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[DW] Blackthorn and Swordhand: OOC Thread

Commissar Molotov

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Rodrik Ghent stats

WS 51

BS 48

S 50

T 47

Ag 60

Int 45

Per 41

WP 51

Fel 47


Preferred weapons and armour

Fulmen Mors, Astartes Bolter with fire selector: Range 100, 1D10+9 (Metal Storm: 1D10+7), Pen 4 (Metal Storm: 2), Tearing (Metal Storm: Blast (2), Hellfire: ignores Natural Armour & RF on 9 or 10 & +1 Magnitude Dmg)

Kazna, Astartes Chainsword: 1D10+13, Pen 3, Balanced, Tearing, Hunter of Aliens (+10 WS and +2 Dmg vs Eldar), Hatred (+10 WS vs Eldar), Ossific Relic (+3 WS vs Eldar)

MK VI Armour: 9 to Body, 8 to all other Locations


Useful Notes

  • Jaded (no Insanity Points or Fear Tests vs non-Warp abominations);
  • Bolter Mastery (+10 BS for bolt weaponry in Solo Mode);
  • Rapid Reload (halve reload times, rounding down);
  • Bring Death from Afar (no penalty for moving and firing pistols/basic weapons (SAB/FAB) and any heavy weapon he wields count as a basic weapon for the purposes of moving and firing SAB/FAB);
  • Battle-Scarred (+5 BS vs Eldar).
Edited by Chaplain Dosjetka
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Oto Yeng stats

WS 40 (4)

BS 40 (4)

S 37 (6)

T 43 (8)

Ag 40 (4)

Int 54 (5)

Per 43 (4)

WP 55 (5)

Fel 46 (4)


Preferred Weapons and armour

Astartes Bolter with fire selector: Basic|100m|S/3/-|1D10+9X|4|24|Full|Tearing|18|5|-

Begtse, Astartes Chainsword: 1D10+13|Pen 3|Balanced, Tearing

MK III Armour: 10 to Body, 9 to all other Locations


Useful Notes:

  • No penalty to moving and firing pistol/basic weapons (Bolter Drill);
  • Yeng never suffers any penalties for moving and firing with a pistol- or basic-class weapon on semi- or fully automatic fire. Additionally, the wearer may count any heavy weapon he wields as a basic weapon for the purposes of moving and firing on semi- or fully-automatic fire (Bring Death From Afar armour trait)
  • Armour grants +5 to Squad Leader tests against Cohesion Damage and +20 Fellowship w/Astartes.
  • When undergoing medical treatment or healing from injuries, the Character recovers damage as if lightly damaged (Hardy)
Edited by Apologist
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Brakan Vorr stats


WS 44 (4)

BS 58 (5)

S 50 (10)

T 45 (10)

Ag 50 (6)

Int 37 (3)

Per 44 (4)

WP 43 (4)

Fel 39 (3)


Arms and armour

MK6 Corvus armour 9 to Body, 8 everywhere else

Armour history: Last Survivor (+2 to critical damage), Death is Joy (+1 Magnitude damage to hordes), gain 1 Fate at start of missions 

Astartes missile launcher: Heavy, Range 250m, Damage (varies by missile), Type (varies), Pen (varies), ROF S/-/-, Clip 8, Reload Full, Special (varies with ammo)

Missiles: Frags, Krak and Concussion (:devil: )

Astartes Bolt Pistol

(Vorr also has an assault shotgun but I can't remember which version it is, maybe the one from Rites of Battle? I'll check my notes when I get home - they were the same Req cost).


Useful Notes

Mighty Shot +2 Damage


Stalwart Defence



I might have missed some stuff but that should be correct for a character card.

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Morthas Teralil stats:


WS 36 (3)

BS 45 (4)

S 53 (10)

T 54 (10)

Ag 40 (5)

Int 50 (5)

Per 38 (3)

WP 45 (4)

Fel 40 (4)


Preferred Weapons and Armour:


MKV 'Heresy' Armour (10 body, 9 other locations)

          Battered by War (+10 Intimidation Tests, -5 Charm Tests)

          Death is Joy (+2 to attacks that deal Critical Damage, +1 Magnitude damage to Hordes)

Astartes Bolter w/Fire Selector (100m, S/3/-, 1d10+9 X, Pen 4, Clip 28, Rld Full, Tearing)

Breaching Augur (2d10+11 R, Pen 7, Tearing, Unwieldy, Power Field)

Ceremonial Sword (1d10+3 R, Pen 2, Balanced)


Special Abilities:


Bolter Drill (Increase RoF by 1 when firing Bolt weapons on Full or Semi-Auto)

Improve Cover (Full Action to add 5 AP to any piece of cover)

Only the Foolish Ask Twice (+1 to Tech-Use Tests)




I'm just realising now how much of this would have been useful in the past combat had I remembered it.

