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Thanks guys ^_^


The cell phone pics really don't do justice, yet I'm sure that's a common refrain from a lot of people.  Admittedly, the grey was mentally risky from my point of view and stalled the project for weeks.  And then I just jumped in after I convinced myself that I would throw it all away if it sucked (I mean, I got the box on a 40% discount :P). 


@longjohnsilver - INORITE?!  Without the wash, Ghost Bear Grey is very Space Wolves-y, yet darker.  Had I chosen that army (WHICH I did back in RT-days), then this is the color I would have used.  Glad I didn't because I'd have to be trawling eBay for more bottles now :pinch:


@Cordova - :tu:  There is some neat posing with these models and you don't see a lot of the halberd-wielding dudes.  I wish the torso could be posed better.


@Lord Raven 19 - ^_^  As a fellow Ravenite, do you have models to share?


Anyways, with the little one taking a nap today I was able to get 1.5 hours in and feel I can get the unit done by Monday.  Pictures are promised on Wednesday, barring some disaster, like having to do real work at my job :lol:


Although I want to work on the LotD, I see the pile of bike parts and ... yeah, no.  I mean, I have to.  But not this year, lol.

Grey Knights Terminator Squad

Aww man, this is exciting for me :woot: It's been a while since I completed a project (relatively speaking), but these guys have given me fits in various ways, from cleaning the parts from the sprue, to paint scheme, to building the dudes.

THEN there is taking pics with my cell phone :wallbash: On that front I decided to use the outdoors to help show off the work.

The Squad. In keeping with my reboot from the original squad, I equipped them with halbreds and Storm Bolters only. Sure, not competitive, yet that's not the point of this unit :tongue.: One note about the painting style here: all the purity seals and parchments are washed in Agrax Earthshade, the rest is in Nuln Oli except for the blades. They are straight up Leadbelcher wihout any highlights. The idea being they are more pure than pure (within the confines of my overall army style this time around). IRL they look shiney!


Sergeant to the side in the sunlight. The goal of the angle was to show ... something ... THE BASE! Yes, the base :facepalm:

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Dude looking to challenge YOU! This posing seems a little forced because of how the halbred runs between his legs, yet I think it works with the rest of the body:

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Side shot of the dude that looks like he is advancing. Also another shot of the pauldron :laugh.:

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This was the first guy finished. The rest of the squad is more refined, color-wise, but I didn't want to try to "fix" him because the differences are too subtle to care about. His pose looks guarded.

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Dude in mid-swing maybe? Or maybe he's chopping at something tall because I angled the head to look above the horizon.

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Here is the back of the dude just above and meant to show the red highlights on the cowling. To me this ties the body to the weapons

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SO, now I need to get a way to transport these guys :dry.:

Next up, Legion of the Damned :cool.:

They look great Prot!

You should post them in the GK forum! :biggrin.:


We need more grey Grey Knights! :thumbsup:


SO, now I need to get a way to transport these guys :dry.:



The answer to this one seems simple... LAND RAIDER!! :wink:



Prot who :huh.:


ARGH, busted by my own meme :teehee:

So many iterations of Prot's GK's must have been a Freudian slip! :lol:

I'd take it as a compliment ;)


If you're referring to carry cases though, Black Friday coming up soon! :D
Minature Market starts next week and have cheap pluck foam options

Otherwise there's the usual suspects

Hmm, I may have to look into that.  My go-to has been Battle Foam, yet I gotta go where the money wants to go :laugh.:


@golfdeltafoxtrot - Thank you!  ^_^  Humbly speaking, I think red is a great contrast to grey and the best places for it was the weapons.  I put these guys next to my RG Terminators and they "pop" near all the black.  If/when I use them, then I'm sure they will stick out like their SUPAHSHINEY brothers.

Hey TWH, I'm sorry I missed this :(


I'm looking at about 25 Terminators right now.  To be fair, transport is the same as "storage" for me.  No doubt for others as well, but ... you know.


I've seen a couple of DIY videos on the subject to keep costs low, yet I think foam trays are a worthwhile investment in this hobby.  But really, my issue is about the carry case itself.  Have you seen the prices on those things?!  It's extortionate ...


So, maybe a Barnes & Noble box IS better :lol:

I've seen some guys say the battlefoam trays fit perfectly in (I think) the small Uhaul boxes. If it was a smaller number of guys I was going to say reach out to any friends in IT (or the IT department at work) to see if they have boxes. I have nabbed several from work after we get server components in because they're perfect for transporting kill teams and have the soft egg foam in them.


I have a couple KR cases and trays so I understand that it is pricey. It's one of those things that (to a degree) you need, but it really adds a cost to the hobby. I guess it falls under the 'buy once, cry once' mantra.

  • 2 weeks later...

That time you think you made a terrible mistake and wasted a lot of prep time until you start painting.


Btw, anyone have suggestions for a Spartan alternative?  I mean, I am nyoooot buying the FW model … if I don't have to :wallbash:  Just thinking far ahead.  Way WAY ahead ...

Thank you war!


That's a strange sentence at quick-glance without a reference :teehee:


Moving along with the LotD and will be working on some black.  At this rate I will likely finish the squad within January unless I get lucky with time.


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