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Vairocanum's Projects (9/28/2020 Dark Mechanicus Cultist)

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First model of the year! I was just playing around with bits from the mechanicus box I scored on boxing day and it sort of developed into this. I wanted to do something with the cloak/coat part and found it looked decent with some IG legs and tried to fit them together. I thought about giving him a sheathed sword but didn't have anything small or thin enough so I decided to give him some pistols instead. I'm hoping to get some more INQ28 stuff done this year cause I've really been neglecting it for a few months now. Thanks for looking and C&C is appreciated!




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Cool, is he a Chaos Cultist? Would make a great, sneaky, corrupted dude! Really like the hooded head on him! :yes:  

Is it a Deathwatch head? 

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First model of the year looks like one bad hombre! That match up of the cloaked torso and the coat-wearing legs looks really good! I love multi-layred clothes/uniforms as it adds bulk.


I still want to make some Savlar Chem-Dogs and I think I will go with your route and use the AD-Mech Torsos. I don't think there are many coat wearing legs though, just one from the Cadian command box?

Thanks hushrong! Glad you approve of the multi layered clothing, took some design cues from assassins creed! And yea I believe its just the Cadian command box that has those legs.


Like it Mr Wick 3.0 .

Thanks DSS7! I should have equipped him with a pencil as well!


That's a pretty great way to kick off the new year! I like how his cloak and underrobe flow together. 

Thanks Isengrin! Glad you like the flow of the model, the legs had to be shaved down to fit within the cloak nicely.


Great start of the hobby year! I'm not too sure about the "two layers" of coats he has going on on the legs, but the overall look of the models is very cool, and the pose is great as it has become a pattern with your conversions :wink:!

Thanks Traitor! I wanted to do an Assassin's creed-esque character so I decided on multi layered clothes. I'm glad you liked the posing, not super dynamic but at least I've managed to capture some of the motion nicely.


As the others have said, the two layers of cloth work well together.


The clean simplicity of the model is good also, sometimes the best characters are the least busy.

Thanks Pearson73! Glad you approve of the simplicity, I wanted a model that was more inconspicuous so I left out a lot of the usual inquisitorial accessories.




First model of the year! I was just playing around with bits from the mechanicus box I scored on boxing day and it sort of developed into this. I wanted to do something with the cloak/coat part and found it looked decent with some IG legs and tried to fit them together. I thought about giving him a sheathed sword but didn't have anything small or thin enough so I decided to give him some pistols instead. I'm hoping to get some more INQ28 stuff done this year cause I've really been neglecting it for a few months now. Thanks for looking and C&C is appreciated!




Cool, is he a Chaos Cultist? Would make a great, sneaky, corrupted dude! Really like the hooded head on him! :yes:  

Is it a Deathwatch head? 


He's an interrogator for some inquisitor! But I'm sure he could easily pretend to be a chaos cultist as well. And yea its a Deathwatch head.


More INQ28 stuff is always good.


You've picked a great head, it's suitably stern. Looks like he's about to lower the shotty and cut some hive scum in half.

Thanks sock! I went through several head choices before settling on this so glad it worked out well! Very nice mental image of him "taking care of business."




A day late this week, might be a more common occurrence for the next few months cause this semester is gonna be my roughest. Anyways I built a female skitarii huscarl this week cause I'm still having lots of fun with the skitarii box. I wanted to try for a more subtle conversion so I tried to keep original aesthetics of skitarii still present while changing the body type a  bit to look more feminine. Getting the sister of silence chest into the cloak was trickier than expected but I think it worked out ok. I want to try my hand at some more female characters in the future when I have the budget for the escher gang box. Thanks for looking, C&C is appreciated!




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Looking sweet! Subtle but good looking conversion job, you've integrated the SoS body very well, only thing I'm not convinced about is the layered tabard, doesn't look as natural, but everything else looks great!

Thanks Traitor! The tabard was a bit iffy for me as well but I didn't have anything else to replace it with so I just kept it, will try and replace it when I can find something better.


Solid work as always. The chest looks like a seamless job to me.

Thanks Markus_! Glad you approve, was a lot of tweaking to get the bits to fit together but great that it ended up ok! 


As ever, that's a nice combination of kits; I especially like the plume.

Thanks Pearson73! I thought the plume would work well to make it seem a bit different from the standard helmet and make it more feminine as well.


Oh wow! Real nice Skitarii there! And fantastic combination of less-than-obvious bitz! 

Thanks Ryltar Thamior! I'm quite happy with how it came together and was great practice for making a female model.


The huscarl is looking sharp! Love the addition of hair onto the helmet!

Thanks hushrong! I thought the hair would be a nice touch in case the boob plate "wasn't enough" :teehee:.


Very cool "iron maiden"! 

Thanks LordVelype! She's truly the "The Trooper" :wink:.