Edited by Morovir
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Weapon Skill: 46 (4)

Ballistic Skill: 49 (4)

Strength: 50/80 (10/13)

Toughness: 49 (8)

Agility: 33 (3)

Intelligence: 50 (5)

Perception: 50 (5)

Willpower: 53 (5)

Fellowship: 47 (4)


Movement: 4/8/12/24 Doubled with Jump Pack


Important Skill: Medicae.

  • Target of 60 base (Heals Int Bonus number of untreated Wounds)
  • Target of 80 with Narthecium (doubles the amount of wounds healed with First Aid)
  • Target of 90 with Diagnostor Helmet


Armour: Mk VII Aquila

Armour Points: 8/10 Body

History: Thy Strength is Legend (+10 Strength to Power Armor bonus of +20)



Astartes Chainsword: 1d10+3+SB, Rending Damage, Pen 3.

  • Balanced (+10 to parry)
  • Tearing

Bolt Pistol: 1d10+9, Explosive Damage, Pen 4

  • RoF: S/2/-
  • Clip: 14
  • Range: 30m

Special Abilities:

  • Enhanced Healing: Add 1d5 to First Aid rolls
  • Scion of Sanguinius: Can activate Frenzy as a Free Action and may cause Blood Angels (and successors) in support range to also enter frenzy.
  • Lightning Reflexes: Double Agility Bonus for Initiative
  • Frenzy: +10 Strength, Weapon Skill and Toughness | -20 Ballistic Skill and Intelligence; must attack nearest enemy
  • Battle Rage: May Parry while Frenzied
  • Berserk Charge: +10 to Weapon Skill bonus given by Charge (total of +30)
  • Flesh Render: Roll +1d10 when using weapons with the Tearing Quality keeping the highest


Edit: Curious as to how Tyber is adding 17 to his Chainsword damage (1d10+3+SB) while effectively having less Strength than Solastion. Have I missed something?

Edited by Slips
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Solastion, when Tyber is using Codex Feat of Strength he is effectively SBx3, his base SB is 5 currently.





Unless you mean his arming sword...


Arming sword is 1d10+5 (lacks balanced and tearing) pen 3 SB5x2 for 10 +2 from PA makes it +17, the Chain Sword should be 2 points lower due to the slightly lower base damage.

Edited by Steel Company
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Solastion, when Tyber is using Codex Feat of Strength he is effectively SBx3, his base SB is 5 currently.





Unless you mean his arming sword...


Arming sword is 1d10+5 (lacks balanced and tearing) pen 3 SB5x2 for 10 +2 from PA makes it +17, the Chain Sword should be 2 points lower due to the slightly lower base damage.

Ah, I missed that you had calculated it with Feat of Strength active.

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So, as the brethren of the Deathwatch begin the final preparations of their defense, a few considerations:


  • The Governor of Syndalla, Lord Vortis, has been thrust into power unexpectedly and needs support to ensure he can rule well whilst keeping morale high among the Syndallans.
  • The commander of the PDF forces, General Wrex, has been shown to be ill-tempered and disapproving of the Astartes meddling with his forces. He also showed a lack of willingness to allow the System defense vessels to be placed under the command of Fleet-Captain Locke.
  • When Greysight and Yeng visited Locke, they did perceive that something is troubling her.
  • When Ghent and Montesa visited Desiato, they did believe that something strange and unusual was aboard the Rogue Trader's vessel, though he deflected any questions.
  • The painting of the Dark Lantern was taken from the Governor's palace.
  • Interrogator Ryken has not been heard from since shortly after the Broodlord was killed by Blackthorn.
  • Brother Thorvald's corpse has yet to be recovered since he was lost during the descent to Syndalla.
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I think Akkad needs to prickle Wrex (shepherd) a bit more.


See where the cracks happen.

Slips - if Solastion doesn't go, it seems Apologist is willing to lend his scalpel..?


Steel - forget Autocannons, there's a damn NOVA CANNON up for grabs - obviously Desiato is a shady chap and must be investigated...perhaps if damning evidence was found on his ship...oh, like a dead Interrogator? :whistling:




Edit - Typo Begone!

Edited by Mazer Rackham
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