Seneschal of the Seventh Posted December 16, 2016 Share Posted December 16, 2016 (edited) So I have a problem... I'm very much a hobby butterfly. I make progress on all my projects, just not usually on the same project. And I start way more projects than I finish. As a result of this, I've got a number of dead project logs across the B&C, some for projects I started years ago and am still making progress on, but I figure nobody wants to see a project update once every other year. I know I don't, but such is the curse of my hobby attention span. To remedy this, I humbly present Seneschal's Forge-Fane, a single thread for all my various 40k projects, where hopefully I can show some progress on some project every once and a while. I love the community on B&C, and y'all's input and feedback is extraordinarily helpful and valuable to me. Hopefully y'all will enjoy reading this thread as much as I will making it. I'll start each section with the below icon for the relevant faction, which will help (me!) keep everything straight. This post will serve as a table of contents for the thread - to the extent that I can keep it straight! The VII Legion Astartes Consolidation of Prior Entries #1 Consolidation of Prior Entries #2 Consolidation of Prior Entries #3 Sigismund WIP Sigismund & Leviathan Sicarans, Typhon & Apocalypse Game Grey Knights & The Orders of the Inquisition Consolidation of Prior Entries Ordo Reductor of the Mechanicum (Coming Soon) Adeptus Sororitas (One-Time Commission) Commission Edited July 13, 2017 by Seneschal of the Seventh Tags edited Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Seneschal of the Seventh Posted December 16, 2016 Author Share Posted December 16, 2016 A consolidation of prior Grey Knight & Inquisition entries... Accessing Database... Input Authentication Sigils: =][= +++++++++++++ =][= Accepted. Input Malleus Credentials: []== ++++++ []== Greetings, Inquisitor. The following are the contents of a data-slate used by one Interrogator Kolar Salek, acolyte to Inquisitor Roth Savarin, Ordo Malleus Tempestus. Interrogator Salek was one of two survivors of Inquisitor Savarin's expedition to monitor Archenemy interference with the Geledos Crusade. Upon his return to Bakka, Interrogator Salek was procedurally mind-scrubbed to retain service utility. Unfortunately, a plasma-flow disruption to the Fortress' number-sixteen generator caused a temporary surge of power to the Medicae wings, and Interrogator Salek suffered a series of debilitating electrical shocks to his memory centers. Interrogator Salek was transitioned to servitor service and now accompanies Inquisitor Kara Syren. My name is Kolar Salek, former Chastener Secundus of the Adeptus Arbites on Salar Quintus. At least, that is what my file says. I myself have no memory of my life before the Inquisition, no memory of the planet upon which I was born, nor of the family that I left behind. I can remember every interrogation I performed, true; every question asked, every implement applied, every pregnant silence and the screams, or sobs, or mewling pleas that followed, but I remember nothing of my life. It has been scrubbed from me to deny the Archenemy purchase within the castle of my mind. I am a man that knows but three things; killing, torture, and obedience. I learned quickly not to question the will of my betters, for they are the conduit through which the will of our Immortal God-Emperor flows. That I have always remembered. I departed from the Inquisitorial Fortress on Bakka in the company of my master, Inquisitor Roth Savarin, and his retinue of twenty-two souls. My master is a modest man for one of such import and power, preferring to travel with a minimum of baggage and personnel, and completely forsaking all ostentatious ornamentation about his body and quarters. I have always admired his discipline in this regard. Perhaps that could be considered the Inquisition’s one failing with me – their inability to scrub out the rigid discipline that years in an Arbites Precinct-House drilled into me. We took six staterooms aboard the Emperor-class battleship His Lordly Wrath, my master wishing to situate himself in proximity to the largest shuttle bays in the fleet for ease of repositioning, should that become necessary. I was bunked with Jorvis, Quartin, Legator, Gregory and Rubin, as was typical. The six of us were all former killers of some sort according to our files, and we preferred each other’s company to that of some of my master’s more esoteric retainers. My master took the largest room, directly across the hall, as his own, and also to serve as our command post and armory while we remained upon the Wrath. We were two days into the immaterium by the ships’ chron when old Petrov lost his mind. Kara was lucky to be at dinner when it happened; as the only other warp-touched among my master’s retainers, she shared a stateroom with the old man. Quartin got the doors barred before the old man could get out, and I followed quickly after retrieving my shotcannon from the armory. I put six rounds through the heavy oak panels, hearing the familiar BOOMBZZZZTHWUMP