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My choice is generally Dettol


Although I have now upgraded to

Dettol + ultrasonic cleaner


Simple green or LA's Simply awesome with US cleaner or elbow grease also works


Use gloves if you're going to use Dettol! ;)

Tried out the current version of my 2000p tournament list, in 2 games. I probably won't make it to the tournament due to work-related travel, but half the store is playtesting lists for it, a good opportunity to get in a few more games than usual.


Rough version:

Issodon, Lieutenant (relic bolter), captain (MC bolter)

2x5 intercessors, grenade launcher

5 sniper scouts

2x10 devs (3x LC, 1x HB, cherub)

10 devs (4x grav, cherub)

10 sternguard

3 plasma inceptors


Custodes jetbike captain

Heavy bolter tarantulas (5 tarantulas spread over 3 units)


The concept is to have a backfield firebase with the lascannon devs and captain. Scouts annoy, tarantulas drown infantry in shots, prevent deep strike, and fill the FA detachment. That way, no loss of chapter tactics for including a non-Raptors unit (Custodes captain), as tarantulas are vehicles and don't gain a CT anyway. Issobomb with sternguard and grav devs, Lt. for rerolls. Custodes captain either deep strikes, or anchors the devs with a Ld10 bubble and countercharge abilities.


First game was against a full custodes army. Game lasted 2 turns...the Custodes player didn't have a lot of experience with the codex (it just came out), and combined with stellar rolls on my side, the game was effectively decided after my second shooting phase. Issobomb killed 2 jetbike squads, lascannons double-6d the landraider, followed by sniper rifle MWs. Not enough left to really threaten my lines, we called it there, and discussed how to improve the custodes army. At least his next game, he managed to beat a seasoned Ork player with the improved list.


Second game was against AdMech. The ususal Carl wall (Carl + 5 shooty baymaxes), a few ranger squads, triple neutron onager, double autocannon chickens. Wide deployment zone with LoS-blocking center building. I dropped a lascannon squad and 2 tarantulas on each board side. He dropped the Carl wall on one, and most vehicles on the other. I occupied the baymaxes by giving him infantry to shoot...moving with heavy weapons and -1 to hit Raptors was a problem, even with Carl hit reroll, but they cleared their side by turn 3 through sheer firepower. Issobomb + Custodes biker captain meanwhile dropped on the other side and decimated the vehicles (AdMech ones are squishy), the tarantulas and intercessors took out all arquebus ranger squads.


Once the protocol change for the baymaxes worked, they couldn't move, but kill 2 units a turn. To shut them down, I used the inceptors to kill one, and the custodes captain to charge the squad. Overwatch was dangerous, but once the biker got into CC, the game was effectively decided. Baymaxes didn't do a lot in CC (never took a wound off the custodes), while the custodes killed the datasmith first, and then a baymax every 1-2 CC phases. Due to positioning of the immobile baymaxes, Carl had to run around all of them, and only 2 of them could fight at any time. Issodon and his footsloggers jogged across most of the board, shot the remaining onager, and overwhelmed Carl in CC, ending the game turn 7 with just one dominus sitting somewhere out of range.



Main takeaways:

Custodes bikes are nice models, but not very efficient when fielded as vertus praetor squads. If they are on the board turn 1, they are dead by turn 2. As expensive as tanks, but a single D6 damage weapon can kill them. Combined with the fact that everyone wants them dead (or they're in CC range turn 1-2), they just tend to vaporize. Alternative would be the deep strike stratagem, keeping them invincible until they drop, and drop them in an exploitable gap, not meeting the core army head on.


The captains are easier to use, being safe from ranged weapons by being a char, and safe from snipers by having too many wounds. Mine was MVP against AdMech, locking down the baymax deathstar for half the game by just not failing the 2+ armour save, and taking out any character who dared to intervene. 14" movement, Fly and a lot of CC power makes it a really good countercharge unit (if you ever play against DE, you'll need it badly). 1CP Stratagem gives a temporary 6" bubble of Ld10 for all Imperium units, useful when fielding big squads without the relic banner.


Plasma inceptors were nice. They are intended to nuke one target and die to overcharge. Even with rerolls, the number of shots will kill them sooner or later, if enemy fire doesn't do it first. Sniper scouts were surprisingly good in the past games, dropping a MW each time something just has 1W left. I might consider them actually useful. Issobomb was useful as ever, even if Storm of Fire didn't get much mileage out of targets with 4++ (all custodes) or 5++ (AdMech often)

I have a question. When will forge world drop chapter tactics for Raptors?

