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[DW] Blackthorn and Swordhand: OOC Thread

Commissar Molotov

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Mazer, I'd like you if possible to edit the end of your post. I don't think you can just go up to Vaidan and start taking the flamer - not least because I expect Solastion will be over the body, and per your posts you're spending time searching the chamber to find Lythea's body. I'm also not too happy with Akkad hearing anything from Vaidan, because it takes away from the things I've put in the spoiler tags for Slips. 


No update from me because I'd like Slips to get a post or a placeholder up. Tomorrow I expect to be able to put in the last post of the game and then I will move us forward to the start of Episode 2. 


In the meantime, to keep people busy: 


All Blackthorn characters will gain +2000XP, to bring them 1XP into Rank 2 (if all XP is spent.) This will bring them into line with Swordhand characters. Feel free to begin planning your expenditures. 


I've also been working on a new design for the character sheet, as seen here: LINK. I would appreciate if people could give their thoughts on it and whether anything important is missing. The intention with the statistics is that the upper greyed statistics are for base characteristics, and the lower black ones are for characters in armour. This ensures there should hopefully be no more discrepancy or lack of clarity, and makes it a lot easier for me when I need to see characteristic bonuses. 

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CM, the new layout looks good.


I'll have my XP expenditures figured out later today / tomorrow.




So far, I've figured out the following for expenditures:


SM General Rank 1


Signature Wargear Arming Sword

Sound constitution

Total: 1000 xp


Chapter Table


Two Weapon wielder Ballistics



Total: 1000


Total combined spent: 2000



Edit #2:


I misread CM, let the double pistol shenanigans begin. :D

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Blackthorn Players: 


I have updated Vârvost's post in the character thread here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/344579-blackthornswordhand-character-thread/?p=5019117. I have added all the 5000XP (from the initial 1000XP plus the 4000 of Rank 1.) 


Vârvost's purchases are as follows: 


Initial 1000XP: 
- No Quarter Given Deed - 500XP 
- Fearless Trait - 500XP - Eradicators (Flesh Tearers) Table 
Rank 1 (4000XP): 
- WS Simple (200) - Assault Marine Table 
- WS Intermediate (500) - Assault Marine Table
- WS Trained (1000) - Assault Marine Table
- AG Simple (200) - Assault Marine Table
- Whirlwind of Death (1000) - Eradicators (Flesh Tearers) Table
- Hunter of Aliens (1000) - Deathwatch Rank 1 Table
(100 XP Remaining)
Greysight (WIP): 
Initial XP (1000XP): 
- Lone Survivor 100
- Search 400
- Survival 200
- Navigation Surface 300
Rank 1 (4000XP): 
- Marksman (600) - Storm Sons Table 
- Signature Wargear (500) - Bolter 
- BS Upgrade (Simple) - 500
- WS Upgrade (Simple) - 500
- Astartes Weapon Specialisation (1000)
(900 Remaining)
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Steel, I'm unclear regarding the Arming Sword being your Signature Wargear, as it is your Chapter Trapping also. 


From what I understand, you also can't buy from the Rank 2 as you won't get into Rank 2 until you've spent all your XP. 




By now, Blackthorn players should be receiving their links to new spreadsheets. A.T. - I don't have your email address for some reason, so if you could PM me again, I'd appreciate it. 

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Ah, my mistake then CM, I completely misread what you said, I took it to mean that we were 1k xp into rank 2, not 1xp so I'll find something else for 600xp.


As for the arming sword, yes it is a chapter trapping, but over time I'd like to turn it into a master crafted power weapon, to reflect the history and craftsmanship of the blade. The cleanest way I can think to do it, is to take it through the signature wargear over time to reflect Tyber's bond and experience with his former master's blade that was passed to him.

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With 100xp left over, probably looking at something along the lines of -

500xp - two weapon wielder (melee)
200xp - agility +5 (first increase)
700xp - perception + 10 (first and second increase)

700xp left, possibly on combat or stealth upgrades (a little light on options from the Raptors table)



700 - Jaws of Intellect (RoB 94) 

600 - Reason And Will (RoB 95)

Are marks and distinctions available? I recall some being quite (overly) powerful... like using a power sword as a power fist.

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That would be Master of Blades and would be something I'd hold off on handing out, as it is very powerful... being able to change the profile of a weapon each round can be devastating. A power sword that can act like s thunder hammer can lay something out hard...


It's something I'd like to earn with Tyber over time.

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With 100xp left over, probably looking at something along the lines of -

500xp - two weapon wielder (melee)

200xp - agility +5 (first increase)

700xp - perception + 10 (first and second increase)


700xp left, possibly on combat or stealth upgrades (a little light on options from the Raptors table)



700 - Jaws of Intellect (RoB 94) 

600 - Reason And Will (RoB 95)

Are marks and distinctions available? I recall some being quite (overly) powerful... like using a power sword as a power fist.

The thing about that is it requires you to get access to a Power Sword and to constantly make use of it which, unless we get insane renown, isnt much of an issue right now :P

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Slips and accurate + falling wasn't? That turned your heavy bolter into a master level murder weapon... :ohmy.:

True but this was on a Tac Marine with baseline BS63 (50 + histories, adv. & chapter) AND you can only ever use one of the effects at a time. Also, accurate only works on single shots iirc.


Said marine has since become a Techmarine since we're 2-3 players at most and we need the specialists more :tongue.:

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As an unrelated thing, mostly to get a laugh out of Slips, looks like I might be taking a day off tomorrow due to snow... about three inches have come down this afternoon in Victoria B.C. Canada, three inches more and it's going to be a state of emergency...


Just to put this in perspective, when I was a teen, we had a big dump of snow and we had to get the army unit that was stationed out here to get people around as we do not have snow removal equipment. The normal amount of snow here is 3 inches for all of a one week our of the year.




Well it happened, another three inches of snow, I'm taking a snow day. Driving here is just suicidal when we get this much snow, and it is being called to go on all night too... frack I'm going to be feeling like a magus looking for a Necron with all the weighing I'm going to be doing looking for my car tomorrow...

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