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Makes you wonder if the death guard will still have some form of relentless so they can still move and fire without penalties

Firing pistols into combat will be pretty good especially with Beserkers or plague marines :D

I hope not. I hope their movement is like 4" because they are so fat.
I wasn't talking about death guard being fast I just meant as in being able to move (as you say probably really slow ) and still shoot their weapons without this - modifier to shoot which was discussed in the shooting article then being slow as snails would probably be a good balance
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Makes you wonder if the death guard will still have some form of relentless so they can still move and fire without penalties

Firing pistols into combat will be pretty good especially with Beserkers or plague marines biggrin.png

I hope not. I hope their movement is like 4" because they are so fat.

You say "fat" I say "full to the brim with Papa's blessings".

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You can also move and shoot with heavy weapons do multiple hits or wounds with certain weapons. So i think its a bit of a give and take. More stuff will allow armor saves but that same stuff if getting fired more often or doing more damage.

Weapons doing multiple damage doesn't affect regular infantry at all tho and weapons with multiple hits aren't anything new (also keep in mind the only weapon with multiple hits we've see so far are Flamer and that's because they hit automatically instead of shooting regularly).

Don't multiple wounds from a weapon carry to the squad in sigmar? Could be the same here

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You can also move and shoot with heavy weapons do multiple hits or wounds with certain weapons. So i think its a bit of a give and take. More stuff will allow armor saves but that same stuff if getting fired more often or doing more damage.

Weapons doing multiple damage doesn't affect regular infantry at all tho and weapons with multiple hits aren't anything new (also keep in mind the only weapon with multiple hits we've see so far are Flamer and that's because they hit automatically instead of shooting regularly).

Don't multiple wounds from a weapon carry to the squad in sigmar? Could be the same here


Yes it does and no it does not in 8th 40k. That's already confirmed. ;)

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You can also move and shoot with heavy weapons do multiple hits or wounds with certain weapons. So i think its a bit of a give and take. More stuff will allow armor saves but that same stuff if getting fired more often or doing more damage.

Weapons doing multiple damage doesn't affect regular infantry at all tho and weapons with multiple hits aren't anything new (also keep in mind the only weapon with multiple hits we've see so far are Flamer and that's because they hit automatically instead of shooting regularly).
Don't multiple wounds from a weapon carry to the squad in sigmar? Could be the same here

Yes it does and no it does not in 8th 40k. That's already confirmed. ;)
Is it??? Which article confirmed this?
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Is it??? Which article confirmed this?



The Weapons article only indicates that Damage is applied to one model. I believe GW clarified this on Facebook, but Facebook is very hard to search so I can't find it...

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No more templates is kinda a kicker in the nuts for me, i've bought a new set of custom made templates with the World Eaters legion icon on them on ebay...


Also there was that innerent Fear of hitting you're own units if the battles we're too close to each others, that was a perfect way to counter armies with lots of blast weapons.


Or there was also the thrill when you attempted this bold shoot, where if the templates moved even 1" to either side you'd hit your own models, but you managed to roll a hit.


i'll miss those moments.


poeple has been talking about the fact that CC units as been :cussed over with the retreat mechanic.


While it will be an arse move if One of your units is engaged with One of the ennemy units, on the other hand if you're engaged with 4+ units at the same time, i hardly think that the opponent will sacrifice 4 of his units turn, it would not left many units with many things to do...


Also a way to counter it, surround ennemy units with your own.


Either with MSU or with Large enough units, and if you cannot completly surround them, at least to the point that even if he retreat, he'll still be at 1" of your unit, so that particular unit cannot shoot at you in the next turn.

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You can also move and shoot with heavy weapons do multiple hits or wounds with certain weapons. So i think its a bit of a give and take. More stuff will allow armor saves but that same stuff if getting fired more often or doing more damage.

Weapons doing multiple damage doesn't affect regular infantry at all tho and weapons with multiple hits aren't anything new (also keep in mind the only weapon with multiple hits we've see so far are Flamer and that's because they hit automatically instead of shooting regularly).
Don't multiple wounds from a weapon carry to the squad in sigmar? Could be the same here
Yes it does and no it does not in 8th 40k. That's already confirmed. msn-wink.gif
Is it??? Which article confirmed this?

