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I have 6 of those metal GK terminators - they look great; much better than the normal terminator kit.


Wishing I could afford those Japan special edition termies right now.


Any pictures of the RT era DIY chapter?

Not RT, but certainly 2nd/3rd ed. Will ppst some later ^_^


The RT-era dudes have long been discarded into trash bin because I didn't know any better :cry:

Any pictures of the RT era DIY chapter?

As promised, early 3rd-ed era. My DIY name was shamefully and unimaginatively ripped from Battletech - the Gray Death Legion.

Razorback and a couple of Tactical dudes

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Bike Squad:

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Assault Squad:

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Dev Squad (with metal guns):

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The grey seen is the grey to be used for my upcoming GK squad.

Speaking of which, after today's base spray, I think I'm done with GW spray cans. I'll give Krylon a try until P3 gets their crap together.

Thanks guys ^_^


Not meaning to OT my Raven Guard army, but I eventually converted the scheme to an equally unimaginative copy of the name "Red Shoulders" and GDL was a rather recognized name.  That switch happened in 6th ed.  But now I'm good with the Raven Guard and a lot or models got converted to the black :lol:


SO, to my GK: afte reviewing parts from the spray coat ... some pieces have the fuz.  :censored:


I mean ... :censored:


SO, any tips to clean the fuz off or should the lot go to the trash to satisfy my utter contempt and disgust?

Thank you for the question Bjorn.  STORY TIME!


It is a symbol for surviving units from a self-imposed 100-year crusade known as "The Omega Docimacy".  In my head-canon, the Chapter was involved in the defense against the 12th Black Crusade and failed to protect a Castle Chain from the forces of Chaos (think the Mormon fort in Starship Troopers but along a mountain chain like the Urals).


Really, it gave me a chance to use up ALL THOSE ULTRAMARINE DECALS one inevitably collects buying Space Marines stuff.

Thanks guys :happy.:


Not meaning to OT my Raven Guard army, but I eventually converted the scheme to an equally unimaginative copy of the name "Red Shoulders" and GDL was a rather recognized name.  That switch happened in 6th ed.  But now I'm good with the Raven Guard and a lot or models got converted to the black :laugh.:


SO, to my GK: afte reviewing parts from the spray coat ... some pieces have the fuz.  :censored:


I mean ... :censored:


SO, any tips to clean the fuz off or should the lot go to the trash to satisfy my utter contempt and disgust?



Steel wool takes the fuzz off just wash them after wards to remove the steel wool left behind. 

  • 3 weeks later...

Glad you asked! I read some interesting options anx short of giving the parts a bath and scrubbing the paint off to start over, I just took a medium tooth brush and scrubbed hard. It woooorrrrkkkkeeeddd. Good enough for Adeptus Administratum work :P


Due to my work involving insurance claim reporting and Hurricane Florence, I've been too busy to get meaningful work on the GK done. BUT, I have the shiney word stuff and a dude's armor done.


At this rate I may be done by the time the Emperor walks the Earth IRL ^_^

  • 1 month later...


As I said above, my schedule has gotten bananas and my hobby time took the hit for it. It's all good in the end as there will be NO WAY I will "burn out" for it :P

Having said that, this is the result of time spent. The colors used are

Armor - Ral Partha Ghost Bear Grey

Weapons - VGC Gory red, then Bloody Red

Gold - VGC Polished Gold

Silver - Citadel Leadbelcher

annnd totally washed in Nuln Oil (except the blade


Side shot:


In my attempt toward a minimalist style, I discovered my eyesight for close-up is diminished. Tomorrow I go get a magnifying glass stand thingie.

I have the rest of the squad to finish but overall I am pleased with the result - it's a cross between my RT-era dudes and the current iteration. As I don't have plans to actually field the unit, then it'll be a display piece of-sorts ... once I get the display. Which I will have after my divorce :lol: ... which I'm not getting sooo ...

Good lort these pictures don't do justice. Anyways, I'll post up the rest of the squad and have a target date for mid December at this rate. I think my next project is to bust out a Legion of the Damned unit. Or maybe a KT ... gotta get the rules first :P

Thank you for looking!

I really like it. It's not your run-of-the-mill GK that are painted silver, washed, and dry brushed. Really nice.


And +1 on KT, it's a lot of fun. I'm hoping to get some games in soon. This weekend is crazy busy but maybe next weekend.

That's looking nice.  I actually appreciate the detail more on the grey knights with this scheme than the usual block of steel.


As someone who has been forced to use a magnifier recently, paying a bit more for a decent one is totally worth it.  I have a freestanding one with built in led lights that has the option to use a desk clip if necessary. Also has mains or battery power options.  Miles better than some rather limp specimens I looked at.


Using it takes a little getting used to, so practice a bit with some non critical painting is my top tip, you will get better at it in time!

Thanks for the replies guy ^_^


I'll need to wait on a paycheck of two to grab the KT rules, but I think I should have them to at least know the rules to discuss stuff (and plan my uberl33+ unit).


I chickened out on the magnifying lens visor or desk lamp (actually that was a financial decision) and got simple lens with a weighted base and holding clamps.  Besides cost, I figured the clamps could be used to hold the thing while I paint 2 Chorinthians on the shoulder plate :lol:


After the dude above, I feel confident I can bust a move on the other four within November for sure :tu:

I'm surprisingly moving faster than I thought to finishing the GK squad.  If I had another day like today, then I could finish them in two days  :woot:


SO, that means I want to start planning the next unit and I think the LotD is up next.  :tu:


Like the GK squad, it's a fluff unit to fill my collection but may likely not get game time unless the story "needs" them.  This means a demi-squad at most.  In my mnd these are drop and shoot dudes who will own an objective.  I mean +own+ an objective.  So ...


Sergeant - Storm Bolter

Dude - Multi-Melta

Dude x3 - Bolter


Any thoughts?


"But Race, what about the Raven Guard?"  You might say aloud?  Don't worry, they are not far away at all ;)

My immediate reaction was LotD?  Where's the Heavy Flamer?


I know the Multi-Melta will make them more flexible on the tabletop, but they're literally covered in flames.  Tough one, my local GW employee would say 'Why not buy both?' at this point.


Oh and Race, the Ravens are always close by. Silently judging me for lack of painting usually.:whistling:

In 7th the multimelta ignoring cover is probably best as the heavy flamer already has Ignore cover.


The Grey  Knight looks brilliant; good luck finishing the rest. That Ghost Bear grey looks a bit like Space Wolf grey. It's certainly got a bit of blue in it, so it looks like almost like steel.  


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