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8th Edition Rumours


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Yeah - looking at it, then all the cult units may be elites unless you play their Legion - perhaps the ability for a Lord with the appropriate mark to make them troops is gone.

I expect that and am not mad about it at all. ^^

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I wonder if other veteran elements (Sternguard, chosen, etc) will get 2 wounds? There is precident for not getting them (crisis suits currently give a slew of bonuses to the firewarrior who steps into the Rainment of Heroes, including an extra wound)
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I doubt it. Terminators really needed it because they were supposed to be incredibly durable which they simply weren't. Chosen, Sternguard etc. aren't supposed to be more durable than other Marines, just better trained and better equipped...or blessed by the gods.


Firewarrior get an extra wound when becoming a Crisis pilote because that's more equal to being in an ultra small vehicle with advanced controls than wearing a Power Armor. ;)

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I no longer regret all the terminators I bought when Traitor's Hate came out and I thought I was gonna build a Terminator Annihilation Force. I bought 5 combi-flamers today, because oh my :cuss I cannot wait to deep strike and burninate some fools. Even without scatterless Deep Strike, they only need to be 8" away and get the full number of shots, as opposed to right up the butt of the target unit to maximize hits.

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I love the 'All is Dust' rule. I was wondering how they'd tackle it, and IMHO they nailed it. Reminds me of the old 3rd edition rule where S4 or lower weapons couldn't even hurt them at all!


Keen to see what Berzerkers are like :)

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Those Faction Keyworld are interesting. 


It mean we can build up a Battleforge army of Thousand Son, or Heretic Astartes. As we can do now with Traitors Legion.

OR, we can build an army on the Faction Keyword Tzeencht with Thousand Son + Tzeencht Daemon (Khon Daemonkind style) (or Emperor's Children + Slaanesh Daemon, Death guard with Nurgle Daemon)

Or on the Keyword "Chaos" with any Traitor's Legion + any daemon.


So sweet. 

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​Moderator note - Just merge the Terminator topic with this for time been.


​Notice Death to the False Emperor in the ability in the Thousand Sons data, interested to see this.


Maybe the new "Veteran of the Long War"



Sounds plausible.

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That Warhammer World posted up a list of demo pods & seminar that will be happen during Warhammer Fest in two (tomorrow) time.  With the pods & seminar having +Redacted by order of the Inquistion+.  With details been posted soon.

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I no longer regret all the terminators I bought when Traitor's Hate came out and I thought I was gonna build a Terminator Annihilation Force. I bought 5 combi-flamers today, because oh my censored.gif I cannot wait to deep strike and burninate some fools. Even without scatterless Deep Strike, they only need to be 8" away and get the full number of shots, as opposed to right up the butt of the target unit to maximize hits.

I heard in AoS you have to be 7 or 8 inches away while deep striking?

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So uh, how do people feel that the points costs are listed in a separate section of the army book rather than the datasheets so they can faq point costs to adjust army balances depending on how uniform lists become at tournaments and such?


I think it's interesting that they actively plan on forcing people to have varying armies, but at the same time I'm kind of terrified that people might finally build armies they like only for those armies to become invalidated just because "too many people" are playing the same or similar enough armies.

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how do people feel that the points costs are listed in a separate section of the army book rather than the datasheets


To me, it's great. List-building is now separate from the datasheet itself. Less text to see while I'm showing my opponent a rule on my sheet during play.



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Guest uk_crow

From the article


This is because you don’t need them to play if you don’t want, which frees up room to include more rules for weapons on the datasheet. It also means that, in the future, points for units could change without invalidating existing books – so if one unit or weapon starts to dominate tournaments, or certain units don’t seem to be carrying their weight in competitive games, we can address the balance.

Frees up space making rules etc easier to understand and show to opponents and means they can adjust points to balance things without invalidating books on an ongoing basis. Seems like a great idea to me.

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From the article


This is because you don’t need them to play if you don’t want, which frees up room to include more rules for weapons on the datasheet. It also means that, in the future, points for units could change without invalidating existing books – so if one unit or weapon starts to dominate tournaments, or certain units don’t seem to be carrying their weight in competitive games, we can address the balance.

Frees up space making rules etc easier to understand and show to opponents and means they can adjust points to balance things without invalidating books on an ongoing basis. Seems like a great idea to me.




Exactly, love it.

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I'm ok with it, though not overjoyed either.


I know exactly why it's done - it allows you to tweak costs and rebalance easily.


They could release a new book annually that catalogues all the costs for all armies, and thus update them easily without invalidating the books that contain unit entries.

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I think that is the point. GW can release one book annually and update all armies point cost without disrupting an entire codex. They also seem to be pushing the narrative and power level in my opinion becuase that is included on the datasheet however it doesnt matter the minor details just gives you a "big picture" look.


Although the two point cost system might be tedious I think it will work out in the end. The competition has their point system and the guys who care more about the theme or whatever have their system and you can easily float in between the two.

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I'm a little bit concerned about khorne Berserkers. If they don't count bolt pistols as an extra combat weapon along with their chainswords/chainaxes, they will only have 1 attack base (same with raptors and other asm) and the rumored not getting attacks on the charge anymore.


That doesnt sound great, and I'm not sure being able to shoot pistols in my next assault phase in combat is as good a trade off.


I'd kinda wish they would rerelease the chaos faction focus with proper stat leaks for zerkers and chainaxes...

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