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Holy :censored:-snacks! That looks awesome!


Seriously, I am drooling onto my keyboard, bud! You did a fantastic job on that helmet sculpt and brought that concept to life. One, look at it more as a tartaros termiantor helmet that has obviously been warped. Those terminator helms and mk4 share some similarities so it passes. Second, for the horns I wonder if you could remove them, and model flesh & exposed muscle with various tubing running through it into the TDA armor. The horns themselves, maybe take them and have them jut forward from the top of the head or around the sides then sweep forward like a bull. You could always give him big tusks too!

I'm back from Greece now, however Sweden is almost as hot so more time is spent on beaches and playing boardgames than sitting alone in the dungeon. What little hobby time i've had has gone into sculpting mr Daemon's head.



I'm quite happy with this! I went with the MKIV look as suggested by Hushwrong (Thanks bud!). Now the only problem is that those horns interfere with the armor, I might just save this head for something else later. MKIV makes little sense on terminator armor anyways. Back to square one i guess, with some more sculpting practice at least (I'm so sick of sculpting btw, every little bit takes five attempts at least). I'll try getting some berserkers done now, painting will have to wait until the heat is gone.

Thanks for looking, and of course all inpiration and suggestions!

(gah, the pictures looked less muddy and giant-sized on the phone, sorry:/ )

It looks less like Mark IV and more like Tartaros to me, but that might just be me:



The helmet looks great! I think if you removed the horns and have some cabling (simulating butchers nails maybe?) running from the back of the helmet into the torso it could work, like you say the horns are interfering with the pose a little as they are. I’m loving watching this come together though. :tu:

Awesome effort on that head for your Daemon Prince man. It reminded me of a Reaver Titan when I first saw it.  Sculpting uniform surfaces like that is really hard work, I think you've done an impressive job on that whether you keep it for this prince or not. Although sculpting is time consuming and tedious if your not getting the effect you want, its still practice, and your going to get better. Think about it, what do they say... it takes 10,000 hours of practice to become a master at it? you've already started your journey!

Sorry I'm late with the answers, I blame the sun, beer and old friends visiting.

And thank you all for the encouraging comments, I'm not super confident in my sculpting abilities and almost didn't post that head. I'm glad i did, now I feel like i got to finish that damn thing:D

Holy :cuss-snacks! That looks awesome!

Seriously, I am drooling onto my keyboard, bud! You did a fantastic job on that helmet sculpt and brought that concept to life. One, look at it more as a tartaros termiantor helmet that has obviously been warped. Those terminator helms and mk4 share some similarities so it passes. Second, for the horns I wonder if you could remove them, and model flesh & exposed muscle with various tubing running through it into the TDA armor. The horns themselves, maybe take them and have them jut forward from the top of the head or around the sides then sweep forward like a bull. You could always give him big tusks too!

Thanks man, and thank you for the inspiration!

The horns will have to go, unfortunatly they bring a lot of character to the helm. Maybe shorter horns would work, I don't seem to have any suitable though! Which is where since I own a lot of chaos sets and moat of my minis are homeless, there should be like 50 pairs at least. Tubes and such will of course be added, maybe I'll throw the original neck there

And bonus points for the :cusssnacks haha

I'm back from Greece now, however Sweden is almost as hot so more time is spent on beaches and playing boardgames than sitting alone in the dungeon. What little hobby time i've had has gone into sculpting mr Daemon's head.gallery_73760_13626_562678.jpggallery_73760_13626_539904.jpg

I'm quite happy with this! I went with the MKIV look as suggested by Hushwrong (Thanks bud!). Now the only problem is that those horns interfere with the armor, I might just save this head for something else later. MKIV makes little sense on terminator armor anyways. Back to square one i guess, with some more sculpting practice at least (I'm so sick of sculpting btw, every little bit takes five attempts at least). I'll try getting some berserkers done now, painting will have to wait until the heat is gone.

Thanks for looking, and of course all inpiration and suggestions!

(gah, the pictures looked less muddy and giant-sized on the phone, sorry:/ )

It looks less like Mark IV and more like Tartaros to me, but that might just be me:http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/images/e/e6/IHTerminator77.jpg99590101331_LegionTartarosPatternTermina

Impressive work.

Thanks for pointing it out, I'm seeing the resemblance! I'm not at all used to these "new" marks if terminator armor, they seem a bit weird to me stilk:)

Im loving this guy. If i ever go full chaos i will be trying something similar.