This semester is going to keep eating away at my hobby time, and having hundreds of pages of academic writing to decipher into manageable notes every week is wearing away at my sanity :facepalm:. Anyways this week I'm 3 days late, but I finished this Dark Mechanicus Skitarii for my eventual Dark Mechanicus warband. I wanted a more heavier set skitarii than the regular mechanicus versions so I tried using some beefier bits. I've managed to keep my attention on more INQ28 stuff so far this year, will try to keep it up cause the warband has been on planning state since I finished my Inquisitor warband last year so there hasn't been that much progress overall. I should be able to update on time this Sunday with another member of the warband. Thanks for looking and C&C is appreciated!




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Great sense of motion in the pose and as you say, that added bulk gives him a lot more presence and builds him up to be a lot more sinister, especially with that choice of helm.


Clearly he already has a nice big icon on the back, but I would like to see one of the smaller chaos stars from the DV cultists hanging from his belt or on the gun, feel it would add a little to him.

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I think with some paint it shouldn't be too hard to see the huscarl's curves. Although, when something is wearing enough armor it is hard to tell.


As for the new skitarii, he looks great. Again, fantastic use of bits! I think he has blood reaver leg's, right? If so does he stand a bit taller, sans the star, compared to the huscarl?

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Oh man, I love that skitarri! He doesn't look as ragged and degenerate like most minis for mortal chaos combatants, but more like a mean, determined fighter, yet with a very clear chaos vibe...kinda how I imagine the Blood Pact, even if yours is from the Dark Mechanicus. Putting that bit from the chaos vehicle sprue on his back is a nice idea as well.

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Great sense of motion in the pose and as you say, that added bulk gives him a lot more presence and builds him up to be a lot more sinister, especially with that choice of helm.


Clearly he already has a nice big icon on the back, but I would like to see one of the smaller chaos stars from the DV cultists hanging from his belt or on the gun, feel it would add a little to him.

Thanks Pearson73! Glad you liked the posing, the small icon is a great idea. I'll definitely try and add one somewhere once I figure out where I've left my cultist sprue.


I think with some paint it shouldn't be too hard to see the huscarl's curves. Although, when something is wearing enough armor it is hard to tell.


As for the new skitarii, he looks great. Again, fantastic use of bits! I think he has blood reaver leg's, right? If so does he stand a bit taller, sans the star, compared to the huscarl?

Thanks hushrong! Yea maybe you're right about painting, hopefully it'll show up better in colors. Actually the Huscarl is actually slightly taller than the DM skitarii cause the DM skitarii is leaning forward and those SoS legs are really long (especially after I grafted the bionics onto it).


Oh man, I love that skitarri! He doesn't look as ragged and degenerate like most minis for mortal chaos combatants, but more like a mean, determined fighter, yet with a very clear chaos vibe...kinda how I imagine the Blood Pact, even if yours is from the Dark Mechanicus. Putting that bit from the chaos vehicle sprue on his back is a nice idea as well.

Thanks Isengrin! That was definitely a design choice as I wanted something closer to an "illegally modified" skitarii rather than a techno daemon vibe. I had forgotten about the Blood Pact and now that you mention it I totally see it as well haha!


That's a very cool looking model, the cloak bit is perfect and the rebreather fits so well with the vanguard helmet!

Thanks Traitor! The model actually started from the sniper scout torso so I'm glad you approve! The helmet idea was originally from Hyaenidae but I copied it from The Observer.


Wow, that's one hulk of a Skitari. How does he compare to a regular one? I like that he's not overly chaos-ified, don;t really see the Dark Mech going in for much of that..

Thanks sock! He's taller than a regular skitarii by a little more than half a head. I made him not overly chaos-ified due to a fluff idea regarding the Dark Mechanicus Magos that I have yet to build. Long story short, the Magos is smart enough to see the dangers of interacting with chaos so he left the skitarii without techno daemon stuff so that he has a member of the warband that is truly loyal to him. Still fleshing out the idea though.




A day late unfortunately, so close to finishing yesterday but just didn't have enough time. Anyways this week I completed another member of my Chaos Warband, The Vivisector. The idea behind the model is just some entity that likes to take things apart, with the main theme centered around clutter. Tried to make the model look as busy as I could attaching whatever bits would fit nicely. I wanted to do spider/insect like legs similar to Sarpedon of the Soul Drinkers (another conversion I should consider making), so I ended up using some lightning claws. Still feel motivated to complete INQ28 stuff at the moment so I'm gonna keep going for now. Thanks for looking and C&C is appreciated!




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Now that looks like it crawled straight out of the artwork my friend. The use of lightning claws to make the legs is one heck of an idea and all the the little bits and pieces really build up the character and detail; the flame in the lantern is especially well done, given the size of the space. Can't wait to see him painted.
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