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I think it's nice to see these small updates, it really lets you witness the development of a character. Plus, that way you can get a lot more suggestions from fellow hobbyists, and make improvements that may not have come to mind!
That aside, I'm kinda echoing the rest of the guys here. Great progress on the Prince, man - really makes me wish I had picked one up while they were around. The reinforced legs look great, as does the sword! A great way of paying hommage to such a classic model while putting your own twist on it. Regarding the head, I get where you're coming from. The idea about adding some armor trim that KS proposed could be the way to go - there's a certian Mk4 helmet in the CSM Raptors kit that you could use as a template.

  • 2 weeks later...

The prince is really coming along, I like how the sword looks in that pic too. What are your second thoughts about the head? you still not sure about how its come out? maybe add some surface detail to it, it does look quite smooth, you could pop some of those chaos arrows or points on like you have on the trim? Here's me trying to Give you advice now, when I'm literally about to ask you for the same back. I've never really worked on much Khorne stuff before, but taking over my Chaos thread for a little while (maybe interspersed with my warp talons... maybe), will be to Khorne projects for my friend for christmas. I was wondering if when I get some pics up you wouldnt mind popping by and giving me some guidance when ever possible?

Nice work on the TDA DP my man! I love these kind of updates with smaller details that truly add a lot to a mini.


The added cabling at the arm joint looks great and the arm looks great! I also think you found a fantastic spot to bulk up the legs! That definitely added some size and muscle!


Thanks man! Glad to hear that you like all these small updates (not that there has been any lately hehe)


Did Abaddon get elevated to Daemon Prince status or what?


Haha now that you mention it... But the LC is on the wrong hand and there's only one nozzle so it's totally an original concept without influences whatsoever:)


I think it's nice to see these small updates, it really lets you witness the development of a character. Plus, that way you can get a lot more suggestions from fellow hobbyists, and make improvements that may not have come to mind!

That aside, I'm kinda echoing the rest of the guys here. Great progress on the Prince, man - really makes me wish I had picked one up while they were around. The reinforced legs look great, as does the sword! A great way of paying hommage to such a classic model while putting your own twist on it. Regarding the head, I get where you're coming from. The idea about adding some armor trim that KS proposed could be the way to go - there's a certian Mk4 helmet in the CSM Raptors kit that you could use as a template.


Thanks, seems like small updates are the way to go. All the feedback is of course appreciated, i seem to disregard much of the advice however, i feel a bit bad about it from time to time. 


Like the trim. I kinda feel like the smooth surface looks quite nice. I'll dig up the raptor sprues to have a look at that head though, it's in the hobby cave somwere:)


This guy just keeps getting better and better bud. Love the work on the claw and the sword is perfect :thumbsup:


Thanks Bio, i like the sword too, it just seems a bit lazy. But as mr HorriblePerson said, i'll just say it's a homage and get away with it hehe


This DP is coming along amazingly Eld!!! Really like the claw


Good to hear! I'll get it done someday soon i think, not much left now


This guy is awesome! I would not have thought this DP would have been such a good base for TDA Prince, well done so far :thumbsup:


Me neither! But then i saw this conversion and figured it was worth trying 




The prince is really coming along, I like how the sword looks in that pic too. What are your second thoughts about the head? you still not sure about how its come out? maybe add some surface detail to it, it does look quite smooth, you could pop some of those chaos arrows or points on like you have on the trim? Here's me trying to Give you advice now, when I'm literally about to ask you for the same back. I've never really worked on much Khorne stuff before, but taking over my Chaos thread for a little while (maybe interspersed with my warp talons... maybe), will be to Khorne projects for my friend for christmas. I was wondering if when I get some pics up you wouldnt mind popping by and giving me some guidance when ever possible?


Dude, I'm honored you'd even ask, and with such distinguished company! I'll give any advice i have of course! Shoot me a PM if you start a new topic, i'm already following your old one:) Very much looking  forward to seeing what you'll throw together, I'm a fan of yours already!


