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Syn's Emperors Children


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The terminator is brilliant, and he's the least impressive of these latest models! I love the sorcerer, such a creepy vibe to that model, omnious to say the least.

The prince however is absolutely stunning. I can't even begin to guess the bits, expept for the dark elf snake lady. Very well put together, looks like all parts were ment to go together actually. It looks like an official model, except that they always cover them with weird magical swirlies nowadays:D

Thanks very much ElDuderino, that's very high praise indeed. It's mostly just the new Morathi model with Be'lakor's body and an Inquisitor head.


I know what you mean about all the weird swirly bits that are going on with recent models. Not quite my style!


Slaanesh spit in my eyes and call me blessed!


THAT DAEMON PRINCE IS RIGHTEOUS! I am beyond excited to see that blessed & ascended form get some paint!

Thanks Hushrong! I've not got to work painting him just yet, I'm trying to get the third Terminator done first, but I'll get him started soon hopefully.


The Daemon Prince is fantastic! Great use of bitz, and that base assembly is so very elegant. It'll be very interesting to see how the face works when painted -- it's the one part of the model that I am maybe not 100% sold on yet.

Thank you KrautScientist, I picked this particular head as it matches the one I used on my first Daemon Prince. I like the idea of them having a connection.


That's seriously one of the best daemon princes I've ever seen. Seriously. You've turned the iconic new Morathi into something completely different while maintaining the slaaneshi vibe the model has and adding something to tie it with the Emperor's Children. Also substituting the columns with a dawneagle jetbike is a brilliant idea, and so well executed!!!

Well thank you very much! I'm pretty pleased with it myself. It's funny, but I'm surprised that I haven't really seen many of this type of conversion. The new Morathi model is an absolutely fantastic model for Slaaneshi conversions, but I've only seen a handful of other people use it for this type of thing.

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I actually want to buy her for my Daughters of Khaine/ Slaanesh daemons army but still not sure about how should I convert her as I want to be able to still use it as the original model in AoS.

To be honest, I don't think it would really require any converting at all. Especially if your wanting to use it in a Daemons-only army. The model would work perfectly well as is. I only did so much conversion work on my one so that it would fit with the asthetics of my army and have some sort of hint towards it previously having Power Armour.

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Wow, what a time to find this thread! Haven't been through it all yet but I like what I see.


Lovely slannesh style going on, I think you've got it just right.


That Daemon Prince is brilliant. Very Fulgrim esque (obvs). Great pose on him. Is he deliberately slithering over the groin of the fallen custodes (so slannesh, if so)? Fantastic green stuff on the back also, super smooth.


Lookng forward to your updates.

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Now that's what I'd call a daemon prince! Nicely done, Doc!

Thanks very much Nephilim!


Wow, what a time to find this thread! Haven't been through it all yet but I like what I see.


Lovely slannesh style going on, I think you've got it just right.


That Daemon Prince is brilliant. Very Fulgrim esque (obvs). Great pose on him. Is he deliberately slithering over the groin of the fallen custodes (so slannesh, if so)? Fantastic green stuff on the back also, super smooth.


Lookng forward to your updates.

Thank you Krakendoomcool! I'm glad you like what I've done so far. As for the Daemon Prince slithering over the groin of the fallen Custode, that was not at all planned, but now that you point it out I think it fits very well!


I thought I'd show a size comparison pic, just to give you an idea of how big the Daemon Prince is.



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That is such a beautiful sight.


And that poor custodes. I didn't know he was felled by the infamous 'bad touch' of Slaanesh! Sent that guys hearts into overload till they exploded.

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That is such a beautiful sight.


And that poor custodes. I didn't know he was felled by the infamous 'bad touch' of Slaanesh! Sent that guys hearts into overload till they exploded.

I imagine there are definitaly worse ways to die! Especially in the Grim Dark.


A little while back I entered a competition over on Blog De Kouzes. The challenge was to build a warband of between 5 and 10 models. The competition was steep and having seen the warbands that won, I can safely say that it was very well disserved. It was a lot of fun to take part in, and that's the important thing, this is a hobby after all!


Here's what I entered -


My Terminator Sorceror.






His familiar.






The Noise Marine I put together a litle while ago.




And the first Terminator of my new unit.




And I bulked the warband out with a few existing models, so here's the lot together.


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That's fantastic! That terminator sorcerer is just huge and creepy. His familiar is pretty awesome too.

That noise marine and terminator look great!

Thanks very much Hushrong. I'm quite happy with how my warband turned out, unfortunately it doesn't quite fit with the new Killteam rules.


I'll be heading down to Warhammer World at the end of September for the Dark Zones tournament, and I want to have everything that's currently on my desk finished before that, so I should have another update soon.

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Awesome work!  


Thanks very much!



Once again, I must commend the vibrant pink, it really pops.


The familiar is a very creepy little fellow.


Thanks Pearson. The familiar was just a totally random, spur of the moment, idea. I don't knoe if I'll actuallu use it in games, but it was fun to make.


The next member of my Terminator unit is ready for paint.






And the Decimator is finally on it's feet. It's not quite finished, I still need to mont the flamers, and add some cabling to it's sides, but it's good enough to show.





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I love how you are turning those Dark Vengeance Terminators into something so very different -- what an exercise in thriftiness and excellent sculpting! Also, the plasma glow on that first finished Terminator is just delightful.


While I also really like your Decimator kitbashes, I have to point out that they do look a bit too much like stick figures when seen from the front -- have you considered maybe tweaking their frontal silhouette with some contoured armour or something of the like? Don't get me wrong, they are fantastic conversions, but it just seems like such a shame that a view from the front seems to be their weakest angle, from a visual perspective.


