mertbl Posted May 4, 2018 Author Share Posted May 4, 2018 Took my list from elsewhere in the forum against the bugs tonight. Failed a charge, for shredded. Still able to pull out a victory. Thunder hammer vanguard were awesome, Shrike with "Might of heroes" was an absolute killer. The army is pretty CP thirsty, used 7 during deployment alone. Got killed by hive guard in a corner I couldn't touch. Need some sort of counter battery fire. Any suggestions? duz_ and 9x19 Parabellum 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Race Bannon Posted May 4, 2018 Share Posted May 4, 2018 TFC? Whirlwind? These would go after the smaller dudes so the heavy hitters can focus on bigger dudes. Just off the cuff thinking. Dracos 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted May 4, 2018 Share Posted May 4, 2018 Hive Guard in the corner? Ugh. Problem is Tyranids have so many options it’s tough to give advice without seeing the table ... which of course won’t be the same second time around. WW Vengeance is the way to get counter artillery fire in. T6 means you need plasma strength or heavier to rely on the to wound roll. I’d have to use Inceptors and hope I had cleared the screens with the Aggressors SftS unit. If they aren’t screening the Hive Guard then just SftS and/or DS and make them pay for it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mertbl Posted June 26, 2018 Author Share Posted June 26, 2018 Was supposed to have a 1300 point trainer game against a new player but he cancelled last minute. Random guy at the shop happened to have 1350 points of deathwatch. He made the watchmaster a watch captain and we played an open war game. Very bloody. Beacon angelus and teleport homer makes them very quick. Game ended in a draw as neither of us was able to get to the one objective. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thewarriorhunter Posted July 22, 2018 Share Posted July 22, 2018 Had a great time yesterday playing in the narrative Space Hulk mission. I have some critiques of the event but I’ll keep them to myself for the time being. I’m thankful to have gotten to participate and it was a lot of fun. It was a very lopsided game as there were ~ten imperium players and only three chaos players. There was however enough tyrranids to go around and much blood was spilled. We played on a beautiful zone mortalis board that a guy who frequents the store owns. It was Hammer and Anvil deployment with spawn nodes for the nids being placed randomly throughout the cooridors. Basic rules for the event was 5 terminators and a terminator HQ. Each model was it’s own unit and there were random conditions that could occur each round (which weren’t that exciting). Three models had to start on the board and the other three could be brought in at any time. Goal was to kill everything and have fun doing it. Hidden Content Imperium deployment. We mostly deployed as far forward as we could. Hidden Content I started with my captain, heavy flamer, and a regular bolter on the board. Hidden Content Moving out! The Blood Angels deployed behind me and made sure to cover our six as we advanced through the hulk (and they did a great job). Hidden Content I was proud as my Veterans became the spearhead of the right side of the board. They valiantly advanced through the corridors and became forward scouts for the rest of the combined might of the Imperium. By this time my other three terminators had teleported in to assist with the purging. Hidden Content As we advanced the first nids appeared from their hiding places and began to run towards us. Hidden Content A furious melee ensued. A veteran sustained a wound but prevailed through his injuries as his lightning claws ripped through the xenos carapace. Hidden Content An overview of the Imperium advance. As you can see we were seeing what those guard tactics were all about by swarming the field with bodies… By this time the Space Wolves were corning several spawn nodes, nids, and the first of many brood lords that we would see that day. They became embroiled in a furious melee that lasted most of the game and claimed all but one of their brave veterans. My heavy flamer moved to the front to help cleanse the infested hallway and provide molten overwatch for his brothers as they advanced behind. Hidden Content Hidden Content The nids advanced and amazingly avoided suffering any overwatch casualties… and then promptly made my heavy flamer pay for his positioning by slaying him. Hidden Content The brood lord threw his head back in joy at seeing his minions slay one of my terminators. Hidden Content The hallway became more infested and a new brood lord had taken the place of the previous one who had been slain by the psychic might of the Grey Knights. Hidden Content But the killzone was set and my veterans were ready. Hidden Content The advance on the right flank had stalled as we became bogged down in the hallways. The left flank was able to race through the middle of the hulk to engage the Chaos on the other end. That side was comprised of two squads of Dark Angels and one of Deathwatch. Their combined firepower and minimal