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So as I don't see atopic here, I'll start one.


WH community have confirmed a TS codex, and soon.




New rules, new powers, new units, however the new units are mostly Tzaangors from AoS. The shaman and sky riders/enlightened, as well as the Mutilath Vortex beast (seriously, wth?).


I'm disappointed as I'd like more thousand sons in my thousand sons army. I'll be happy if rubrics and scarabs are enough to pull their own weight in game.



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Quite cool!


I just hope they get something like 12 psychic powers so that all those Psykers aren't wasted casting smite (yawn) and are actually doing cool stuff.


The Vortex beast is certainly unexpected, but kinda cool!


Weird the Helldrake is featured too.

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Glad its coming. Expected us to see the extra Tzaangor units to help fill out our range. Like the Mutalith model, so will pick one up anyway, just hope rules are decent enough.


I really really wanted more actual Thousand Sons flavour/models though, Havoc Rubrics would of been my choice, but being greedy would of liked a vehicle of our own too.

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Was hoping for a Thousand Sons codex since they announced Wrath of Magnus.


Though I'm not a player, the TS are my favorite Traitor (per incident :P) Legion and I can't wait to get my hands on that codex! :D

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Sure, I'm bias, but when I look at that video and listen to the music it is some next level goodness man..


I already own all the Tzaangors and Mutalith stuff via Age of Sigmar so I'm ready to roll.


Waited 15 years for a true codex and this is my favorite edition so far. Let's do this, dudes

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Codex coming in is excellent. Mutalith vortex is kind of cool, but will need to see the rules before saying more. More goats i'm not sure yet and it make me try hard not to think about the new unit for space marines, primaris and custodes. Tzaangor psycher feel like an easy way to get us more unit, hopefully they'll get a psychic tree of their own or the smite beta rule will change accordingly.


With those change coming in, i'm really happy about my new project which is 30k Alpha Legion. They'll see use in 40k as well, chaos soup might be the thing for me after all.

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Ha, I damn nearly picked up a Mutalith to use as a Mauler/Forgefiend, but was worried the engines wouldn't turn up in the book! :biggrin.: 


A new vehicle would have been great, but the addition of the Tzaangor units should round out the list nicely.

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Sorry if i come across a bit negative but honestly i'm a bit disappointed.


I dont play AoS looking for a easy port into 40k or vice versa. Nor do i play thousands sons to have a tzaangor army.

It's starting to feel like the focus is more on tzaangors then on thousand sons.


I have no problem with cheap cannon folder infantry. That still feels like rather fluffy to me. Using others to do the dying while the sorcerers stay relatively safe in the back. But when tzaangors are also in the elite/HQ slots how is it still a Thousand sons army?


I think they noticed how limited the thousands sons options are but instead of adding something new they went with the easy option and just ported over some AoS stuff.

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Man I totally called the Tzaangors, the mutileath think is best and unexpected. But now what to do...expand my daemons or my TS with more Tzaangors? Hhmmm....a tough choice. What does soon mean I wonder? Like next month? Before or after Custodes?
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Are we sure that those are the only new units? Because making us a codex without any new Thousand Sons units is very disappointing...



Yea, no new models confirmed.

Damn, the rules better be good... Mr. French did such an awesome job portraying the Sons, and all we get are spawns and birdmen, it's a sad day...

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I'm pumped. This has been a difficult transition into 8th for me. 


Normally if I'm not playing an army, I sell it. I stopped playing my Thousand Sons a little while ago and couldn't sell them, but talking about changes... people may disagree with me but I found the most valuable non-character unit in the codex to be my Tzaangors. They are mandatory in competitive play (index wise) without getting into Tzeentch daemons which I refused to use Brimstones. 


This left me with very few options and a set of Index rules that just got worse with each codex. While this isn't unique to Thousand Sons, it doesn't make it any more appealing.


Now we have the word. I'm not going to judge at all... I don't know how we can judge limited info like this.


I can only speak for myself here but I would MUCH rather see that my staple units are solid... very solid, than hear I got 3 new Thousand Sons characters. 