Before plastic sisters and after plastic thunderhawk......


Seriously tho I am currently content with using RG rules as the only thing I see changing is we may lose stfs and gain something else to show are marksmen ability and gain a ranged relic which I just take the bolter of killy death already.


Brother Tyler has good rules for Raptors in Shadow War: Badab (shameless plug ;) )


Raptors will be on the table in. Less than 3 hrs.....battle reports to follow

Edited by war009

i was looking at the older chapter tactics from 6th and was wondering since rending is gone what would they use for 8th?

A bolter fired by an infantry model that rolls a 6 to wound inflicts a mortal wound (possibly with the caveat that the model that fired did not move)

Ravens have been completing some care and maintenance of late.


Repulsor got sealed and will be going on display at the local GW.

Had to strip back some ASMs that primed "dusty". Now they're all nice and smooth ready to paint

Built and primed my new bolter scouts

Add some Shapeways RG symbols to my assault termies

Technically finished my first VV and Sternguard squads. Although these had been mostly painted for a while many were missing some Mk6 shoulder pads I bought for them. So I added them. So were even missing both sides! :ermm:

Based ~30 models that had been painted but were still on unfinished bases.


Also had a game against a new UM player last week.

I took a dakka RG list with Repulsor and Redemptor. Both were blown up promptly. My scouts were the stars of the match despite being tabled T6. It was a fun game though.

I've done the same, and though I lack your sneaksie tricksie nonsense, my experience has been that they get shot to hell very quickly.  I'd expect a better outcome if taking multiple squads.


Edit- One note, a big problem to watch out for is moving Bikes too far ahead of the army's dangerous units, making them an easy shooting priority.  I imagine you lot have less issue in that regard.

Edited by Firepower

I'll probably do some Company Vets on bikes at some point. They'll be the escort for my updated Korvydae. I have some headcanon that has him returning to the Chapter after his Deathwatch term with a bike gifted to him by a dying White Scar so he could "fight like a real warrior".


I might write a short story about that someday.

Greetings fellow Shadow Captains. My Raptors are sad to report yet another total annihilation at the hands of Sisters of battle. Though their initial strike was brutal and devastating, killing close to 40 of the sisters, it still left more than half the opposing army untouched. Lead by their Saint, the Sisters were able to wipe every last of our brothers before the end of turn five.


And here I come looking for feedback and advice : it seems that no matter what forces I face, marines have a very hard time surviving the battle. Most of my games end with a handful of marines left standing, sometimes a character. If the games goes further than turn five, it's pretty much guaranteed I'll be tabled.


Do you experience this in your game? If so, how do you circumvent the lack of long term durability of Space Marines?

Do you experience this in your game? If so, how do you circumvent the lack of long term durability of Space Marines?

For now, by sticking to mid-range units in cover. Cover bonus and -1 to hit make regular marines quite resilient. I've dumped all vehicles (except for maybe TFC or tarantulas) to fill up on more infantry, and never got close to tabling since then. Issodon to drop 2 or 3 full squads where they take out the greatest threat, and stay close enough together to prevent the opponent from ganging up on individual units (read: concentration of forces).

Thanks for the input. Great advice, and one I've put into practice for the last games too. This last game I played an almost all Primaris marines, using 2 hellblaster squads,2 max-out dakka Inceptor squads, a redemptor dread, 2 scout units with sniper, an intercessor squad and Shrike with jump lieutenant.


I used the jump units to alpha one side of the sisters force. The hellblaster and redemptor took care of any long range they had (retributors with HB mainly).


Celestine died to overwatch and reappeared well our of sight of any of my units while he used a free act of faith to fire in my turn and kill Shrike with melta fire. Everything went out the window from there (bottom of turn two). Seems incredible that the lost of a single model kills the efficiency of your whole army enough to let your opponent grind you down to nothing...

So last night, I played my first Raven Guard game in about 15 games since Blood Angels codex dropped.  I lost 10 of the last 12 games I've played with Blood Angels, but my Ravens did not let me down last night and I won 14-8 against Imperial Guard.


mission was Maelstrom of War, Tactical Escalation

1000 pts.

