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It's a couple of weeks into the ETL and I haven't painted a thing, while completed 3000 point vows are popping up left and right. I blame the weather...and wine. :wink:

Anyway it's time to get going. The last three raptors are almost ready for some paint. I still have to file down the sword arm of the left raptor, because it looks way too big compared to the rest of the model. Maybe I'll go back to the original arm. The champion in the middle is missing hand and sword, but so far I haven't found the right pose.


Then there's this guy. A very rough WIP and the result of aimlessly converting random bits. I have no idea what to do with him. Count-as Kh Edited by Isengrin

  • 2 weeks later...

Beautiful work on those legs

That axe-wielder looks great, very menacing.

Thanks guys! I think I've found a suitable role for him, but more on that in another update.

Way more important is my progress with painting one of the chimeras. I'm slowly getting the hang of chipping fluids and weathering, as you can see in the pic. Let's just hope I don't screw up the next step with enamel washes and rust paints.


After several attempts at getting the poses right, I'm pretty happy with the last two raptors. I think the little touch-ups improved them a lot.



I love your raptors especially as they resemble mine^^


Bjt where did you get the resin jumppacks from? I have only metal ones and balancing them out is the hell. So maybe you have a tip for me?


And the axeguy....he looks like scorpion. Or sub zero^^

I love your raptors especially as they resemble mine^^


Bjt where did you get the resin jumppacks from? I have only metal ones and balancing them out is the hell. So maybe you have a tip for me?


And the axeguy....he looks like scorpion. Or sub zero^^

No one beats Sub Zero. :biggrin.:


Yeah, I bought the metal ones too. Fortunately one of my wargaming buddies is into casting stuff, which means I'll be able to build a few more raptors with these packs. Shoot me a pm if you need some.

Beautiful. Just... beautiful. I'm especially fond of the Executioner on this page (I'm not the only one who thinks that, right? Hooded axeman just screams Executioner to me) and the Raptors. I like your painting style, too. It's basically how I imagine John Blanche would have painted had he owned an airbrush.

Beautiful. Just... beautiful. I'm especially fond of the Executioner on this page (I'm not the only one who thinks that, right? Hooded axeman just screams Executioner to me) and the Raptors. I like your painting style, too. It's basically how I imagine John Blanche would have painted had he owned an airbrush.

He really looks like an executioner, doesn't he. You're not too far off with that. :wink:


@Soric: It's interesting you'd say that, because the DA angle came up in the german forum where I'm posting, too. Apparently I've unwittingly built a member of the 1st Legion. I like the idea, but for now I've got something different in mind. His name will be dreaded among loyalists and heretics alike. 


Thanks for the nice words.

Edited by Isengrin
  • 4 weeks later...

Brothers and Sisters, it's been too long! I thought it'd be nice to finish the whole Raptors squad first and then show you some pics, but little did I know how long that would actually take me to accomplish. So after one month and four painted models I can present you my Sol Invictus Raptors.


I'll take a couple better pics later today, as well as individual pics of the squad members, but this will do for now. I have also continued work on the executioner, which means he'll show up too.

Sol Invictus

The carriers of her light


Tarhunt Num

First apologist of the Sol Invictus cult


Andras Dantalion


Oriax Grannus

Champion of the Sol Invictus cult


Aurgelmyr Helios


Soranus Dazgor


Now, Night Lords and a cult about the sun might not be an obvious connection, but it should make more sense as soon as the knight is finished along with her back story. :wink:

And last but not least I have a new pic of the axe-crazy hoodie dude. The left hand is one of the options I'm considering right now, along with a second axe or maybe a two-handed weapon or something like that, although I still have to find fitting bits for that. At first he was going to be a count-as Kh Edited by Isengrin

Everything in this thread is seriously awesome, but that hoodie guy is absolutely amazing. My personal opinion would be to have a second axe, or maybe have the left arm holding a skull in the open hand. I will eagerly await the next update :biggrin.:

Excellent work on the Raptors! A very original take on the archetype! The names and design make me wonder whether these used to be Sun Titans, by the way...?


The big guy with the axe is also shaping up nicely: something about the pose of the left arm makes me think it might look awesome if he were leaning on a shield.