New units ported over from AoS mean zilch to me. (frankly I've never liked how GW push the fantasy line so hard on us CSM players... it's to the point where making your CSM work at their best requires fantasy space hippies.)


So I'm going to be looking first at my favorites: Scarab Occult/Rubrics. Then the HQ's. After that anything 'new' is a bonus.


I'd much rather have it turn out like that, then Grey Knights: One new awesome unit and a pile of mediocrity with fairly one dimensional playstyle.


I'm really excited about this news. I see no negatives compared to how they are right now.

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I'm pumped. This has been a difficult transition into 8th for me. 


Normally if I'm not playing an army, I sell it. I stopped playing my Thousand Sons a little while ago and couldn't sell them, but talking about changes... people may disagree with me but I found the most valuable non-character unit in the codex to be my Tzaangors. They are mandatory in competitive play (index wise) without getting into Tzeentch daemons which I refused to use Brimstones. 


This left me with very few options and a set of Index rules that just got worse with each codex. While this isn't unique to Thousand Sons, it doesn't make it any more appealing.


Now we have the word. I'm not going to judge at all... I don't know how we can judge limited info like this.


I can only speak for myself here but I would MUCH rather see that my staple units are solid... very solid, than hear I got 3 new Thousand Sons characters. 


New units ported over from AoS mean zilch to me. (frankly I've never liked how GW push the fantasy line so hard on us CSM players... it's to the point where making your CSM work at their best requires fantasy space hippies.)


So I'm going to be looking first at my favorites: Scarab Occult/Rubrics. Then the HQ's. After that anything 'new' is a bonus.


I'd much rather have it turn out like that, then Grey Knights: One new awesome unit and a pile of mediocrity with fairly one dimensional playstyle.


I'm really excited about this news. I see no negatives compared to how they are right now.


I agree somewhat. I'm just not excited about this news at all.


I intend to look at the codex for the rubrics/scarabs and exalted sorcerers. If i can run an army mainly with those units i'll pick up the codex and expand my army a bit.

But if 5 units of tzaangors + maybe one thousand sons unit are the way to go to make a somewhat decent army i'll probably stop the army all together.


I'm not assembling an army where i have ask people to down tune their lists because i don't want to run tzaangors. I like thousand sons not goats :wacko.:

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Damn, the rules better be good... Mr. French did such an awesome job portraying the Sons, and all we get are spawns and birdmen, it's a sad day...



To be fair, and I love the Ahriman trilogy and entire story selection of the side books, but they managed to function with just rubrics and sorcerers.


So yeah anything else is icing on the cake.. take heldrakes, take predators.. meh. thats just me.

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I'm pumped. This has been a difficult transition into 8th for me. 


Normally if I'm not playing an army, I sell it. I stopped playing my Thousand Sons a little while ago and couldn't sell them, but talking about changes... people may disagree with me but I found the most valuable non-character unit in the codex to be my Tzaangors. They are mandatory in competitive play (index wise) without getting into Tzeentch daemons which I refused to use Brimstones. 


This left me with very few options and a set of Index rules that just got worse with each codex. While this isn't unique to Thousand Sons, it doesn't make it any more appealing.


Now we have the word. I'm not going to judge at all... I don't know how we can judge limited info like this.


I can only speak for myself here but I would MUCH rather see that my staple units are solid... very solid, than hear I got 3 new Thousand Sons characters. 


New units ported over from AoS mean zilch to me. (frankly I've never liked how GW push the fantasy line so hard on us CSM players... it's to the point where making your CSM work at their best requires fantasy space hippies.)


So I'm going to be looking first at my favorites: Scarab Occult/Rubrics. Then the HQ's. After that anything 'new' is a bonus.


I'd much rather have it turn out like that, then Grey Knights: One new awesome unit and a pile of mediocrity with fairly one dimensional playstyle.


I'm really excited about this news. I see no negatives compared to how they are right now.

I'm glad you are but I'm in the same boat and with all negatives: if this codex doesn't make Rubrics and Scarab Occult Meaningful...i might sell my sons.

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