Deployment style was #3, search and destory (opposing corner quadrants, with 18" diameter circular no man's land in the center)


My List:

Spearhead Detachment

Captain w/ stormbolter  (Armor Indomitus, Storm of Fire Warlord Trait)

7 devs (3 lascannons, 1 missile launcher, armorium cherub, stormbolter)

7 devs (3 lascannons, 1 heavy bolter, armorium cherub, stomrbolter)

1 Stalker w/ stormbolter



Librarian w/ force sword, plasma pistol (Null Zone, Smite, Psychic Scourge)

Lieutenant w/ mc boltgun

5 scouts (heavy bolter, boltguns)

5 scouts (boltguns)

5 tactical marines (powersword, stormbolter, meltabomb)

1 company ancient (stormbolter) (Standard of Emperor Ascendant)


7 CPs (6, since I purchased an extra relic, which, in hindsight, I didn't need)


Opponent (Imperial Guard)

Master of Ordnance

Company Commander

3x10 Guardsmen, not sure if he had any special weapons in there

2x3 Mortars

4 Sentinels with heavy flamers and hunter killer missiles

2 Valkyrie Skytalons (forgeworld version that can carry sentinels)

2 Tauroxes with autocannons, heavy stubbers and stormbolters


I think that's everything.


Anyway, my lascannons did some insane work and thanks to Standard of Emperor, he was tilting about shooting at my devastator squads.

  • 1 month later...

So last night played my usual buddy in a 1k pt game.


The Armies:

My venerable opponent: AdMech, Stygies 8

Tech Priest Dom, Necromechanic, Autocaduceus


2x5 units Rangers, no special guns

Cybernetica Datasmith

1x2 unit of Kastellan Robots with flamer guns

2x1 units of Onagers with Neutron  lasers and heavy sutbbers

1 Armiger Wargalive with melta, thermal spear and chainsword


9x19: Raven Guard

Jump Captain, Raven's Fury, dual lightning claws, Silent Stalker trait

Techmarine, chainsword


5x tacs: heavy bolter

5x tacs: plasma, c-plas, psword, meltabomb

9x scouts: heavy bolter


redemptor dread: macro plasma, icarus, 2x stormbolters, onslaught

deredeo dread: anvillus autocannons, 2x heavy bolters, atomantic pavaise


5x assault: 2xplasma pistols, 1 eviscerator


The Game:

Maelstrom of War: Race to Victory from Chapter Approved

Initiative: Raven Guard seized!

Deployment: The typical/normal lengthwise 12" deep deployment zone

Terrain: flat, using the GW desert battleboards and about 8 pieces of "ruins" terrain spread out fairly evenly.


There was a great "robot" battle between redemptor dread vs. 2 kastellans, and then getting taken down by the warglaive. Deredeo got down to 1 health on turn 4, but healed up thanks to the Techmarines (but was subsequentally destroyed by Neutron lasers).


This was a great game with no clear frontrunner. Game tied at 12-12 in the last round. (we played only 5 rounds because of time, and neither of us had gotten all 10 tactical objectives accomplished)

  • 2 weeks later...

My Raven Guard have brought shame to Corax's legacy by losing every battle they have fought thus far.


To be fair, most of them have been against my wife and son's Nids.


I'm 1) Going a little easy on them, and 2) having a hell of a time dealing with gribbly hordes. The fact that the one thing I own that works well against them is now 1/4 to 1/3 of my points total doesn't help.

My Raven Guard have brought shame to Corax's legacy by losing every battle they have fought thus far.


To be fair, most of them have been against my wife and son's Nids.


I'm 1) Going a little easy on them, and 2) having a hell of a time dealing with gribbly hordes. The fact that the one thing I own that works well against them is now 1/4 to 1/3 of my points total doesn't help.


I assume you mean your Fire Raptor. If horde clearing is your issue, I strongly recommend a unit of 6 Boltstorm Aggressors. Give 'em that 114 Bolter shot dakka dakka :) 

I was thinking the same thing, regarding the Aggressors. I'm eyeballing a unit for my army. I have a couple other things I want to finish first before I buy more plastic that just sits around though. Trying to have willpower.



My Raven Guard have brought shame to Corax's legacy by losing every battle they have fought thus far.


To be fair, most of them have been against my wife and son's Nids.


I'm 1) Going a little easy on them, and 2) having a hell of a time dealing with gribbly hordes. The fact that the one thing I own that works well against them is now 1/4 to 1/3 of my points total doesn't help.

I assume you mean your Fire Raptor. If horde clearing is your issue, I strongly recommend a unit of 6 Boltstorm Aggressors. Give 'em that 114 Bolter shot dakka dakka :)

I already have 3, but I haven't built them yet. When I do I'm likely going to leave them fairly plain so I can use them for my Raven Guard or my Deathwatch (which I've been focusing on lately)

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