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I think it ends up being a goid last minute stocking stuffer or holiday gift. When i worked at a minatures store i had a lot of people come in during the holiday season and say my (grand)child/niece/nephew likes wh40k what should i get him. Thats an easy sale right there.



How is that going to hurt their sales? He'll be available later on anyway.


'We've given out X Marbos per store'


'We've only sold 0.3 X Marbos per store' (because nobody went down to their GW for many, varied reasons)


= Hurt sales, relative to the potential. (And actual demand).


(And also potential short-sighted 'huh, guess nobody wanted Marbo' feedback)



A sale is a sale, (or lack of), 'later on anyway' has no impact on how many they'll sell next week. (Well, not a positive one anyway!)


Aside from this the whole thing is a ploy to get people to come into a GW store on Boxing Day, obviously, which is fine, but this just isn't the way to convince us. How 'bout a sal-*BLAMMM!*

Which is entirely pointless since even if they sell only a few it's still more than not selling them at all and in the long run there won't be any difference since they just keep the models for the actual release and sell them then.


Just because there was one day with few sold products it doesn't mean they are hurting their sales ... or do you seriously believe that there are many people who want the model who suddenly won't buy it just because it was available at one day some time before its release? lol



even if they sell only a few it's still more than not selling them at all 


Whut? How shortsighted is that!? How about if they sold it properly as a normal release they'd sell to all of their potential. Saying some is better than none is really setting your sights low.


 and in the long run there won't be any difference since they just keep the models for the actual release and sell them then.


So if there's no difference how about just selling it normally in the first place? 


or do you seriously believe that there are many people who want the model who suddenly won't buy it just because it was available at one day some time before its release? lol


Aside from the fact that the hobby is obviously full of impulse purchases, (so yes-ish, in answer to your question, some people won't want it anymore and some won't be able to budget for it), for clarity, I'm not at all upset by this move, as you say, it doesn't bother me that a model I should be able to buy at some point in the nebulous future is being released at a totally awkward time, I just think it's very, very silly.


Also, as I've stated before, arbitrarily-removed-from-codex-characters being brought back as staggered release store exclusives scant weeks after their codex drops, dressed up as 'aren't we good to you?' does nobody in the hobby any favours. 

Edited by Brother Handro

You're missing the point. GW are after the whales.


The kind of people that will trek to GW on boxing Day with all their Christmas money to get a Marbo will likely buy a bunch of other stuff also. It's a way of parting people from their money before others can get in. GW doesn't do boxing Day sales so they need other incentives.


Marbo is the bait.

Kinda sad that GW stores are even open on Boxing Day. Give them a break. I doubt they get much unplanned walk-by trade.

Pretty much all retail and eating/drinking establishments will be open on Boxing Day and the streets of significant towns and cities teeming with people, they've got as good a chance. if not better. of walk in traffic as any other time of year. Parents will likely be out and about with kids in tow, kids gagging to spend whatever money they've accrued via Christmas gifts.





In the UK, Boxing Day is one of the busiest shopping days of the year and even though this year the 26th falls on a Tuesday, there will be more people out shopping than you would see on most Saturdays. This is because it's the first day of the post-Christmas clearance sales; consumers expect significant discounts and some major retailers even open as early as 6am to accommodate people eager to spend their Christmas money in search of bargains.


People will be out and about shopping in significant numbers, and even though GW doesn't participate in sales, they are giving people a reason to drop in to their stores as well. They would be essentially leaving money on the table by choosing not to open their stores on Boxing Day.


(Local variances will apply; in small towns where the majority of shops don't open on Boxing Day, the GW store may be allowed by corporate to not trade on that day. This will be the exception, rather than the rule)

In the UK, Boxing Day is one of the busiest shopping days of the year and even though this year the 26th falls on a Tuesday, there will be more people out shopping than you would see on most Saturdays. This is because it's the first day of the post-Christmas clearance sales; consumers expect significant discounts and some major retailers even open as early as 6am to accommodate people eager to spend their Christmas money in search of bargains.


People will be out and about shopping in significant numbers, and even though GW doesn't participate in sales, they are giving people a reason to drop in to their stores as well. They would be essentially leaving money on the table by choosing not to open their stores on Boxing Day.


(Local variances will apply; in small towns where the majority of shops don't open on Boxing Day, the GW store may be allowed by corporate to not trade on that day. This will be the exception, rather than the rule)


I was on the early shift on boxing day when I used to work in retail. Not fun. I'm going to nip into either the Perth of Dundee stores to get my Marbo before he disappears.

I was hoping for this as a stocking filler but at least it's a reason to accompany my wife to the sales (or more likely sulk that I spent the whole day holding her handbag whilst she tried on sales stuff and the local gw sold out their two marbos three minutes after the store opened and not to me!).

I’m surprised that it seems no one has glimpsed his rules/points yet? Well ok, it’s Marbo so his rules probably hide as well as he does. But still...


The rules will be with the model, Im sure someone will upload a picture of them after they buy it.

GW just HAD TO veer back into the old left field skullduggery. Marbo won't be available at your FLGS, they even won't be able to order him for the 100% MSRP, nope. He's Mail Order and sold _ONLY_ via the Games Workshop store.



What, where'd they announce this.

Saw some rules on the interwebs for Marbo.


Str 3 T3 5+ armour


2BS 2 Ws


4 wounds. Cannot take warlord trait or orders



3 shot pistol wound inf on a 2+ no ap



4 attacks wounds inf on a 2+



Has 3 options on deep strike


Shoot twice , move after deepstrike and gains 2+ attacks following turn, and demolition charge.


Also 2+ on cover

Edited by Sete

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