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Good news about those skyfires since its a dual kit.


Im excited about the vortex beast as well.

But they werent mentioned in the post about tzaangor units coming over. It has me a little concerned, although i think they would be an amazing high strength unit if done right 

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@Skallagoose, my thoughts as well. Why not just mention then in the teaser, but it's the same kit. It would be like getting an Exalted flamer but no burning chariot. Of course that might happen, but they could be magic arrows or whatever.


I would like to see exalted sorcerers have any real use right now. I'm sure Ahriman will be locked into a Aura ability, but million dollar question is how will they differentiate the Exalted from Ahriman to make them worthwhile.

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Still somewhat confused as to how they should be viable. Since they are Tzaangors we can guess that they will be T4 and have a 5++. And since there are so few models in a unit I would guess that they will have 3 wounds each. However, removing 9 T4 wounds is really easy. Okay, so we go for a bigger unit of maybe 6 Enlightened, bumping them up to 18 wounds. Now they will need some dedicated firepower to be brought down. However, just killing one or two of them should still be easy enough and then I wonder how effective 3 or 4 of these guys will be. 


I just get the Plague Drone vibes from them. They too are a cavalry unit with low model count but probably tougher (because Nurgle). Yet they hardly see play since they are too expensive and you have to invest quite some points into a unit for them to be somewhat strong. 


I just hope the Enlightened won't have the same problem and end up just being taken in min squads to grab objectives because they are too weak to actually do damage themselves...

Lets assume there are skyfires in the book...

Lets assume they have the same arrow of fate rule which allows for mortal wounds on a roll of a 6+ to hit.

Since they are on disks they have both, Tsons rule/Heretic Astartes and Daemon code rule

So you can give them +1 to hit from Heretic astartes spell

you can give reroll 1 from any number of sources

+1 invul from Heretic Astartes spell

+1 invul from Tzeentch Strategim in daemon book

+1 to wound with Tzeentch Daemon spell

+1 to wound with Heretic astartes strategim


and other ideas.


But thats just a theory... A WARHAMMER THEORY

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So...its actually not utter trash now, as casting it on a blob may yield some serious results.


Anyways, still the best thing coming from this codex is the ability to get +1 to wound with daemon engine shooting, at least for us tzeentch players.

Double it with daemonforge and prescience for extra glory.

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I'm not a huge fan of tzangors in a Thousand Sons army. I like the models, but as others have said, they don't fit the theme of my army. That being said, I will probably model some rubrics on disks as my skyfire/enlightend as I think it'd be a fun modeling project.


Interesting to see the rules changes and how the exalted sorcerers fit in. It's also worth mentioning that whilst we might not get any new kits, we might get new unit entries, e.g.. Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight.


I'm staying positive about the codex :) 

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Come on psychic dread!! New art so thats good right? With February being the month of gold I suppose it will be Adeptus Custodes and TS codex release? I still can't shake a desire to have ours come out tail end of January since it doesn't have model releases nor does it need much fanfare.
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Confirmed on FB that no such thing exists for TS. Just a stylised hellbrute art.


I know, I saw them commenting on a lot of folks' posts


Still cool to get attention.

I wonder if GW will ask you to spring formal?


Just joking.


But seriously, that's pretty troll worthy. It's something every TS desires and doesn't even need a new model!


I hope we start seeing a couple community articles, or at least one, this week. I have to know what that beautiful beast brings to the table.

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It was quite clear that the designers' intention is for a lot of cross over between Chaos Daemons and heretic astartes, that much is clear


Until it gets faq'd for being too good!

That is friggin sweet if it pans out!

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They said on Facebook the birds and monster are the only new things we get.

I seent it.

The wishlisting is hard man, that psychic from FW just us going crazy right. I'm just hoping with a bunch of Adeptus Custodes being made for 40k they will do some other stuff like that awesome psychic dread.

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Maybe I'm missing something, but as I understand it the Custodes aren't getting their 30k stuff as "new models", instead the FW range will publish rules for 8e 40k like they do with many 30k models.


Why couldn't we get Osirons and Castellax-Achea? They're not new models, and like the 30k Custodes stuff, they probably won't even be in the Codex. They sell more (expensive) FW models and we get a more fluffy and diverse army, so win-win!

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As cool as it is that we can now get access to upper level beastmen, for my army personally, I like a class division between Sorcerers/ Rubrics and beastmen and likely will not be using them.


I see them as henchmen only and to let them rise to such status (shaman, enlightened, skyfire) might give rise for future insurrection.  Not in my army,  sorry goat birds as much as I love you there is a glass ceiling in my army for you...


Of course my mind might change completely when I see the rules, lol.

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As cool as it is that we can now get access to upper level beastmen, for my army personally, I like a class division between Sorcerers/ Rubrics and beastmen and likely will not be using them.


I see them as henchmen only and to let them rise to such status (shaman, enlightened, skyfire) might give rise for future insurrection.  Not in my army,  sorry goat birds as much as I love you there is a glass ceiling in my army for you...


Of course my mind might change completely when I see the rules, lol.


Skyfires? I think you mean Disc-mounted Rubric Havocs.


Enlightened? I think you mean Rubric Khenetai Occult.


Mutalith? I think you mean corrupted Osiron Dread.

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Just start a second, full Tzaangor, army in case there's actually a HQ one and not just as Elite characters like the Kroot Shaper. :tongue.:


Yep I just came back to update my post on the thought of full on beast man army is a cool thought.  That will be my Beastman rebel army.  


Though if I put any Sorcerer/ Rubrics on the table Shaman, enlightened and skyfire will regulate will go back to hack and slashers, lol.

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