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Millicant is one of the Internet heroes of the Warhammer community.

The efforts are appreciated as always!


This new... "Edition" of 30k is pretty awesome in fairness!

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Guys, we are supposed to angrily rant at the person who is doing us a free service, not thank him so nicely! This is the Internet!


But in all seriousness, thank you kindly for all of your hard work! Playing around with the battlescribe is a big part of the reason I got into the Heresy side of Warhammer.

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Hey guys,


I'm pulling a fast one on you, my brothers... and I'm kind of sorry (not a lot, just a moderate amount).  This is for two reasons:


1) I don't have the book in-hand yet.  So the updates are completely based on the good Mr. Garro's list from Heresy30k.  This means that some of the finer details are missing, and therefore some whole updates are missing (rules, various upgrades, the new Jetbike unit), but the "big ticket" points changes are in.


2) Here's the real catch.  I've implemented them in the 2.0a catalogues, not the current ones.  They WILL be implemented in the current catalogues, but later on when I have more time.  This is because I'm reaching a point where I would really appreciate some Alpha testers for the new catalogue (LA:AOD only for now - the rest haven't been updated yet).  How can you get those juicy updates, you ask?  I think I can answer that....



First, download Battlescribe 2.0 Alpha (latest version)


Then, add the HHv2 repo to your data


Next, enjoy the files.


Finally, and this is the most important part: tell me what you think and about any errors you find.  That can be done here OR via the link below: (Hint, it's the same link for the repo, but you can use the "Report a bug" button to give me feedback.)




It's important to realize that THIS IS IN ALPHA.  There are lots of things wrong, but the only way to catch them all (must...resist...Pokemon joke) is with your help!  And, I've made some somewhat significant changes to the way the catalogues are used.  I'm a bit nervous about releasing these to the community, but I'm also REALLY excited to get some feedback.  It's been an obscene amount of work but I think you guys will like it.  


Finally, I apologize but none of the bugs reported here have been fixed yet.  :sad.:  I'm really sorry, I truly do want to fix all the things that are broken.  It's a bit difficult since I'm doing it all with two separate sets of catalogues now as we approach 2.0.  As always, your patience is greatly appreciated.  

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So I specifically waited for this update to test the alpha build out. I created a new list and got an error requiring Legion Mortis Dreadnought and Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought. I added a praetor, without any gear or any selections other than the unit, and received 16 notifications that the roster has 1 too many selections of Master of the Legion (maximum 0).

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The new roster only permits one choice in the Legion category of the AoD force org, which is a problem since both Rites of War and Legiones Astartes rules and alliances are a choice in that category, resulting in an error if you need both. I haven't checked the other force orgs yet, but I expect they're the same. Just letting you know.

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Okay, something I failed to mention, and it's a doozey. 


The 2.0a catalogues ONLY work with the desktop alpha.  There is an iOS and Android alpha, but that's still closed.  If you're trying to use the catalogues with the regular mobile versions, I'm quite sure there will be a ridiculous number of issues, if it works at all.  


The 1.15 catalogue updates are coming soon, but they will also be slightly fractured in nature until I have the book in hand to review the fine details.  

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If you need help, I'm a programmer as well and have the book :wink: I wouldn't mind tossing information around.


I may take you up on that.  I'm no programmer (Battlescribe only) so your expertise may be helpful.  For now, I might just hit you up for some details on the book so I can get them added.  

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If you need help, I'm a programmer as well and have the book :wink: I wouldn't mind tossing information around.


I may take you up on that.  I'm no programmer (Battlescribe only) so your expertise may be helpful.  For now, I might just hit you up for some details on the book so I can get them added.  



Yah. Just PM me when you need something and I'll let you know!

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I've built several world eaters lists in 2.0 and they have all worked without issue other than i can't figure out how to select a rite of war.  I like the new layout and features quite a lot.


Can't wait to get home and give it a whirl!


Or for it to appear on mobile :P

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