Saphrael Posted November 29, 2017 Share Posted November 29, 2017 Yeah, that's my read on the trait as well. Very, very bad for greenwing, utterly useless for Ravenwing and nearly as useless for Deathwing. Fingers crossed for some good stratagems, relics, warlord traits etc. otherwise we're back to the familiar territory of being Space Marines -1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Berzul Posted November 29, 2017 Share Posted November 29, 2017 C'mon guys! We might be getting something completly different altogether. Who knows. Let's keep hope alive. Stoic Raptor 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Captain Sharp Posted November 29, 2017 Share Posted November 29, 2017 Volt 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Berzul Posted November 29, 2017 Share Posted November 29, 2017 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SinnerBeta Posted November 29, 2017 Share Posted November 29, 2017 Less points spent on extra Company Masters, more points for Lieutenants. Volt, shandwen and Interrogator Stobz 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Interrogator Stobz Posted November 29, 2017 Share Posted November 29, 2017 You do realize that if you spread out your gunline you are less susceptible to assault, heard of mutual support and interlocking arcs of fire? Criss-cross those 'lazerbeams'. I'm liking not having to have a boring table with 50 dudes holding hands; regardless of how winning-ness-ness it is, that is not my vision of how Astartes fight. And I always play with tonnes of LoS blocking terrain so one blob was often useless. I cannot wait to see what RW and DW get, probably not too different to now but still interesting. Bryan Blaire, Chaplain Raeven and Othniel's Blade 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Saphrael Posted November 29, 2017 Share Posted November 29, 2017 I don't want to play a gunline at all, I want to be able to move and if I do that I'm receiving no advantage from my special rules. Also, what makes you think that Deathwing and Ravenwing will get different rules? I'd bet my bottom dollar they have the same chapter trait. Deathwing will be immune to morale (whoopty doo) and Ravenwing may get some kind of jink (again, whoopty doo). All I'm hoping for is some decent synergy between the wings through stratagems. But then again, the various wing lists are always going to be very short on CPs, so not much joy there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShadowCore67 Posted November 29, 2017 Share Posted November 29, 2017 I want to move my models. Any rules that require me to stand still I do not like. The game is about moving around and grabbing objectives. Not seeing who can stand in the same place the longest. I wish GW would see how useless morale related rules for marines are. With ATSKNF morale is barely ever an issue for them already. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Noneisbackhere Posted November 29, 2017 Share Posted November 29, 2017 This exactly. Yes i love Azrael, i like the super blob he can create,but in the long run it gets really boring. I do want to move around and "living" the game rather than playing an only shooting phase game. Hopefully the trait will not endorse the shooting phase game or the deathwing will get something different! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Interrogator Stobz Posted November 29, 2017 Share Posted November 29, 2017 Do you move your devastators and other fire support units in 8th? Do you take units that move away from the bubbles to do important stuff and then stay still? Do you take a mix of unit types? Generic and rhetoric questions frater, please don’t take offence to them. Move some, don’t move others, be flexible, be like the Lion. We’ll get what we get and do well with it regardless. Sulking will get you time in the pain glove. PS, I don’t like gun lines either, that’s why this is good. Chaplain Raeven, Othniel's Blade, Aradiel and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaplain Raeven Posted November 29, 2017 Author Share Posted November 29, 2017 Why all the hate guys? No one is forcing you to stand still, you just don't re-roll those 'ones' if you do. The previous Grim Resolve was the improved Overwatch? I suspect you didn't beg your opponent to charge your guys every turn? It was a useless rule if they didn't. This one seems much more usefull, not every squad is going to move every. single. turn., so I expect this rule will see much more use than the previous one. I suspect its a rule to improve our use of plasma (cannons and hellblasters) without being too OP, while our other boys can benefit from it as well. I'm all for the new rule. I