of the heat-seeking executioner shells finding the old man in the dark. After the room had been quiet for a time, Quartin and I entered behind a pair of stun grenades and found Petrov on the floor, leaking from a dozen holes. That night, Kara moved her things into our room, and we hung a curtain about her corner to provide a bit of privacy. The rest of the jump was pleasantly uneventful, and we all gave thanks to the Emperor for that. Entry Terminates. Additional entries follow. Archival Note: A strike force from Adeptus Astartes Chapter No. 666, Second Brotherhood, accompanied the Geledos Crusade on the orders of the Titan Conclave. Full force disposition of this Task Force is classified Vermillion - Onyx, but some data was recovered from pict-captures by members of Inquisitorial strike teams deployed alongside the crusade. We have referenced these images with available data on Second Brotherhood forces to yeild the descriptions detailed herein. Brother Phanes, Purgator of Cambyses, Warden of Aion Piloting Vengeance of Mimas Identifying Marks: Personal Heraldry (Lone Knight Combating a Greater Child of the Voluptuary Unholiness) Justicar Orion the Blind, Avenger of the Tiburon Nebula, Vanquisher of Papshukal, Banisher of Ninshubur Commander of Squad Hektor, 2nd Brotherhood, Adeptus Astartes Chapter No. 666 Identifying Marks: Personal Heraldry (Triple Starburst on a Black Field) Terminate Session? Y/N Goodbye. Accessing Database... Input Authentication Sigils: =][= +++++++++++++ =][= Accepted. Input Malleus Credentials: []== ++++++ []== Greetings, Inquisitor. Accessing Additional Entries... Our first action in the Geledos Crusade came on the third moon of Aethar IV, a crowded orb whose cities were constantly alive under a six-hour day/night cycle. We assaulted the Cathedral of the Emperor Beneficent at the midchron sunset with the intent to decapitate the cult which had infiltrated the Ecclesiarchy and plunged the moon into heresy and strife. I will never forget the words of my master as he strode down the vast aisle before the Emperor’s altar, passing row upon row of likely loyal Imperial citizens who had gathered in the Cathedral to pray for the deliverance of their homes; nor will I ever forget the events that followed. "Citizens of the Immortal Imperium, hear me, for I am Inquisitor Savarin of His Most Holy Inquisition, and today I bring forth the justice of the God-Emperor upon this fourth moon of Aethar. I do today name your Cardinal Primus, Theodore Warrin, a traitor to the Imperium; I accuse him of the crimes of heresy, consortium with the Archenemy, blasphemy, and the abuse of an Adeptus post. I find Theodore Warrin guilty of these crimes, and for such I deliver the following sentence: excommunication from the realms of humanity, denial of final grace before the Emperor, and death. May your soul be riven by those you sought to serve.” With his servo-skull still chattering away over his shoulder, recording every word of the sentence, my master pulled his pistol and shot the Cardinal through the head. He turned calmly, in just such a way that his long, woven cloak flowed serenely about, and faced the huddled and shocked masses of congregants. The servo-skull stopped chattering, having recorded the entirety of my master’s words. “In the harshness of this galaxy, with mankind beset by the numerous foes, it is the role of the Holy Inquisition to safeguard the purity of the race. We must remain ever-vigilant, for our enemies are insidious and cunning far beyond the capability of the ordinary mind to comprehend. And yet, in this uncompromising galaxy, we are the receptors of the greatest of gifts – the benevolence and love of the Immortal Emperor. He is our greatest tool and weapon against the growing darkness, and one which we must wield ruthlessly. Today, I beseech Him on Earth to look upon each of your souls, and to gather those of you who have remained true and faithful within his loving embrace. The rest of you will burn with your Apostate.” This time, there was no poignant silence following my master’s declaration. The servo-skull was not audible above the thunder of our guns. We each killed according to our own preferences and quirks, but we were all horribly, brutally lethal. If not for the knowledge of the purity of our cause, I would have become sick knowing what I was about to do. I unloaded my shotcannon into the crowded masses, the massive shells turning bodies into rent corpses and clouds of aerosolized blood and bile. Beside me, Kara sent carefully-aimed needles from her twin pistols, each one finding an eye or ear within the throng. Jorvis played his flamer across one corner of the chamber, a madman’s grin plastered over his scarred face. Quartin’s las was on full-auto, and he scythed down what looked like a mother and three children as I glanced over. Legator was also ex-Arbites, and the booms of his shotcannon echoed mine, pulping the skull of an elderly man. Gregory launched a frag from his grenade launcher, sending it arcing over and into the center of the panicked mob. Rubin, ever composed, had detached the scope from his