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We are Returned! - Heretic Astartes Plog (BL + DG)

Brother Mayhem

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Ladies and Gentlemen,


I hope you're all having a great weekend.


So, I haven't been doing this blogging thing for a while now, as "Real Life TM " has  been taking over a lot of my spare time, and work has been extremely busy. My last project was the Wrath, the Khorne Daemonkin. However, as now photobucket is the epitome of evil and also KDK have been purged as the heretics they are, it all fell down for a bit. After painting some other stuff, mainly AoS, and wasting my work-fried brain away on video games like DoW 2+3, I return (bad pun I suppose for the nature of the topic)


8th edition has been out for a while now and I have got around 5 games of it under my belt, and I've lost them all. Nothing new there, but there is no doubt in my mind that this is the best 40k edition I have played yet out of the 18 years I've been doing this (and I started back at the release of 3rd). Smooth gameplay, not as much rules to remember, and lots of stuff happening. However, now I have settled a little more into work and also have a bit more of an income than I did as a poor student, I can actually start doing more with my hobby overall. I'd like to start attending some events to play with and against cool models and armies, and build up some more memories for this fantastic hobby we all share. However, if I am to complete that task, I need an army... possibly... a legion (ok I'll stop).


So it comes to this. Why Chaos Space Marines (CSM)? They're the most awesome, bestest (it's a word, yes, the bestest word), coolest damn army that's why. Traitors and turncoats from the most powerful fighting force in the galaxy, harbouring a grudge millennia old against the Emperor of Mankind. Genetically stronger and faster than humans, armed and armoured in advanced technology, and wielding daemonic strength from the Gods of Chaos; they are the most terrifying force in the galaxy. Warbands of different flavours and makings ensure you can stamp your personality into an army you create, and utilise multiple ranges and paint schemes to create a unique force. 


But now, the Legion. I picked Black Legion for my force for a very simple reason. I've painted my force as Black Legion, Word Bearers, and Iron Warriors, and even my own renegade warbands. However, I go back to the Black Legion because of the books by ABD. They display exactly what I think the CSM should behave like and act like, I also enjoy the fact I can use all the models and ranges, and have them affiliated with the Black Legion. I also painted my Khorne stuff as the Wrath, so it's pretty damn easy to just say they're Black Legion. 


I've amassed a large collection over the years of CSM, and they're in varying forms of paint schemes and state. I'm still purchasing kits now, as I am preparing to start a massive undertaking of painting all of my CSM models to the Black Legion. This will involve stripping, repairing / rebuilding, and painting the miniatures as a unified force. I'm buying kits like Raptors, Possessed and MK3 Iron Armour SM so that I can update my force to a modern standard. and so I can be faithful to the fluff. I have infantry, tanks and daemons that need doing, so this will take some time. The colour scheme I've picked is fairly simple, using a mix of some of my own techniques, and Saint Duncan's WHTV Black Legion paint guide. 


So with all that, pictures. And I'll start with....


Death Guard.




Yes I know, I've been harping on about Black Legion, but I'm starting with the Dark Imperium DG side. Whilst I am dealing with getting the bits I need to start my BL force so I have everything at once, I'm also clearing out my back log, and I split the box so they were on the pile. These models were started before I chose the Black Legion, otherwise I would've picked a more sympathising scheme to go with the rest of the force. But, I liked the Pre Heresy DG scheme that I didn't really mind, and it works with the models. I enjoyed painting the two squads so far, but there is a ton of detail to deal with. They do pop though when done. Desert bases are what I am going with for my Chaos force as shown, but not with the Nurgles Rot you see on these figures. I will eventually get some more DG, but I need to focus on my projects to build a viable army for all these events I blabbered on about at the beginning. 


Here we go: (I do apologise for the quality, I need to get a better set up!)














And what's next? More DI (The characters).




