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Terminators with 2 wounds, almost impenetrable armor and combi-melta will be scary as hell....especially if they might ride in a Landraider who as well becomes really good now. CAN'T WAIT!

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Hehe let me have Purge detachment where elites are compulsory and I will jam in so many Nurgle Chosen squads with combi weaponsit won't be funny :D seems like combi weapons will be great choices for champions for especially on normal CSM squads which can only have 2 special weapons


They have restored my faith with the twin linked weapons on land raiders now show us the stats on that beast

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Quite an odd inversion for ordnance - it's now least effective against infantry, whilst posing an extreme threat to multi-wound single models. Probably the least intuitive change thus far, I'd say. Not sure I'm a fan of the dual-firing combi-weapons either, three modes of firing for a single, reasonably common gun is a little on the bloated side.


Twin-linked though? Probably the best change after the new armour modification system. Makes much more sense and is exactly what is needed for the oft-unfortunate units that bear them - Tactical Termies, Dreads, Land Raiders etc...

Well, I can get the combi because dual triggers and whatnot. Most minis have the triggers right next to each other so no biggie. I mean, it doesn't seem safe to fire a high explosive fragmentation rocket the exact same time as an infernally hot stream of fire, a small ball of plasma, or a stream of fusion created energy, but whatevs.


I'm kinda iffy on the ordinance. The problem I get from it is that if I understand it correctly, you either hit one unit, or no units. Which is basically bad for artillery. If I remember templates correctly, you could hit multiple units at the same time, but only the models that were "under" the template were affected. Now, you roll to hit the one unit you targeted, and then you roll to see how many hits you land? Or something like that. But no matter how many hits/wounds you generate, they only go against the one unit.


On the bright side, if I'm interpreting the battle cannon correctly, you roll a D6 to determine how many Strength 8, AP -2, shots you get. And then you roll a D3 to determine how much damage you get per shot. So on the one hand, you could roll 18 Wounds to just slaughter that group of Guardsmen. On the other hand, you could only roll 1 Wound against that Carnifex.


So really, the only thing you lose out on is the ability to more than one unit simultaneously.


If I understand it correctly.


I'm not convinced wounds carry over to other squad members - it makes no sense for a Lascannon shot, with D6 damage, to kill 5 Marines. I suspect that if you roll a 3 for your Battlecannon shot, you're only killing 3 Guardsmen at most.

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Quite an odd inversion for ordnance - it's now least effective against infantry, whilst posing an extreme threat to multi-wound single models. Probably the least intuitive change thus far, I'd say. Not sure I'm a fan of the dual-firing combi-weapons either, three modes of firing for a single, reasonably common gun is a little on the bloated side.


Twin-linked though? Probably the best change after the new armour modification system. Makes much more sense and is exactly what is needed for the oft-unfortunate units that bear them - Tactical Termies, Dreads, Land Raiders etc...

Well, I can get the combi because dual triggers and whatnot. Most minis have the triggers right next to each other so no biggie. I mean, it doesn't seem safe to fire a high explosive fragmentation rocket the exact same time as an infernally hot stream of fire, a small ball of plasma, or a stream of fusion created energy, but whatevs.


I'm kinda iffy on the ordinance. The problem I get from it is that if I understand it correctly, you either hit one unit, or no units. Which is basically bad for artillery. If I remember templates correctly, you could hit multiple units at the same time, but only the models that were "under" the template were affected. Now, you roll to hit the one unit you targeted, and then you roll to see how many hits you land? Or something like that. But no matter how many hits/wounds you generate, they only go against the one unit.


On the bright side, if I'm interpreting the battle cannon correctly, you roll a D6 to determine how many Strength 8, AP -2, shots you get. And then you roll a D3 to determine how much damage you get per shot. So on the one hand, you could roll 18 Wounds to just slaughter that group of Guardsmen. On the other hand, you could only roll 1 Wound against that Carnifex.


So really, the only thing you lose out on is the ability to more than one unit simultaneously.


If I understand it correctly.


I'm not convinced wounds carry over to other squad members - it makes no sense for a Lascannon shot, with D6 damage, to kill 5 Marines. I suspect that if you roll a 3 for your Battlecannon shot, you're only killing 3 Guardsmen at most.


They already said that multi-damage weapons will kill always only one model per shot.

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You can still kill 6 Guardsmen with one shot potentially so really, still not that bad.

Aye, but that would be the max output against infantry. Not bad but also not what one should expect to happen every time. :D

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So now with the shooting weapons profiles today, as well as the additional rules changes we know... terminators seem pretty incredible. I feel like I need to buy a bunch of scarab occult boxes after all and create a dustwing. You can even battleforge an army using only HQ and elites if you want...