And that damned head... I don't know, i just find it too cartoony. Maybe it's the giant teeth or something... Or maybe that the DP model is such a classic, it feels like anything i do just won't do it justice. It's like sampling Move On Up by Curtis Mayfield  and trying to improve it (take that Kanye! Moahaha). 





And there are no updates. Sorry. I blame summer heat, getting back to work, looking for appartments to buy, my analog synthesizer project and Divinity Original Sin 2. I'm also kinda periodic in my hobby activities, I'm guessing i'll get back to 40K in a couple of weeks though. No more 6 month hiatuses at least. I've actually got some minor stuff done but i'm not about to post pictures of a pair of legs and a semi-built thuderstrike gauntlet without any conversions done to it. yet:wink:

Update time! Lo and behold, i actually got something done today!



I wanted to try another torso for once and stuck a MKIII torso onto a pair of legs i had lying around. It looked vaguely tech marine-like so i build this guy. I have a love/hate thing going with the servo arm, it's clunky as hell but still cool after all these years. It's also a nice showcase of my painting skill at the age of ~14. The right arm is a placeholder, i mainly wanted to see how the cable works with a shoulder pad. Suggestions for a right arm are welcome, i don't want to stick a pistol or something there, i want something techy/heretechnical. The bits-box is a bit low on those things however...

There's relatively little corruption going on with this guy, so he'll be a renegade, hired by the world eaters to look after their vehicles and such. I don't see many world eaters studying engineering between battles hehe.


Augustus b'Raass inspired me to finally let go of my fear of becoming a hoarder and start using eBay, thanks man! I ordered this fine weapon for my knight, which never ever gets finished. I never liked the giant chainsword for some reason. Anyways, I want to add some chaotic details to it, first idea was some sort of knuckle horns. This skull might work, or just look silly, what do you guys think?



Another idea popped up, which is to make blades/spikes simolar to the ones on the leg armor in the picture above. I think this will look way more brutal and functional, as well as tie the model together. Like a rug.

Edited by ElDuderino
Yes, another Chaos Knight! I'd suggest perhaps replacing the Reaper Chainsword blade with the Axe from the Lord of Skulls or one of the weapons from the Bloodthirster kit. If need be, make it something of a polearm weapon.

Techmarine is sweet! I'd like to throw my vote in for a Kataphrons arm to be used for the right arm. They have these mechanical left arms that with some snipping and pinning would look cool in my opinion. Also, I am going to copy you to make some MK3 torso berzerkers! I'm slowly getting the itch to build 9 more to finish my list...even with the rumors of new WE looming.


Also looking forward to the knight.

Good work on the techmarine and the knight! I like the sense of motion on the tech marine, while the bits you've added are a great start for that knight.

Thanks, scroll down for more knight pics:)

Yes, another Chaos Knight! I'd suggest perhaps replacing the Reaper Chainsword blade with the Axe from the Lord of Skulls or one of the weapons from the Bloodthirster kit. If need be, make it something of a polearm weapon.

Good suggestions, I've already ordered a power fist for the knight, expect it to be a lot spikier when i'm done with it hehe

Techmarine is sweet! I'd like to throw my vote in for a Kataphrons arm to be used for the right arm. They have these mechanical left arms that with some snipping and pinning would look cool in my opinion. Also, I am going to copy you to make some MK3 torso berzerkers! I'm slowly getting the itch to build 9 more to finish my list...even with the rumors of new WE looming.

Also looking forward to the knight.

That's not a bad idea! I'll see what eBay has to offer, those heads look mighty fine too. And the small arms seems pretty useful.

I would't hold my breath waiting for new bersekers, there's been rumor floating around forever. Plus, i'd miss out on your conversions:D

And since all of you seemed pretty hyped about the knight, here it is in all its WIP blue-taced glory



Edit: my god, these pics are horrible

Edited by ElDuderino

Yeah, I put those little hands to use on my finecast warpsmith. I did not use the mechatendril stuff so I popped them into the open sockets on the warpsmith abdomen. They make me think of Quato though. I'm trying to incorporate some into my upcoming "Iron Hands" as well. To be honest I still want some of those kataphron for all the bits they have. I had wanted to buy them to use the treads for a rapier conversion and the rest would just be bonus goodies.