usually use my Greenwing to capture points, so if they can re-roll those pesky 'ones' when I'm in place, I'd be happy. We can't outmanoeuvre half of the armies anyway without the Ravenwing, so at least we can try outshoot them now. Othniel's Blade, Chmur, Aradiel and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Noneisbackhere Posted November 29, 2017 Share Posted November 29, 2017 Do you move your devastators and other fire support units in 8th? Do you take units that move away from the bubbles to do important stuff and then stay still? Do you take a mix of unit types? Generic and rhetoric questions frater, please don’t take offence to them. Move some, don’t move others, be flexible, be like the Lion. We’ll get what we get and do well with it regardless. Sulking will get you time in the pain glove. PS, I don’t like gun lines either, that’s why this is good. Ofc i take no offence mate. We all want the same thing here ^^. I'm a new player in the 40K scene although an old one in Warhammer Fantasy. I've been watching the forum here for quite some time and decided to jump on the active role. :) Yes i've played in a lot different styles with my DA even pure DW lists since when i started with the 8th. Thing is, i'd like if we had some diversity in the competitive scene rather than playing around the same strategy. And focusing on the shooting will only empower the strategy we already play imo. But still its too soon to jump into conclusions. The hype is real!!! :D Interrogator Stobz 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SinnerBeta Posted November 29, 2017 Share Posted November 29, 2017 · Hidden by Chaplain Lucifer, November 29, 2017 - wishlist Hidden by Chaplain Lucifer, November 29, 2017 - wishlist My guesses/prediction: Grim Resolve: exactly as the Fallen ability Ravenwing: as in the index, perhaps change inv save to +1 normal save or maybe switch something that allows them to advance and fire rapid fire weapons with a penalty Deathwing: as in the index Deathwing Assault: either count as stationary on the turn they deep struck for the benefit of Grim Resolve or straight up to hit reroll from previous editions Stratagem: whichever of the above that Deathwing Assault doesn't get in the end (so if deathwing assault is just to hit rerolls there will be probably a stratagem that lets your unit count as stationary) Relics: probably copy of 7th edition and updated for 8th, with the Monster Slayer dealing either mortal wounds or d6 damage Link to comment
G8Keeper Posted November 29, 2017 Share Posted November 29, 2017 Looking at other codexes already released I can forsee some synergy between units, strategems and traits. For example, the Company Master ability to re-roll 1's to hit is now alot less effective, imagine if their bubble now means full re-rolls to stationary units with Grim Resolve within 6"? I also fully expect some sort of overwatch boost, most likely through strategems so as to keep its usage low. As for the Grim Resolve rule itself, very useful. I tend to form a gunline at some point in a game with my Greenwing and any boost to their shooting is welcome, it will cause havoc when used with stationary Agressors. Question is, will it apply to vehicles? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Interrogator Stobz Posted November 29, 2017 Share Posted November 29, 2017 Now we’re getting constructive ;) For the Lion. Anyone smiles and it’s a week in Chamber 42. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raychu Posted November 29, 2017 Share Posted November 29, 2017 Looking at other codexes already released I can forsee some synergy between units, strategems and traits. For example, the Company Master ability to re-roll 1's to hit is now alot less effective, imagine if their bubble now means full re-rolls to stationary units with Grim Resolve within 6"? I also fully expect some sort of overwatch boost, most likely through strategems so as to keep its usage low. As for the Grim Resolve rule itself, very useful. I tend to form a gunline at some point in a game with my Greenwing and any boost to their shooting is welcome, it will cause havoc when used with stationary Agressors. Question is, will it apply to vehicles? I guess it'll work for dreadnoughts, bikes and infantry. now ravenwing will need something else. I hope they'll get their jink save back in a way or another. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SinnerBeta Posted November 29, 2017 Share Posted November 29, 2017 · Hidden by Chaplain Lucifer, November 29, 2017 - wishlisting, again Hidden by Chaplain Lucifer, November 29, 2017 - wishlisting, again ...I could've sworn I just made a post ? Anyway, my guesses and predictions:Grim Resolve: exactly the same as the Fallen ability Ravenwing: probably the same as in the Index or possibly +1 to save instead. Wishful thinking would be the ability to fire rapid fire weapons when advancing with bikes Deathwing: Same as Index. Deathwing Assault/Vengeful Strike: will probably become a 1 CP stratagem "select an unit of deep striking DW Terminators, they gain to hit rerolls for that turn". They will probably keep the old the old relics with the Monster Hunter dealing mortal wounds or D6 damage when you roll 6+ to wound or something like that. Link to comment