long-las and was drilling holes in the foreheads of those closest to him. Behind and beside us, the Naval Armsmen my master had requisitioned from the Wrath sent bolt and shell into the crowd as well. In time, an eerie silence fell over the Cathedral, punctured only by the quiet moans of the wounded and the stark, deafening sounds of their dispatch. From this jarringly serene quiet came a calm, mellow laugh, soft at first, but growing in power and resonance. My master stopped mid-stride, and looked over his shoulder at the crumpled body of Cardinal Warrin. “I thought you may have sold more than your tongue, traitor.” The laughter only intensified as the ruined head of the apostate jerked up, one eye dangling from its socket, yet trained directly on my master. “Foolish, blind boy.” The corpse sang in a voice both alluring and terrifying. “Your thoughts will be my playground soon.” My master brought his hammer up just in time, as the Cardinal leapt at him faster than anything, let alone a dead man, should ever move. All around us, bodies began to melt, flesh running from bone in rivulets which turned from pink to violet as they reached the ground. I turned about, feeling the first tendrils of true fear creeping through my mental guards. Glancing back towards my master, I saw him standing before a massive beast, hammer glowing in his hands. I was about to raise my cannon to aide him when a creature formed from one of the flesh-pools and leapt at me. The melee was fierce, and we were losing quickly. I put a shotcannon blast into the face of one of the purple creatures, and its giggles of joy made my skin crawl. Beside me, Kara drove her force daggers into the skull of another creature, and it seemed to burst from within, releasing a haunting screech which rattled my teeth and caused my heart to palpate. Across the aisle, Jorvis’ eyes rolled in his head as a shape caressed his face with a spined claw, and I sent a shell through his temple, knowing he was already lost. In the midst of this, I caught a glimpse of my master, his armor rent, kneeling before the great beast. “Enough.” His voice was clear, calm, and more powerful than any sound I had ever heard. The creatures even stopped at the word, as if transfixed by his strength. I dropped to one knee without thought, tears welling from my eyes at the sight of my master, haloed in an aura of gold, resolute. My world exploded with light and sound. Windows shattered behind and above me, the stained glass cascading through the air, and about my master stood six angels, wreathed in mist and infused with radiance. They were armored in silver and gold, and my eyes burned to look upon them. About me, the creatures were hurled back, as if my some great, invisible wave, and they screamed and shrieked as they melted and burst into nothingness. An angel stepped forth from the ring, wings of silver mist flowing from his shoulders, a burning azure blade at his side. The great beast recoiled, staggering before the purity of this avatar of the Emperor himself. “Exorcis” A single word, spat as a shard of the angel's fury and hate, thrust through the air as a sword might thrust into flesh. The angel plunged his blade, two-handed, into the breast of the beast. Flames of the brightest green and yellow burst from the creature's eyes and mouth, and it sent forth a cry which cut to my very soul. Visions of death, decay, flames, an Emperor certainly mortal, and a thousand thousand other horrors beside savaged my mind, and my world went black. Additional entries follow. Archival Note: Twenty-nine frames were recovered from Interrogator Salek's damaged pict-recorder following the assault on the Cathedral of the Emperor Beneficent on Aethar IV. One frame is appended below. Unidentified Inquisitor, presumed Inquisitor Savarin Aethar IV, Denzaar Sector Comparisons of the recovered images with previous footage (see below) of Inquisitor Savarin leads to the conclusion that the above image depicts the Inquisitor immediately before the above-described assault. Inquisitor Savarin leads sisters of the Order of the Black Rose in the purging of Farring Justicar Orion the Blind, Avenger of the Tiburon Nebula, Vanquisher of Papshukal, Banisher of Ninshubur Commander of Squad Hektor, 2nd Brotherhood, Adeptus Astartes Chapter No. 666 Identifying Marks: Personal Heraldry (Modified from Initiation, presumably following significant combat event) Squad Hektor, 2nd Brotherhood, Adeptus Astartes Chapter 666 Terminate Session? Y/N Goodbye. Kobrakei, foamy248 and Dark Rage 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Seneschal of the Seventh Posted December 16, 2016 Author Share Posted December 16, 2016 These works were completed for a friend in exchange for a pile of Space Wolves for the wife's army. Classic scheme, no basing. The project was a joint effort between myself and my wife, and took far, far longer than it should have =P foamy248 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Seneschal of the Seventh Posted December 16, 2016 Author Share Posted December 16, 2016 A consolidation of prior VII Legion entries... We stand upon the