And yeah, I am either going ebay hunting for bits or going to GW to get some mk3 armor and bloodwarriors. I built those ten I have and the original guys I started up as BL berzerkers just seem like pipsqueaks in comparison (doesn't help the SoH Reaver guys are tiny to start with).


The knight is also RAD! Seeing the trim really helps it stand out! I love the trophy hanging from its melta too.

Yeah, I put those little hands to use on my finecast warpsmith. I did not use the mechatendril stuff so I popped them into the open sockets on the warpsmith abdomen. They make me think of Quato though. I'm trying to incorporate some into my upcoming "Iron Hands" as well. To be honest I still want some of those kataphron for all the bits they have. I had wanted to buy them to use the treads for a rapier conversion and the rest would just be bonus goodies.


And yeah, I am either going ebay hunting for bits or going to GW to get some mk3 armor and bloodwarriors. I built those ten I have and the original guys I started up as BL berzerkers just seem like pipsqueaks in comparison (doesn't help the SoH Reaver guys are tiny to start with).


The knight is also RAD! Seeing the trim really helps it stand out! I love the trophy hanging from its melta too.


I went looking for kataphron bits but they were a bit expenisive... I did get most of a blood throne, some chariot bits, possessed bits, all the heads from the plastic dp and lord know what else. It's a slippery slope apparently:D Most of it is going onto the knight somewhere, can't wait to get it done finally!


Your Khorne Knight's green stuff decorations are well done. I hope to see the model painted soon.



Thank you Bjorn! I wouldn't hold my breath for paint, there's still alot of conversion work i want to do on it:)

Loving the Warpsmith mate, he is looking suitably ‘warpy’ and ‘smithy’ whilst still brutal as :cuss: !


Your Knit is shaping up really well, love the weapo trophy esp and the GS work is looking the business :tu: Nice work with the Helbrute fist/Eye of Horus too

Yeah, looking at bits and constantly thinking 'I can use that' and add to cart. Then you look at the total:wacko.:


Good think that you found some goodies to use on the knight! He's looking beastly already so I think these new goodies will knock I tout of the park!

Loving the Warpsmith mate, he is looking suitably ‘warpy’ and ‘smithy’ whilst still brutal as :censored:: !

Your Knit is shaping up really well, love the weapo trophy esp and the GS work is looking the business :thumbsup: Nice work with the Helbrute fist/Eye of Horus too

Thanks man! Im thinking of upping the warpy part a bit though, he does look a little too clean for my tastes...

Yeah, looking at bits and constantly thinking 'I can use that' and add to cart. Then you look at the total:wacko.:

Good think that you found some goodies to use on the knight! He's looking beastly already so I think these new goodies will knock I tout of the park!

Hehe yeah, it's way cheaper than getting full sets though... Ah, the possibilites!

Nothin new on the knight or prince, still waiting for that order. I did make another berserker though, two to go (for this squad at least:D)


The new addition is the 2nd guy from the left. I wanted to break up the monotony a bit and added some knee-pad-less legs, can't recall the mark atm. He also got a good ol marine helmet, now i kinda want to do more of these helmets and switch around the heads on the models I've already made. I don't want them to look too uniform if you get what i mean, maybe I'll change up the torsos a bit too for the same reason. And maybe not do any more guys looking down the sight of a pistol haha


More to come once my bits gets here, I have an idea for the knight's head in particular that I'm looking forward to share hehe

Edited by ElDuderino

Agreed, the Berzerkers look great! My personal favorite is the one on the far right. With all those rumors about a new Abaddon, new Oblits and new vanilla marines floating around, here's hoping that getting legpieces like those will become easier soon.

Excellent work on the Knight, 'zerkers and warpsmith -- the latter needs a different, more chaotic/Khornate head, though. I think you should choose a suitably blunt, sinister looking head and then try to graft on some optical implants/aerials/whatever. Just my two cents ;)

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