xenos threat allowed them to quickly move forward. A few rooms ahead on the right flank the chaos had finally come out of hiding and began their advance. Hidden Content After sending round after round of bolter ammunition through the door my veterans raced in to catch the xenos while they recovered from the shock of the attack. Melee combat began and it became a flurry of lighting claws, chain and power fists, and deadly xenos talons. Hidden Content On the other side of the corridor that our melee was in the chaos were in their own struggle for victory. Hidden Content A moment of calm as we gathered ourselves for the coming attack on the sorcerer. We had dispatched the tyrranids without further casualties (but many wounds) and readies ourselves. Hidden Content The sorcerer, still stunned from wounds taken in his previous engagement drunkenly charged forward. A wound was suffered during my Sgt’s overwatch. He then deftly avoided the charging attacks and responded by deftly beheading the sorcerer with his power sword. Hidden Content With this final kill the chaos began a swift retreat. The xenos were far and few between as their numbers dwindled. The hulk had been purged and each chapter gathered itself together to head back to their respective bases to ready themselves for the next effort that they would face… duz_, librisrouge, Shadow Captain Vyper and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thewarriorhunter Posted August 11, 2018 Share Posted August 11, 2018 Had a great game of Kill Team this afternoon. My co-worker came over after he got off. We played Grey Knights vs Raven Guard. My narrative for it was that the RG had established a forward base in a ruined Imperial city. Tszeentch and his minions had been at work and spread false rumors of of a Chaos incursion. The GK's came in to purge but instead set upon the Sons of Corax. A swift and deadly battle ensued between the sentries as confusion and chaos erupted in the night. It was fun, it was bloody, but ultimately my opponent had a great time in his first exposure to 40k gameplay. He played my RG and I played GK. I did end up winning on the objective but just barely. A few rules were missed and I have yet to play a game with Tactics but I feel that I'm getting comfortable enough with the core gameplay that I can start to sprinkle them in. Here's an album with pictures of the board we played on: duz_ and 9x19 Parabellum 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thewarriorhunter Posted August 20, 2018 Share Posted August 20, 2018 My son finally built up enough of his Necrons so we played KT this weekend. It was an up hill battle for me as the objective was in his deployment zone right between a deathmark and immortal in cover. I got absolutely crushed which was pretty demoralizing given that it was his first game of KT... I have revamped my list and will give it another shot. I'm hoping he continues to enjoy it because I would like to try and play a campaign with him as I think he'd really enjoy it. duz_, 9x19 Parabellum and golfdeltafoxtrot 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
9x19 Parabellum Posted September 3, 2018 Share Posted September 3, 2018 So a question for some of you guys... I played a game on Saturday, pick-up, at my FLGS, 1500 pts. Nice guy, fairly new, had some eldar. I asked him "what kind of game are we playing, cut-throat, friendly, fluff, etc?" I can't remember his exact response, but it was somewhere in the neighborhood of "average/medium". So the list I built was: Primaris Lt (power sword) Libby (force sword, plasma pistol) 6 scouts, heavy bolter 6 scouts, combi melta 5 intercessors, power sword redemptor dread (2x storm bolter, icarus, macro plasma inc, onslaught gatling) deredeo dread (anvillus autocannon, 2x heavy bolter, atomantic pavaise) 6 aggressors 1 company ancient 10 hellblasters (assault variant) I SftS the Aggressors (but not the hellblasters), and spammed Wisdom of the Ancients from my Red Dred, Might of Heroes on him to tank shots at T8 with the 5++ from the Deredeo. The scouts and intercessors formed bubble wrap against deepstrikers (spiders, war walker, etc.) At the end of the game, I got the feeling by opponent did not think my list was "medium", and rather that it was pretty competitive. What do you guys think? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadow Captain Vyper Posted September 3, 2018 Share Posted September 3, 2018 In the context of the competitive scene? Its medium for sure (its hard for our codex to even put out anything "cheesy" so by that metric it almost defaults to low in this case). That being said, maybe in his mind it was medium for him. That's the nature of 40k, it means different things to different folks. I think for a newer player in general, the -1 to Hit mechanic creates a negative player experience. A lot of game designers avoid these sort of mechanics simply due to their impact mentally. Just curious, do you recall what his list was? I would love to see the relative power for the game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