So there we go for now. So, I'll be updating this weekly / bi-weekly depending on progress / work. It's going to get busier as the end of the year draws to a close, but hopefully I'll have some time off in December to sit down and get these guys looking good. After this, it'll be Dark Vengeance (Dark this Dark that...). Let me know what you think, all C&C is appreciated! 


And that's all folks. Take care!



  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Thanks guys, C&C is always appreciated :smile.:


I just lost everything I was typing, so here are pretty pictures instead: 
















So Death Guard are nearly finished, just the drone to do. I got bored of painting him, so I wanted something different, so painting some terminators (only 20 more to go..!)

  • 1 year later...

@Bjorn - Cheers mate, I'll eventually get some more...! 


Well...erm... I've been away for some time haven't I? I was finishing off the final touches on my Warpsmith, and thought, "Oh boy,  haven't updated my log in a while, let's have a look". Lo and behold, its been over 1 year since I've updated.  Inspired by Dragonlover's post today regarding posting on B&C, I thought I'd better start getting on with this again. One of my main pledges to you all, my fellow fraters, is to record my hobby more, much like a lot of my fave plogs. Talk more about my hobby, what I've been up to, my plans etc. And do one update a week, regardless of commentary or not. This is not just for you, but for a way for my to record my hobby journey. 


So what have I been working on for the past year or so? Well, it's been a busy year for my personally and professionally, and at the start of this year, I've moved to Manchester UK! Lots of hobby going on around here, I feel that I am going to enjoy being round here. If any fellow frater are about there, let me know and we'll get some games in. Plenty of places to play. In terms of what I've painted, I've done some Chaos, but I've mainly painted a horde of AoS Legions of Nagash. Not too many models for them to finish.


But, here is a selection of what I've painted: (Apologies for the shoddy pics! Need a good camera and set up!)


































So, still quite a bit. This is not everything for my Chaos army, as I have a lot of hang ons from my old Khorne Daemonkin army (The Wrath Warband known as the Brotherhood of Slaughter). Thankfully, the colour scheme is quite forgiving for my Legionnaires, and I am allowed to be "Chaotic" (groan) with my colour choices. The Warpsmith I've finished just now, just need to resupply some transfer smoother (forgotten the proper name). However, I still have a horde to paint. I'm "trying" not to buy any models until I've painted 200 from all the game systems I have. Mainly my 40k Chaos stuff, but also Death, Stormcast, Space Wolves and Slaves to Darkness (and LotR...). It's going to be a difficult pledge, with all the Chaos, specifically Black Legion rumors abound. As a final purchase of last year before I ventured on my quest, I got Worldbreaker, 20x MKIII Marines for conversions, and as a cheeky purchase, this:




I probably have bitten more off than I can chew. However, for my sanity, I need to reduce the grey and unstripped models. i need to get one of those micro cleaner things, as I've seen some good stuff from that. With all the bits I have now from the various kits I've bought over the past 2 years, I should be able to modernise my collection, so that they don't look horribly outdated compared to the new stuff that is coming. 


Well, that is another rant over. What next? A Forgefiend. 


C&C appreciated folks, until next week (or if you're lucky, another update will come this week)!

@Dragonlover - thanks for the comments, your topic on commenting inspired me to get on with this blogging thing again. It is a mix of both, as you'll see below! 


@Doghouse - thanks for the comment, much appreciated. I prefer the nuanced look to traitor knights, the more recently turned look can be added to any army I make or add. Also, I liked the Renegade scheme from GW, so I knicked it. I'd like to get some more, especially the Dominus! 


@Bjorn Firewalker - Cheers, he was a pain in the arse to make as he's Finecast, but he is nice. I'd like to have a go at making the FW version with the Dark Abbeyant or whatever it was. 


@Gederas - Cheers, as I said to Doghouse, I'm pretty proud of that one. 


As I said in Dragonlover's thread, comments are good motivators for me and for plenty of others, so keep them coming!