Yeah, it's quite clear in the article. I like it, shooting is powerful enough.

"Damage is a big change. This stats effectively lets a single hit deliver multiple wounds to one model. So, as we can see, the bolter does a single wound per hit, and so is optimised for shooting models that have a single wound themselves, whereas the lascannon, one of the most powerful man-portable weapons in the game, kicks out D6 damage, allowing it to blast chunks off large vehicles and monsters and kill light vehicles and characters in a single hit. Against something like Guardsmen or Orks though, this formidable damage output will be wasted."

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I wonder if units locked in combat can shoot pistols AND swing, or only one or the other. Taking plasma pistols in the units of berzerkers may actually end up being worthwhile this time around, but far less satisfying to have their powerful attacks come from shooting instead of, say, swinging power axes instead of chainaxes/ccw.

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I would say yes, as shooting is in one phase and swinging in another, but who knows


And this is up on Warhammer Community:

The basic mechanics of this phase are very similar to how they work now. You can select any unit with 12″ as the target of your charge, and your units will move towards them 2D6″.


Enemy units still have a chance to hit the charging unit with overwatch, provided that they are not already in combat. Just as in the current edition, overwatch is a hit on a flat 6 – all pretty familiar so far.


In the current Warhammer 40,000, you need to reach base contact. In the new edition, though, you only need to come within 1″ of an enemy, which in practice means that compared to the current charge range, you get an extra inch.


You also can’t move within 1″ of an enemy you didn’t declare as the target of your charge, so if you want to engage multiple units, you’ll need to brave the overwatch fire of all of them. Overwatch can also be fired multiple times per phase, but as soon as the unit is engaged, they will no longer be able to fire back


Not a lot new here and apparently there is a fight phase where the melee actually happens.

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PLEASE let WE retain the Talisman of Burning Blood in the new edition. To only have it for such a short while would be a shame, especially with 2d6" random range.






TOTAL conjecture, but I'm hoping this means we'll be able to consolidate into other units!

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That would be really satisfying.

Like in 3rd edition where unit could just perpetually stay in close combat if your enemies were close enough.



Makes positioning a lot more meaningful, and will probably go a long way toward mitigating the whole won-a-combat-or-got-ditched-so-now-we-have-to-eat-bullets-out-in-the-open phenomenon.

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Yeah I was wondering what if you completely surround a target unit of say, guardsmen. Does Still by Geto Boys start playing as your men and machines go into them like disgruntled employees into a copier?
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Well you can't move your guys within 1" of the enemy unless you declare a charge, so if they are completely surrounded it would be physically impossible for them to fall back.

That would require a fairly large and mobile unit tho so it's a tactic that will rarely find use i guess.

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I think this might be the first mistep in the rules. Overwatch is ok, realistic but im not sure it works in a world of chainaxes and what not. Its the random charges that gets me. I just despise the idea you can lose a charge just a few inches away you tripped over your bootlaces.


However maybe the changes vehicles or maybe deepstriking means that it will be easier to get in range. Heck if im not mistaken you shoot heavy weapons and charge so i guess just wait to see all 12 pages.

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I think this might be the first mistep in the rules. Overwatch is ok, realistic but im not sure it works in a world of chainaxes and what not. Its the random charges that gets me. I just despise the idea you can lose a charge just a few inches away you tripped over your bootlaces.


However maybe the changes vehicles or maybe deepstriking means that it will be easier to get in range. Heck if im not mistaken you shoot heavy weapons and charge so i guess just wait to see all 12 pages.

We don't know the move stat for units yet. We also don't know if certain units will have any special rules, like fleet or being able to run and charge. Will units be able to charge out of Rhinos? I think this kind of info will make things clearer.

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I think this might be the first mistep in the rules. Overwatch is ok, realistic but im not sure it works in a world of chainaxes and what not. Its the random charges that gets me. I just despise the idea you can lose a charge just a few inches away you tripped over your bootlaces.

As I've found playing AoS, rolling your charge distance and then picking your target greatly reduces the likelyhood of getting to smack up at least one enemy unit. It happens, and it can hurt with Overwatch still being a thing, but it's less likely. That said, reading between the lines, failed charges might not trigger Overwatch.

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