, unfortunately.


That is a treat! They are packing on every ounce of fear-inducing intimidation!


How do they look next to a land raider? No way in heck those behemoths could fit through the side doors and they would have to seriously duck when charging out of the front ramp. Also, how do you plan to upscale the tank? That is something that sounds just as awesome waiting around the corner. As is the thought a daemon Night Haunter.


That also gets me thinking. What did they do with his body after his death?

Thanks man! Let's just say two, maybe three, of these terminators could stand on a land raider and surf into battle, but there's no way they would fit inside. :laugh.: I've got some baneblade pieces from a bits store and I plan to meld those together with LR parts and an awful lot of plasticard. 


I think Kurze's head was taken by the assassin, although I'm not sure. The leader of my terror squad has a severed hand fixed to his belt which is suspiciously big. In my background he claims to have taken it from his primarch's body, but who really knows what it is. :wink:


Holy crap, this makes me want to throw my termies away haha

Well, thanks? :tongue.:


Awesome stuff as usual, what's your plan for the land raider? 

Thanks buddy! That baneblade to land raider conversion is gonna happen sooner or later. I just need to gather my courage.


Phenomenal work on all the truescale stuff, the terminators I'm especially impressed with. Each one looks perfect, and something I'd buy in a heartbeat if they were available. Can't wait to see more from you!

Thanks! Should it ever become feasible to cast or 3D-print them, I'll let you know. :wink:


Today I'm happy to show you my first painted Iron Hand. I'll have to change the base a bit, but other than that I think I will settle on this paint recipe for my other legionnaires.





  • 4 weeks later...

The Iron Hand is well done.


Nice :smile.:


Great work on the Iron Hand, love the grittiness of the whole model! Definitely looking forward to seeing more!

Thanks man! But first I have a couple more Night Lords to show off.

Converting marines for my Terror Squad is such a joy, I just had to do another one...so here's number 6.



...and every army needs some heavy weapons.



Thanks for stopping by! :smile.:

The terror no6 looks menacing. Really menacing

Thanks buddy!

Always a treat to see an update from you, love the night lord and how much movement you've manage to give him. The lascannon looks really cool as well, the whole model looks seamless! Looking forward to seeing more!

Thanks! I wanted the terror marine to have more movement and two-handed chainglaives are just awesome, but I hope he still fits in with the rest of the gang. Glad you like them.

With the Dark Vengeance sprues lying around since forever, I thought I'd try my hand at upscaling the chosen. The first attempt went pretty well and it didn't even take as long as I would have expected.


The upscaled Chosen looks fantastic, as does the charging Terror marine, there's a huge sense of weight and momentum building there.


Seeing all these excellent upscaled marines is making me want to restart my projects at a larger scale.

  • 1 month later...

The upscaled Chosen looks fantastic, as does the charging Terror marine, there's a huge sense of weight and momentum building there.

Seeing all these excellent upscaled marines is making me want to restart my projects at a larger scale.

Thanks man! Go for it! Upscaling marines, especially chaos, is really rewarding and fun, even if it takes some time and effort. It's absolutely worth it.

Speaking of effort, converting the DV chosen is a hell of a lot of work, but I like the results quite a bit.



Another plague marine makes it one shy of a playable unit.



I made a couple small alteration to the gargui, that is I got rid of the horns on one of the shoulder pads and then cut off his legs again to put them a bit closer together. While it may sound kinda unecessary, it really annoyed me to no end.


Since finishing an Iron Hand some time ago, I haven't painted any other marines and now all those conversions are covering up my desk. Guess it's time to get out the painting pots again. There wasn't any space left for a handful of primed Iron Hands, a dread, and a few more Night Lords, so yeah...:sweat:


Thanks for stopping by!


Dude, this marine right here is... wow. I'm speechless. You nailed him so incredibly well. The sheer movement, scale, and menace eluding from this fig is Eye-of-Terror bursting.

Wow, dude. I love this turn of events, where you've suddenly (or at least to me - I sadly haven't been around yor thread in a while) have started to create all these characterful truescalers. You're bringing me back to a similar project I did a few years back, and I hope this has brought you as much joy as that did me. All of these miniatures are characters in their own right. Fantastic work all around - but particularly on the posing. I don't yet know what it is, but you seem to have a natural ability to make all your guys look very intimidating. 



Glorious assortment here my man!

Thanks my friend! Looking at that dauntless rabble I'm given hope I might be able to play more than just kill team after all...someday.

They all look great. Can't wait to see some color slapped on them

Thanks! And I've actually finished a couple. :wink:

Dude, this marine right here is... wow. I'm speechless. You nailed him so incredibly well. The sheer movement, scale, and menace eluding from this fig is Eye-of-Terror bursting.

Thanks dude! I don't know if I could replicate the same kind of menace with regular marines, but for me converting upscaled marines is really great, because it gives me so much space and mass to work with and that helps a lot. Also, with this guy, there's something about two-handed chainglaives that's just awesome.

Wow, dude. I love this turn of events, where you've suddenly (or at least to me - I sadly haven't been around yor thread in a while) have started to create all these characterful truescalers. You're bringing me back to a similar project I did a few years back, and I hope this has brought you as much joy as that did me. All of these miniatures are characters in their own right. Fantastic work all around - but particularly on the posing. I don't yet know what it is, but you seem to have a natural ability to make all your guys look very intimidating.


Thanks a bunch! It really got going with the terror squad last year. I dabbled a bit in converting models like that once or twice before, but ever since building these terror marines I decided to go that route with all my units and, despite taking plenty of time, I'm enjoying it immensely. Your First Claw was actually one of my many sources of inspiration.

About the posing...I think it has to do with bringing tension to the mini by torquing the upper body and aligning the head accordingly. But I also sit like forever in front of a heap of bits and play around with blu tack until it all comes together. :biggrin.:

Alright. Progress! Paint! I worked on two more Iron Hands, twisting my paint scheme on the MkIII marine by putting on more grey highlights and covering them with watered down clear blue from FW.



That makes three finished Iron Hands! :teehee:


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