last known bulwark of Humanity, silent wardens against an evil beyond true comprehension. Of our brothers, we have no word; perhaps they live still, drawing blood from the traitor. Perhaps they too have fallen, another casualty of trust misplaced. Of our enemies, we know with certainty that they draw nearer every day. Their agents upon the Throneworld grow bolder as our once-brothers draw closer. And so it falls to us, my brothers, to stand against this darkness. We are the last warriors of the Crusade, the Praetorians of Terra, and the sons of Rogal Dorn. Upon our shoulders rests the future of the Imperium, and we will shoulder this burden, for there are no others who can. Centurion-Delegatus Cyril Torvald, Lord Militant of Terra by Word of Rogal Dorn Address to the Legion following the return of the Retribution Fleet We began in ignorance, fighting a war that we did not understand against weapons we had never dreamt existed. We were unready, we were vulnerable, we were weak. But in those first moments our enemies gave us strength. The strength to live, to rise from the bloody fields, to march on but not to fall: all this is ours now, and was not before. First Captain Sigismund, Master of Templars Spoken to the Templars at the First Gate to Terra Go. Seek them out and bleed them. Remind Horus and his lapdogs that we remain. Lord Rogal Dorn, Praetorian of Terra Command to Sigismund following the return of the Retribution Fleet Unidentified Legionnaire, VII Legion - Presumed Legion or Company Champion Unidentified Legionnaire, VII Legion - Presumed Company- or Battalion-Level Siege Commander VII Legion Assault Craft - Unidentified Vessel assigned to the Blade of Perdition Markings Indicate Re-Assignment to First Captain Sigismund following the return from Phall VII Legion Heavy Armor - Tentatively Identified as the Oath of Stone Legion-Variant Fellblade modified for Urban/Close-Support Actions The Law of the Imperium is simple: the Word of the Emperor is Law. This cannot be disputed. Lord Dorn is the Master of Terra by word of the Emperor, and I am Lord Militant by word of Lord Dorn. You will submit to my authority, or perish by my hand for your treason. Now is not the time for discourse and decorum. Now is the time for war, and victory demands absolute authority. Centurion-Delegatus Cyril Torvald, Lord Militant of Terra by Word of Rogal Dorn Statement at the Dissolution of the Europan Senate, Three Days Following Lord Dorn's Proclamation of Martial Law Pict-Capture: Lord Militant Cyril Torval [WIP] I believe that none other than those of the Apothecarion truly appreciate the deep resilience of our Legion. I have fought alongside many of our cousins: the VI, the VIII, the IV, the XVI, and I have noticed a commonality amongst their practice of battlefield medicine. Within the other Legions, the Apothecarion is a walking field-hospital; the wounded are sought out and treated, often even removed from the front line for recuperation. Those of the Helix are healers first. I need not point out the obvious difference, but for sake of argument, I shall. Within the VII, we of the Helix are warriors, avatars of death whose presence grants hope and peace to the dying, and a warrior's support to the living. We are not healers, for the glove inures our brothers to the agonies of battle. A Legionary of the VII will not notice the loss of a limb, for what is that pain next to the glove - the glove to which he submits voluntarily and frequently? Nothing. Our brothers fight on, without need of comfort, leaving us to provide the only support a Son of Dorn requires - knowledge that the Apothecarion will avenge him, and ensure his line lives on. And this, my Brothers of the Helix, is why the Legion must not abandon the glove. It is a gift from the Primarch, the lifeblood of the Legion, and to abandon it would be to abandon our very character. Primus-Medicae Tyris Moloc, Third Lord of the Helix Statement During the Debate of the Pain Glove Pict-Capture: Primus-Medicae Tyris Moloc Thanks for your kind comments, friends. I am quite proud of the weathering - especially given all the (failed!) methods I tried before settling on this. For Graymane, here's the weathering method: -Over the yellow basecoat, apply a careful wash made of a roughly 50:1:1:4 mix of Future Floor Polish : Mournfang Brown : Rhinox Hide : Agrax Earthshade. You can see the result of this well on the legs of the Champion in the first post. It works wonders for shading and lining, as well as providing a nice filter over the sometimes-inconsistent yellow. The floor polish also provides a strong seal, and a glossy, level surface for decaling. -Heavy, but careful and directed sponging of Rhinox Hide. I use a ~6mm diameter sponge brush for vehicles, and a cosmetics sponge brush for infantry. -Lighter sponging of Leadbelcher, trying to keep within the existing Rhinox sponging. And that's it! I feel like I'm cheating with how easy it is once you get the hang of it. Because I had too much fun in the photo editor: a teaser for my next unit... I can't describe it, my Lord. It was like watching a myth about the