CSM seem in a really great place with all the combi-bolters we get. Mayhaps the Defiler will be making a comeback as well with how strong battle cannon is.

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Really happy about this.  Terminators been a core part of my Iron Warriors list for a very long time.


Also rememeber, well for time been combi bolter are twin linked.  So if you chose fire both that & weapon attach.  That 4 Bolter shot (Rapid Fire) per terminators & your chosen special weapon.  Sure 4+ to hit.  But there will be time those special weapon do miss & try get that last wound of a Centurion or with the new rules, trying to troll someone with there Land Raider on that single wound & getting that 6!!


Interested see how Deep Strike will work.

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You can still kill 6 Guardsmen with one shot potentially so really, still not that bad.

Aye, but that would be the max output against infantry. Not bad but also not what one should expect to happen every time. biggrin.png

True, but then unless the dice gods really hate you, you're going to be killing or at least Wounding 2+ models on average.

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Still need deep strike mitigation ....

But you do already know that there is no scatter dice in 8th anymore, right? Because if not....surprise! :D

Sure we don't know the exact rules yet but looking at AoS there's a chance for deep strike simply not scattering at all. ;)

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I mean, at least this way, when you hit a unit, you hit a unit. It's not "Well you hit them, but the template only covers one model, so you're screwed."

I mean sure, you're going to get some Vietnam war movie moments where someone sticks their head out of a foxhole just for the guy standing literally right next to them to turn into a pair of smoking boots while the first guy is okay, but c'est la vie. Stuff happens. At least a hit is a hit and not a "Well you kinda hit". So there's the tradeoff of only hitting one unit at a time and the wounds not carrying over, but imagine pulling 18 Strength 8, AP -2 hits on Guilliman.


"Not today Imperial filth. Not today."

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I am very curious to see if TDA has been tweaked.   In Shadow War TDA is save on 3+ but roll 2d6?!


Curious to see the rest.


Twin lined Bolters on Scarab Occult Termies would be awesome based on today article.

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I think we all can agree that templates are WAY better for the narrative feel of a game. It's just super clunky while actually playing the game unfortunately. I gladly sacrifice that much narrative feel for a better game mechanic any day.

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I think we can safely assume that it won't be like in SW:A. That would be WAY too tedious to roll after getting wounded by like 30 Lasguns. And it's also not needed since the AP is way less than in SW:A.

Against a friggin lascannon you still get a 5+ save and against a Melta still a 6+. Against anything worse (which is a lot) they still have a 2+ to 4+ save. Plus it's already confirmed they will have two wounds each.

With those tweaks they are already one of the most durable infantry units in the whole game based on what we've seen so far.

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I am very curious to see if TDA has been tweaked.   In Shadow War TDA is save on 3+ but roll 2d6?!


Curious to see the rest.


Twin lined Bolters on Scarab Occult Termies would be awesome based on today article.

We already know from the character profile section they did before that Terminators still have their 2+ armour save.

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Terminators surrounding a chaos Lord and sorcerer marching up the field, while my chosen and chaos marines are making trouble (hopefully still infiltrating)


Yeah I'm pretty happy with the rules presented so far

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I'm very excited to hear that Termies seem to be great again. Though I'm kicking myself for not waiting 'till 8th before hacking my Land Raider's front to bits and beginning work on converting it into a sonic Achilles (though I imagine the Achilles and the Spartan are going to be absolutely beastly with the improved vehicle rules).


Part of me wants a new Terminator kit as the old one, cool though it is, has kinda ropey detailing on the legs. Though IMO with proper conversions they can still look amazing. Lightning claws would be nice, though with how sucky Warp Talons have been so far I reckon most people will have the bitz left over from that kit to give their Termies claws.


Seeing as Nurgle Terminators are basically confirmed I would definitely like to see Khorne and Slaanesh Terminator kits though. :tu:

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I kind of dislike the fluctuation of the weapons. In 7th when I jump some Raptors with two flamers next to a blob of Ork Boys I know I'll have guaranteed 10+ hits. Now I could have only two hits if I roll badly. Same for the damage on the Lascannon. It could either deal as much damage as a lucky bolter shot or strip away a huge chunk of wounds. Would have liked to see something like D3 + 3 hits/wounds for those weapons. That way you have at least some assurance that they will deliver the result they are designed for. 


Combi weapons seem very, very awesome, however! Combi flamers will be the bane for hordes! 


And Occult Termis getting 2 shots per guy with up to 4 shots when in RFR seems very nice. Now they might actually kill something in the shooting phase! Here's to hoping that their close combat weapons won't suck...!

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At a guess, I think power swords will be -2 to armour saves (if the AP3 on battle cannons being -2 indicates anything), which would make them respectable.


I am going to miss templates, it's one of the few things about 8th I'd rather not have. On average it will be fine, though

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