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Guest uk_crow


What are everyone's thoughts on the likelihood of us receiving new CSM models (not Death Guard) in the near future? I've held off to start my 40k iron warriors force till 8th drops but want to get started!



Seen the Ultramarine Primarch base, just the look of the Chaos Marine fitting Dark Vengeance set but not as warp.  Then you'll notice a lot of the art work as well with the look of the Chaos Marines in the Gathering Storm III & the Blood Angels side to the Traitor Hate campaign, the art work of the Chaos Lord in combat against a Blood Angels hero.


I know right now I'm currently waiting see what happen for my Black Legion, Night Lords, World Eater/Daemonkin & Red Corsair force.

Thats a good point, hopefully we'll see something within the year! I'm thinking of using some MK3 armour leftover from my HH force so might model them up first.


Looking forward to seeing you make a start on those legions, your 5th grand company has been a huge source of inspiration!

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Guest uk_crow


What are everyone's thoughts on the likelihood of us receiving new CSM models (not Death Guard) in the near future? I've held off to start my 40k iron warriors force till 8th drops but want to get started!



I think undivided CSM will get their time in the spotlight along with Abaddon, and that'll probably happen when at least the four cult Legions are done. So after Angron and Fulgrim join the Primarch brawl, we'll see some undivided lovin'. Personally I'd also love to see Lorgar and specially Perturabo get the same treatment as their brothers, but I'm not holding out too much hope for that.

Hmmm that could be a long wait, I was hoping we'd see a triumvarite of Chaos within the year.

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What are everyone's thoughts on the likelihood of us receiving new CSM models (not Death Guard) in the near future? I've held off to start my 40k iron warriors force till 8th drops but want to get started!


I think undivided CSM will get their time in the spotlight along with Abaddon, and that'll probably happen when at least the four cult Legions are done. So after Angron and Fulgrim join the Primarch brawl, we'll see some undivided lovin'. Personally I'd also love to see Lorgar and specially Perturabo get the same treatment as their brothers, but I'm not holding out too much hope for that.

Hmmm that could be a long wait, I was hoping we'd see a triumvarite of Chaos within the year.



I dunno, it could happen. I'm just spitballing, but I'm basing it on how things are being set up. Fulgrim swore to Slaanesh that he'd kill Guilliman for good this time, and Armageddon is being assaulted by Khorne Daemons, creating a pretty adequate setup for Angron to show up in the near future.

Meanwhile, Abaddon was stabbed in the spine by Celestine, and today's article just confirmed that his forces dispersed all over the place after Cadia's fall, meaning that now he has to gather his armies again if he wants to keep on going with his plans.

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So Pete Foley confirmed today that there will be different rules for the different types of Terminator armor. What do you think the chances are that Chaos Terminators will have the same armor type options?
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The odds of us getting the other terminator armor types?  I'd say zero.  Well, zero isn't fair.  5%.  I'd put the odds that we'll get the other armor types at around 5%.


I'd give us the same odds of us seeing any new chaos marine releases apart from cult legion stuff before 2019.

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Considering other old sets they are selling i wouldn't wonder if they stay with the old basic csm plastic range as well for a decent time to come (Tactical, Terminator, Rhino, Raptors).

Why they did not ramp up the Khorne Berserkers during Demonkin and Traitor's Hate is a miracle to me though.

Same goes for the Obliterators, Mutilators and Havocs.

They are so ugly, stale and misshapen, noone is buying these. Noone SHOULD be bying these, especially with the 8th Edition in mind (unless for the sake of nostalgia)

In terms of Design, they have SO much potential and i wish they would live upt to that in their physical appereance.

The organic shapes and amount of detail GW dished out in recent past (Girlyman, Dark Vengeance) would fit greatly on those.

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This guy? He seems to have a mishmash of different armours cobbled together. If you squint really hard, the guy in the background seems to have different shoulder pads too. The torso and legs look like they could be Cataphractii, but they're so warped and modified that they could be anything.



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Looking at the superheavies rolling in with the normal vehicles, I am hoping that FW do us right with the Spartan, as it was nearly a superheavy, but alas not. Mine still doesn't have a home yet, would love to build it as Black Legion and fill it with Berzekers and it actually be decent.

Actually, I am hoping that the Land Raider in general will become 'good' biggrin.png

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I mean....the words are nice and everything...but with no actual... ya know, stats, points abilities? kinda throws excitement off just a little. 


Though I definitely do believe that chaos will be getting a fairly significant boost. I would just like context and proof to back up my sentiments lol

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The chaos marine article was a lot of hot air.  At least it didn't deflate my anticipation any.  The superheavy article was more promising.  I'm hopeful that the lord of skulls will finally be an engine to be feared.

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The chaos marine article was a lot of hot air. 


Thought the same. What the hell kind of "faction focus" is that? We learned literally nothing new from it! 


The super-heavy article on the other hand was quite nice. If the profile of the Morkanaut is anything to go by then vehicles seem to have to lose half their wounds before they start dropping in effectiveness. That's a positive surprise for me as I thought we would get the same charts as in AoS where big monsters etc. start to get less effective after taking 2-3 wounds.

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Yeah it basically summed everything up that we've learnt but used some chaos unit names to make it relate to chaos. It feels an awfully lot like filler content to keep our hunger for news sated. 

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Problem is that we are having a lot of filler and even the stuff they show is incomplete.


I honestly don't understand why.

And we still have another month ahead of us of this.


People will lose the hype and get frustrated if this goes on.

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The chaos marine article was a lot of hot air.

Thought the same. What the hell kind of "faction focus" is that? We learned literally nothing new from it!


The super-heavy article on the other hand was quite nice. If the profile of the Morkanaut is anything to go by then vehicles seem to have to lose half their wounds before they start dropping in effectiveness. That's a positive surprise for me as I thought we would get the same charts as in AoS where big monsters etc. start to get less effective after taking 2-3 wounds.

I was interested in that aspect too. With different degradation curves they will be able to make a Gorkanaut feel different than a Blood Thirster or a carnifex (or a gargantuan squiggoth!) Fleshy organic things can have a slow, gradual degredation that starts earlier and vehicles can start to fail later, but at a harsher rate once they start to fail. It could be pretty cool.

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While I agree that the spotlight on Chaos was a bit lack luster...at least they did mention some parts like zerks will be back in the forefront of close combat and that we should be wanting to field more power armour than before. Yeah stats would be nice and all and yes this is a lot of filler but at least they are coming off saying that they have given some thought to the bad guys once again.


I also don't expect to see much in the way of specific army bonuses and such from any one faction. I have a feeling that they are going to want to release it all at once.


Personally I really like the fact that each unit (in regards to super heavies and such, maybe they will also have something on land raiders/demon engines and the like) but that the more wounds they loose will affect each of them differently, make each unit that much more special in game terms.

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I think the only real thing we can take away from this is that one of the playtesters is really hype about what's coming, and GW is so hellbent on it all being a surprise that we're not really being told anything other than "see? everybody else likes it".
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