gods of old come to life. Even the Astartes could not stand before them. Who? The giants in gold, my Lord. They exploded in and killed them all. I think their leader saluted the Astartes with his blade before it began, but it was so fast, I cannot be sure. Statement by Watch-Sergeant Bartholomew Williams Recorded by an Imperial Army Investigation into the Razing of the Lunar Fortress held by Loyalist Elements of the Word Bearers Legion If the Warmaster has turned his back on Terra, what are my orders? Tell him his brother Rogal will have him answer for it. Do not look to us for kindness. Do not look to us for hope. We are not the kind children of this new age. We are the rocks of its foundation. If you wish hope, then look to what we make. If you wish kindness, then look to those who will come after us. Rogal Dorn, Primarch of the Imperial Fists, The Vigilant, The Blade of the Emperor, Praetorian of Terra, The Unyielding One Address to the Three Hundred Magistrates of Terra Pict-Capture: Rogal Dorn [WIP] The more we spread, the more we find. World after world. New worlds to conquer. Space is limitless, and so is our appetite to master it. First-Captain Sigismund of the Imperial Fists, Martial Champion of Rogal Dorn, Kingsbane, The Master of Templars Commentary on the Great Crusade Pict-Capture: Sigismund [WIP] Leave the glory counting to our brothers. Leave the vainglorious artistry of the blade to the Lion's princelings. Leave the polished decorations to the Thirteenth. Chain your blade and bolter tight, set your eye forward, and let your offering of loyalty be the splash of traitor blood upon the ground. Ours is the path of the soldier, not the warrior. We are the mortar in the wall. Let our brothers ensure the flags fly. We shall ensure the wall stands. First Champion Soltor Keyek, Templar of the VII Legion Address to the Defenders of the Callistan Keep, 16 Days Prior to the First Traitor Landings on Terra Pict-Capture: First Champion Soltor Keyek [WIP] When we last left Terra, we departed as an army of unification, seeking to bring our long-lost brothers into the warm embrace of the Imperium. We leave today with a very different purpose. Out there, among the stars, cower entire worlds which bear responsibility for the fall of our brothers, our sisters, and our Emperor. We shall not offer terms as we once did. No opportunity for assimilation will be provided. We will fall upon these traitors as a vengeful storm, and we will only destroy. There will be no mercy. There will be no remorse. We will purge the taint of their existence from the galaxy, and in doing so, redress some small measure of our failure here. Lord-Praetor Kelmann Kohl, XII Captain of the VII Legion, Siege Master of the Golden Host Orders to the XII Company upon departing Terra, 8 Days Following the Fall of the Emperor Pict-Capture: XII Captain Kelmann Kohl wiqid, Marqol and foamy248 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Seneschal of the Seventh Posted December 16, 2016 Author Share Posted December 16, 2016 A consolidation of prior VII Legion entries... As requested, here are more images of the Primarch, as well as some size comparisons. I've spoilered both, as there are quite a few images and no text. I'm debating the odds of successfully modifying the haircut with some putty, but my sculpting skills are not that great, so I may end up being conservative and sticking with the mohawk. Additional Shots of Dorn Size Comparisons I think the size is about right; even without the height of the custom base, his chin is about the height of a terminator's forehead, and he's just over a head taller than a power/artificer-armored marine. On his base, his neck sits right at the torso ridge on a contemptor. New contact: Legion column at zero-five-two degrees. I see them, Sergeant. Light weapons and take the two Spartans. Are you sure, Sergeant? Those are our brothers! I served w... They are our brothers no longer. Light weapons and take them. Accelerator and starboard destroyer. Affirmative, Sergeant. Accelerator cycling to firing capacity. Accelerator discharging. Starboard destroyer array engaging. Auspex returns two complete kills. Light drives and pursue. Weapons free. Datalog Entry: Recovery crews operating in the ruins of the Petitioner's City have located the wreck of what appears to be a modified Legion Fellblade. Tentative identification based on limited available cross-reference suggests this chassis is VII Legion asset LFB. Informally termed the Oath of Stone, this chassis was laid down in the tankworks of the Magma City prior to the departure of the VII Legion from the Sol System. Chassis displays significant modifications from original fabrication, which was already heavily modified for close-support action in urban and other confined areas. Datalog of Unknown Mechanicum Adept Presumed Slain by Splinter Legion Assets, Datalog Retrieved 122 Days Following the Fall of the Emperor It is an unsubtle beast, not meant for anything but the complete and total destruction of a target by overwhelming force. Such is not our way, but it is a sight to behold. Attributed to