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The Berserkers of Uran - a thread from the past


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A chain around the neck?


Thank you,Sangi

I was more thinking a rope noose but a chain could work too.


Another idea I had while looking at a piece of SoH artwork which could apply to the Milewalkers but also the 'Serkers more generally: wearing their prison ident tags on their shoulder guards?

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Ropes are a bit prone to battle damage. We need something that'll make them recognisable in the field.


Sigi, I quite like that but don't know if it'll work on younger Milewalkers. Uran gang sigils could be a thing, in the style of the Bloodborne runes

Edited by bluntblade
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Good God, I go to work for eight hours and have just the one poo and all this happens.


Stuff like hand prints etc would be factored as well as runic symbols. Most of the stuff they'd use as markings in the gangs would need to be easily applicable via things like scarification. Regarding the world staying as a prison, after Imperial compliance it'd end up more like Krieg - just a massive organised meat grinder designed to churn out killing machines.

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Been thinking about decoration for Berserkers, and Cthonian symbols ought to feature a bit. Does anyone know what they're meant to look like?


As for Uran itself, we could adapt the Caryll Runes from Bloodborne, attributing the different style to those originally being daubed in ash rather than scratched into plate or teeth.

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