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Strange. Is this on the Android?

I'm getting a very strange situation where I basically don't have an option to chose ANY force org. The drop down is completely blank and I can't even begin to make a list.

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Try clearing out all your data and re-downloading from scratch.

This has fixed the issue! Thanks for the advice :-D



Was about to say, if it didn't - I had an issue where it just stopped working entirely for a while.


I nuked all things battlescribe on my phone, got 1 again and got the new datafiles.


All working perfectly.


Android fo' lyf.

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  • 4 weeks later...

anyone else having trouble with the HH army lists in BS 2.0?  I tried clearing out all the data files and reloading, i end up with a :censored: ton of roster errors when i try to create a 30k list.


Also having this problem. Even a blank roster has a load of errors

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I think its really an issue with the app and not the list. When the alpha first came out for 2.0, it was great. After a few weeks though, I could create a new legion list and I gave up on it. I tried loading it up last night and it wanted me to uninstall the old version before it would let me link to my dropbox. Sorry no dice, it got uninstalled.

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So there appears to be a stream of inexplicable error messages attached to my lists regardless if they were created in the old BS 1 or BS 2.0


It tells me I've spent 1875 pts. too much on LoW choices even when I haven't made one, and that I need to select one more from EACH of the fortification options. 

Now this occurs if I open a list in BS 2.0 that was created using BS 1 and was valid and legal, and it also occurs if i try to recreate the same list from scratch in BS 2.0


Is this just some glitch that needs to be worked out? I dont think its something I've done as the list in question was legal with no errors using BS 1

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I tried using 1.0 before getting the helpful message stating that the new version HAD to be downloaded. So go through that whole jazz to be told that despite buying the paid version it's now been changed to pay per year to avoid all the trash that crowds it. 


Annoying to say the least. That said I've found the new version to be much more intuitive than the old so great job on that it must be noted

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Hey guys!


I'm so sorry to have left you all in the dark there for so long.  I have been working furiously on the 2.0 catalogues in what free time I have had.  Unfortunately life has a tendency to be rather intrusive, so my attention to this project lately has been limited.  Again, my deepest apologies - I take great pride in this project and I hate that I've left it "abandoned" for so long.


2.0 files have been published.  I don't know how long it will take to hit the appspot repo, so please be patient on that front.  (Typically a couple hours but the site is acting goofy right now, so who knows!)


There are a LOT of bugs.  As with Battlescribe 2.0, this is a huge re-write of the catalogues, which are massive to begin with.  I have hundreds of hours of work ahead of me, so I'm going to have to triage bugs as you guys identify them.  Additionally, I did something unprecedented with the catalogues in terms of Force Org (you'll see ;) ) which inherently leads to wonkiness.  Please leave any feedback here, as well as any bugs on the github site - it's much easier to track them there.


Additionally, some things have been removed.  Namely, fortifications and Chaos Daemons.  I have to re-steal them and re-re-format them from those nerds over at the normal 40k repo, so that's going to take some time.  Sorry, such is the price of progress.  :(


Okay, that's all for now.  Again, I'm very sorry to have been absent for so long.  I can't promise I'll be on here every day, but I'll try to be a bit more involved so we can make this project better together!

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Thanks for the update. You wouldn't happen to have the old catalogue would you? I don't feel like rebuying premium again in the form of a subscription.



Ohhh also there isn't the new selection of baneblade chassis, apothecaries don't have access to packs and bikes, veteran tacticals are individuals.

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