Unknown V Legionnaire I have never thought subtlety one of my bloodline's strengths. Attributed to Lord-Praetor Kelmann Kohl, XII Captain of the VII Legion Let the thunder of our guns be the cry of our devotion, the blood of our enemies our offering of fealty. We will all die here, if not this day, then the next, for there can be no terms with those who have deserted Terra. Treachery demands death, and we shall deliver. Sergeant Vor Tyrall, Commander of the Oath of Stone Address to Squadron VII-1-4, The Oathstones, 12 Minutes Prior to Traitor Planetfall on Terra Addendum to Datalog: Analysis of the recovered chassis indicates critical damage to all systems from a wide variety of sources. It appears that secondary weapon systems were brought offline by a combination of rapid overuse resulting in thermal decay of the composite powercells, and repeated weapon strikes from Astartes-portable heavy las weaponry. Drive systems were terminally damaged by incendiaries, and compartment access hatches were forced or blown open. Primary armament was destroyed, along with much of the hull, by an apparent turbolaser blast to the upper starboard armor section. Analysis of surrounding areas suggests that LFB. destroyed a partial company of IV Legion medium tanks and two companies of IV Legion mechanized infantry prior to drive loss. The crew appears to have successfully resisted at least one attempt at boarding by IV Legion infantry prior to vehicle destruction by passing titan-class weaponry. Angle of turbolaser strike suggests Reaver-class engine or greater. Datalog of Unknown Mechanicum Adept Presumed Slain by Splinter Legion Assets, Datalog Retrieved 122 Days Following the Fall of the Emperor wiqid, hushrong and lionofjudah 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Seneschal of the Seventh Posted December 16, 2016 Author Share Posted December 16, 2016 A consolidation of prior VII Legion entries... Our cousins in the IVth speak often of the raw calculus of war, of casualty counts and munition ratio, as if war can be distilled down to a few critical metrics, the ownership of which will ensure victory. Make no mistake, there is merit to this approach, and we will soon feel the full weight of its application. But heed my words, Brothers, war is not a simple calculation. Certainly, a dry bolter is of little use, but those hands that hold the bolter are ever deadly. We are the mailed fist of the Praetorian, and upon our shoulders rests the future of humanity. Against those of such noble purpose, what chance does our enemy have? Centurion Brahim Polk, XIIth Siege Master of the VII Legion Final Words to the Legion Pict-Capture: Centurion Brahim Polk It is a wonder to me how Lord Kohl has survived this long. At the head of an army of post-human soldiers, armed and armored with the finest tools of war our machine-worshiping friends on the Red Planet can provide, he chooses to bludgeon the enemies of humanity to death with a rock chained to a stick. His war-making would be a humorous sight were it not so brutally effective. Unknown Centurion of the IX Legion Comments to the Standard-Bearer of the XII Company, VII Legion Prior to the Second Petitioner's City Counter-Assault Pict-Capture: Lord Kelmann Kohl Glory is nothing. Victory is fleeting. Loyalty is eternal. Unknown Officer of the VII Legion Prior to Execution by Traitor Legion Captors, 3rd Battle of the Altuk Approach Pict-Capture: Unknown VII Legion Officer, Presumed Centurion or Praetor Rank And some additional pics of Mr. Terminator Volkite: I've also put the finishing touches on the first 10 Phalanx Warders, but I forgot to get a photo of them while the light was good. I'll probably put something up this weekend. foamy248 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lionofjudah Posted December 16, 2016 Share Posted December 16, 2016 The oath of stone is fantastic!!! I love the quote from her commander on Terra... Id love to see some heat marking on the barrels of the supalaz and melta guns and some discharge discolorations on the cannon ends. ALso some rain and rust streaks on this beauties armored plates. Tell me more of Kohls helm and I must say I love his kettenmorgenstern! I want to see some weathering on the metals of the termi especially as the yellow is so heavily weathered and it looks like the rest of him is not. The bracer clips on Brahims shield arm are super tight!!! Thats a clean transition between the yellow and metal for sure and something I aspire to be able to paint. The blues of his mace head are tight ...but seem to pull attention from the eyes...or vice versa... Can you share your recipe on Unknown VII Legion Officer, Presumed Centurion or Praetor Rank's chest plate metals...what colors did you use and what did you wash with?? LOVE it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