Guest Posted November 29, 2017 Share Posted November 29, 2017 · Hidden by Chaplain Lucifer, November 29, 2017 - No reason given Hidden by Chaplain Lucifer, November 29, 2017 - No reason given Now we’re getting constructive For the Lion. Anyone smiles and it’s a week in Chamber 42. :) /smile Come at me :) Link to comment
Chaplain Lucifer Posted November 29, 2017 Share Posted November 29, 2017 Some off topic posts have been removed. After the last off topic went so much south, it's better that we discuss only what we know. So fluff rhetoric, guesses, wishlistshave no place here. The thread revolves around the information we know and how can can we use or how it affects us. Lets's keep this business only. Interrogator Stobz 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
G8Keeper Posted November 29, 2017 Share Posted November 29, 2017 I guess it'll work for dreadnoughts, bikes and infantry. now ravenwing will need something else. I hope they'll get their jink save back in a way or another. Unless they get to take Grim Resolve even if moving ie the old relentless bikes. It looks like we'll probably get the Storm Talon along with the Hawk (BA did), do we think these will be RW or Greenwing? P.S. Someone interrogate GW for info on if we get Storm Raven. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Volt Posted November 29, 2017 Share Posted November 29, 2017 This makes it twice that Dark Angels have gone from an average army in an edition to something utterly horrifying to face. Add Dark Shrouds to units like Hellblasters or Devastators with Plasma Cannons and just watch the tears flow as we melt down elite and vehicle armies with D2 spam galore. Warhead01 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaplain Raeven Posted November 29, 2017 Author Share Posted November 29, 2017 Do the dreads get Grim Resolve? That huge Plasma Cannon on the new dread would be a damn terror! Anyone smiles and it’s a week in Chamber 42. The new Lt. just recieved his robes and he already has to spend time in Room 42, you've taken too many lessons from Asmodai Interrogator Stobz and robofish7591 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Berzul Posted November 29, 2017 Share Posted November 29, 2017 Ok, so, positive things about this Grim Resolve, should we get it: 1) Aids stationary units that would require a Company Master as a tax baby sitter, to get the same effect (Devastators, for instance) 2) Allows for objective capturing units to better hold their ground, again, without an obligatory Company Master 3) This, in turn also, means we can spread ou and can be no longer so dependant on the castle strategy of forming a centralized gunline. Ideal for battles where terrain is over abundant, too. 4) Overwatch gets better all around. We are the shooty counterpart to the melee focused Blood Angels, and this speci rule reflects our lethality in such fashion. Forming armies that do not require such heavy overseeing from Company Masters is something that will make for interesting gameplay. My first thought id that now I can drop terminators and not worry as much about who tags along. If I fail my charges, I'll get rerolls on the overwatch, which would be awesome, without having to spend the points on a Company Master to drop with them. Might make me more inclined to semd them with an IC now, which Ive hardly ever taken over a CM, since I prefer some rerolls on shooting and melee over all rerolls just on melee Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Syphid Posted November 29, 2017 Share Posted November 29, 2017 Hopefully it applies to dreadnoughts, too... venerable dreadnought with TLAC hitting on 2+ and rerolling 1s! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaplain Raeven Posted November 29, 2017 Author Share Posted November 29, 2017 Hopefully it applies to dreadnoughts, too... venerable dreadnought with TLAC hitting on 2+ and rerolling 1s! Twin-linked AC's are a thing? I thought only the new Leviathan Character had that load-out. Syphid 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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