Keep up the excellent work! :)

Everything in this thread is seriously awesome, but that hoodie guy is absolutely amazing. My personal opinion would be to have a second axe, or maybe have the left arm holding a skull in the open hand. I will eagerly await the next update :biggrin.:

Thanks! I'm going to load up a few pics with all the different options as soon as I get to do more conversion work.


Gorgeous raptors!! I too am a lover of the old jump packs, but wow you've really done them justice!!

Thanks man!


Excellent work on the Raptors! A very original take on the archetype! The names and design make me wonder whether these used to be Sun Titans, by the way...?


The big guy with the axe is also shaping up nicely: something about the pose of the left arm makes me think it might look awesome if he were leaning on a shield.


Keep up the excellent work! :smile.:

Thanks Kraut, the raptors probably have some kind of connection to the Sun Titans. I've chosen the Sol Invictus name for their cult independently from the chapter, since I've discovered Bruticus' amazing work only a while later. But I thought I could reinforce some sort of connection between them, which led me to name the individual raptors partly after sun gods and the like. They will also greet each other with "Sol Invictus" and reply with "Nox Aeterna"  to merge origin and current affiliation (should I ever come around to writing a story on them). I think them being former Sun Titans could make for an intriguing background.


I also like your idea with the shield. As it happens I got a couple of those old metal shields from the chaos knights lying around... 

Edited by Isengrin
  • 2 weeks later...

Here, have a (poor) pic of my progress on the Knight! Initially, I had planned to paint her red/black, but I couldn't get the weathering on the black the way I wanted it, so I scrapped the scheme. A knight dedicated to Khorne only needs red anyway. I'll probably go back and rework the right knee pad, because I got a bit sloppy with the chipped paint there. The next steps involve getting all the gold trim up to par and painting the details.


He looks impressive already. From what I can tell the knee pad is ok, the only thing I would add is to underline those "cracks" in paints with pink or mix of red and flesh paints - that would give them a bit more volume/depth.

Haven't commented on your thread for a while, but that's a good thing. It gives me a lot to comment on. :D


The Raptors turned out really nice, and I'm really not sure what else I could say about them. They'really just, well, really nice. The classic jump packs look absolutely beautiful in the group painted up! :tu:


Executioner looks good. I'm only a little bit sad that you're gonna paint him up in a Malal scheme rather than your lovely Night Lords scheme, but them's the breaks. :P Nevertheless, it should be awesome. Makes sense for a count-as that has rules that can kill his allies, too. Something to look forward to seeing finished!


Finally, the Knight's coming along nicely. The use of the Lord of Skulls pads is inspired, and noted for later. Yet another thing to look forward to seeing finished. Keep up the good work!

He looks impressive already. From what I can tell the knee pad is ok, the only thing I would add is to underline those "cracks" in paints with pink or mix of red and flesh paints - that would give them a bit more volume/depth.

Thanks DV! You're right about highlighting the chipped spots. I'll have to gather some mental strength first to be able to pull through there. :wink:


Haven't commented on your thread for a while, but that's a good thing. It gives me a lot to comment on. :biggrin.:


The Raptors turned out really nice, and I'm really not sure what else I could say about them. They'really just, well, really nice. The classic jump packs look absolutely beautiful in the group painted up! :thumbsup:


Executioner looks good. I'm only a little bit sad that you're gonna paint him up in a Malal scheme rather than your lovely Night Lords scheme, but them's the breaks. :tongue.: Nevertheless, it should be awesome. Makes sense for a count-as that has rules that can kill his allies, too. Something to look forward to seeing finished!


Finally, the Knight's coming along nicely. The use of the Lord of Skulls pads is inspired, and noted for later. Yet another thing to look forward to seeing finished. Keep up the good work!

About time, Psycho. :tongue.:

Thanks man, and don't worry, there'll be many more Night Lords. As a matter of fact, I'm already planning a couple more squads including raptors...noise raptors maybe...


Those Raptors are truly inspired. I can see the ashen circle base, but the additions make them look like their own group.  


A quick question: Where did you get Grannus' sword from?  

Thanks! Grannus' sword is part chaos terminator axe with the blade and a small part of the hilt cut off and a skaven blade put on top of it (I think from the clan rats). 


In other news, Khorne demanded a blood tithe and I've inadvertently obeyed by cutting my left hand. Which sucks, because I'm a lefty and now I probably won't get to do much this week. Well, I should have known better than to dedicate a knight to Khorne.

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