terminatorAM Posted December 16, 2016 Share Posted December 16, 2016 Wow, just wow! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Seneschal of the Seventh Posted December 17, 2016 Author Share Posted December 17, 2016 The oath of stone is fantastic!!! I love the quote from her commander on Terra... Id love to see some heat marking on the barrels of the supalaz and melta guns and some discharge discolorations on the cannon ends. ALso some rain and rust streaks on this beauties armored plates. Tell me more of Kohls helm and I must say I love his kettenmorgenstern! I want to see some weathering on the metals of the termi especially as the yellow is so heavily weathered and it looks like the rest of him is not. The bracer clips on Brahims shield arm are super tight!!! Thats a clean transition between the yellow and metal for sure and something I aspire to be able to paint. The blues of his mace head are tight ...but seem to pull attention from the eyes...or vice versa... Can you share your recipe on Unknown VII Legion Officer, Presumed Centurion or Praetor Rank's chest plate metals...what colors did you use and what did you wash with?? LOVE it Thanks for the comments! I've not been brave enough to try heat staining yet - right now I'm justifying it to myself as "maybe a railgun won't generate that much heat..." but one day I need to try it. I'll probably give it a shot on a Predator or Heavy Support trooper first. Same with the rust streaking... this was to be the model that I'd try that on, but now that the yellow is weathered, I'm chickening out a bit! Probably practice on a Predator as well (I've got three primed and ready to go), then come back to that beastie. Kohl's helm is from the Skitarii Vanguard, just a simple bit swap. How would you recommend weathering the metal? More chipped, or more dirty? Right now it's Leadbelcher -> Nuln Oil -> Leadbelcher sponging to suggest some moderate chipping. The Unknown Praetor's chest eagle is the same recipe, but the gentle curve sculpted into each feather makes it really shine at the proper angle. Agree on the mace color - right now it matches the other power weapons I do, but the mace has so many edges it pops a lot more. May need to tone it down, but I'll wait to see how it looks next to other minis. Wow, just wow! Thanks! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Seneschal of the Seventh Posted March 19, 2017 Author Share Posted March 19, 2017 Disappear for three months without posting... typical of me. I'll leave this here for the moment, to prove my continued existance. More to come! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Oril Posted March 19, 2017 Share Posted March 19, 2017 hi i love your yellow ! what yellow you use for this result ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Seneschal of the Seventh Posted March 20, 2017 Author Share Posted March 20, 2017 (edited) hi i love your yellow ! what yellow you use for this result ? Thanks brother! For infantry I use vallejo white primer and vallejo game air gold yellow, both through an airbrush. For tanks I pre-shade with GW black, Rhinox Hide, Mournfang Brown and Zandri Dust spray cans. It's better to pre-shade with an airbrush, but I'm too lazy to do all those color swaps with the brush! Edit: Some more work from last night. Edited March 20, 2017 by Seneschal of the Seventh Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Seneschal of the Seventh Posted April 7, 2017 Author Share Posted April 7, 2017 We will spend our lives fighting to secure this Imperium, and then I fear we will spend the rest of our days fighting to keep it intact... In the far future, there will be only war. First-Captain Sigismund of the Imperial Fists, Martial Champion of Rogal Dorn, Kingsbane, The Master of Templars Private Musings to Tarik Torgaddon, II Captain of the XVI Legion Pict-Capture: I Captail Sigismund, VII Legio Astartes There's a persistent, downward bend in his sword that I cannot seem to get out, no matter how many times I subject it to the boiling/freezing water cycle to straighten. The weak point seems to be that narrowing just before the text begins, and there isn't much I can do about that. If it continues to bend, I'll have to reinforce it with some plasticard or wire along the bottom (mostly out of sight). Siggy's scenic base will be a project for another day - our Heresy gaming group is hosting a HH apoc game at the local GW on 20 May, and I've got around 3k of VII Legion left to paint in preparation. Speaking of which... Mourn not my flesh-loss, brothers, for I live on, one with blessed agony, mind alight with vengeance. My mortal body is a distant memory, a forgotten casualty of a forgotten war. My own weapons would have killed me had the xenos not, and I was a willing sacrifice. I am no more nor less doomed than any of us in these times. Dwell not on such sentiments, for they are nought but ammunition for these newest of foes to use against us. Ancient-Brother Bartholomew Agatarius, Revered Destroyer-Leviathan of the VII Legion Commentary to Unknown Tactical Legionaries During the Fortification of Lion's Gate Spaceport Pict-Captures: Ancient-Brother Bartholomew Agatarius, Revered Destroyer-Leviathan [WIP] Finishing up Brother Burt's base today; he's fast becoming one of my favorite models. I think I need a couple more to play with other weapon options. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Seneschal of the Seventh Posted July 13, 2017 Author Share Posted July 13, 2017 Once you have decided, do not delay. The best is the enemy of the good. A good plan, violently executed today is better than a perfect plan executed next week. Attributed to Ancient Terran Warlord, believed to be one of the first successful armored warfare strategists Presumed M2 - M3 Pict-Captures: VII Legion Sicaran Battle Tanks (2), Task Force Warmaul, Assigned to the Defense of the Southern Petitioner's City I completed a pair of Sicarans at the last minute for our group's Apocalypse game, along with most of a Typhon to be able to field an (almost) fully-painted 3,000pt army. Pict-Capture: VII Legion Typhon Heavy Siege Tank, Task Force Warmaul, Assigned to the Defense of the Southern Petitioner's City The Typhon's tracks have been washed since these photos, which were taken while it was still daylight. I need to go back and get some better photos of the units I've finished over the last few weeks, but I wanted to get these up since I keep forgetting. The Apocalypse game was a blast - 9,000pts per team made it fast-paced and relatively quick. My VII Legion stood alongside Corax and his Raven Guard and loyal elements of the World Eaters against Mortarion, Perturabo, and their treacherous sons and auxilia. The VII Legion represented the majority of the loyalist armor, with the World Eaters' glaive and a smattering of XIX dreadnoughts and rhinos being the only other vehicles. As such, I deployed in strength on our right flank to tank advantage of the open ground and leave my infantry-heavy teammates to handle the denser terrain of the left flank. My only foot troops were Sigismund and Templar Brethren in the Land Raider and a bare-bones Tactical Squad (proxied by the Warders) in the Rhino. Across from my troops sat Mortarion and his Grave Warden (not Deathshroud, interestingly) bodyguard in a Spartan, an auxilia Shadowsword and several Leman Russ Squads, and a battery of Iron Warrior artillery. In front of the artillery sat three Iron Warrior tactical squads in rhinos. On the other side of the board my allies deployed several World Eater heavy support squads with lascannons and culverns, three full strength World Eater tactical squads with apothecary support, and a full World Eater terminator squad with apothecary and character support. They faced down two pairs of auxilia basilisks, three Death Guard sniper veteran squads, and Perturabo escorted by ten Siege Tyrants, a Warsmith and a medicae (I may be forgetting assorted Contemptors and Predators). A single objective was placed in the center of the table, worth a number of points equal to the turn number. Mission was kill points (random roll), with additional points for each tank killed by the loyalists, and each infantry unit (non-character) killed by the traitors. The Raven Guard elected to outflank, which resulted in Corax, Dark Furies, an assault squad and two melta veteran squads in rhinos arriving on the left board edge Turn 1 (Apocalypse reserve rules). A lone melta veteran squad arrived on my side, along with three Contemptors in pods, which provided a nice distraction against the horde of traitor armor. I got very distracted by how awesome my Sicarans, Predators (4 shot autocannons... sooo good!), Fellblade and Typhon did against the traitor armor that I lost track of the flow of the overall battle. We demolished the Shadowsword quickly, then turned our guns on the Russes and Iron Warriors infantry approaching the objective. The traitors claimed the center objective on turn 3, but paid dearly for it, losing all the Iron Warrior tactical marines and most of the Russes. We sacrificed the Glaive and Fellblade to Mortarion and his bodyguard to leave them alone in a corner of the battlefield once most of the traitor armor was dead. That quickly became the only apparent option when we couldn't stop the flare-shielded Spartan, there just wasn't enough time to drop it after killing the Shadowsword. Unfortunately, the Traitor artillery savaged the Loyalist infantry on the left flank, and our armor didn't break through to it in time to make a critical difference. Corax and his vanguard broke against the Death Guard and Siege Tyrants guarding the basilisks, with the Raven Lord himself falling to the fists of his brother's bodyguard. Sigismund and his Templar did break off from chasing Traitors in turn 4 to stand valiantly atop the center objective on turn 6, and dutifully ate four basilisks and three medusas worth of shelling to earn the Loyalists another 6 points. Final score: Traitor Victory (37-34). More to come over the next few days/weeks as I update my armies for 8E. Marqol 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DaBoiKyknos Posted July 15, 2017 Share Posted July 15, 2017 Nice! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Supe robot gangster #1 Posted July 15, 2017 Share Posted July 15, 2017 (edited) I enjoyed your Patton quote there! Edited July 15, 2017 by Supe robot gangster #1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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