So, as I promised, an update. Less than a week rather than over a year, pretty happy! Especially when "Real Life" has reduced my hobby time significantly. So as promised, a Forgefiend: 







He is a Dakkafiend with the Plasma head - the reason is that I find that I lack some anti personal fire, and also it is the coolest looking one. I played a game against Thousand Sons, and lost heavily (killed 4 models....) and he nearly wiped me. My issue is that I only play with painted models, and my army isn't very effective at the moment. I realise I need some more firepower, so the guy above is probably a good addition. Playing with some stores near by makes painting much easier, as its greater motivation. 
I brought all my bits to create my "modernised" Chaos Space Marines / Havocs, but I have some other undercoated models I want to try and complete. It's either Possessed, more terminators or Warp Talons... we shall see. 

Out of interest, what's your gold recipe?




Thanks for the comment, I've gone for Retributor Gold, washed with Agrax, then drybrushed with Sigmarite drybrush, then a very light drybrush of Runefang Steel. I have so much to paint that I needed something quick and efficient, but looks good. It's not as detailed as my Khorne Daemonkin scheme, but it does the trick.


The Forgefiend is well done.


Cheers mate! I really like the model, and with the CA point decreases.... 


So, I think I am going to go with more Terminators. Watch this space. 

Wow - what great looking armies, both! Whilst those Death Guard are very cool and very well painted, I’m here for the title guys :D


Great looking Black Legion. Your painting is very neat and you pick out the details so well. It’s nice to see old models with the new ones, and I have to say your Terminator Sorcerer is my favourite (I love that model) though I am loving the Dark Vengeance crew. Nice work on the Forge Fiend, great stuff all round :tu: :tu:

@Midnight Runner - Thanks mate, I really like your Black Legion too, the Terminator Sorcerer is one of my faces (although he dies horribly in every game). 


I promised an update every week, and I failed last week - hangover from hell from a do crushed me. However, I managed to work on the Warp Talons a little bit...! 



Here is my glorious 2000 pts of Heretics that slaughtered the Crimson Slaughter (Pun... definitely intended). I'm starting to play more games as I am part of the Vigilus campaign at my LGS. My first weekly event so looking forwards to it! 


Update soon! 
  • 2 weeks later...

@Brother Pheidias: I'm holding out for the big guy, I know as soon as I make one, the new version will come out!


So, the weekly updates kind of fell flat on their face. However, I've been playing a little more, and I'm  also part of the Vigilus Campaign at my LGS. I'm happy to play more, as it gives me more inspiration to complete my army, and to add more units to spice up the army composition. I'm thinking that I may paint some of my older stuff as another legion / warband to add more variation to the force, although I think that I will end up staying with the Black Legion. Speaking of painting:



I've finally completed those damned Warp Talons. The trim makes them difficult to paint, but the final result is worth it, and they are lovely models. The rules are not so kind to them at the moment, but, as I've been playing this army (CSM as a whole, not BL) since the 3.5 codex, things swing in roundabouts in terms of power level, so I find it doesn't really matter. I like how my red has turned into more of an orange colour, as with my Chosen, as it reminds me of the Graham Davey's Black Legion army back in the day of 2nd / 3rd edition (People who have had White Dwarf from a "few" years back will know what I'm on about). There were some pretty cool conversions in the army, and something I do want to pay a little homage to in my own force. 


So what's next? Well it'll be my converted Terminators with 5x Combi plasma. I decided to spice things up by adding a banner, a head from the MKIII marine kit, some chains from the AoS Marauder Horsemen kit, and also a metal head from some Slanneshi Noise Marines. All in all, I think they look cool. The only issue I have is that the hand for the gun is smaller than the usual terminator hand, but it is of minimal concern. Game wise, these will be Overcharging, using Endless Cacophony along with a Chaos Lord and a Sorcerer casting Prescience on them to light up any nasty Helblasters nearby. 
After this, only a Blight Drone and 5 Possessed remain of my undercoated models to paint, then it'll be assembly time once again, and I have plenty of unique conversions coming up!


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