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[DW] Blackthorn and Swordhand: OOC Thread

Commissar Molotov

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Thank you all for your support. I have the full feeling we are going to need it.


To top things of, my mother in law got home today and from an appointment and was diagnosed with...wit for it.., breast cancer. :(

She and my wife are understandably shaken. This has been quite a :cussty week, indeed.


So I have put my considerations in a second placeholder. While I won't be finishing my posts today, I am trying to get them up over the weekend. It 's good to see your Posts and have something else to occupy my mind even time for writing is a bit short at the moment.


Again thanks for all your support! Fly safe, brothers!

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Hi Xin, I'm truly sorry to see your news but also heartened that this game is bringing you as much comfort as it has done me. 


As I mentioned previously, I wasn't expecting the assault marines to leap out of the craft, but I have put something in place to make it work, and I'm interested to see how this pans out. Obviously, however, the game may slow down significantly over the next week as real life takes over! 

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Hi Xin, I'm truly sorry to see your news but also heartened that this game is bringing you as much comfort as it has done me. 


As I mentioned previously, I wasn't expecting the assault marines to leap out of the craft, but I have put something in place to make it work, and I'm interested to see how this pans out. Obviously, however, the game may slow down significantly over the next week as real life takes over! 



That's no problem CM, I'm going to be out of touch between the 23rd and the 28th roughly... the wife has strong armed me into taking the kids camping that long weekend...:dry.:


I hate camping, I got enough of sleeping in a tent during deployments.....

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Mol: Correct.


With Cadence bolted to me I'm over 100 Kilos heavier than Vaidan or Solastion, so not very aerodynamic.  As per your last post in the IC thread I take it XIn is flying us down like a concrete piano?



Edited by Mazer Rackham
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Mol: Correct.


With Cadence bolted to me I'm over 100 Kilos heavier than Vaidan or Solastion, so not very aerodynamic.





Not to mention the big ammo hopper on the back... weight has very little to do with aerodynamics, bulk does....


Shape a brick like a wing and it'll fly a lot better than one shaped like a brick, less thrust required to get a wing shaped brick going that isn't one....





My thoughts of Sabaan and Akkad:



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Hi all, 


I'm just popping up a post to let you know that I won't be able to update today (it was perhaps a bit ambitious!) 


Whilst I do that, a thought experiment for you - GW's Genestealer Cult models are primarily based around mining equipment and suits, and the cult at Ghosar Quintus was made up of miners. The cult here on Syndalla is made up of farmers. Any ideas for the cult? I've thought about things like Combine Harvesters, scythes - maybe flamethrowers or chem-sprayers? 


Would love to see what your minds come up with! 

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Once again, thanks for all that support! You guys are really great, both in-character and OOC - I think this something that makes this whole thing such a great experience.


I have decided to roll the shuttle crash coordinates as I didn't feel it is that kind of a crash where you get to much if a choice.

Since Sabaan will put some heavy calculations into this - I am asking your help if the chances for survival are better bunkering down in the shuttle or getting out just before the crash and dropping the last few meters? My guess. / narrative is leaning towards the latter....


There is probably a lot flails, macro-pitchforks and chaingutters involved in the Syndala Cult also. I picture them as the typical medieval peasant mob with added 40K crude augmentation and equipment. The new Cawdor kit bashed with GSC parts. Centerpiece is a Sentinel walker with a giant harvesting tool ( like the power lifter variant from FW).

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Xin, when it comes to crashing, not being in the crash is better than being in it... as if you get out low enough you could go into a roll to try and reduce impact...


As for the cult, I think most of their weapons would have the primitive quality... still able to kill, but not super effective against armour.

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A pitchfork in the lungs, is still a lung-filled pitchfork.  Against any platemail though, your lungs are safe.  Unless they unhorse you and dump you in the moat.


Lanterns, burning torches, pikes, shotguns, the odd hunting rifle, chain-gutters etc as Xin and Steel said, stub pistols, maybe some lasguns or laspistols from militia stores, which the mob well know how to use.  Bottles, sticks, lumps of rock for missile fire (a guy I knew even had the base plate of a grenade thrown at him).  Maybe the odd crossbow or hunting bow.


Crudely armoured combine harvesters, maybe a sentinel lifter.


Oh and Molotovs.  Agitated crowds love Molotovs.


And no, that's not the GM type! :wink: (Although they do hold you in high regard)


@Mol: You'll need to decide on how much of the mob is comprised of farmers and how much are city-dwellers from the slums, depending on how far and how long the riot/uprising has been spreading - might give you a nice spread of enemy troops.


PS, not so fast Xin, crash the shuttle sure...but not us!  PM incoming.



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Just to expand on what I was saying about the primitive quality, not that their weapons would be truly primitive (like stone / wooden / brass / bronze / iron heads/blades), but that they would not be designed for dealing with military grade hardened armour (such as carapace) let alone something like Power Armour... Against flak armour, I think that they would be just fine and would not impose the primitive quality against flak armour.


As for what they chose to armour themselves with (both vehicles and personal), against bolt weapons, taking into account how bolt weapons theoretically work, I'd be inclined to give their vehicles and personal armour the primitive quality when facing weapons like bolt weapons, auto-cannons, las-cannons and missile launchers. Again these are weapons that are designed to deal with military grade armour, not just random slabs of non hardened steel that protect against small arms fire / rocks.

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Hi all, thanks for your comments and the well-wishes! 


My update is a little shorter and less detailed than I would like but you guys have been awesome in terms of filling in the gaps. I envisage the cultists here to be mainly human, with the odd mutation, third arm, bony ridges and the like. As discussed, they are mostly farm-workers from the agricultural regions of the planet - farm weapons, sickles, scythes, autoguns and autopistols and the like, along with weaponry looted. 


This map is a little less detailed than the dorsal spine, in part because of the distance this plaza covers. 

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Nice update Mol and you're welcome, hope everything went well. :)


Akkad and Sabaan have entered the battlefield like Chuck Norris.


"Chuck was deployed to the planet via drop pod.  He killed a hundred men.  Then the doors opened."


:biggrin.: Surprise round!


What's the bonus to hit the mob of traitorous wretches Mol?



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