That'd be great! Maybe do a later version of your world eaters? Its be cool to have a sense of history to the models, like Krauts 30k models

Dam this model is looking amazing!. That gs work on the helmet/face is awesome

Thank you, glad you like it:)

The helmet looks great! I think if you removed the horns and have some cabling (simulating butchers nails maybe?) running from the back of the helmet into the torso it could work, like you say the horns are interfering with the pose a little as they are. I’m loving watching this come together though. :tu:

Thanks bio! Yeah it sounds like you're into something, cables and stuff will be added for sure. I'm thinking of trying shorter horns, like a iron halo almost. The helm is bit flat without them

^ what he said. Dont waste that head, it looks great!

Hehe it'll be put to use somehow, maybe it'll pop up later if I don't use it in this guy. But everyone seems to like it so I guess I'll have to keep it:)

Awesome effort on that head for your Daemon Prince man. It reminded me of a Reaver Titan when I first saw it. Sculpting uniform surfaces like that is really hard work, I think you've done an impressive job on that whether you keep it for this prince or not. Although sculpting is time consuming and tedious if your not getting the effect you want, its still practice, and your going to get better. Think about it, what do they say... it takes 10,000 hours of practice to become a master at it? you've already started your journey!

Thanks! Glad you like it, I'm still a bit unsure tbh. It's by far my greatest sculpting achievement so far though, I've mostly done trim and simple shapes. It's just that it's the head, the focus of the model, any mistakes will be so apparent. And symmetry is a pain haha. It's worth the effort when I get all this encouragement though:)

Well I think your doing an ace job of sculpting. if you need to do some fine tuning, the great thing about Green Stuff is how workable it is after its cured. if you want to take a fine amount of material away from one side to get it to match the other, try using a curved blade craft knife to scrape the green stuff. it works really well and you will have more control than using something like sand paper.  Your obviously in the deep end working on something this cool but you've seen how much support you have behind you just on the forum, just go for it. although its a pain in the ass... you know that if you do something wrong you can just cut that piece out and fix it. not like sawing chunks out of a metal model where its a one way trip, Adding material that wasn't there to begin with is a lot more forgiving. Good luck to you, looking forward to seeing more man.

I think you're definitely on to something with that head! It reads as a former Astartes helmet -- probably even a Terminator one if you make one or two small tweaks. As has been suggested, I think I'd lose at least one pair of horns (the larger, forward ones) and possibly replace it with cabling. I would also definitely keep the teeth, but maybe do something to make them look slighly less cartoony and more gruesome -- think Venom in the old Spiderman comics ;)

Small step forwards today, tried on some smaller horns and began with the neck! Crappy pics since it's the middle of the night (as usual, sorry). I think the smaller horns work better, any thoughts from you all?





The vent idea is something I've been thinking of, I'm definitely trying it if the horns don't work out!


I've been doing a lot if cutting when I've done trim and such, it's a good technique for sure! Here the gs is a bit too thin however, I just end up peeling it off:) I'm gonna redo one if the eyes though, I think cutting is the answer, they're a tiny but assymetrical


Im not sure j understand exactly, but the whole thing is based on the jaws, I'm a bit too invested now:) but thanks for the suggestion anyways, you might even be right hehe, I'm too stubborn to change it though:)

And I missed Kraut! Sorry!

Oh man, now that you mention it, those fangs are a bit derpy... can't unsee it now haha. Guess that's what happens when you base it on an ork skull;) I'll have to sleep on it but my guess is that they'll have to stay, it's basically back to square one otherwise, I don't think I could pull it off with gs at least. Maybe they can be sharpened a bit with a hobby knife however? I'll try on a spare skull!

Edited by ElDuderino

First of all, the tweaked head is looking great! Excellent job! :)


And I missed Kraut! Sorry!
Oh man, now that you mention it, those fangs are a bit derpy... can't unsee it now haha. Guess that's what happens when you base it on an ork skull;) I'll have to sleep on it but my guess is that they'll have to stay, it's basically back to square one otherwise, I don't think I could pull it off with gs at least. Maybe they can be sharpened a bit with a hobby knife however? I'll try on a spare skull!


I wouldn't want you to replace them or file them down, but maybe you could use some really small teeth (I'm thinking of the ones that appear on those backpack "vanes" on the Warp Talons, for instance) to put them in between the bigger ones and make that entire daemon maw look more uneven and bestial? Just a thought...

That might actually be a really good idea, I've already ruined a bunch of those to use for cheat trim, I'll give it a try! If nothing comes out if it I can always use them to add a bunch of spikes to his forehead, as per biohazard's suggestion

Like this (best I could find on the fly):


I was going through this at like 2:30 this am and died....thanks


This guy is looking fanatastic. Really loving how it's all coming together

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