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Which primarch is next? Or will it be two?


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I would say don't come into a thread labeled "which primarch is next" and then complain. I would think most BnC people would be happy if another primarch leveled faction entity came out. I alone suggested how Isha could come back with the help of Russ. I also get giddy thinking of Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka comine back as a Prime-Ork (get it primarch, prime-ork). However there is threads for those ideas. Bottom line is BnC is human focused and this thread is Primarch focused.


If you feel the want to discuss another big faction release then find or make a new thread, and others will join in. No matter what faction has a major release it will affect everyone.

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Okay yeah, that was a troll post. There was some intent to get people mad but it comes out of frustration. No the primarchs aren't actually 'special snowflakes' and yes it's okay to be really invested in your favorite character and I am sorry about that part.


But look at this from a practical perspective. Every primarch that's come out has been a 100% autotake for his associated faction. Every primarch that's come out has been the dominant release for the month they come out with.


This means that if they are to do all the primarchs that are not 100% dead (ferrus and sanguinius pretty muc) we're looking at what...13 models across at least 13 months that will be pretty much guaranteed a spot in every even semi-competitive list for their legion/chapter.


Moving past just getting a reaction, the point stands, if they do try to release every available primarch one way another it creates an even more disproportionate number of marine releases than people complain about NOW OR they DON'T release all the primarchs and the people who get missed are left feeling just as disenfranchised as all the Xenos players(and leaves GW minus all that sweet primarch money which won't happen)


So it was glib, but the absolute best thing they could do as far as primarchs go is release several at once (not all of them but a triumverate of primarchs would be a start) so that everyone who IS super into the primarchs get what they want and so that people who AREN'T into the primarchs don't have 13 months of being left out in the cold.

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But wait there is more!!

I sincerely hope this is fake, but we already had Primaris so ya know.

Via Faeit:


"Some added rumored bits that were placed in the comment section via Michael Tite on the validity of the Leman Russ rumored image, along with hints of something bigger with the new Nurgling....



Takes these are rumors. Its Christmas Eve, and I hope everyone has a safe and good Christmas.


Leman Russ

via Michael Tite in the comment sections here on Faeit 212



This is actually real. Although I don't know how the person got hold of the unit entry from March's codex..

The Dark Wolves and Leman Russ are a new faction of corrupted Khornate Wulfen. This is taken from that codex.

Other units include corrupted Wulfen Contemptor, Wulfen as infantry units, smaller wolf beasts which are scouts and much larger, mutated Wulf en which are similar in size to obliterators. They're like their terminators in the elite slot in units of 3 but without armour and bearing massive claws.

The backstory with Khorne is based on them fighting Khornate legions I'm the eye for so long and they eat them and get corrupted by the blood which has been hexed to poison them. Russ has to make a deal with Khorne to fight for them or they die. If they go too long without combat they lose wounds and this is reflected in gameplay, if they go a turn without combat they start to turn on each other and this replaces their morale mechanic. (a bit like Orks). However, if they kill one of their unit the rest of the unit get a buff."

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You're late to the party. Already declared fake, someone already said it came from a guy on 4chan and multiple different copies were leaked all trying to perfect a copy. Which still has errors.

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I really hate these fake sheets.


At the same time I wish gw would just out right show the next 40k primarch

Unless the Primarch's release is close, I would rather not know which one is in the way. Trust me, the wait for Mortarion was awful.


Unless, of course, they straight up show the whole Primarch and/or a release date, even if an approximate one. Just not teaser after teaser after teaser.

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Primarchs sell so well that releasing them all at once is the stupidest thing a business can do. Spacing out each release to get maximum sales and to also have the ability to use them to patch up slow months for sales is far more intelligent and is what every business would do and what GW is already doing. There is literally zero financial incentive to release everything at once, even ignoring the fact that they don't have the resources to design and produce all those kits simultaneously.


Another example would be how M:tG does not just reprint all the popular cards at once, but puts one expensive, popular reprint in each set to help maximize sales and prolong the time they can keep milking reprints. Or video games with expansions, content patches, new characters/content, or updates. You wouldn't just automatically update the video game to a brand new sequel or expansion in the very first patch.

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I think once all books are released they'll probably update each faction periodically with new models.


Each Marine faction can get a Primarch, you can have a new Solar Macharius style hero for the Astra Militarum, a Prime Ork, Vect, Greater Daemons etc etc


All of the above can come with campaign books, new lore and will be very popular.

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Idk I kinda like the fact the guard is faceless. Their warlord is a giant tank that is terrifying and a relic from a forgotten past.

Yep, I also don't want tau getting a primarch esqe unit

Well, as much as I agree with you...

What YOU want and what Phil Kelly wants are two entirely different things. =/

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But wait there is more!!

I sincerely hope this is fake, but we already had Primaris so ya know.

Via Faeit:


"Some added rumored bits that were placed in the comment section via Michael Tite on the validity of the Leman Russ rumored image, along with hints of something bigger with the new Nurgling....