9x19 Parabellum Posted September 3, 2018 Share Posted September 3, 2018 As best I can remember: Farseer (can't remember gear, but I think Singing Spear Warlock (can't remember gear) 14 Guardians with a shuriken cannon 12 Guardians 10 Dire Avengers Wave Serpent w/2 bright lances and shuriken cannon/catapult 5 Wraithguard with the Str10 flamers 5 Rangers with sniper rifles, camo cloaks Wrathlord w/ missile/rocket thing Wraithlord w/ different loadout I don't remember 1 Warwalker with 2 bright lances I don't remember the name of his Craftworld but it ignored moving and assault penalties and heavy weapon penalties, I believe. I also don't remember his warlord trait or relics. He won initiative, and made a bad move out of the gate...his Wave Serpent was loaded with farseer, warlock and wraith guard and he moved it backward to claim one of the objectives he had drawn on turn 1 (maelstrom of war mission, tactical escalation). It was the only thing he had that could move far enough backwards to claim it, and he commited a lot of points to that turn 1 objective. That put those guys out of position until turn 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thewarriorhunter Posted September 3, 2018 Share Posted September 3, 2018 Itvyper is correct, a monofaction SM list isn't really 'competitive' right now. I don't follow the tournament scene closely but when I do look I don't see mono-SM taking a lot of top place finishes. I don't think your list sounds too cheesy, really it's pretty tame since there's no big vehicles or spammy stuff. Maybe the Dorito dread was too much on top of the redemptor? Also if he made a bad move from the start I'm sure he felt like he was fighting uphill with an arm tied behind his back the entire game. Was it a close game or did you blow him out? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
9x19 Parabellum Posted September 3, 2018 Share Posted September 3, 2018 Points-wise, it was a close game until the final turn. We were tied 7-7 up until turn 6, where I scored 4 of the 6 objectives I had, one of which was a 2 pointer, putting it to 11-7 for RG. Damage/, I almost tabled him. The only thing he had left was the wave serpent with 2 wounds left and 1 ranger. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Race Bannon Posted September 3, 2018 Share Posted September 3, 2018 Curious, was there any post-game review of ideas, tactics and strategy? Was your perception of his bad move relayed? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
9x19 Parabellum Posted September 4, 2018 Share Posted September 4, 2018 (edited) Yes. I advised him that his first wave attack was unfocused and incomplete (problem 1) and that he had almost 400 pts in his army (farseer, warlock, 5 wraith guard and wave serpent) that fell back to claim a 1 VP objective (40% of his army). I told him he should break up at least 1 unit of his Guardians into MSU so he could have a couple backfield scorers. Oh and I don't want to misrepresent him. It's not like he threw a fit or even mentioned it to me. I just felt after the game that he thought my army was more than "medium/average". It was just my read on him, though, so I wanted to see what you guys thought. Edited September 4, 2018 by 9x19 Parabellum Race Bannon 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NiceGuyAdi Posted September 4, 2018 Share Posted September 4, 2018 I think that whilst your list wasn’t cheesy, it wasn’t weak. On the other hand, Eldar may be top-tier, but his list certainly doesn’t read like it would have the upper hand on you from the start. I’m dreading my first pick-up game because I half-expect to get tabled with the models I have (I buy what I like the look of), but talking the game through with him, without being patronising, should keep the bitter taste from his mouth. Give it six months and he’ll be wiping the floor with you on his Jetbike/Dark Reaper spam list. 9x19 Parabellum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted September 4, 2018 Share Posted September 4, 2018 Those lists look like even match up to me? I had a 2000pt UM vs RG match yesterday playing the CA Maelstrom mission I enjoyed my opponent who prefers only to play ITC mission moaned the whole time. Probably partially because he messed up his deployment and forgot to deploy a captain (which I offered for him to place when he realised). Anyhow RG won the exercise Guilliman is going back to the drawing board to analyze his many mistakes. I too Reivers, my Repulsor and drop pod. It was fun but certainly not competitive! :lol: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thewarriorhunter Posted September 4, 2018 Share Posted September 4, 2018 Pretty sure the inclusion of a drop pod is an auto 'wasted-points' in a lot of peoples eyes and takes you right out of competitive status duz_ 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted September 4, 2018 Share Posted September 4, 2018 I don't think there was any doubt my list was "uncompetitive" it included Shrike Repulsor Close combat Rievers 2x 5 man Tactical squads 5 man melta Sternguard squad Drop pod 5 man grav biker squad 5 man TH/SS Terminators :lol: And the Reivers rode in the Repulsor! ^_^It was fun though! If I had my ASM's painted up I would have played them too! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
