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8th Edition: Zeal Rising


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Raider Crusader Rush is back . Looks like I'm getting a second CC Crusader squad after all. Just need to know how IC buffs work now.

I don't know, with vehicle charges working the way they do now, perhaps it should be called Raider Crusader CRUSH.

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I love that 5th ed wound allocation is back and 4th ed consolidation into another unit from melee is huge.  No info if this will trigger overwatch. They did say there will be several special rules depending on the "Faction" to help prevent units from escaping combat but without details that could be like the DE one to a unit that has a movement boost special rule or even something that helps at charging.  


So good stuff and I missed that vehicles can't shoot if they are in combat but that goes along with the minimal distance for shooting is 1".  


50% of the army to be deployed on the table is locked for match play as well as the 9" rule for reserves.



PS: Primaries Marines- The method of creating them is being given to all the Chapter Masters so they can create their own.  Also they have a method of upgrading normal SM to Primaris.  I feel like the hint is that we could see existing models (characters) getting this upgrade.  Also Primaris Marines are more like eldar as each use is specialized vs a number of the SM units being more flexible.  


So if you want BT Primaris Marines that are using our gene-seed it is a go.  Get that black paint out and start those conversions.  

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Transports pick up units depending on modelcount, not just one unit. A Land Raider Crusader, unloading 3 squads of five ZEALOUS crusaders each, then charging to eat overwatch, followed by the sons of sigismund, which five of should win each and every combat handily? YES PLEASE!

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I'm not really sure I get the idea of upgrading Marines. Will that be an upgrade for the Squad or something?


 Ok let me clear up what they said about "upgrade".  "Upgrade" is more of a lore element it seems.  Lets say you have you Marshall Awesome-pants a bad ars crusader of hundreds of years he "could" in the lore be upgraded.  Or more likely Crusader Bob is upgraded and now leaves his crusader squad and joins on of those specially NuMarine units.  


You will not be getting the options to mix and match squads in the game with NuMarines.  They will be locked to only their special units that come out via GW.  

My speculation from the hints verbally and body language.
The hint I saw is that we might see some characters or notable vets be given a new model or kit.  Like a NuMarine Chapter master / Captain kit.  Possibly even named characters and even a stepping stone for the company to over time replace the old range over X number of years.
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As per the Great Crusade when great human warriors were implanted with partial Astartes bionics or organic elements, it would seem. I, too, misheard the upgrade bit to mean a physical hobby upgrade at first. I suppose, though, that one could mix and match a few NuMarine models into standard to reflect those especially giant Astartes such as our gene-brother Pollux, among others.

The NuMarine lore is bugging me, too. A more direct, "Guys, we're fixing the scale," might have been cleaner and more widely accepted than to try and force feed Guilliman's vision, again.

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Ok, so my inner balance and superficial acceptance of the changes in the setting is very fragile. I don't like the idea of these 'upgrades'. It is wrong on many levels, cheap and actually makes regular marines straight up obsolete. Now I'm even more worried about what story GW will come up with. Before this revelation, I could easily see a place for regular Marines in the lore. With "Primiarisation" available to all Marines, there's really no point in remaining an 'old' Space Marine. Especially that, it seems, the Imperium now has unlimited resources and may apparently breed however many Marines they like.


The thought of a "Primaris Grimaldus" or "Primaris Emperor's Champion" or, Emperor forbid, "Primaris Helbrecht" is like a Centurion: a heresy inside a heresy. I'm not excited about it at all.


Yeah, so it seems that I haven't came to terms with these new guys. And I thought I have, haha. I can still hope that in the game they will eventually be more expensive point-wise, so that fielding old Marines will remain a viable option.


But I like to end thigs on a positive note: the rules are still shaping up to make a great, playable edition.

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It's fluff used to explain away an overhaul and really it's quite slick how they did it. More power to them. But they won't make it into my Crusade until there is an upgrade sprue.

I would however build an IF Primaris force to ruin fortifications before the Templars charge in, keeping IF keywords (I think we can all assume we will wind up a ruleset under them) and if they get an upgrade sprue they shall have sufficient Zeal to receive The Black.

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The way I see it this was a business decision, do we introduce these models via lore or a direct range replacement?  They went with a lore elements and only adding the NuMarines in new specialty units that are going to be coming out with 8th.  


We know that SM is the largest profit maker for GW and this is a good way to make positive prediction of sales over of a set amount of time.  No matter what method they chose to release the new scaled marines they would have a push back.  I honestly believe the method they are using by taking the lore route is the correct one.  As you will have a number of people not even realize the reasons why things are changing.


So GW just choose what would possibly produce the least amount of negative feedback as well as starting to more the lore forward.  As a WFB fan I can say that everything here that is changing, even if goofy at times, is a hell of a lot better than blowing up 40k and creating Age of Sanguineous. 

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Land Raiders just keep getting better with each new bit of info, love it! Now we need to know what asssault transports do if they still exist, maybe charge with the land raider and disembark the contents into the assault.

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Yes it certainly reduces my hostility towards them.

Helbrecth is one of my favourite characters of the setting, and he could really be expanded upon. Having a primaris version would be awesome.


I still have a bit of a bone to pick with the fact that all SM Primaris armies will have the same organization at start, and the fact I can't use crusader squads upsets me.


But I reckon that might be addressed later on with chapter specific rules and kits. Or maybe we are just reverting to legion wise rules.

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It's a reversal of the Codex Astartes by the look of things to me.


Specific Squads for specific tasks, no weapon variations, etc.

It's like revisiting the Crusade of 30k.


Unique units will appear as armies get more established.

Personally I Dread the fact I'm having to purchase MORE models so soon after finishing an army.

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I'm glad I made an oath not to make more BT models with the advent of 6th edition and our subsequent folding.


I have plenty to do.

But only when BT specific models and hopefully a chapter upgrade kit hits. Then I'll make Black Templars.


The starter set will provide a good starting point for an Ultra army. All the shoulder pads will have the chapter symbol.

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Yeah... I'll definitly true scale the majority of my marines now... so much work to do... but I guess im going to retire some models that can't be converted without a lot of destruction to their detail... I'll have to get some primarines to compare sizes...
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