Takes these are rumors. Its Christmas Eve, and I hope everyone has a safe and good Christmas.


Leman Russ

via Michael Tite in the comment sections here on Faeit 212



This is actually real. Although I don't know how the person got hold of the unit entry from March's codex..

The Dark Wolves and Leman Russ are a new faction of corrupted Khornate Wulfen. This is taken from that codex.

Other units include corrupted Wulfen Contemptor, Wulfen as infantry units, smaller wolf beasts which are scouts and much larger, mutated Wulf en which are similar in size to obliterators. They're like their terminators in the elite slot in units of 3 but without armour and bearing massive claws.

The backstory with Khorne is based on them fighting Khornate legions I'm the eye for so long and they eat them and get corrupted by the blood which has been hexed to poison them. Russ has to make a deal with Khorne to fight for them or they die. If they go too long without combat they lose wounds and this is reflected in gameplay, if they go a turn without combat they start to turn on each other and this replaces their morale mechanic. (a bit like Orks). However, if they kill one of their unit the rest of the unit get a buff."


I realize these rumors are almost entirely baseless but speaking as someone that's collected Space Wolves as far back as when they were introduced this entire notion is just offensive to me. Russ was one of the few loyal primarchs that had any chance of being seen in 40k gameplay for many years now. Having him come back as some kind of traitor demon primarch is just silly and poor form. I can't imagine GW would be this insane to do that.


Well, maybe they are. They did destroy the greatest fantasy setting in the world just because their IP lawyers told them to do so to protect made up fake names for races. I'd like to think the newer direction we've seen from GW since then wouldn't just thumb their noses at Space Wolves fans like this to turn the most iconic character in the SW lore into a baddie.

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So this little bit from Warhammer Community -


“On Christmas Day, something stirs in a place of horror. Souls cry out in terror and are silenced, as a sleeper awakens and darkness falls…”


- turned out to be Nagash. Kinda squashes the recent Lion rumours for me, not that I had any real confidence in them.


@Caldersson - I thought the Sanguinius leak came from a lightly confused GW employee and rampant interneting. If Michael Tite is the guy from the video and is a GW employee, I imagine someone in GW HQ is going to have a bit of a discussion with him.

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So this little bit from Warhammer Community -


“On Christmas Day, something stirs in a place of horror. Souls cry out in terror and are silenced, as a sleeper awakens and darkness falls…”


- turned out to be Nagash. Kinda squashes the recent Lion rumours for me, not that I had any real confidence in them.


@Caldersson - I thought the Sanguinius leak came from a lightly confused GW employee and rampant interneting. If Michael Tite is the guy from the video and is a GW employee, I imagine someone in GW HQ is going to have a bit of a discussion with him.


I guessed earlier in this thread that the "sleeper awakens" bit from GW was going to be AoS related and sad to see I was correct.

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But wait there is more!!

I sincerely hope this is fake, but we already had Primaris so ya know.

Via Faeit:


"Some added rumored bits that were placed in the comment section via Michael Tite on the validity of the Leman Russ rumored image, along with hints of something bigger with the new Nurgling....



Takes these are rumors. Its Christmas Eve, and I hope everyone has a safe and good Christmas.


Leman Russ

via Michael Tite in the comment sections here on Faeit 212



This is actually real. Although I don't know how the person got hold of the unit entry from March's codex..

The Dark Wolves and Leman Russ are a new faction of corrupted Khornate Wulfen. This is taken from that codex.

Other units include corrupted Wulfen Contemptor, Wulfen as infantry units, smaller wolf beasts which are scouts and much larger, mutated Wulf en which are similar in size to obliterators. They're like their terminators in the elite slot in units of 3 but without armour and bearing massive claws.

The backstory with Khorne is based on them fighting Khornate legions I'm the eye for so long and they eat them and get corrupted by the blood which has been hexed to poison them. Russ has to make a deal with Khorne to fight for them or they die. If they go too long without combat they lose wounds and this is reflected in gameplay, if they go a turn without combat they start to turn on each other and this replaces their morale mechanic. (a bit like Orks). However, if they kill one of their unit the rest of the unit get a buff."

I realize these rumors are almost entirely baseless but speaking as someone that's collected Space Wolves as far back as when they were introduced this entire notion is just offensive to me. Russ was one of the few loyal primarchs that had any chance of being seen in 40k gameplay for many years now. Having him come back as some kind of traitor demon primarch is just silly and poor form. I can't imagine GW would be this insane to do that.


Well, maybe they are. They did destroy the greatest fantasy setting in the world just because their IP lawyers told them to do so to protect made up fake names for races. I'd like to think the newer direction we've seen from GW since then wouldn't just thumb their noses at Space Wolves fans like this to turn the most iconic character in the SW lore into a baddie.

This is the Leman Russ from the Dornian Heresy. The HH Leman Russ had finally caught up with Magnus, who pointed to the Infinite Maze and yelled, "Squirrel!". Russ has been hunting that place for those wretched rodents ever since. Russ isn't lost, though, he just has strong sense of priorities.

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