9x19 Parabellum Posted September 4, 2018 Share Posted September 4, 2018 I don't think Shrike or Grav Bikers are bad at all, for what it's worth. I actually think Shrike is the best Chapter Master we got. True, his armaments and speed are misaligned with his wanting to give a gunline massive buffs, but at least he's cheap. Dracos and duz_ 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted September 6, 2018 Share Posted September 6, 2018 Know your army, know the missions. A medium list played by a good player beats a good list played by a poor player ... just sayin' duz_ 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thewarriorhunter Posted September 6, 2018 Share Posted September 6, 2018 Very true. And play to the mission... although it sounds like 9x19's opponent might have erred on playing to close to the mission on turn 1... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
9x19 Parabellum Posted September 6, 2018 Share Posted September 6, 2018 (edited) Very true. And play to the mission... although it sounds like 9x19's opponent might have erred on playing to close to the mission on turn 1... I would actually argue he didn't. Allow me to explain with some more details/illustration. Let's say, as was the case in this game I played, you start the game with 3 objective markers in your deployment zone. But for whatever reason, those objective markers are not positioned in places where deploying onto/around them would give you good los, good range, good cover/defense from enemy shooting, etc. What do you do? Well certainly it all depends on all the variables of the game: the speed of your units, your opponents stuff, your own stuff, etc. But I would say, at the least, playing to the mission would suggest deploying on (or within striking distance) of those objectives. NOT Playing to the mission is disregarding those 3 objectives (and your own deployment relative to them). In this case, my opponent disregarded 2 of the 3 objectives. Then on turn 1, he randomly drew one of the objectives that was furthest away, deep in his own deployment zone, and the only thing he had fast enough to claim it was his wave serpent loaded with all his goodies. His choices then, were: a.) Disembark all his stuff (wraithguard and HQs), leaving it open to getting gunned down, and move his wave serpent back to claim or b.) Don't disembark anything. Move wave serpent back to claim. or c.) ignore the objective this turn So basically, he changed tactics mid-stride. He deployed as if to NOT play to mission. Then he moved as if TO play to mission. Mr. Miyagi comes to mind. "Walk down road...walk left side - safe, walk right side - safe. Walk down middle: squish like grape." Edited September 6, 2018 by 9x19 Parabellum NiceGuyAdi and Race Bannon 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
9x19 Parabellum Posted September 7, 2018 Share Posted September 7, 2018 Got tabled last night vs. Drukhari. First time I've been tabled in....a long time. Lists: Raven Guard: Primaris Lt (psword) Libby (fsword, plasma pistol) 10 intercessors 10 intercessors 10 intercessors (power sword) 1 red dread (macro plasma, 2x storm bolters, onslaught gatling, icarus rocket pod) 1 primaris ancient Drukhari: Drazor Lilith 6 wyches, agonizer 6 wyches, agonizer 8 wyches, agonizer 2x5 incubi 1x10 mandrakes 1x5 scourges 3x raiders with dissy cannons MIssion: Maelstrom of War - Tactical Escalation Deployment: Spearheads Initiative: Drukhari He loaded everything into raiders except mandrakes and scourges and rushed me. Pretty much everything was in melee turn 2 except scourges (mandrakes made their charge off the deepstrike). This was actually a very good game, and it was close. I think he had 3 incubi, a wych and 2 mandrakes left and I lost my last intercessor on turn 5. Aside from getting tabled, it was actually pretty close, 7-8 VPs up to that point. Mostly this was a stress test for using intercessors. I think they are a really solid troop choice, actually. What they really need is better support; a better transport, better Librarian buffs and better stratagems, and maybe some different loadout options. All these things have been said before, of course, I'm just confirming my opinion in agreement with that. NiceGuyAdi and duz_ 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted September 7, 2018 Share Posted September 7, 2018 I'm not sure how DE PL works out However if you were using the beta rules the deep strike reserve rules also apply to transports now At least I believe thats how its wordedAs long as you learn from the loss theres no shame in that! Especially if you're working off the rust ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
9x19 Parabellum Posted September 7, 2018 Share Posted September 7, 2018 Too many acronyms. What's DE PL? Power level?'re saying that you can't disembark from a transport turn 1 outside your deployment zone? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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