In any case, keep up the fantastic work! :)

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New terminator is excellent. Your sculpt work is also awesome! Especailly lwhen looking at details likethe jewels on the mark of slaanesh on his right shoulder pad. New decimator is looking better and better!

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Love this thread! Your greenstuff work is amazing at adding little details and turning these models into something unique. Really love the new Terminators.

Thanks very much MagicMan! That's really nice to hear :)


Your green stuff trim is so tidy! I tried some using plasticard and it ended up horrible and too thick. I read some tips up thread somewhere, so might give it a try.

Thanks Achinadav! I have tried plasticard a few times and it's never turned out very well. It's great for flat armour, like on vehicles, but useless for curved armour. Best of luck getting the hang of it, I might need some tips from you once you've mastered the art!


I love how you are turning those Dark Vengeance Terminators into something so very different -- what an exercise in thriftiness and excellent sculpting! Also, the plasma glow on that first finished Terminator is just delightful.


While I also really like your Decimator kitbashes, I have to point out that they do look a bit too much like stick figures when seen from the front -- have you considered maybe tweaking their frontal silhouette with some contoured armour or something of the like? Don't get me wrong, they are fantastic conversions, but it just seems like such a shame that a view from the front seems to be their weakest angle, from a visual perspective.


In any case, keep up the fantastic work! :)

I know what you mean. And to be honest, the finished model didn't turn out quite how I had planned. I think it's just a bit too skinny in the middle. I've not really thought about adding additional armour, there's just not really anywhere to fit it. But I'm thinking of adding some exposed cables running from the upper half to the lower half. The idea being to make him a bit chunkier without adding too much bulk.


New terminator is excellent. Your sculpt work is also awesome! Especailly lwhen looking at details likethe jewels on the mark of slaanesh on his right shoulder pad. New decimator is looking better and better!

Thanks Hushrong! To begin with, I wasn't too happy about how the third Terminator was shaping up, but he's come together pretty well in the end. Time to slap some paint on him!


That decimator is lovely:wub:

Thanks very much ElDuderino!

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You've been working some seriously good voodoo on making those loyalists (those termies were Dark Angel weren't they? Where they loaylists?) look great for Slaaneshi devotees! I want to work on my sculpting because with GS and your skills you've been making everything you touch look ace!

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I know what you mean. And to be honest, the finished model didn't turn out quite how I had planned. I think it's just a bit too skinny in the middle. I've not really thought about adding additional armour, there's just not really anywhere to fit it. But I'm thinking of adding some exposed cables running from the upper half to the lower half. The idea being to make him a bit chunkier without adding too much bulk.



Hmm, I think some cabling could really work to tweak the silhouette without making the entire area look too bulky -- and maybe a secondary set of smaller arms/manipulators, tipped with vile syringes or torture tools? Doesn't the Talos kit come with some of those anyway?

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You've been working some seriously good voodoo on making those loyalists (those termies were Dark Angel weren't they? Where they loaylists?) look great for Slaaneshi devotees! I want to work on my sculpting because with GS and your skills you've been making everything you touch look ace!


Thanks very much Hushrong, that’s a mighty big compliment! They are indeed based on the Dark Vengeance Dark Angel Terminators. As for their true loyalty, let’s not open that can of worms! If you want to improve your sculpting skills, you should definitely go for it. It's all about trial and error. My sculpting skills are by no means professional (yet!), but I can see a definite improvement from where I started. And I have had a whole bunch of failed attempts along the way.



I know what you mean. And to be honest, the finished model didn't turn out quite how I had planned. I think it's just a bit too skinny in the middle. I've not really thought about adding additional armour, there's just not really anywhere to fit it. But I'm thinking of adding some exposed cables running from the upper half to the lower half. The idea being to make him a bit chunkier without adding too much bulk.

Hmm, I think some cabling could really work to tweak the silhouette without making the entire area look too bulky -- and maybe a secondary set of smaller arms/manipulators, tipped with vile syringes or torture tools? Doesn't the Talos kit come with some of those anyway?


Smaller arms a pretty good idea, it could help to give him a bit more substance. I've decided I at least nee to shorten him a little bit. His mid-section is just a bit too long and skinny, so I'm going to trim it down a little.

I'm heading down to Warhammer World in about a month to take part in the Dark Zones tournament, and there's a list of things I want to get done for it. So I've been working away at that, and here's what I've got through so far.


The Terminator Lord I made a while back is finally painted up.




The champion for the second unit of Terminators has also been painted.





And I've put together a base for my Heldrake. So far it’s just been borrowing one from my Necron Nightscythe, so it's been a long time coming.



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Yeah, I am going to have to try some weekly sculpting sessions to work on it. I'd love to be able to sculpt worth a darn to add some pizzazz to my minis. For example I love the trim work you've been sculpting on these terminators and the decimator (among others) and I would love that for myself for armor trims and my blastmasters. Heck, it would also look great on tanks too.


The paint jobs are great and I like the base for the heldrake but the medicae turned lord steals the show. You have made that model look fantastic! Out of that short run of FW models for GW stores that was the only one I had the chance to buy...and I passed on it. Something about that sculpt makes me think of the the mayor from the Nightmare Before Christmas. The extra trim and the back swap out with a paint job is phenomenal, bud!

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Nice use of the knight head on the terminator, I've earmarked the kit to bash with Tartaros, so it's good to see it work.


You've really knocked it out the park with the paintjob on the Lord.

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